legendary worker

211 season preparation

After the introduction of Southgate and Duff, the team's puzzle is almost over.

Of course, it would be even better if there is a good midfielder.

But a good midfielder is not easy to find.

There are few cheap and easy-to-use players like Harman.Other better players are expensive, but the cheaper ones are not as strong as Robbie Savage.It is not so easy to find players with strong defensive strength in the midfield.

Although Savage has some problems with his positioning, as a defensive midfielder with a strong sweeping ability, he is still very useful in the Premier League.

You can't expect everyone to be Keane and Vieira.

Not only are Keane and Vieira difficult to find, but they can't afford the transfer fee if they find Sunderland.Even if Sunderland can afford the transfer fee, it is impossible for a player of this level to come to Sunderland.

Although Southgate was introduced, Su Yun never thought of selling Melville.As many media have said, although Melville is not a Sunderland youth player, he has been in Sunderland for many seasons.

In the past few years, he has been following Sunderland's ups and downs, and he can be regarded as Sunderland's hero.

And Melville was used to life in Sunderland.Also unwilling to leave Sunderland.Melville also knew what Su Yun meant by buying Southgate, but he was still willing to stay in Sunderland.

Before the start of the season, Su Yun took Southgate and Duff to the press conference and fan meeting.

He stood in the middle, with Southgate and Duff on either side.

Su Yun was very happy.

"Coach Su. Is Sunderland's transfer over?"

Some reporters asked many questions that reporters wanted to ask.Sunderland has already bought Southgate and Duff.There are even rumors that Sunderland and Liverpool are robbing Haman.It's just that it didn't work out in the end.

So the reporters wanted to know what other tricks Su Yun had besides Southgate and Duff.

Sunderland are strong now.

If you really grab Harman, then Sunderland's lineup will be very strong.

Even if you can't compete with Manchester United and Arsenal for the Premier League title, you won't lose to other strong teams in the main lineup.Even in terms of bench thickness, it will not be much worse than Arsenal, and may be better than Arsenal.

"Yes. I have already closed the transfer window for Sunderland."

"We heard that Harman..."

Some time ago, Su Yun was busy in the transfer market, so he didn't accept interviews from reporters.Many reporters have their own news channels, but it is far less than Su Yun himself.

"Yes. I did have an interest in Harman, but it was only an interest. Robbie is a very good midfielder, and he is fully qualified for the current position." Although Su Yun originally wanted to buy Harman, but in Reporters can't say that in front of them.

Although they all know what's going on.But it cannot be admitted.

If you admit it, how will you meet Robbie Savage in the future.Even if the two of them don't talk about it, they still have some pimples in their hearts.

"So Sunderland only made two transfers this season, Southgate and Duff?"

Su Yun nodded.

"Gareth and Damien are the kind of players who can make a qualitative change in the strength of the team immediately. I am very happy to have the opportunity to coach such outstanding players as Gareth and Damien."

Su Yun's words came from the bottom of his heart.

"Gareth should have gone to the giants a long time ago, he has the strength of the main force of the giants. It's just that he was unlucky. But he was unlucky. So my luck is very good. Because of this, I was able to have Gareth. Excellent player. With Gareth I believe Sunderland's defense will be stronger."

"Gareth will definitely be a champion player. He should win more championships. I believe that with Gareth, our Sunderland will not be satisfied with a League Cup championship."

Listening to Su Yun's praise, Southgate just smiled softly.

Southgate's personality is the same as his performance on the court, very calm.And Southgate has a good temper, and there has been no negative news for so many years since his debut.Very low key.

No matter where he goes, he is not the kind of person who stands out.

"As for Damien, I would say that he is a rare talented player. When he was young, he was as strong as an ordinary player at the age of 28. Although he is only 20 years old, he already has two seasons of Premier League experience."

"As long as he stays in the Premier League for one or two seasons, I believe Damien will become the best attacking player in the Premier League."

In fact, most of the so-called media meetings of new players are like this.

It's the new player who expresses in front of the media how flattered he is to come to his new club.Or compliment the coach of the new club.Or praise the history of the new owner.The head coach praised how good the new players were and how happy he was with their arrival.

It's all the same process.

But everyone is happy with it.

Su Yun's media meeting this time is also the same process.

After Su Yun praised Southgate and Duff, the two of them also spoke highly of Su Yun.

Hello everyone, hello everyone.






Su Yun spent more than 500 million pounds to buy Southgate and Duff.Of course not for looks.

Both of them broke the historical record of Sunderland's transfer fee.

Since it cost so much money.Of course it is for the main force.

During the warm-up match, Su Yun also tried various styles of play.The central defender has changed the most.Southgate's strength must occupy a main position.Although when Su Yun bought Southgate, it was for him to cooperate with Lucas Neal.

But it was just Su Yun's idea.

Still need to test.

Su Yun tried the partner of Southgate and Lucas Neal, and also tried the partner of Southgate and Melville.

In the end, Su Yun decided to use Southgate and Lucas Neal's cooperation.

Lucas Neal was very aggressive, and his frontal defense ability was extremely strong.But his sense of position is average, and he easily loses his position.And Southgate is his strong point in this regard.

Southgate has a calm personality, calm on the court, and has excellent consciousness.

He lives by consciousness.

Lucas Neal's open space.Southgate was perfect and made up for him.

Of course, Lucas Neal lacks experience now, so he often loses his position.But as Lucas Neal's experience increases, such lost positions will become less and less.At that time, the strength of the combination of the two will definitely far exceed what it is now.

Southgate's strength is indeed very strong.

It is easy to occupy the main position of Sunderland.

Duff has some problems.

Of course, the problem is not very big, and it is even a good sign.The main problem is the coordination of Williams and Duff.Because I just came to Sunderland.Williams has not yet adapted to Duff's style of play.

When Duff first came to Sunderland, he knew that the core of Sunderland's midfielder was Williams.

Don't look at Duff's young age.But older than anyone.

And Duff is a good man.

Stick to Williams every day, and cooperate with Williams.

Williams doesn't have many friends on the team.

It should be said that apart from playing football together.He has very few friends.It's not that he's arrogant.It's that he's shy.He doesn't take the initiative to make friends, but generally makes friends passively.He has played football for so many years, except for a few people, others can't stand Williams' introverted personality, so he has few friends.

The last one who had a good relationship with Williams should be Lampard.

Now there is Duff again.

Duff depends on Williams every day.

Even Su Yun sometimes talked to Duff when he saw Williams.

This is not often the case with Williams.

Anyway, Su Yun liked to see such changes.So when training is arranged, they are often arranged to train together.Su Yun hoped that Williams would be more cheerful, but this is not something that Su Yun can do whatever he wants.

How much Su Yun hoped that Williams could be as cheerful as Duff.

Duff has been in Sunderland for less than a month and is already a favorite player in Sunderland.

Although Sunderland is a small club, it does not have all kinds of cliques like the giants.But where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there will be various small groups in Sunderland.

Being able to be versatile like this.Duff is probably the one that almost everyone likes.

This is a skill.

Time passed slowly like this.

In addition to training, it is to play some warm-up matches.

Su Yun has a kind of anticipation for the new season, deep anticipation.Su Yun can't wait to play against all the players in the Premier League to see the current strength of Sunderland.

Time is slowly coming to August.

The Premier League is also getting closer.

But this season is another cheating schedule.As soon as the schedule came out, Su Yun almost scolded his mother.There will be a total of six games in the Premier League in August, and six games will be played in 22 days.Almost four days a game.

More importantly, among the first six games, Sunderland will play Chelsea, Arsenal, Leeds United and Newcastle.

Either way, it's an infuriating schedule.

It's just as badass as last season.

However, Su Yun was much calmer than last season.

There was even an idea of ​​playing the game quickly. (To be continued..)

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