legendary worker

227 Unaccustomed


Hearing this voice, Su Yun shook his head helplessly.

I don't know how many times this has happened.

Su Yun is currently filming a Coca-Cola commercial.The team filming the commercial traveled to Sunderland in early September.Of course, this is to cater to Su Yun's time. After all, Su Yun has no time in August, and Su Yun will start to be busy again in mid-September.

Only at the beginning of September was Su Yun free.

The sixth round of the Premier League was played on August 8.

The seventh round of the Premier League will not start until September 9.

There is a long break in between.

In fact, this advertisement is very interesting, or it makes Su Yun laugh.

The content is too funny.

The above indicated that the team fell behind in the first half, and Su Yun was also a little listless.After Su Yun drank Coca-Cola, his spirits lifted.In the second half, Sunderland immediately overtook the score.What a joke.

Su Yun also thought that Coca-Cola, as a big global brand, should have some better advertising ideas.

I didn't expect them to choose such a bloody idea.

So fucking bullshit.

I don't know which advertising company made the idea?Su Yun thought to himself that it would be better than this even if a primary school student thought about it.What is this?

But this is not a big deal.After all, Su Yun doesn't know much about these things, maybe they think such a bloody joke is more effective.However, after filming, Su Yun was frequently "cut" by the director.

I don't know how many times I ng.

"I'm sorry, Director Zhang. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Su Yun could only apologize to the director and other staff.

No apology.

After all, the dozen or so people here are all around Su Yun.If Su Yun had experience, or performed better, the commercial would have been filmed long ago.There are not many commercials, and the filming will be finished soon.

But Su Yun is really inexperienced.

It's not that Su Yun has never seen the big world.

Played the promotion play-offs and the League Cup final at Wembley Stadium, with 8 fans at the time.Even in the League Cup final, the audience in front of the TV might reach [-] million.I was a little nervous at the beginning, but I forgot the nervousness during the game.

When I went to Elland Road to play Leeds United.The audience of 4 fans kept booing Su Yun.

But Su Yun was not weak at all.

It's just that I don't know what happened, but today's advertisement made Su Yun feel uncomfortable.

Keep making mistakes.

"It's okay, Coach Su. Let's take a break. Everyone take a break."

Zhang Yuliang waved his hand.The way of doing nothing.

In fact, Zhang Yuliang's heart is not as relaxed as it appears on the surface, but rather tired.I don't know how many times I scolded my mother in my heart.He even wanted to drop the machine in front of him, and then yelled at Su Yun: Do you fucking know how to shoot?I won't shoot and fuck off!


Zhang Yuliang is not very old, but he is not too young either.

It is now 39 years old.

Debuting for so long can only be in the advertising industry, shooting some commercials.In fact, Zhang Yuliang really wanted to shoot movies or TV series. When he was in school, he also studied filming TV series.It's a pity that this kind of opportunity is rare.As a director without any background, it is not easy to be able to get involved in shooting Coca-Cola commercials.

So he is very self-aware.

Anyway, he has experienced various things over the years.

The heroines in some commercials don't know shit, so they still come to shoot.The kind of people who don't understand anything are all arrogant, and they don't take themselves as a director at all.Zhang Yuliang has seen this kind of person a lot.

Each of those people has a very hard background.

I don't know how it got in.But Zhang Yuliang knew that none of those people could offend him.

So I already knew that some things can only be swallowed.

Compared to them, Su Yun is considered very good.

Su Yun got this ad entirely by virtue of his popularity.

Who is Su Yun in front of him?This is the most popular head coach in China now, and he is a hero in the eyes of hundreds of millions of Chinese fans.

Football is the number one sport in the world.It is even more popular in China.

As the number one football coach in China, Su Yun is no less popular than those popular stars.

Otherwise, Coca-Cola's advertising spokesperson in China would not look for him.

And look at Su Yun's worth.

The one-year endorsement fee is $40.Not to mention Su Yun as the head coach, even those superstars from Hong Kong and Taiwan may not get such generous treatment.

This is strength.

The director of the commercial can be changed at any time.But it is impossible to change the protagonist of the commercial.Therefore, although Zhang Yuliang was very angry in his heart, he didn't show it at all on his face.

"Sorry, Director Zhang. This is my first time shooting a commercial. I'm a little overwhelmed."

Su Yun has a really good temper.

Always feel sorry to see these people.After all, it's all because of my own reasons.

So I came to Zhang Yuliang and apologized to him again.

Zhang Yuliang quickly stood up and shook his head. "It's okay, Coach Su. You're not in this line of work in the first place, so it's possible that you're a little unfamiliar at first. As long as you get familiar with it, it's fine."

I and Su Yun are not at the same level at all.

Su Yun is so polite, Zhang Yuliang is not ignorant of good and evil.

"I used to think it was a very simple thing. I didn't expect it to be very difficult to shoot. It is much more difficult than me directing the game on the court."

"Coach Su, isn't there a saying that there is specialization in surgery?"

"Yes, yes." Su Yun nodded. "I have delayed everyone's time today. I have already booked a place to eat. I will apologize to everyone in the evening."

Su Yun is really too polite.

The politeness made Zhang Yuliang a little embarrassed.

Zhang Yuliang had seen countless people with bad tempers before.Those people have no ability at all.As long as it is a little popular starlet.The staff are all shouting and drinking.He even pointed fingers at his job as a director.

It is because the director who shoots the commercial does not have much rights.

What the advertiser asks to do, he can only do according to the advertiser's request.

Most of the protagonists in the advertisements are designated by the advertisers.It's not something that a young director like Zhang Yuliang can decide.

So he didn't know how much he had suffered.

It's rare for someone as popular as Su Yun to be so polite.

On the contrary, Zhang Yuliang felt warm in his heart.

It's a feeling of being valued.

"Coach Su, don't be so polite."

"No, everyone is affected because of me. It should be."

Zhang Yuliang nodded. "Coach Su, in fact, it's fine as long as it's normal. You're too nervous. This commercial is nothing, it's nothing compared to you directing a game in front of tens of thousands of people."


Su Yun did what he said.

Although Sunderland is not as good as big cities like London and Leeds.But it has everything it should have.Su Yun booked a better place in Sunderland, and invited these staff to eat.

When they drank together at night, Zhang Yuliang talked a lot.

Sure enough, everyone has a story.

The same is true for Zhang Yuliang.

60s born.I joined the team when I was young.Later, the national college entrance examination resumed, and by virtue of this turmoil, he was also admitted to university.In the end, after graduation, I was assigned to a film studio. Unfortunately, the most important thing in China is seniority.

Of course, the same is true here in the UK.

The phenomenon of seniority in English football is very serious.

So he entered the film studio in his twenties.Start at the bottom.In the film studio, one after another, Zhang Yuliang's turn never came.Not only does Zhang Yuliang lack qualifications, but no Bole is willing to serve him as a backer.So taking advantage of the turmoil in going to sea, he also left the film studio and went out on his own.

It's a pity that there has been no great achievement for so many years.

It's been almost 20 years since I graduated from college.

In the eyes of others, he, a director who has shot many commercials, looks very imposing.It has already entered the ranks of success.

But I know my own business.

Hearing Zhang Yuliang's words, Su Yun also sighed.

The current popular saying in society is still quite correct.

It is better to have a good father than to have good skills.

Although my father was very serious since childhood.The family members were never allowed to use the banner of the father, but everyone got the benefits they should have.

If the eldest brother didn't have such a family background, how could he have such a big business.If the second brother hadn't had a father.How could it be possible to go so far in the officialdom at a young age.If I didn't have help from my family, how could I enter the national team as an interpreter.

What is the most in China.

The most talented people.

Not to mention that Su Yun at that time could only speak two foreign languages, Japanese and Korean, there were many talented students who could speak four or five foreign languages ​​in the School of Foreign Languages.And those students are all about 20 years old.But why Su Yun was able to enter the national team and become an interpreter.

Not because of Dad.

My three brothers all benefited from their family background.

But Zhang Yuliang has come to the present step by step completely relying on his own ability.

It's not easy, it's really not easy.

After eating, Su Yun said to the nurse: "If possible, please help Director Zhang."

** nods with a smile.

In fact, Su Yun didn't know how much he could help Zhang Yuliang.But Su Yun always felt that Zhang Yuliang had a solid foundation and an upward heart, so he should be able to stand out one day.

What is Chinese society actually?

That is, you help me, I help you, and finally everyone forms a relationship chain.

Of course, Su Yun didn't think so far.

Su Yun just thought that Zhang Yuliang was worth helping.So I hope ** will take care of it a little bit.

After ** became Su Yun's manager, many of Su Yun's connections were inherited from **.Of course, Su Yun's personal connections are limited, but the Su family's connections are many. ** is relying on Su Yun.The teasing out of these relationships has already begun.

Su Yun believed that ** would know how to deal with it.

How to help?Can you help?

In this regard, Su Yun trusted ** very much. (to be continued..)

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