legendary worker

236 Sequelae

The noisy process is over.

Just after getting the penalty, Sunderland came to Moldova.

Because we have to play the second game of the first round of the UEFA Cup.

Get rid of the nasty rainy weather in England and come to Moldova.At this time, Moldova turned out to be warm and pleasant, and the weather was very good, which made people feel very comfortable.

Moldova is a country located in the northern part of southeastern Europe.

Su Yun thought that since Moldova was a member of the Soviet Union, the weather should be very cold.Su Yun's biggest impression of the Soviet Union or Russia, apart from being a superpower and a large country, is the cold weather.

Biting cold.

Just look at history.

Whether it was Napoleon or later Hitler, the most difficult thing to overcome after their troops entered Russia was the cold.

One cold day makes Russia invincible.

After the armies of many countries entered Russia, it was difficult for them to adapt to the cold weather in Russia.

But the weather in Moldova is fine.

This surprised Su Yun.

But after listening to the introduction of the people next to me, I realized that I was really ignorant.Bordering Romania and Ukraine, Moldova has a temperate continental climate.Atlantic cyclones blow large amounts of moist, warm air to Moldova, but they also sometimes bring moisture-laden Mediterranean heat waves, which can produce torrential summer rains in Moldova.The large amount of dry air blowing from the southeast often causes drought, and the cold arctic air that can cause cold snaps in early or late autumn rarely invades Moldova.This climate gives people the feeling of hot and long summers, warm and long-lasting autumns and not too cold winters with little snow.

Moreover, Moldova has sufficient sunlight and has the reputation of "Sunshine Country".

Although it is a small thing.But Su Yun knew that there were many, many things he didn't know.

If it wasn't for this reason, Su Yun really thought that Moldova was a rather cold country.

Because Sunderland had a [-]-[-] lead in the last game, Su Yun left all the main players in Sunderland in this game.Bringing most of the substitutes, and some players from the Sunderland youth academy.

Today is already October 10th.

And on October 10st, Sunderland still has a No. 31 round of the Premier League.Need an away game against West Ham United.

There are only two days.

Su Yun really wanted to scold the FA.

Just like Ferguson.

But Su Yun still held back.Sunderland just came up with the Williams thing.At the press conference, Su Yun accused Tarico of being the murderer, which also caused great controversy.Many media thought it was inappropriate for Su Yun to say this, and even the press officer of the Football Association believed that Su Yun should not have said such hasty words.

Su Yun was furious at that time.

***, and I'm not alone in saying that.When Ferguson agreed with his opinion, he also said the same thing.But when the FA criticized.Only Su Yun's name.

Su Yun knew that he was completely incomparable with Ferguson.

The weight of the two people in British football is different.

So I held back this time.

Ferguson can criticize the unfairness of the schedule.But Su Yun can't say it now, because it is very likely that it will really anger the FA.In the end, Su Yun must be the unlucky one.

But in my heart I was completely annoyed.

What the fuck is this schedule.

When Manchester United, Arsenal, and Chelsea have Champions League matches, the FA will even adjust the schedule.But obviously Sunderland does not have such treatment.

Don't talk about the past, just talk about this season.Several teams played in the Champions League. At the beginning, there were some conflicts with the Premier League. The FA immediately helped them adjust the schedule.Manchester United, Arsenal and Chelsea have all received this kind of care.

It is true that we do not suffer from scarcity but from inequality.

Why should they be cared for.

However, the three of them are also the most important clubs in English football at present, and they are the same big forces in English football as Liverpool and Leeds United.


Totally worthless compared to them.

There is no influence in the FA either.

Su Yun, the main player of Sunderland, didn't bring any of them.Of course I brought one.It was Williams.Williams is only suspended domestically, but he is still able to play in the European arena.

Now it is all a group of substitutes, and even some important substitutes have stayed in Sunderland.

Sunderland has completely turned into a baby army.

Williams is leading this baby army to the away game.

It's really an army of dolls.There are even some players who have completed their first-team appearance for the first time, but Sembru's strength is indeed limited.Facing a baby lineup like Sunderland, none of them won a victory.

Instead, Sunderland drew [-]-[-] at home.

Sunderland also entered the second round of the UEFA Cup with an aggregate score of [-]-[-] in two rounds.


After the UEFA Cup match.Su Yun couldn't take a breath at all.He flew directly to London by plane and came to West Ham United in East London.

Because there will be the Premier League No.13 round here soon.

Sunderland hosts West Ham United.

Su Yun has a deep impression on West Ham United.When Su Yun was at Dagenham, he went to West Ham United to observe the players.And he also loaned Lampard from West Ham United.

At that time, Su Yun coveted the youth training camp of West Ham United for a long time.

There are really many good players in it.

Many of the players that Su Yun had his eyes on back then had already become the main players.Including the fastest rising central defender in the Premier League, Rio Ferdinand, the talented English player Joe Cole, and midfielder Frank Lampard.

They have all become West Ham's main players in their respective positions.

And Redknapp is definitely a good coach.

He led West Ham United, a perennial relegation team, to No.5 in the Premier League last season.It's not easy.

West Ham United's performance this season is a bit worse than last season, but it is not bad.

In this game, Su Yun replaced Williams with Gareth Barry and replaced Poboski with fast horse Bellamy.

Barry, but the strength is good.Although it is completely inferior to Williams in defense and offense.But he also has his strengths.Barry's greatest strength lies in his position selection and his passing.

Barry's passing is excellent.

Not as good as Williams' medium and long pass ability, but it is very stable whether it is short pass or medium and long pass.That is to say, there were no mistakes.

This is a capability in itself.

Very good ability.

As for Bellamy, it doesn't matter whether it's experience, technology, passing, or shooting.It can be said that he lost to Poborski in almost every aspect.

Only one is more than Poborski.


Su Yun likes speed players very much.It may be that when I was growing up in China, I was very obsessed with the so-called striker combination of one high and one fast.Anyway, Su Yun appreciates players with speed.Even a little obsessed with players with speed.

When in China.Hao Haidong and Gao Feng are strikers that Su Yun admires very much.

It is because of the speed.

This game is the first time Sunderland has appeared in the Premier League after being hit hard.There are a lot of media paying attention to Sunderland's state, and they want to see if Sunderland can get rid of the influence of the last game.

See if you can get rid of the absence of two core players.

Su Yun has tried his best to eliminate the influence, but this influence cannot be eliminated in a short time.

more importantly.Suyun has always built his team around Williams.Williams is the core of Sunderland both in defense and offense.

Although the young Barry has good strength.But it can't replace Williams' role at all.

Although Su Yun worked very hard in the away game.But it only got a one-to-one evaluation.

The results weren't too bad.

Because Sunderland is already unbeaten in thirteen rounds of the Premier League.

But everyone has seen Sunderland's weakness.Or it can't be said to be weak, it can only be said that it has not yet come out of the blow.

Manchester United and Leeds United won this game, narrowing the gap with Sunderland.

Manchester United beat Aston Villa [-]-[-] at home, leaving only five points behind Sunderland.

Only four days later, the No.14 round of the Premier League began.

On November 11th, Sunderland challenged Middlesbrough away.

Middlesbrough's performance this season is not bad.But not too good.It is the No. 12 to [-] in the Premier League.

Facing such a weak opponent, Su Yun wanted to use their blood to get rid of the nearest bad luck.

But I didn't expect Su Yun to be hit again.

Facing Middlesbrough in the away game, they were beaten almost helplessly by them.

If it weren't for Phillips scoring a goal at the last moment, Sunderland could only get a defeat.In the end, Sunderland once again won a dull one-to-one draw.

Even Mortensen, who explained the game, shook his head.

"David O'Reilly said. His players ran more than usual against Sunderland. Because Sunderland had twelve men playing. It was Williams. Williams used to be in I didn't notice it when I was there, but now that Williams is gone, I feel the value of Williams. Sunderland feels like something is missing now."

Indeed, without Williams, Sunderland seems to be missing something.

I just thought Williams could run.

But when Williams was missing, everyone discovered how valuable Williams' running is.

But Sunderland's decline did not end.

On November 11th, two days after the end of the fourteenth round of the Premier League.Sunderland ushered in the second round of the UEFA Cup.

The home game is against Kaiserslautern from Germany.

Unexpectedly, they were defeated by Kaiserslautern [-]-[-] at home.

What a sequela.

In fact, Sunderland's strength is still very strong now, but it has not slowed down for a while.As a young coach, Su Yun's lack of experience was fully revealed.In the Champions League final last season.Manchester United also lacks two generals, Keane and Scholes.

But Ferguson's Manchester United was not in a hurry.

The performance is still very good.

In this regard, Su Yun lags far behind Ferguson.

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