legendary worker

237 UEFA Cup Journey

Although many people said that Su Yun was good at controlling the locker room.Because either Dagenham or Sunderland under Su Yun's guidance, so-called conflicts rarely broke out.It is true that Dagenham and Sunderland under Su Yun have not had any major scandals like other teams.

Dagenham's main influence is too small.No one pays attention.Even if something happens in the locker room, it will not be known by the media.

But Sunderland has a lot of media attention.

Many Sunderland players are considered villains, and their tempers are not very good.But Sunderland has never had a dressing room scandal in the past two seasons.

So everyone thinks that Su Yun is very good at controlling the locker room.

In fact, the biggest reason why Su Yun was able to control the locker room was because of Su Yun's good temper.

Su Yun treated those players like a good old man.

But in terms of dealing with the crisis, Su Yun's methods are too poor.

Facing such a sudden blow, Su Yun's reaction was not very good, or rather poor.After nearly half a month, I couldn't appease the locker room.It also failed to restore the self-confidence of Sunderland players.

Su Yun also worked hard.

Too bad it didn't work well.

But when the players slowly accepted, several games passed in a flash.

In the No.15 round of the Premier League, Sunderland is facing England's top giants Liverpool at home.

Speaking of which, after the establishment of the Premier League, Liverpool's performance was not very good.

Compared with their illustrious history, it is really too bad.Last season Liverpool invited Houllier to coach with Evans.Unfortunately, as the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.In the end, various contradictions appeared between the two of them in the joint teaching.Different views on many issues.In the end, Evans was forced to leave Liverpool and became Houllier to coach alone.

After coaching alone, Houllier was finally able to display his ideas.

Houllier has had a lot of action this summer.

In the transfer market, he frequently recruits and buys horses.

It's a pity that Liverpool's performance in the Premier League this season is not very good.Among the fourteen rounds, there were seven wins, three draws and four losses, accumulating 24 points.

Sunderland scored ten wins and four draws in fourteen rounds, with 34 points.This is still because Sunderland has been affected in the last two games.That's why it stopped winning.Even so, Sunderland is still [-] points ahead of Liverpool.

If it was before, Su Yun would not be afraid of Liverpool.

It should be the other way around, Liverpool don't want to meet a strong team like Sunderland.

Liverpool is the number one club in England.

But that was the achievement of his ancestors.

The current strength of Liverpool is really not as strong as Sunderland.

But this time it was not the right time.

After Sunderland's two consecutive draws, morale was hit hard.Originally leading Manchester United by seven points, but after two rounds.Only three points left.Manchester United's condition is also quite good.

When Sunderland had two consecutive draws, they first defeated Leicester City [-]-[-] at home, and then defeated Derby County [-]-[-] away.

The gap with Sunderland is getting smaller and smaller.

In the just-concluded game, Manchester United swept Everton [-]-[-].The points are already the same as Sunderland, only because of the disadvantage of goal difference.

This put a lot of pressure on Sunderland.

Although Su Yun never mentioned the Premier League champion.But under the fuel of the media, Sunderland players have also fantasized about the Premier League champion.After any team leads No.2 by seven points, if the players do not think about the league championship, it is simply impossible.The Sunderland players were indeed fantasy champions at the time.

But now being so pursued by Manchester United.It made the Sunderland players even more nervous.

This time I met Liverpool.

Although Liverpool's results are not very good.But he has the dignity of a wealthy family, so when they encounter strong teams, they can often explode with amazing strength.Now when they encounter a rising team like Sunderland with excellent results, but they are like nouveau riche, of course they will not be merciful.

Even more proactive than previous games.

Encountered this mentality of Liverpool, Sunderland can only be a tragedy.

Sunderland scored two goals in a row by Owen who was in good form.But Sunderland failed to break Liverpool's goal.Accepted a zero to two defeat at home.

This is also Sunderland's first defeat in the Premier League this season.

Sunderland's [-]-game unbeaten run in the Premier League this season has also been broken.

After the game, many media focused on the current Sunderland.

Some are regretful, some are gloating, and some are anxious.But no matter what kind of opinion, their views are almost unified.That is, Sunderland will never win the Premier League championship this season.If it is said that before the game against Tottenham, Sunderland's championship hopes are still quite high.

Then Sunderland's performance dropped sharply afterwards.

In the three rounds, Manchester United has won three consecutive victories and earned nine points.However, Sunderland only got two draws and one loss in three rounds of the league. The original seven-point advantage is now all gone.

This state is compared to the current state of Manchester United.It's a world of difference.

And the voices criticizing Su Yun in the media are also one after another.

They all thought that Su Yun was too young.

In the face of sudden changes, there is a lack of appropriate means of response.They believed that the decline in Sunderland's performance during this period had a lot to do with Su Yun's youth and inexperience.

Anyway, use one sentence to prove the current Sunderland.That is dangerous.


But fortunately, Sunderland had a long period of rest after the game.


That means almost two weeks of rest.

This made Su Yun heave a long sigh of relief.

Finally, I can let myself breathe.What Su Yun lacks most now is time, the competition is too intensive during this time.Su Yun was not given any time to adjust.With just these two weeks, Su Yun believes that he will be able to adjust the state of the Sunderland players.

At this time, Su Yun could not wait to go up and flatter the FA.

Su Yun really liked the arrangement of the Premier League schedule.It's like adjusting the time specifically for Sunderland players.

But there is still a UEFA Cup game in the middle.It is the second game of the second round of the UEFA Cup.

Su Yun led Sunderland to Germany, to Kaiserslautern.

This is Su Yun's first time in Germany.

The most developed country in Europe.My previous impression of Germany was completely learned in history class.

After coming to England, Su Yun usually looked for players in the country.The main reason is that the clubs Su Yun is in are all small clubs.

Dagenham needless to say.

It's a semi-amateur club.

Scouting system?

Not at all.

The same is true after arriving at Sunderland.Sunderland's scouting system simply does not take into account other countries.Sunderland is only a domestic club in England.Nor is England powerful.Therefore, the players that Sunderland's scouting system can grasp are limited, and they are all limited to England.

So Su Yun has been in England for almost four years.But I have never paid attention to leagues and players from other countries.

Little is known about German players.

I only know that German players have strong tactical execution ability, they are very self-disciplined and so on.

The others are basically unknown.


If it wasn't for playing against him, Su Yun wouldn't have paid attention to Kaiserslautern.Although this club has just completed a dark horse legend.

Rehhagel led Kaiserslautern to a newly promoted legend.Just after being promoted, he won the Bundesliga championship as a newly promoted horse.This miracle is known as the "Kaiserslautern myth".

But Su Yun had only heard of this.

What kind of players does Kaiserslautern have?How about their strength?Su Yun didn't know anything.

It was because they got together in the lottery this time that Su Yun paid attention to Kaiserslautern.

Compared with Kaiserslautern, which won the Bundesliga championship two years ago, the current Kaiserslautern has dropped a lot.

After analyzing Kaiserslautern's strength, Su Yun was very happy at first.

Because after analysis, Su Yun thinks that Kaiserslautern is not a strong team now.The strength is completely inferior to Sunderland.

As long as they play normally, Sunderland can defeat Kaiserslautern and enter the top 32 of the UEFA Cup.

This was Su Yun's original analysis.

It's a pity that what happened afterwards was beyond Su Yun's control.

Affected by the domestic arena, Sunderland was defeated by Kaiserslautern [-]-[-] at home in the first game.

It almost declared Sunderland's exit from the UEFA Cup.

Although there is still a second game, it is not easy to get back after losing two goals at home.

This time in the away game, Su Yun really wanted to win back.It's a pity that the demoralized Sunderland failed to win in Kaiserslautern.Instead, it lost again with one to two.Sunderland's total score was one to four, and they didn't even pass the second round of the UEFA Cup.

Su Yun was very disappointed.

Su Yun originally hoped to show off his skills in the UEFA Cup, but he didn't expect to end his UEFA Cup trip after only playing two rounds.

Even a few thumps will do.

This was Su Yun's first trip to Europe, but he left behind huge regrets.

What is disappointment, this is disappointment.

Not only was Su Yun disappointed, but the entire Sunderland team was also disappointed.

Most of the Sunderland players are now playing European games for the first time.They all want to show their talents in the UEFA Cup, but it is a pity that they were eliminated by Kaiserslautern so uselessly, which is always difficult to accept.

Very disappointed, but Su Yun couldn't show it.

In the past month, Sunderland's performance has been quite poor.Su Yun couldn't show that disappointment again at this time.

Because it affects the players.

Su Yun knew that if he went down like this, Sunderland's season would really be over.

Sunderland must pull themselves together.

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