Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 102 Brie prefers equal exchange

Chapter 102 Brie prefers equal exchange

"Brie, where are you going? It's going to be the second-year chief battle. Of course, if you stand on the stage, no one will be willing to compete with you."

Bree and Draco watched a group of little wizards with weird musical sounds finish singing the school song and prepare to leave the hall, but Bree had something else to do, such as Professor Flitwick's wave to him just now, asking him to wait.

Sophomore chief?
Bree felt that he was really careless to participate in this competition that meant nothing to him. Now he and the purebloods were just at the right distance, distant and not disturbing each other. They were very harmonious. There was no need to show up openly. near.

Bree was about to say something when she saw Draco's face flushed, excited and helpless.

Draco thinks who has beaten Bree? No young wizard in Slytherin can do it now. He wants to be a prefect, but this does not mean that he will definitely be able to achieve his wish.

"Ahem, I think Draco Malfoy is qualified for this position." Bree patted Draco on the shoulder with a light smile, saying that he would not fight for this position, and this position should belong to him.

Draco curled his lips and snorted, expressing his satisfaction.

"Of course, Malfoy is the best. When I become the second-year chief, I will protect you." Draco laughed.

Bree said nonchalantly: "Okay, the powerful Malfoy can go back first. I have something to do..."

"Go on, go on. Professor Flitwick is so excited. Hey, I heard that you helped the ancient tree goblin. You have to tell me what the specific situation is."

Draco the gossip.

"Remember to come back tonight and show Dean Si some face."

"Okay, go back and tell you a bedtime story, Princess Malfoy of Slytherin."

Bree made a joke and left the Slytherin team. Some professors had no objections, because Flitwick had already come forward to greet him, but it was different with Lockhart.

"Ahem, I think this should be the time for the little wizard to rest. No student can be exempted..."

Lockhart is extremely vindictive, especially because Bree made him lose face in Diagon Alley. He wants to regain his reputation now. He is a professor, but Professor McGonagall stopped him directly.

"I think Professor Lockhart should go with me to go through the formal admission procedures. After all, someone held a book club in Diagon Alley for a few days and never thought of taking the time to come to Hogwarts to go through the formalities. "

Facing Professor McGonagall's sternness, Lockhart chuckled. Suddenly his body became a little stiff and he did not dare to move. The muscle memory from his early years was still affecting him.

He swallowed and said: "Oh, this is not my fault. The book fans are too enthusiastic, not to mention there are many little wizards in it. As a professor, I should guide them and not let them down, so I'm sorry...haha, Let’s go through the formalities now, Minerva!”

McGonagall was disgusted and looked unhappy. Even Snape, who was also a professor, did not dare to call her name in such a tone!
McGonagall tried hard to maintain her stiff smile, stared at Lockhart carefully and said: "Please follow, Professor Lockhart, you are welcome to the Defense Against the Dark Arts position..."

Mag suddenly felt that the curse in this position was not a bad thing.

"Haha, ah, it's an honor... an honor."

Lockhart's face paled a little. Of course he had heard rumors about the curse of this position, but he had a reason to come.

Selling books is one of them.


"Professor Flitwick." Bree smiled at the nervous Professor Flitwick, signaling that he would greet Professor Sprout.

Then he said to Professor Sprout who was looking at him eagerly: "Professor Sprout, it's a pleasure to meet you again."

"...Professor Snape, hello, don't you want to go back to Slytherin?"

Snape looked at Bree with indifference, and Bree could only say hello.

Snape nodded slightly, and then said: "I know you don't need the position of chief, but I want to tell you - always remember that you are also a member of Slytherin, so don't do stupid things... Of course, it's the same as last semester. , as long as the problem cannot be solved by encountering a giant monster, you can come to me for help at any time."

Bree seemed to understand the meaning of Snape's words. He was really an awkward man. He was obviously protecting his own college but he was very...arrogant.

Seeing the ungraceful look in Bree's pure black pupils and her black ear-length hair, Snape somehow thought of himself...

Snape was a bullied boy in the original Hogwarts. He wore shabby robes and held shabby books. He was squeezed out by Slytherin and teased by a few bad guys in Gryffindor. Even Lily gradually moved away from him...

But Bree was different. Snape saw it all. Bree was also born poor at first, and he was at the mercy of others in the academy... Oh, no, it was tolerance. This kid had the power to protect himself, and Bree knew better. Assessing the situation is completely different from what he did then.

Snape thought that Bree, whose situation was obviously even worse than that of him as a mixed-race at the time, could survive in Slytherin besides strength. What else could protect him? Slytherin obviously had no shortage of people who used their ambitions to control power. ah……

Snape, who couldn't figure it out, stretched out his big hand and ruthlessly ravaged Bree's hair and said, "Please respect your professor, Mr. Bree Old."

Although Snape's tone was light, there was admiration in his eyes. He wanted to see what kind of future this student from his own college would have. A child suspected of being a descendant of Slytherin would never be ordinary.

"Pfft." Professor Sprout laughed. She pulled Bree in front of her, bent down to help Bree tidy up her messy black hair, then pinched Bree's little face and said, "Don't mind. But it’s also the first time I’ve seen Snape like this.”

Sprout looked at Brie's helpless little face and said in a daze: "Look, the little wizard grows up fast. I'm afraid it won't be long before little Brie grows into an adult. Then I will have to look up at the little wizard. It’s breeched.”

After saying that, Professor Sprout pinched Bree's little face again.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to pinch Xiao Brie's face anymore at that time."

Oh, the tips of Brie's ears were red and she didn't dare to speak.

Snape snorted, but was still polite to Professor Sprout. He said: "I think I can only go to the Whomping Willow tomorrow. Professor Sprout, Slytherin has its own internal rules." , which has been passed down for thousands of years.”

Sprout had naturally heard that Slytherin held a battle for the prefects of each grade every year except for the first grade. This battle was also the selection battle for the prefects of each grade.


"I remember that a long time ago, each house had a chief war officer, but as time went by, they were gradually abolished, leaving only Slytherin." Professor Sprout smiled, and she insisted on the chief war officer. An attitude of neither support nor opposition, after all, now is not the time when all wizards were in danger thousands of years ago, and it was difficult for young wizards to obtain learning channels.

She thinks the wizarding world is very stable now, especially after Voldemort disappeared.

Snape said nothing, just nodded slightly and walked towards the underground level.

He had to watch those little snakes, and don't let another Oude situation happen. Fortunately, none of the little snakes in this class had a strange origin... But it seemed that there was a little snake named Azar from Belgium who was a little different. ...Looks like a little giant monster.

As Snape left, Professor Sprout shrugged.

"I went to take care of the Whomping Willow. I hope it's not seriously injured. I was shocked when I heard the news. Gryffindors are getting more and more naughty now. I thought the Weasley twins were enough to make everyone happy. My head hurts, but their younger brother is obviously more likely to cause trouble..."

Professor Sprout muttered and walked slowly outside the castle.

At this moment, Professor Flitwick came up and said sheepishly: "I think I still need to take up some of your time, Oded."

"You don't have to be like this, Professor Flitwick." Professor Flitwick was a little reserved. Maybe he thought what happened at the ancient tree goblin was unkind to Bree, but Bree didn't blame him.

"I think we as students and professors, what happened before is in the past, and none of us expected anything like that to happen."

"Oh, of course, Oded, you are always so tolerant!" Professor Flitwick choked up with tears in his eyes: "But I still can't forgive myself for being unwise."

Sobbing, Professor Flitwick slowly blushed and stopped under Bree's gaze.

"I'm sorry, I mean that I and the ancient tree goblins are very sorry, and Anos is too. She...she asked me to send me an apology gift, and...just leave the ring to you for safekeeping."

Flitwick's eyes were a little dodgey when he talked about Anos. He didn't say much about the ring, but just took out a small wooden box.

"I know you want to study the magic of the ancient tree goblin. These are filled with seeds of some magical plants, which may be able to help you. And my previous promise to help you study magic at Hogwarts is still valid."

Bree felt that Flitwick was a little strange, but she didn't think much about it. Instead, she expressed her thoughts. These things would be more convenient if she needed Professor Flitwick's help.

"It's such a professor, you know that I have other magic powers, and last year I tried to use this magic power plus a spell to cast magic. I succeeded, and the power of the spell has greatly increased."

"I call this natural magic. The meditation method I discovered in the Ravenclaw library before knows that this is a power from the environment, everywhere, but it is difficult for wizards' magic to mobilize it, so I want to publish some Academic research on the magic of nature, I hope more people can explore its existence!”

"To this end, I am willing to contribute meditation methods and some research on natural magic. I hope that the wizarding world can have better development!"

Flitwick, who had just been caught up in his own emotions, was stunned for a moment, and then he hesitated and stumbled excitedly: "You, you mean selfless dedication?"

"Oh my God, this is so great. Your magic is so special, but you are still willing to share it..."

Professor Flitwick was so excited that he wanted to do it right away, but Bree stopped him and pretended to be helpless: "Professor, this is just a suggestion. I haven't formally organized it yet. I think I will start publishing it this semester. We need your help then, because no newspaper believes that a second-year wizard can study these things."

"Oh, of course, I will definitely help!"

Brie smiled with satisfaction, selfless dedication?

Hey, Brie prefers equal exchange!
(End of this chapter)

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