Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 103 Followers who want to follow Bree

Chapter 103 Followers who want to follow Bree

After bidding farewell to Professor Flitwick who was still in excitement, Bree smiled slightly.

Bree is still young and has treasures but cannot expose them. He will not write down useful things in reports and send them out.

And what he and Professor Flitwick were talking about was natural magic, not natural magic.

It is impossible for Bree to tell all about natural magic. This is just a gimmick. What Bree needs is to use this gimmick to absorb the knowledge of professors. The magic learned at Hogwarts is too simple for Bree now. , Bree didn't want to be bored afterwards.

"The knowledge of the professors is one of the true treasures of Hogwarts."

Brie slowly walked to the kitchen. Nico was hungry, and so was Huang Zi, who was locked by Brie's binding spell.

"Huang Zi is too stupid, how can he disturb the adults when they are eating." Nico popped up and said to Bree: "My lord, can't I hang out in Hogwarts?"

Brie shook her head and said: "No, Nico, you have to go to the turret. I have a flower garden there. You will like it. I will take you to the Forbidden Forest when I have time, but not now."

"Didn't you buy flower seeds in Diagon Alley before? You can grow flowers there. I like you only if you behave yourself."

grow flowers!

Nico's heart sank, and he pretended to be well-behaved, saying sweetly: "Sir, Nico will definitely be well-behaved!"

While Nico was still thinking about what to do, Bree just walked to the kitchen and saw Enid Child waiting here, the woman who gave Bree the book "The Magic of Flowers".

When Enid saw Bree, the seductive look on her face was quickly restrained. She stared intently at Nico, who looked worried. She didn't look back until Bree walked in front of her. God comes.

She bowed to Bree solemnly, suppressed her delicate voice, and said in a capable and clear tone: "Dear Mr. Ode, I'm sorry to disturb you."

Enid stood up without being humble, lowered her head slightly, handed the book she had prepared in front of Bree and said, "I think you should accept me again. This is not a transaction, but a follower."

She raised her head, looked at the unmoved Bree, pursed her lips, and lowered her eyebrows again: "You awakened the flower elves. I think you also know that I am a hybrid descendant of those rebellious flower elves, but I The blood of the flower elves is stronger than that of other tribesmen, and it is even said that some changes have occurred."

Enid knelt down, took the book away, and opened her collar so that Bree could see clearly.

"Ah, it's flower poison!"

Nico looked at the ferocious lines on the white snow in front of him, and the totems as fragrant as roses came to life on it, as if they were monsters that choose people to eat, making people fall into sinking.

This is a symbol that the flower spirit has absorbed the spirit of the plants and trees!
Bree even caught a hint of the alluring scent of roses.

Yi Ni pulled up her collar and said with her charming eyes: "The mutation in my bloodline has given me a channel to gain powerful power, but now I have to suppress it to survive. I am not willing to..."

"This is magic that is beyond the reach of my grandmother and even my clan members. I will never hide it in an ordinary way, and I will never become a tool for family marriage."

Enid's eyes are full of ambition. She doesn't love power or money. What she loves is power and awe-inspiring posture.

"I think ambition is not a derogatory term for Slytherin..." Enid's face was full of seriousness, and she looked at Bree seriously with watery eyes.

"I need the help of the flower elves. The magic of flower language allows me to mobilize this power at will..."

Bree raised her head slightly, ignored Enid, looked at the kitchen fruit painting behind her and said, "Have you sucked the spirit of plants and trees?"

At the beginning, the flower elves were abandoned by nature because they ate the spirits of plants and trees. Those flower elves who ate the spirits of plants and trees were almost all executed by the elf royal family.

This is forbidden magic!
"Sir, don't agree to her, she is a traitor, this will make us abandoned by nature again!"

Nico now wishes he could stay away from Enid!

Enid lowered her head and said: "Master Flower Elf, wasn't it for the Flower Elf clan that the Flower Elf absorbed the spirit of vegetation? You are abandoning us clansmen who are willing to fall into the abyss."

"Why did you wake up? As far as I know, only the protection of nature can allow the flower elves to reappear. Don't you want the flower elves to return to the magical world?"

"You, this, this is different!"

Nico hesitated, but looked at Enid with less hostility. His mind was a little confused now. As the only flower elf in existence, he understood his responsibilities, but... the master belongs to him alone. , absolutely no one can rob him.

With red eyes, Nico flew to Brie's neck and cried loudly: "Sir, Nico is not a good boy. Nico threw all the flower seeds you bought into the trash can. Boo hoo, Nico doesn't want anyone to deal with him. I'll rob you, sir."

Bree thought about the eighteen gold galleons and three centimeters spent to buy seed flowers, looked at Nico who was sobbing, and sighed.

"I don't blame you anymore. Professor Flitwick just gave me a bag of plant seeds. Don't throw them away again."

"Well, Nico, Hiccup, I got it, Hiccup..."

Bree glanced at Enid with dissatisfaction. This Enid was smart, but she was too smart and she didn't want to believe her.

Followers, does Brie need it now?

It will be necessary after establishing a family, but what can be done at this stage, Bree is only 12 years old, and he can't do anything.

"I think this matter needs some time to think about, and you should not be short of this time..."

Enid's eyebrows lit up and she smiled.

As long as there is no rejection, it is possible to succeed, and she is bound to win the flower language magic.

"Yes, Lord Oude." Enid said softly, and then handed the book in her hand to Bree.

"This is a record about sucking the spirit of plants and trees to gain the power of charm; my ancestor was originally a human chef, but because he combined with the flower elves, the Childs, an ancient wizard family, were born. This is the source of our magic power. In the flower spirit…”

Enid looked at Nico, who was still sobbing softly, and said kindly: "I think if I learn the magic of flower language, I will give up sucking the spirit of plants and trees. I am confident that I can get what I want without relying on forbidden magic. strength."

Enid stood up and gave Bree a slight bow.

"Goodbye, Lord Oude, Enid is always at your service for your needs."

At this time, Enid was like a swaying rose, walking down the damp corridor. Bree opened the kitchen door listening to the sound of shoes.

"Come on, bring me dinner for three people, two cups of nectar with a little ice, and something the kitten can eat."

The house elves in the kitchen were not surprised by Bree's arrival, but even though it was commonplace, they still looked at the food spread out on the table with envy.

"It's so lucky. If a little wizard comes to the kitchen to ask for food from me late at night after curfew, I will definitely pass out with happiness."

Bree shrunk the book Enid gave her and put it in her pocket, enjoying the small midnight snack.

"I'll take you to the corner tower in a minute, Nico."


"And this yellow pig..."

Nico watched Huang Zi finish his meal quickly and said in disbelief: "Huang Zi, why are you eating so fast? Spit it out quickly, or you will get sick!"


In the turret, Verde, who was sitting like a stone, was still guarding Voldemort's soul in the drawer.

"Brie, school starts today, why haven't you come yet..."

Ver pulled his bronze body, slowly climbed down from the lampstand, turned over and looked at the ceiling above his head.

The breeze from the turret penetrated the magic barrier of the four-leaf vine and blew the lights above Ver's head flickering, making it look very desolate.

"Sir, the flower garden outside is so beautiful, and there are also green apples, your favorite food. Nico will take good care of them!"

Verle stood up immediately when he felt Bree enter the turret, but soon when he heard the voice of an adult, he froze as if he was petrified. It did not react until Bree walked up to the second floor. At this time, its mind There is only one sentence - Bree is now an adult!
"Brie!" Val glared at Bree who had just entered the door and was about to take a rest.

Bree looked at Ver in bewilderment as he kept spitting out sparks and the air around him crackled. He frowned in confusion and asked in confusion: "You have a malfunction, Ver?"

Alchemy is still a product of pseudo-life alchemy, so it is naturally prone to errors. Bri thought this and said worriedly: "Let me see quickly, don't make yourself smoke."

"Ah, you, you, you, you don't have any explanation!"

Ver's eyes were full of lamp oil, and he stared at Brie with a questioning look, which made Brie feel weird, like a cat who came home from a sneaky house and was discovered by a mouse in the house?
"Sir?" Nico stared at Ver with an unkind look. Look what he found. There was actually a guy hiding here who had approached the adults earlier than him. However, Nico was no longer a jealous child. He was a bad boy. You will be hated by adults.

Nico said softly: "Sir, who is this? You haven't introduced me yet."

"Who am I!" Ver snorted and spit out a mouthful of sparks.

"I am Brie's best friend. I take care of the turret for him, make the bed, read the light at night, warm the quilt and serve tea, squeeze the shoulders and beat the legs... Where did you come from, a little guy like you, and call him Lord Brie? You are shameless. !”

"Evil!" Nico suppressed his anger and said with wet eyes: "I am your lord's Nico. It turns out that you clean for your lord, so Nico can do the same."

Nico said to Bree: "Sir, didn't you leave the corner tower to me? I can also clean it and throw it into the trash can!"

Bree twitched his lips, did Val do so many things... And when did he hand over the turret to Nico, he said helplessly, "Don't make noise."

Brie first told Nico's life experience. When he heard that he was an adopted child, Ver's bronze snake face became a little brighter, and Nico also exhaled when he heard that Ver was the guardian lamp of the turret.

"You both have to stay here, I have to go back to the Slytherin dormitories today."

It was promised that Draco would go back and give Snape face.

"Oh...but Nico has never been separated from an adult." Nico was unwilling for a moment and looked at Bree expectantly, hoping to take him to Slytherin, but it was obvious that Bree still planned to let him be independent.

"You're already a big kid."

Nico, who was less than a month old, was crying and could only hug Huang Zi, feeling aggrieved.

And Fan Er hurriedly said: "I haven't been your bedside lamp for a long time, Bree, don't leave..."

"Tsk, stop making trouble Ver, you have to take care of Nico."

take care of?

Vern smiled sinisterly and said, "Of course, Bree, you can leave without worries."


Brie opened the note with a smile, and then walked through the teleportation circle...

"Oh, I thought you were possessed by some little goblin, Bree."

Although it was cool in Slytherin in the summer, Draco also wore gauze pajamas for more comfort. He lay on his side on his bed with a look of joy on his face. He just said a few words to Bree casually and said: "The Chief War is over. Yes, Pansy and I are second grade prefects."

Bree glanced at Draco's belly that was exposed due to irregularities, chuckled, enlarged the small salute, and slowly packed up the things inside. Some things that were to be taken to the turret were temporarily placed inside.

"So you didn't bring me a gift for the beginning of school?" Draco frowned as Bree hung up her robes in the cabinet, then put away her suitcase. He took out a large box of candy and threw it in dissatisfied Bree had just made the bed.

"Good night, Oude, who doesn't know etiquette."

Bree picked up the box and had a headache looking at the exquisite candies inside. He didn't like candies, but he would definitely like them if he threw them to Nico. Bree didn't want them to be sweet. This reminded him of Dumbledore, which would give him nightmares. of.

"Draco, don't give me candy next time, I won't eat it."

Putting the box on the desk, he turned around to see an angry Draco glaring at him.

"I thought your black crow was a pig, but now it seems you have something you can't eat!"

Draco rushed out of bed with bare feet, picked up the box on the desk, and gritted his teeth.

"I'll get it for Potter, but I won't give it to you!"

Have I offended him again?
Bree watched Draco wrap himself up in quilt and fall asleep, shaking his head in confusion, washing and resting silently. Master Draco's temperament was like this, Bree thought, if Draco was a girl, no one would dare to marry her. , fortunately he is a man, and Bree can still be a brother.

"Hey, do you want to hear a bedtime story about the ancient tree goblin, the little brat named Malfoy?"

Draco's quilt moved, and a head popped out...

(End of this chapter)

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