Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 107 Bree saw the elements

Chapter 107 Bree saw the elements

"Oh, never mind the Snorlax."

Draco yawned and said, "Since we're going on a date, let's go."

Bree said goodbye to Professor Sprout, who had a strange expression because of Draco's words, and led them outside.

"Let's go to the Black Lake."

It was already approaching dusk, and the black lake was sparkling. Many young wizards were walking here. Bri took out his notes in advance, turned to the place where meditation techniques were recorded, and then used a magic book page to ink out a copy.

If there is any way for Luna and the others to discover the magic of nature, then this is the most direct way for Bree, but it may be in vain. Who let the book recording meditation techniques be placed in Ravenclaw's library for a long time? Well, no one found anything.

"Oh, what is this?" Hermione was the first to speak out, and she took the note.

"Meditation, I discovered something special with it."

Bree didn't directly say that he is only in the experimental stage now, and he doesn't need to publicize his ideas.

He looked at Luna and said, "Perhaps I can use this method to discover the owl hooks and harassing flies you mentioned."

"Oh, really?" Luna approached Hermione in surprise and started studying with her. Draco would not hang out with the girls. He looked at Bree's notes.

Bree handed him the note, and because of the special nature of the note, he could only read the part about meditation.

"This is a record I found in Ravenclaw's library. I also made some additional analysis. We can try it."

Everyone sat down and began to experiment using meditation, and Brie instantly entered meditation, in a state above consciousness, watching them.


Luna is surrounded by many natural magic powers, especially her eyes. These magic powers are faintly formed into a special and complex pattern, like a moon.

There is very little natural magic around Hermione and Draco. On the contrary, the magic in their bodies is very active, and whenever natural magic is close to them, they absorb just a trace of natural magic and assimilate it into the magic belonging to wizards. This growth is slow but steady.

This should be the reason why the little wizard's magic power will continue to grow, and when the little wizard reaches adulthood, this situation will probably disappear.

Bree looked into the distance and saw the situation of other young wizards. Their affinity with natural magic was very weak, not even one-fifth of that of Hermione and Draco.

It seems that everyone's acceptance of natural magic is different.

"Oh, that's no use at all."

Draco stood up impatiently and complained: "Some of the special magic of wizards are passed down through blood. How can it be so easy to learn."

Bree smiled. He did not admit that natural magic was something for wizards.

And Hermione also opened her eyes, she stared at Draco and said, "Keep your voice down, I found out the next second before I was ready!"

But it was obvious that Hermione was just talking. She did not continue, but stared at her notes and thought.

Luna closed her eyes and smiled. She said in a daze: "I saw a lot of white light spots, and some other colors, but they didn't listen to me..."

"Oh, I can't watch, the mole flies are attracted to them!"

Luna suddenly shouted, opened her eyes immediately, and patted her chest with fear on her face.

"I was almost surrounded by harassing flies, which would have bothered me very much."

Is that so?
Luna could indeed see something different.

Bree took hold of Luna's hand. Can you guide me to what you saw?
Luna blushed and said, "Of course."

"Where are they..." Bree pointed not far ahead.

"Because you are here, the harassing flies don't dare to come near."

Bri used natural magic power to pour into the area around her eyes, and slowly outlined a pattern similar to Luna's. This made Bri know the power contained in this pattern - spiritual consciousness.

In a trance, his world also changed a lot, with many more things appearing. Transparent goblins like insects were wandering around, and the buzzing sound reached Bree's mind, making him a little annoyed.

When looking at the Black Lake, there are also unknown little creatures wandering in the lake. They are playing and controlling the flow of water to spread and form ripples, as if they are the water itself; the same is true on the trees, and there is a sleeper in each tree. The little elves are breathing. With the little elves breathing, the trees are also full of life, and there are also some on the grass blades. They look at Bree shyly and worriedly, fearing that Bree’s feet are not stepping on them... They are everywhere, this world is not full of life. Just as ordinary people see it.

Bree let go of Luna's hand, but those things still existed. Has Luna's world always been like this?

"They are with this world..."

In the end, Bree came to this conclusion. He stretched out his hand and tried to pick up a small silver-green thing like an aphid on the ground, but failed. It seemed that no one could affect them, but after Bree used natural magic——

Can I touch you?

The little aphid happily jumped onto Bri's hand, and Bri got its approval.

But the grass withered!

Luna's eyes widened.

"You can see them and touch them, but I can't. I can only touch them if they are willing. You are so awesome, Brie!"

Then, Luna looked at the little aphid that was getting weaker and weaker and said strangely: "It's about to die..."

"It will be fine." Brie put the aphids on the withered grass and injected natural magic, and soon the grass came back to life.

"Oh, great, Bree, you healed him, you did it this way!"

Luna looked excited and looked at Bree with admiration.

Hermione looked confused, she didn't see anything, and Draco was still staring at Bree's hand and snorted: "If you can, can you please let me see it, Mr. Oded? I can't be like this." Standing like a fool."

Bree laughed, took Draco's hand, and then Hermione's, using natural magic to attach their eyes.

In an instant, Draco and Hermione's world changed dramatically.

"This, this, oh my god, Brie, this is incredible!"

Hermione was immersed in a fantasy world like the one she had never seen before!
Draco looked surprised. He seemed to have thought of something and blurted out: "I saw a book at home that said that there are huge secrets hidden in this world. They are hidden in the most ordinary places and are everywhere. !”

And then Draco yelled, "I stepped on them!"

Draco was jumping around wildly. The little aphids under his feet were squashed and then returned to their original shape like jelly.

Hermione also noticed this, and she quickly calmed down and didn't dare to move.

"Malfoy, stop it!"

"Giggle, giggle!" Luna kept laughing, she could hardly breathe!

Draco was so stiff that he looked down at the dizzy and frightened little aphids with a bit of embarrassment, but when he saw the jumping aphids under Bree's feet, they looked full of hope, as if they were looking forward to being stepped on by Bree. Unbalanced in his heart, he said, "Take two steps, Bree!"

Bri was also curious, so he took a step forward and saw the happy face of the little aphid, while the aphids that Bri stepped on all smiled dizzy.

Bree knew that because the natural magic was always following him around him, the stepped grass could grow better by absorbing the natural magic, and the aphids could also exist longer.

Luna suddenly calmed down and said: "These little guys will not be trampled to death unless you pull out their grass."

"And even if they die, they will return to the embrace of nature, so there is no need to worry about them."

"Are these elves?" Hermione asked confused.

At this time, the dusk had ended and the moonlight was rising. Buri looked at the brilliance scattered by the bright moon and whispered: "These are elements. They are more like a kind of consciousness. Just like everything in the world has consciousness, but most people can't." Discover."

Bree has observed that these conscious bodies are like souls, but they are not as real and solid as souls. They only have a touch of emotions and desires.

Bree let go of Draco and Hermione's hands, and the natural magic could still cling to their eyes for a while. He stretched out his hand, and a ball of flame appeared in his hand.

The fire illuminated the people beside the black lake, and they stared at the flame curiously. As the flame swayed, Bree slowly injected natural magic power, and a little guy floating on the flame soon appeared, It greeted Bree warmly, and as the flames dimmed, it also gradually weakened, slowly disappearing with the flames.

"Their 'life' is short. They may rise and fall at night, or they may be fleeting. A gust of wind blows by, which is a life, short, small and weak."

As if to confirm what Brie said, a gust of night wind blew. The little guy in the wind looked at Brie in surprise, and as the wind dissipated, the little guy also dispersed into the night sky.

"..." Hermione was silent and a little confused. She wanted to help these elements, but she knew that there was nothing she could do, and this was the fate of these elements.

"Amazing." Draco looked at Luna, who was still trapped in this fantasy world, and pouted: "I won't call you a weird girl anymore. Look at those buzzing guys."

Bree waved his hand and used natural magic to drive away the harassing flies.

"Those are little elements of emotion that are there because there are people here who are troubled."

As time passed, the natural magic power attached to Bree disappeared in the eyes of Hermione and Draco, but they were still not satisfied. Bree reattached it and said: "Okay, we should go back, I have to study this time. With the proceeds, I might be able to let you touch them next time.”

Several people's eyes flickered, especially Luna's.

"I want to ride a curved-horned snorkel to find the dream fairy in my dreams. If it weren't for it, I would definitely not be able to complete the homework assigned by Professor McGonagall."

The innocent Luna was jumping up and down, seemingly immersed in fantasy.


(End of this chapter)

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