Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 108 "The Secret of Slytherin"

Chapter 108 "The Secret of Slytherin"

"Go back by yourself, Draco. I'll sleep in the corner tower tonight."

After separated from Luna and Hermione in the kitchen, Bree said to Draco: "Stop playing, the little elements can't stand your tossing."

Draco was holding an apple. There was a red-faced light ball on the apple. He was lying on the fruit handle and looked at Draco's big mouth in fear.

Draco closed his mouth and said, "You don't know how funny Granger's expression was when he held a banana and wanted to eat it but was afraid of killing the little element. This is obviously not life."

After taking a bite of the apple, Little Element puffed his face angrily and gradually disappeared...

Draco said: "Just like what Luna Lovegood said, these elements are not dead, they have returned to the embrace of nature and will reappear, so there is no need to worry about the normal life of human beings harming them. "

"Yes, great philosopher Malfoy, don't follow me now, the Slytherin lounge is over there." Bree pulled Draco in one direction, then turned and left.

"Tsk, is there any secret that Malfoy can't know? The damn black crow is going to the turret to blow the cold wind again!"


Bree is going to the Restricted Book Zone tonight, and will later go to Voldemort to learn how to make Horcruxes. Naturally, it is inconvenient to take anyone with her.

"Where did the Fantastic Beasts recipe come from?"

Bree passed through a bunch of banned books, and soon saw the book "Favorite Fantastic Beasts" in the corner, and beside it were many books full of how to cook magical animals.

"It's reasonable to be listed as a banned book... charcoal-grilled XZ snowman legs, stewed potatoes with Niuxiu, Bowtruckle salad, steamed eggs with birds and snakes..."


"It's terrible. Luckily I'm not a foodie."

Bree put the evil book away and soon found the book "The Secret of Slytherin" that wasn't here before.

On the cover, a serious and handsome noble man looked at Bree, and finally turned his back in silence.

Picking up this thick and ancient book, Bree turned to the first page - Speak to me, Slytherin, the greatest of the Four!
"...Narcissistic Slytherin, huh."

Bree flipped through a few pages at random, but most of them contained strange symbols or some daily trivial matters, which made people confused. Bree couldn't understand it so she had to put away the book and take it to Voldemort.

But Bree, who had just stepped out of the restricted area, heard a strange sound, was it footsteps?

Bree didn't walk out, but Ginny seemed to have noticed him and leaned over.

"Ah, you, are you Ode?"

Ginny blushed and said in a daze: "Hug, sorry, I'm a little hungry."

After saying that, Ginny quickly ran upstairs.

"Reckless little lion, do all the Weasleys have the nocturnal gene?"

Bree frowned in confusion, but ordinary people couldn't find him, even if he didn't cast the Ignore Curse and the Disillusionment Curse.

Bree felt something and looked aside...


Well, what is this guy doing cowering here?

"Oh, sorry, I mean I was just looking for you." Peeves looked polite, and he whispered to Bree, "I came out while baby Peeves was resting...I mean Something has changed recently, there seems to be something in the castle."

It was obvious that Peeves knew something, but he had some scruples.

"I can't say it. This is an agreement with Hogwarts. I'm not qualified to get involved in all things at Hogwarts, unless it's such a big event as death, so you must be careful. My baby has to rely on Your magic survives."

Little Peeves has become familiar with Peeves, but Bree is wondering why Little Peeves didn't come to her as soon as school started, but Peeves came first.

"I always feel like you're hiding something from me."

Bree's words made Peeves nervous, and it stammered: "How is it possible, haha, I'll go first, the Weasley twins are still waiting for me to explore together, and they have made some interesting things !”

Peeves quickly flew away through the wall, leaving Bree with a searching look on her face.

"I'll have to ask little Peeves sometime."

After saying that, Brie put aside the matter for the time being and walked upstairs.

Carefully casting the Ignore and Disappearance Charms, Bree returned to the turret safely this time.

"grown ups!"

Nico immediately flew over to hug Bree, but Bree looked at Val who was flipping through the books on the table with great interest.

"You can actually read, Ver?"

Could it be that he burned himself out when he caught fire last time?

"This book?"

Isn't this the Temptation of the Flower Elf that Enid gave to Bree? Is there a beautiful snake in this book that tempts Ver?
But didn't Val have no gender?

Val, who was deep in thought, didn't care about Bree's arrival at all. Nico pretended to be kind and said: "My lord, it's not Val's fault. He said he would throw out lamp oil and spray Nico if he didn't give him the book. Nico was afraid, but he didn't give it to him." It, but Ver said that maybe it could have a way to solve this kind of magic, so I let Ver see it."

"I have already tried to persuade him, but I thought that Vern must be a learned snake after living for thousands of years, so I believed him. Sir, please don't throw it away!"

Bree rubbed Nico's little head.

"It's okay, just watch it."


At this time, Ver looked at Nico who was throwing dirty water on him, snorted, put away the book, and made way for Bree.

"Pry your head open and fill it with lamp oil. Maybe you can take my place. Now go away, you useless flower elf."

Nico glared angrily, and Bree waved her hand: "Go to the bedroom first, Voldemort and I have something to talk about."

Bree released Voldemort, pushed the book in front of him and said, "This is it."

Looking at the familiar book, Voldemort recalled: "Yes, although I have forgotten a lot, I can remember it when this book appears in front of me, and soon I will also remember all the Parseltongues. The method of the instrument tells you..."

Bree said noncommittally: "How can I get the sorting hat? I think you already have a way."

Voldemort snorted coldly and said with a fake smile: "I will find a way. All I need is a chance. You can make the other materials needed for the Horcrux first. Gryffindor's sword is only used for the ceremony at the last moment. That’s it.”

Bree nodded casually, just waiting to see what happened.

Voldemort used his magic power to turn the pages of the book, and he looked at it with relish, and uttered a sentence or two of snake language from time to time.

"You should also learn something. This will be good for you and prove that I didn't lie to you... Although I don't know which branch of Slytherin you are, I think as long as you have it in your blood, you will definitely be able to learn it. .”

Voldemort said seductively, but what Voldemort didn't say was that one can learn Parseltongue one day after tomorrow, but it's very difficult, and it's not like Voldemort was born with it.

Bree thought for a while——

"Of course, snake language is also quite interesting." Especially many things in "The Secret of Slytherin" are said in snake language. Bree wants to explore the legacy left by the Big Four, so this book may be able to There's no guarantee it will bring him any surprises.

As Voldemort consciously taught, Bree was constantly learning, but it was obvious that Bree had no talent in this area, and it was difficult to learn. Even Voldemort's gray soul became darker.

" learned very well. When I used this book to learn the snake language in an orderly manner, you didn't have the 'talent', so let's continue tomorrow."

After speaking, Voldemort rushed into the dark lamp without looking back, leaving Bree with a dull expression.

Bree supported his head and said: "Voldemort's lying is too fake, but I really didn't expect that I also have shortcomings. Fortunately, Hogwarts does not have linguistics."

Bree recalled the few snake language words in her mind and put down the book after forgetting them all.


At this time, in the Gryffindor first-year girls' dormitory, in the dark night, Yana's eyes were shining, but her expression was dull as she stared at Ginny who had just returned to the dormitory and said: "You have a strange smell."

"Huh?" Ginny looked panicked and carefully held the diary she had hidden in her pocket.

"It smells like chicken, where have you been?"

Ginny was stunned for a moment, then blushed and said in embarrassment: "I'm hungry, my brothers told me where the kitchen is."


Yana stared at Ginny silently, which made Ginny even more nervous, and the notes in her arms gave off a faint black air.

The surrounding air became a little cold, and even the sleeping little girl turned uneasily.

Yana said indifferently: "Tell me the location of the kitchen."


Ginny stared at Yana's belly, twitching the corners of her mouth, and the diary in her arms suddenly lost its black energy.

"On the basement floor, there is a fruit painting. If you scratch a pear, you can see the door."

Hearing Ginny's words, Yana nodded and said, "Thank you."

After saying that, she slipped out of the dormitory and carefully left the Gryffindor common room.

"Huh." Ginny breathed out, took the note out of her arms, and wrote on it under the moonlight: "Tom, I was scared to death, but what did I just do, why am I on the second floor? "

"And we met Oude, too bad!"

Ginny had no memory of what she had done, except that she had written something in her notebook.

Thinking this, she suddenly felt a little scared and subconsciously let go of the diary and quill.

But soon, the words Ginny wrote in the diary disappeared, and the ink seemed to be absorbed.

And some text appeared on it——

Oh, don't you remember, you said you were hungry, I told you where the kitchen was, and you slipped out and had a meal in the kitchen...

Are you sleepwalking? You can't keep things in your heart, it won't be good for you. You can talk more to your friends around you, or go to your family and tell them everything you have encountered...

Seeing the diary that cared so much about her, Ginny suddenly thought of her parents and brothers, but they never cared about her opinion. Even when Ginny was depressed these days, there was no one to comfort her...except the diary...

And my friend... Ginny looked at her old robe, she couldn't care less than Yana did.

"Sorry, maybe I'm too tired...Thank you, Tom, it's great to have you."

Ginny picked up the quill again and wrote these words on the book...

(End of this chapter)

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