Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 11 Brie is ready

Chapter 11 Brie is ready
The library's librarian is Mrs. Irma Pince, a thin, elderly woman who resembles a malnourished vulture, and who stares intently at Bree's every move as she walks into the library. He moved until he saw Bree gently placing a selected book on the reading table area before slowly looking back.

Then Bree saw Mrs. Pince angrily walk to the reading table on the other side and viciously drive away the first-year Gryffindor who accidentally dropped the book to the ground and screamed...Gryffindor also Will you come to the library?

It seems that Neville was brought by Hermione. Now both Neville and Hermione are being driven away, but Hermione is begging, and Mrs. Pince lets them go for the time being suspiciously and returns to the table where the staff rest. He stood on the stage, but his eyes never left Neville for a moment, for fear that Neville would do something to disturb or damage the book.

Well, Bree found that Mrs. Pince was pretty good, at least she could guarantee a quiet environment for her to study.

"Hi..." Hermione pulled Neville over and whispered, "Can I sit here, Bree."

After saying that, he sat down and gently placed a pile of books on the table opposite Bree.

Well, why bother asking me.

Bree could only smile and nod, and then continued to read the book in her hand - "The Noble Slytherin"

Yes, Brie needs to understand the rules in order to do what he likes within the rules, and as time goes by, Brie's speed of flipping through books is getting slower and slower, until the end of the flipping, he looks back again, and Brie's His brows also wrinkled.

Rubbing his eyebrows, there were only two words in his mind - pure blood.

Thousands of years ago, Salazar Slytherin himself was not prepared to teach Muggle wizards or even half-bloods from the beginning, so he also had conflicts with the other three giants who co-founded Hogwarts. The book says, Bree didn't know the specific situation, but he could understand that the current situation in Slytherin House had a lot to do with the original differences.

Bree thought in a voice he could hear: "Just as a pure-blood identity can make Slytherin people smile and show favor, a pure-blood identity with talent can make Slytherin people treat each other respectfully and be powerful." The pure blood of nobles can make Slytherin bow their heads... But my blood, who knows, has been in the Muggle world, and my understanding of magic is only limited to a month before school... I am not strong."

"But, I think this won't always be the status quo. Maybe a powerful half-blood or Muggle can shut them up."

"Knowledge is also power. I learn quickly, which is my advantage. So just like today's herbal medicine class, show your strength and shut them up."

Although pure-blood little wizards will receive some family education, due to their own magic power, they cannot use magic at will before they get a wand at the age of 11. One of the functions of the wand is to sort out the messy and violent magic power of the little wizards.

Therefore, the gap between Bree and the first-year Slytherin is not big, and she is even ahead of them because of her academic talent and Bree's unknowing magic talent.

Bree raised his eyebrows and smiled, and stood up slowly. He had stayed long enough, and he had obtained his temporary goal, just as they wanted, pretending to be a Slytherin striving for glory.

"No one stands tall forever, not even Merlin."

Put the book back to its original place, and then found a copy of "Joke Black Magic" on the other side that had been borrowed many times.

"Some jokes and tricks won't hurt people, but they are quite embarrassing." This book is also one of the few black magic books, and the more powerful and dangerous ones are in the restricted book area.

Bree looked at the deepest part of the bookshelf, which was separated by a cordon. It was the restricted book area of ​​the library. Only books approved by the professor could be borrowed, and lower grades could only borrow books specified by the professor.

"I wonder if there is anyone keeping vigil at night, and I wonder if Mr. Argus Filch is dedicated to his work..."

Holding the book, Bree, Hermione, who was still buried in the sea of ​​books, and Neville, who was already drowsy, said hello and went to borrow books from Mrs. Pince before leaving.

Neville was sitting on a chair, holding a book in his hand and supporting his head, while Hermione looked up and watched Bree leave, then quietly got up and went to take down the book Bree had just read...

It's almost 12:30, and there will be another class in a while. This morning and afternoon are all herbal medicine classes. Brie can only have a quick lunch before going to the greenhouse...

"It seems that I was fertilizing the fluorescent grass in the afternoon..."

No wonder there are no first-year Slytherins and Ravenclaws to eat now. What does Professor Sprout use as fertilizer? Bree thought it must not be something good.

With a dark face, Brie silently ate some more. Anyway, that was it, but I hope some simple spells can help Brie. Brie saw another deodorizing spell in a second-hand bookstore before, which was cleaned up. Branch, mantra is smell fresh…


As time passed, Brie received another 7 points in herbal medicine class.

And as time went on, Bree also got five points in the Charms class on Thursday, and extra points in the Astronomy class on Thursday night. Those first-grade snakes no longer caused trouble for Bree, but The seniors no longer paid attention to Bree. Perhaps they were still observing. Selling for a price was a characteristic of Slytherin. As for the two fifth-year prefects, they were a little surprised.

Bennett Wilder unexpectedly said to Jennifer Carrow: "I didn't expect that this is the temperament of a little badger and the mind of a little eagle... Cedric is like the third grader of Hufflepuff. one."

Jennifer Carlo snorted with a cold face and did not answer.

And Bennett Wyle shook his head, and didn't provoke her anymore, but comforted her: "Maybe it's just a part of intelligence. To learn every subject well is not just about hard work, it also requires talent. There is a high probability that one of them is a Muggle." Just a wizard."

This was a half-assed investment, and it seemed that Brie had some talent, but unfortunately Jennifer Caro wasn't determined enough.

Thursday went by normally, but at the end of the night, Bree's roommate actually talked to him, which was nice.

"Occam and Gus are half-blood wizards with no family inheritance, and Gus's brother is a pure-blood, a Ravenclaw, and very smart, so they will target you."

Shabini sat in front of the desk, with his back to Bree, as if talking to himself, and said coldly: "Your performance yesterday and today was very good, but it is not easy to become a Slytherin. If you take the next course If you are outstanding, you can be considered as joining Slytherin. Muggle wizards without blood will always have a harder time, and many pure-bloods despise you."

After finishing speaking, Shabini read quietly, as if he had not spoken before.

Bree narrowed her eyes and said, "Including you."

This is a declarative sentence.

Shrugging, Bree also picked up "Joke Black Magic" and read it. This book introduces some small evil spells. There are not many in number, but the explanations are very detailed... Well, he advises the little wizards not to use them and to be kind. The White Wizard explains the dangers of black magic in great detail.

"Tripping Curse, Pimple Curse, Laughing Curse, Big Tooth Curse..."

Bree was fascinated by what he read. He has been studying this book for the past two days, but he has no subjects for the experiment yet, and he doesn't know what kind of power he is using. But just in case, he has memorized all the spells, but...

After reading the book, Bree knew that to perform any black magic requires matching malice.

"No one's heart is red, right? There must be some shortcomings, but there is an old Chinese saying - don't do evil for small things, um... But repaying evil with kindness is not my character."

Putting the book down, Bree picked up the Potions class. Tomorrow morning was Potions class, with Gryffindor. Previously, Bree's Herb class was with Ravenclaw, and Charms class was with Gryffindor. Astronomy classes have the same schedule as Hufflepuff and Hogwarts. Because of the teachers, they are taught together in the two houses.

As for his dean, Bree still has a very clear understanding - a big greasy bat, obviously not bad looking, but he can't take care of himself, he is really not a Slytherin.

Thinking of the way girls in the first grade started to put on makeup, Bree felt amused. It’s not that girls can’t pursue beauty, but every age has its own unique beauty, so why pursue maturity? They are all a group of people child.


Shabini went out, and Brie shrugged, preparing to wash up and lie on the bed to read, which would be more convenient when sleeping.

After washing up, Brie lay on the bed with a book and fell asleep soon...

"Where are you going?"

Draco Malfoy and a boy were playing chess in the common room. When he saw Shabini coming out, he raised his eyes and asked. After all, although there is no chief in the first grade, because the Malfoy family in this year is the most prestigious and powerful, Therefore, the entire first grade, except for Bree, everyone else defaults to Malfoy as the main one, at least on the surface.

"Nothing, Malfoy, I just wanted to come to the common room and read a book."

Malfoy nodded and looked at the chessboard without saying another word.

The rules of wizard chess are similar to those of chess, but each piece is like a villain. They can move and have their own emotions. If the chess player's chess skills are not good, they will be despised by them.

"Theodore, it's your turn."

"Let me think again, Malfoy."

Theodore Nott was Malfoy's childhood playmate, but he was gloomy and looked very thin.

There were two girls sitting on both sides of Malfoy, one was Pansy Parkinson with straight black hair, and the other was the blonde girl who had just climbed up - Daphne Greengrass, like Parkinson, Nott, and Malfoy. , is also one of the 28 sacred pure-blood families.

Not long after, someone seemed to call Shabini, and he walked silently towards the passage of the boys' dormitory.

Daphne took a look, thinking about something in her beautiful blue eyes. It was obvious that this girl was very smart. She looked at Malfoy and said, "Dear Master Malfoy, don't you care about that Blaise?"

"It's none of my business. There is no chief in the first grade."

This means that nothing that happens will affect him.

(End of this chapter)

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