Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 12 The Rules of the Snake Group

Chapter 12 The Rules of the Snake Group

Parkinson on the side glared at Greengrass and said to Malfoy: "Draco, I thought you and Shabini were friends. You even let him enter your workshop on the train before."

Malfoy said with some disdain: "A Shabini, not a big family, it was just because his mother's new man had business with my father, so he was able to live up to his reputation."

"Then this person really has an ulterior motive and wants to visit Malfoy's house." Pansy said, glancing at Daphne, which made Daphne's eyes darken and she quickly looked at Malfoy.

"Pansy, Greengrass and we are all Holy 28 pure-blood families. As long as we are not those red-haired traitors, we should be friends."

Pansy smiled triumphantly.

"Of course, you're always right Draco, Greengrass is 'supposed' to be a friend."


Early the next morning, Bree got up from her daze. Slytherin only had morning classes on Friday, which was Potions. This Bree only remembered the textbook content and did not do any practical subjects, just like the Transfiguration class. Let Brie worry about whether her talent is shining brightly.

"You got up so early."

Of course Bree wasn't talking about himself, he was self-aware, not to mention that even though there was a fireplace in this dark dungeon, it always felt damp, making it really hard to sleep.

Of course, Bree still longed for the breeze coming from the tower instead of the ugly mermaid swimming outside the window. It was really good luck when she opened her eyes. It was said that mermaids rarely came close to Hogwarts.

Shabini has gone out, and Buri has also started to get up and wash up. I just hope that he can be gentler and less aggressive during the dean's class, as if he had killed his girlfriend, looking gloomy and world-weary, alive. Deke looks really tired.

dong dong dong...

"Stop arguing, Miss Mermaid, the window is hammer-proof, and I don't want to have physical contact with you, and I don't want to remember your appearance while having breakfast."

After Brie finished washing, she picked up the potions textbook and put it in her crossbody bag before going out, giving the enthusiastic guy a cold shoulder.

I don’t know if it’s because of Brie’s talent, but his natural and friendly nature is always loved by small animals.

Mermaids are probably small animals, unlike the fairies before, although they are ugly from another angle.

It was a peaceful day, and Bree made it to the hall safely, but strangely enough, wherever the Weasley twins went, if they didn't come to him, he would lose the stinkweed in his bag.

"Good morning, Bree."

"Good morning Cedric, you're looking good today."

From left to right, from the perspective of the teacher's chair, the dining tables in the hall are Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor.

Bree sat inside, so close to Hufflepuff, Cedric could just talk to Bree.

Cedric listened to Bree's words and smiled gently. It was best to see that Bree was doing well in Slytherin, but he still had to remind him of things that should be reminded, such as Potions class.

"It's fine, but pay attention to Potions class, don't do what Professor Snape didn't ask you to do, he...well, he's a bit strict, but I heard he's good to little snakes, at least he won't treat himself Points will be deducted from the house, but you are not very lucky, you are in class with Gryffindor."

Cedric didn't say it clearly, but Bree also knew that Gryffindor and Slytherin were enemies. It was fine the day before yesterday, and the little snakes had just entered school, but starting yesterday, when the little snakes looked away from Bree When he was young, he began to spray venom on Gryffindor people, whether they were seniors or juniors.

The same goes for Gryffindor, who is really noisy.

Especially when the savior is enrolled in school, like now——

A little badger next to Bree said: "Look, the one next to the red-haired boy..."

"The one with the glasses?"

"Yes, that's Harry Potter. Did you see that scar? It's amazing!"


"Hmph, Po Te, you really know how to use your fame. The day before yesterday, yesterday, and today, you won't let anyone stop even after eating."

Following Malfoy's words, the little snakes around him nodded seriously; the senior glanced at Potter with a frown, and then continued to have breakfast elegantly.
Thanks to the Slytherin bed and the library, Potter was nowhere to be found in either place.

Thanks also to Malfoy.

Malfoy could always absorb Potter's influence, allowing Bree to study quietly without bumping into Potter or hearing too many comments about him.

But today I saw it. The whole breakfast time in Hogwarts was muttering, and some Slytherins inevitably dropped their etiquette and said a few words.

But Porter is obviously not used to such fame. He is not a star material, maybe just like Brie herself...

"Maybe he just wants to spend a good seven years in peace and graduate smoothly."

Bree muttered, while Cedric smiled at his distraction.

He said, "Hey, are you watching Potter too?"

"Ah, yes, everyone is watching, right, but I am not as hostile to Gryffindor as other little snakes." Bree took a sip of milk and said, "I just hope to spend the next seven years well." Years of magic lessons.”

Bree pointed to the Potions book.

"Rather than caring about Potter, I'm more worried about whether I have the talent for, or love for, potions."

Cedric shrugged helplessly, because he didn't like it either, even if he could get to the top of his grade.

"If you have any difficulties, I can give you extra lessons."

"That's great, but I have to try it myself first. Well, let's eat first. Some little snakes are staring at me. It's true."

Obviously they don't like themselves, but they are so controlling. Slytherin is really an awkward school. They can be consistent externally, but internally divided. They are really like snakes.


At this time, a large group of owls flew over. It had nothing to do with Bree. He no longer had anyone who could send owls frequently.


Potter received a letter today.

Harry Potter looked at the owl flying towards him with some surprise and expectation. Knowing that he had no one to write to, he asked curiously: "Who could it be?"

Harry Potter's owl is called Hedwig, and instead of bringing a letter, she brings a note.


Harry Potter said to Ron Weasley sitting next to him: "Hi, Ron, it's a letter from Hagrid. He asked me to go to his place at three o'clock in the afternoon."

Harry happily wrote a reply on the back of the note.

"Hagrid, is that the giant?" Ron Weasley was a little confused, but seeing Harry so happy, he didn't say anything and decided to go and have a look with him.


After eating a multi-person breakfast, under the admiring gaze of Hufflepuff and the cold face of Slytherin, Bree followed the first-year snakes and prepared to go to the underground level, where the Potions classroom is, just a short distance away. Leitlin is very close, but strangely remote.

The potions classroom is very large and can accommodate at least dozens of students taking classes together. There are many small potions tables here, which are usually used by two people. The shelves around the walls are filled with bottles and cans, and there are strange things inside. Weird, it should be potion materials or specimens, and there is a storage cabinet for potion materials on one side, and there is a blackboard on the podium. Because it is underground, the whole classroom is gloomy, and it even looks darker than the corridor because it is not popular. Both are colder.

Bree got used to it and quickly found a seat further back, but some Gryffindor students who came over were in trouble. As soon as they entered the door, they were frightened by such an environment and a large group of small snakes, and turned pale. Once the same color as Malfoy.

But as Harry Potter entered the classroom, these people seemed to have found a backbone, surrounding Harry Potter, and slowly found their own positions, clearly distinguishable from Slytherin, one green and one red. piece.

"Humph, Harry Pott." Malfoy said disdainfully, and folded his hands to wait for class. Working with him was Gregory Goyle, and Theodore Nott accompanied Vincent Clara. Boo, and Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass together, both of whom couldn't stand each other.

As for Bree, well, thanks to the fact that Slytherin's first grade is an even number this year, a girl who looked honest and fierce walked quietly to Bree's side.

Brie raised his head slightly and saw this sturdy girl, who was a head taller than him, blushing and didn't dare to look at Brie.

Bu Li was expressionless, at least someone was teaming up with him.

"I'm Millicent Bosted, also a first-year student." The girl's voice was so low that if Bree wasn't next to her, she wouldn't be able to hear it.

"I mean, I'm a pureblood, but I don't hate Ma... No, I mean... not many Slytherins really hate you, because, because a lot of people follow the rules, pureblood rules. "

"You are very powerful. When I was on the trail, the glow spell was excellent. At least I can only make the tip of the wand glow a little at home, and dare to provoke him, even though you don't know what happened between you What, but a lot of people say that the mud spots in Malfoy's hair were on purpose..."

It could be seen that she was a little flustered, but what she said made Bree interested and she couldn't help but tilt her head.

She seemed to be encouraged, plucked up her courage, and whispered: "It's not entirely Malfoy's fault, it's more your problem. No Muggle wizard has ever entered Slytherin. At least I haven't heard of it, and you I have never refuted my origin, so no one dares to get close to you, not even the mixed-bloods, and they even hate being close to you more than the pure-bloods."

"The two second-year students that morning were like this, but few people are so stupid. Maybe they were provoked by someone... Because in the unspoken rules of Slytherin, no matter who joins us, he will have A certain period of protection, the same temperament as a snake, and an unborn snake cannot be harmed.”

When Brie heard this, she was stunned and asked: "How long is the protection period?"

Millicent Bossid glanced at Malfoy and said: "If there is no personal grudge, Slytherin's internal protection period is the end of all classes in the first week, which is the end of next Wednesday; and Slytherin's external words , it’s a month, during this month Rislytherin will protect you from being bullied by other colleges, but they won’t care about how you live in the college…”

Brijo nodded especially, then smiled kindly at her and said, "Thank you, you are a good girl."

Millicent Bosted blushed and reminded with some worry: "If you are really a Muggle wizard, then you need to show your value. No matter what the subject is, at least make others speechless. .”

"Of course I will study every subject seriously, but I am not doing it for Slytherin."

(End of this chapter)

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