Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 13 Bree likes scores

Chapter 13 Bree likes scores
Soon all the little wizards had their own positions. Coincidentally, Harry Potter was pushed to the front by their little lions, and next to them were Malfoy and the others. It was very intense before it came, and it could be seen that Potter didn't have much affection for Malfoy.

But the strange thing is that Malfoy didn't have a fit, he just glared at Potter with his nostrils arrogantly, which Bree thought was Malfoy's kindness.


The door behind the little wizards suddenly opened, and a tall man in black strode in. He walked to the podium in the blink of an eye, which was faster than Bree, who was restricted by his age and had short hands and feet.


"Ah... yes, hum."

Snape intertwined his fingertips and slowly scanned the faces of every little wizard underground, then hummed and picked up a roll call book.

As he called the roll, all the little wizards were trembling with fear, even the Slytherins. Bree looked amused and pretended to be pitiful in answering, causing Snape to glance at him. .


"Harry Potter."

Snape was soon attracted to Harry Potter. His eyes suddenly became sharp and he stared directly at Harry's face. His expression was very complicated. In the eyes of others except him, His expression became even gloomier, and the warmth added by the little wizards in the classroom disappeared.


Snape thought to himself: The same eyes as Lily, but there is no trace of Lily except for the eyes, they all look like that stupid James Potter!

The long pause made Potter very uneasy. He swallowed and tentatively asked: "What's wrong, Professor."

After hearing Potter's words, Snape came back to his senses and said coldly and hollowly, "Oh, yes."

Snape's voice rose from low to high.

"Harry Potter, this is our new arrival - a famous character."

This teasing made Malfoy also laugh, and the other little snakes also watched intently. The little lions had also heard about Snape's prejudice against Gryffindor before. Now it seems that it is not a rumor, Snape Already extending its fangs to their savior - Potter!

But no one dared to speak. The cold air pressure brought by Snape was too strong, and they didn't even dare to look at each other.

Snape put down the roll call list, looked at the young wizard below and said, "You are here to learn the precise operation and strict craftsmanship of this potion preparation."

"Since there's no silly waving of wands here, many of you won't believe this is magic. I don't expect you to truly appreciate the beauty of a simmering cauldron with white smoke and fragrant aromas wafting out. You don't really understand the liquid that flows into people's blood vessels, the wonderful magic that makes people feel dizzy and confused. I can teach you how to increase your reputation, brew glory, and even prevent death - but there must be one thing, that is, you are not me. Only the kind of giant monsters you often encounter will do.”

"Potter!" Snape said suddenly, "What would I get if I added narcissus root powder to wormwood infusion?"

"I don't know, sir."

Snape curled his lips in displeasure.

"Tsk, it seems fame doesn't mean everything."

"Let's try again..."

As Snape asked questions, Potter didn't know anything, and Hermione on the side almost broke her hands. Bree looked hot, he knew, Snape should get extra points!
"Potter, it seems you didn't open a single book during the holiday, huh."

Snape glanced at Malfoy and the others who were laughing so hard, and then glanced at the others. Perhaps Bree's pure black eyes were too intense, which made Snape a little strange.

He thought to himself: "Plenty of magic power overflowing...pure black pupils?"

Snape became interested, glanced at Harry Potter, who had his head lowered and his face red with anger, and then said: "Brie Olde, come and tell our Mr. Potter, but I hope you don’t have the same troll brain as him.”

Well, click me?
Regardless of what Potter was thinking now, Brico immediately replied: "Putting narcissus root powder and mugwort together can make a very powerful sleeping pill, just one dose of water of life and death..."

"Perfect answer, Odd." Snape seemed to sneer at Potter's embarrassment, and then unceremoniously added 5 points to Slytherin, and then he said: "Why do you still Won't you write these down?"

"Oh, one point will be deducted from Gryffindor for Mr. Potter's stupidity."

"Rust, rustle..." The quill kept sliding on the parchment. Even Potter, who had been deducted one point, did not dare to neglect. Maybe he complained, but he had to admit that he did not turn over the book. Therefore, he did not Knowing the answers to these questions is not something he should learn yet.

On the other side, Bree narrowed her eyes, smiled, and recorded in her notebook with peace of mind - Potions class, +5...

Snape's lectures were actually not boring. At least Bree sounded pretty good. Although he still didn't like potions as much as he liked Charms and Herbology classes, and even found them a little disgusting, he had to pretend for the sake of credits. Work carefully and record the key points of every step that Snape wrote on the blackboard.

As Snape stopped writing on the blackboard, Bree began to practice potions for the first time.

Brie remembers the simple potion for treating scabies very clearly. This is what novices like them should be exposed to. This potion is not dangerous and has high error tolerance. However, if the failed potion is applied to the body, it will have the opposite effect.

Bree and Millicent Bosted get along very well, or in other words, Bree only needs to operate. When Bree needs something, she only needs to hand it to Bree. Such simple things can still be completed. She is the best At least he was a Slytherin. The two big guys on the other side who were teaming up with Malfoy and Nott were another matter. They were just bodyguards assigned to him by Malfoy's father.

"You're awesome, Oded."

Millicent Bosted whispered, watching with admiration as Bree operated very easily and smoothly. Soon, the potion in the crucible was almost processed, and now only the final ingredients needed to be added - —Cooked slugs…

"Next, come on. I can't be selfish and study alone, dear Millicent." Bree looked at the greasy slug and the snot bubbles that were still squirming in the container, and her eyes couldn't help but move up. Some, then looked at Millicent Bosted seriously and said: "Believe in yourself and try boldly."

"Okay, I mean, can I call you Bree..." Millicent blushed a little, but her eyes gradually became firm.

"Of course, you are a good girl, different from others."

With Bree's "encouragement", Millicent soon cooked the slugs perfectly, and on the other side, Malfoy also received a point from Snape for cooking the slugs perfectly.

And this time...


"Idiot!" Snape was just about to find an opportunity to deduct Potter's points when he heard a strange scream coming from Gryffindor. It turned out that Neville had added porcupine quills to the cauldron while it was still on the fire. The potion mutated and was spilled. Now he was screaming in pain, and his arms and face were covered with red and swollen scabies.

The thick smoke from the cauldron made the young wizards panic. Snape moved very quickly, and with a wave of his wand, he disposed of the large area of ​​potions and cauldrons underground, and the thick smoke above his head slowly disappeared.

Snape looked at Neville's partner with a cold face and said, "Send him to the school hospital on the second floor."

Then he seemed to think of something and said harshly to Potter who was not far away: "Potter, why don't you remind him not to put in porcupine quills? Gryffindor lost 1 point because of you!"

"This is so unfair!" Potter couldn't help but retorted.

And Snape seemed to be waiting for his words. He added slowly: "If you contradict the professor, you will deduct another 1 point. If you are unrepentant, then you will deduct another 10 points."

Potter's mouth moved, and his partner Ron Weasley hurriedly held him back, and everything was fine. However, Potter's class and some previous ones, I am afraid that Potter has been provoked by those who come to trouble him from time to time. Nap deducted seven or eight points.

But this has nothing to do with Bree, it just adds to her dislike of Snape. Putting aside the concept of right and wrong, Bree feels that Snape is indeed unfair. Bree doesn't like such people and things, even if he has no rights and obligations. Block and change.

"Put it in, Millicent, otherwise our potion will be scrapped."


Bree removed the cauldron from the fire and asked Millicent to pour the cooked slugs into it. Then Bree stirred it a few times and saw the translucent potion.

"Great, now just pour it into the container."

Holding the scabies potion in her hand, she could see its crystal clear color through the light. Bree was very happy, as was Millicent beside her.

"Oh, please show me the potion in your hand, Mr. Ode."

Apparently, Snape saw Bree's obvious actions, and Snape was never stingy with points for the little snakes, because he was the Headmaster of Slytherin, and it was his honor to win the House Cup during the grade evaluation, which was He has been tirelessly giving lessons to a group of little monsters for a year.

"Okay, Professor Snape."

Bree handed the potion to Snape, and Snape looked at it carefully. He had observed Bree when he was troublesome with Potter, so he understood Bree's proportion of credit in the production, and his It's a little clever, but it doesn't matter, what he wants is the result.

"Very well, Mr. Oude, and...Miss Bosted, you have made an excellent potion for curing scabies. This proves that you are not trolls with only splendens in your head, so you deserve five points for Slytherin." ...Potter, where is your potion, oh, it rotted in the cauldron, very good, two points from Gryffindor, because your partner's share is still there."

Snape ignored Potter's glare and walked straight up to the podium.

"Now, hand in each of your potions, and then go back and write a 5-inch essay assignment, and give it to me by next Wednesday."

"Potter, what are you doing? Are you going to insult my eyes with the rotten water in your pot? Now pack your cauldron and get out!"

Potter's face turned pale, and then immediately turned red. This was the worst day for him. Snape then added that Gryffindor had sinister intentions and deducted 1 point, which made him even more afraid to see anyone and hurriedly took it. Holding the cauldron, he pulled Ron Weasley out of the classroom.

 In the past two days, there has been a new crown epidemic in Guiyang. I hope it will get better soon.I stayed up late last night and stabbed my throat. I really can’t think about turning on the computer today...

(End of this chapter)

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