Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 117 Tom wants to be Bree’s friend

Chapter 117 Tom wants to be Bree’s friend
The professors breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that it was not Bree who came out, but then Snape's face darkened.

Azar is a guy from their Slytherin house!

Several professors glanced at Snape without leaving any trace, and remained silent. According to the new school rules, all matters must be handed over to the dean of the college, and the matter will be posted on the bulletin board. If there are other If the professor has objections, he has to discuss revisions with Dumbledore...

"Slytherin...deducted twenty points for walking at night, and another thirty points for entering the forbidden book area!"

Snape snorted coldly and stared at Azar without any warmth.

"Snape, we should ask the child what he is doing here. He hid so well, but why did he show up again?"

Dumbledore's eyes flickered behind his crescent glasses, and he looked suspiciously at the little guy in front of him with his head lowered and his eyebrows lowered.

"Sorry, I just want to find a spell that can defeat Ode..."

Azar scratched his head and said helplessly: "But I'm in trouble."

Azar took out a steaming book from behind and said sheepishly, "Professor Snape's voice scared me, and then it bit me."

The black-smelling book was tightly wrapped around Azar's hand, and bruises could even be seen on his hand. Dumbledore's expression changed, and he immediately reached out to touch the book. A powerful wave of magic power swept the book away. Seize it.

"Fortunately, the contact didn't last long."

Professor McGonagall took the book and saw what was written on it - "The Mischievous Master of Dark Arts".

Her frown tightened. This was a prank book with dark magic properties. Even the Weasley twins had not used it.

"You are only in the first grade, Mr. Azar..."

Professor McGonagall added: "Professor Snape, I hope you can handle this matter seriously. Now take this child to the school hospital. These black magic residues may hurt him."

Dumbledore acquiesced to this decision. He nodded to Snape and said, "You don't need to come over tonight regarding the allocation of Quidditch training time. We will inform you after we have made arrangements."

Then the professors slowly retreated with Azar.

Professor McGonagall said decisively: "I think the matter of getting a special lock for the library that I just mentioned can be put on the agenda, Albus?"

"Of course, we can discuss it later."


Bree removed her natural magic and stared meaningfully at the closed library door.

"This Azar..."

It was strange, completely different from usual, that he actually helped him dispel Dumbledore's suspicion... And he had been to the restricted area of ​​the library?
Otherwise, how could I be so familiar with this place and be able to deal with Dumbledore just by picking up a book?

Bree, who couldn't figure it out, continued to search for soul biographies in the library. There was no way the professors would come here a second time——


"come out…"

Snape returned to the library with Azar, who still had black bruises on his hands, and spoke coldly in the direction of the restricted book area.


"Dean, good evening."

Bree reluctantly walked out of the forbidden book area. He had just found the biography Snape, and sure enough, Snape knew the students of his college best, and he could see things clearly that Dumbledore could not understand.

"I didn't know that the relationship between you two had reached this point." Snape pushed Azar hard to Bree's side and said with an evil look: "You doubled the points and earned back... You should be lucky, the snot in my office The bug was caught by those two trolls, Potter and Weasley."

Snape stepped forward and snatched the book from Bree's hand——

He flipped through a few pages at random, and the strange cold feeling in the book continued to spread, making Snape frown.


Snape took a deep breath, but his tone was very calm, as if he was talking about a trivial matter, but anyone who understood him knew that he was suppressing his emotions.

"…Are you doing something stupid, Oded?"

Azar glanced at the book silently, and with a flash of his eyes, he, or Tom, knew it. He had also read it in the library when he was making Horcruxes.

Tom thought to himself: What is this Ode doing?
"No, I just want to know some different magics. What the school teaches now is too simple for me."

Bree looked directly into Snape's eyes. He was not doing anything bad, but he was very magnanimous.

"I swear on Draco's hair that I didn't do anything dangerous."

The cold library became even quieter. Snape examined Bree. Only the breathing of a few people could be heard in the huge place. Finally, Snape slowly handed the book to Bree.

"If you think it's easy to learn, then you can come to me when you are free. I have what you need, enough for you to learn for a lifetime."

Before Bree could answer, Snape snorted.

"Hmph, you take him to the campus hospital. I have to go and see if my office is intact now!"

Bree looked at Snape's back walking out of the library and sighed. He was indeed preparing to learn potions recently. Making Horcruxes requires a lot of potion skills, especially when he later makes the Alchemy of Life - a family-raised potion. When the elves.

"Snape is such a good person." Bree chuckled at Azar, who had been observing him: "You are also a good person,"

After randomly dealing out two good guy cards, Brie pulled out her wand and touched Azar's hand.

"Healed as before..." A blue beam of light surged out and wrapped around Azar's hand. The black bruises quickly disappeared, and the black energy also dissipated under the suppression of natural magic.

"There's something different about your magic."

Azar looked at Bree's black eyes seriously and said appreciatively: "Maybe we can become friends."

Facing Bree's inquiry, Azar smiled gracefully.

"I understand that there was some unfriendliness between us before, but..."

Azar spoke slowly, the bewitching tone touched Bree's heart, it seemed that agreeing to him at the next moment was the most correct choice.

"Sorry, you talk too much."

Bree stopped what Azar was about to say and waved to him with the book in his hand to say goodbye.

Azar smiled dumbly and could only watch Bree leave the library.

"Interesting kid, maybe more interesting than killing Arnold. What kind of magic is that that makes my soul more solid?"

Soul, this is what Tom desires most. He writes in the diary through others to absorb the soul, which will allow him to truly return to this world.

After leaving the library, Bree quickly returned to the corner building. He placed the book on the table, tapped the table lightly, and turned the pages.

"What took you so long, Bree?"

Ver vomited the lamp oil and was very dissatisfied with Nico who was sleeping soundly in the bedroom.

"Your son eats, plays, sleeps, and eats every day. Why don't you take care of it? It's of no use at all. You should give it away!"

Without raising his head, Bree nodded to Ver, cast an endless fire spell, made it feel comfortable, and blocked its mouth.

"Oh, it feels so good to have enough lamp oil..."


The next night, when Bree went to the library to return books, she found a lock with a powerful anti-lock spell.

Bree clicked on the lock, understanding that it was Dumbledore's magic, but it couldn't stop him.

Bree was about to tear a page from the note when she heard the crisp sound of keys clinking.

Azar looked at Bree with a faint smile and inserted the key into the keyhole.

"Mrs. Pince has the key to this place."

Pushing the door open, Azar motioned for Brie to go in. Brie frowned. This Azar was waiting for him on purpose.

After entering the library, Azar walked to the side of the restricted book area, took out a book and read it. Bree put down the biography he took last night and found that Azar did not come to disturb him. Bree also started Looking for books, he had verified some soul-related issues last night, and next he would start to combine the soul with alchemy.

Soul Alchemy is also a branch of alchemy. Unfortunately, the owner of the Corner Tower has destroyed most of this aspect of alchemy, and the information in the forbidden book area is not very sufficient.

"You're looking at alchemy. Hogwarts still had this course hundreds of years ago. Now... maybe you can only find advanced alchemy by going to Beauxbatons, a school of magic, and Hogwarts is fine."

Bree sensed Azar's approach and put the book on the shelf.

"Indeed, the alchemy books here are too crude."

Bree suddenly thought of a hidden place in Hogwarts that the Weasley twins had told him about at the end of the first grade. There were many alchemy books there, and they had learned the technique of making dung balls from them. Maybe Bu You can ask here.

After making a decision, Bree said to Azar, who was looking at him with a smile: "Your eyes are very strange, Azar?"

Seeing Brie's suspicion, Azar casually said: "Azar has a dual personality. This is not too much. Do you always think Azar is stupid during the day?"

Bree chuckled.

"I'm grateful for what happened yesterday, but don't come close to me anymore, Azar. You should go to the savior so that he can give you what you need. I am not going to get involved in anything this year and I can't create a name for you." Opportunity."

Bree patted Azar's shoulder, and found a few more books, some about Parseltongue, and some books about potions, and then he cast a confusion spell on the bookshelf so Mrs. Pince couldn't find it The book is missing.

Azar looked at the book held by Burri with a sinister look in his eyes.

Snake language?

When Bree looked over, his eyes became sincere again, and he even extended his hand.

"I don't think the savior is better than you...because I helped you, can we be friends, Oded?"

"Harry Potter also reached out to me once. Do you know my answer?"

Brie said dissatisfied: "Sorry, I think friends are not so easy to determine."

After speaking, Bree walked out of the library with a few books.

Azar retracted his hand and clenched it into a fist, took a deep breath and said, "Brie Ord, you can't escape my grasp."

(End of this chapter)

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