Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 118: Fighting because of Brie

Chapter 118: Fighting because of Brie
For several days in a row, Brie has been studying alchemy and soul-related knowledge, as well as the God-calling Guard. This magic Brie has never understood.

And today, it seems a little strange?
"Brie, come with me quickly, there's a fight over there because of you!"

Cedric searched everywhere and finally saw Bree reading a book next to the Black Lake.

Brie rubbed his head. Did he hear it wrong? Someone started a fight over him?
"Draco and Potter?"

Bree stood up slowly and patted his robe. According to Bree's thinking, only Draco would be so boring, and Harry and Ron obviously couldn't help but keep their hands off every time.

"It's not Malfoy, it's Hermione and Millicent Bossard!"

Was it the girl who helped him deal with slugs in the first-year Potions classroom? She was so strong... Now she was fighting with Hermione, or was it because of him?
Brie regained her energy and quickly said: "Two girls fighting over me?"

"Let's go. Professor McGonagall will be here soon. The Guardian Ode Club has not been approved by the school yet!"

Protect the Oude Club?
Why did Bri know all these words, but he couldn't figure them out together.

"Have I been disconnected from Hogwarts for too long?"

Bree looked at Cedric's smiling face, sighed and said, "Let's go, I'll go take a look."

Soon, Bree followed Cedric to an old classroom on the third floor. It was noisy at this time. There were people from the four houses, but there were only a few from Slytherin. At this time, everyone was looking at Harry. Min and Millicent are arguing.

There were a few red marks on Millicent's face, and Hermione's hair had long since fallen apart and exploded.

"Millicent Bosted!"

"Why should I want to set up another vice president? Hannah Abbott has done a great job. You are not qualified to be the core member of the Ode Club!"

Millicent has grown stronger than last year. She shouted fiercely at this time: "Brie is from Slytherin, we should protect Oude!"

"Even this lioness you are not worthy of being the president at all, you should step aside!"

When Hermione heard this, her eyes became even more fierce. She waved her wand and said without any scruples: "I remember that you Slytherins have rules for wizard duels, so how about we have a duel!"

"Whoever wins will be the president!"

And hearing Hermione's gnashing of teeth, Hannah couldn't sit still, they didn't gather here to fight, she stood up against everyone's eyes.

"and many more!"

"Hermione, don't be impulsive. We gathered everyone together today to deal with the issue of rationalizing the Guardian Oude Club. If you want to become an official campus club, you need the approval of a dean and the principal!"

Hannah's words immediately drew everyone's attention, and Millicent immediately said: "Old is from Slytherin, you should go find him..."

Millicent suddenly paused and asked Snape to be the dean of guidance?

Soon, everyone in the classroom ignored Millicent. They all wanted to let their dean serve as guidance, but this matter was obviously a fight between Hannah and Hermione.

Hermione came back to her senses, but Hannah had already loudly said: "I think Professor Sprout is suitable to be our dean!"

"We all know the character of each professor. Only Professor Sprout will help us kindly. Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick are both too rigid, which is not suitable for the lively and kind-hearted Odd!"

Hannah's words immediately made the little badgers below applaud, but this made Hermione feel like a powerful enemy. When she was about to speak, Millicent covered her mouth!
With no one to refute, the position of dean of guidance eventually fell into the hands of Professor Sprout, who was still unaware.

Seeing Hermione's angry and helpless expression, Hannah secretly laughed, secretly glanced at Enid standing in the corner, nodded, and continued: "The dean of guidance is only one of them, our difficulty is Deng Bumbledore, as everyone knows, Bree refuted Dumbledore’s words last year, so we have to find a way to make Dumbledore unable to refuse!”

"We need more discipline and impactful club rules!"

"This will make our dreams come true!"

Hannah's words made everyone applaud enthusiastically!
Hermione's eyes widened, and she suddenly remembered what Hannah told her last night, about making every college have someone to protect Bree.

"So our president, Miss Granger, and I decided to set up two team leaders to manage each college!"

"The election of each group leader is completely fair, and the group leaders will also help every club member get what you want - to protect Oude and share Oude's current situation!"

After saying that, Hannah raised her hands, stood on the chair who didn't know who had raised it, and said loudly: "We want Oded to be the prince of Hogwarts and our leader who upholds fair rules! "

"Clap clap clap!"

Amidst the applause, Hannah gestured to the little Gryffindor boy holding a camera below. The little boy gave Hannah an OK gesture, and saw the Weasley twins holding their wands on both sides of the classroom. , hung a large photo of Brie high up in the library - in the library, the sun was shining from the window onto Brie's head who was reading quietly, the black ear-length shattered hair slightly emitted a purple soft light, and the pure black eyes were focused and deep , extremely charming.

Luna and Yana also walked behind the huge photo, and she and Yana sprinkled the magic powder on the photo that made the photo move.

Soon they saw that in the photo, Bree, who was reading a book, put down the book and looked at everyone in the classroom with a smile on her face, her face full of cuteness.

Seeing this scene, the little witch and some little wizards below couldn't help but cover their hearts and their eyes were starry.


Enid also started to take action here. She waved her hand, and countless rose petals fell down, followed by a whirlwind and fell into the hands of each member, turning into a badge.

The coat of arms is in the shape of a flower petal blowing in the breeze, with a sword and scales representing order.


Bree, stunned with a dark face, and Cedric, with a silly smile, stood at the door.

Seeing such a scene, Bree had a headache, what are these large groups of people doing!
In the classroom, Wood, who had just received the badge, saw Bree at the door. He coughed and put away the badge with some embarrassment. He wanted to remind everyone that he saw Bree shaking his head at him, so he touched his nose and turned his face away. .


Bree clicked her tongue and turned to leave. He felt that this matter was not something he could participate in. Maybe Lockhart needed it, or maybe only Lockhart would like such a ceremony.

"Aren't you going in, Bree?"

Cedric couldn't help laughing, but he still followed Bree's footsteps. He originally wanted to go in and get a badge.

At this time, Bree stopped, cast a disillusionment spell on herself and Cedric, and then watched the sneaky Draco walk into the classroom just now.

Bree looked at Cedric who kept smiling with a dark face, and it took a while for Cedric to recover, and said seriously: "They all like your spirit of pursuing justice, your behavior last year was so cool, even the professor We changed the reward and punishment system of the school rules for you, and the original intention of protecting the Oude Club is also to protect the rules club."

Oude means rules.

"You should relax and don't be so nervous. In fact, most people are not prepared to tell you."

After hearing this, Bree's face looked better, but what Bree didn't know was that some of them might just be here just for him, such as Yana and Luna who came over as soon as they heard that they were guarding Bree. , there are also the Weasley twins who see Bree's jokes, and of course there is Enid who is ready to follow Bree.

Perhaps Hermione's original intention at the beginning was just to let Bree get support from some people and make Bree less "weak", but then she was gradually brainwashed by Hannah and it evolved into a spiritual culture, and Hermione began to stick to the rules. just.

"I hope." Brie looked at Cedric, who was smiling gently, and asked, "You did it on purpose, otherwise why did you drag me here?"

"You saw it." Cedric scratched his head in embarrassment: "Hannah asked me for help. She said you should know anyway, especially this first meeting."

"Of course, just keep pretending you don't know."

Bree was confused now, and he glared at Cedric angrily.

"I just hope the professors won't laugh at me because of this, especially Professor Snape. I will go to him to learn potions for a while."

After calming down, Bree felt that there was nothing wrong with this, or that if he wanted to, he could use this club...

But doing something but not doing something, taking advantage of people who support her wholeheartedly, makes Brie feel uneasy.

"Come to me if you're in trouble, Hogwarts always wants some lovely people."

Bree reluctantly talked to Cedric for a while and then separated from him.

He originally said that today was Saturday and he could ask the Weasley twins about the alchemy books, but that was no longer possible. Those two guys couldn't leave the club without having enough fun.

"Continue to study the God-calling Guard."

Bree walked back to the Black Lake. Being in the quiet nature allowed him to focus more on the research of magic.


There is no love in Brie's mind. When he was 12 years old, the only love he had was Betty, who raised him. But Betty was gone, and his love also disappeared with it.


Guard the Ode Club.


Bree laughed out loud to himself. He raised the corners of his mouth and smiled so easily for the first time since he came into contact with magic.

"Hogwarts is more interesting than I imagined."

"Call God Guard!"

An illusory mist surged from Bree's wand, gradually solidifying, but quickly dissipating.

It works, but the love is not enough, or is it more than just love?
While Bree was thinking, a familiar voice approached Bree, and the owner of the voice sat next to him.

"Call God to protect you?"

"What were you thinking just now?"

Azar's face was flushed by the sunset. He looked at Bree with a faint smile and whispered: "Why don't you ask me for help? Maybe I can help you."

Bree frowned and pointed her wand at him, signaling to stay away.

"I guess the mysteries of magic are beyond a first year's ability to understand."

Azar snorted, stretched out his hand and gently pushed Bree's wand away and said: "Don't be so distant, I know your secret, the strange magic..."

"It's not a secret, Azar, the professors all know it."

Azar was stunned for a moment by Brie's words, but he soon sneered.

"Well, Oded, who doesn't guard the professor, you are a bit beyond my expectations. Maybe you will be fine if you walk out of the library that night. It seems that you have a way to deal with Dumbledore."

(End of this chapter)

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