Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 125 Luna's Mind

Chapter 125 Luna's Mind

October has arrived quietly, and the weather has become cooler.

Bree had been studying alchemy and would go to Snape's office from time to time to learn potion skills. Those slugs were disgusting. Fortunately, Harry and Ron, two boys in confinement, helped.

Draco was very unhappy during this time.

"You have to keep Hazard away. This guy is a double-faced person. He was tired of Pote before!"

In the past few days, Tom, who appeared as Azar, had been pestering Bree and showing his attentiveness day and night. If this guy hadn't wanted to show off his face, he would have followed Bree to the bathroom.

Faced with Draco's complaints, Bree shrugged helplessly.

But Draco wouldn't let it go so easily.

"Don't act so indifferent. Now everyone knows that you have a little tail behind you. Look, this guy is following you again!"

Draco watched coldly as Tom approached Bree with a book.

"Ode, I heard that you are studying Transfiguration, I found it for you."

Bree took the books brought by Tom. They all talked about the mysteries of human transfiguration, some of which were even more detailed than those given by Professor McGonagall.

The details were so detailed that it gave Bree a headache. Why was there such a vicious transformation technique? It was like black magic!
Azar looked at Brie and frowned. He thought that Brie was confused about the knowledge inside.

"Transfiguration is very dangerous, but it is also very powerful. It is difficult to understand its power. I don't know much about it, but as far as I know..."

Tom spoke in detail and tried his best to answer the questions in the book for Bree. Draco followed angrily. He couldn't disturb Bree's study. It was obvious that Bree didn't want to drive Tom away.

But... he thought - should he also learn something that Brie didn't know, and then come and talk to Brie. This Azar used knowledge to seduce Brie, which was really too much!

While Bree was talking to Tom, Draco suddenly paused. He whispered: "Hey, Po Te is in front, he is talking to the ghost."

It’s Nearly Headless Nick from Ghost!

This year's Halloween is the [-]th anniversary of his death, and he invited Harry and his friends to the party...

"Ghosts are also souls... Why can ghosts exist for so long?"

Bree thought carefully. He had wanted to study these ghosts for a long time, but there was no chance. The previous Peeves was a special case.

Tom on the side clearly saw something. His eyes flickered, he quietly approached Bree, and whispered: "If you want, I can help you."

Hearing the sound and the itching in her ears, Bree moved farther away and turned to look at Tom, but before he could speak, Draco hurriedly came over and pushed Tom away angrily.

"Don't come so close, you stupid lion."

Draco grabbed Bree and said immediately: "Help me choose a Halloween dress tonight. My dad sent several sets in the mail. I have already chosen one for you. It will definitely suit you."

As he said that, Draco glanced at Tom with disdain and said mockingly: "What Malfoy has prepared is the best, but it cannot be matched by people from small families. Guys who can only flatter people are the most disliked. "


Draco proudly pulled Bree away, leaving Tom behind with a livid face.

"Hmph...funny, when did the Malfoy children become so disgusting!"

Tom watched Draco take Bree away with cold eyes, but he was also blaming himself.

"I actually forgot that tomorrow night is Halloween, I should prepare a gift for Brie!"

"Yes, catch a ghost for him to study, Little Brie will definitely like it!"

Having made up his mind, Tom silently looked in the direction Harry left. He had just heard that the ghosts would have a party tomorrow night, and it was best to take action at that time.

Bree, who was pulled away by Draco, quickly pulled away her hand and said: "I have something to do tonight, Draco."

Tonight, Bree made an appointment with Luna to go to the tower to see the oyster hook. Recently, Luna found a mistletoe in the tower, and the oyster hook lives in it.

"Oh, well, then I will come to see you tomorrow, and you can wear whatever dress I give you!"

Draco rolled his eyes, smiled and turned to leave.

Bree sighed. He found that Draco was becoming more and more childish, but let's talk about what happened tomorrow night. He was still quite interested in the hook, and he didn't know what it looked like.

Bree, who soon arrived at the tower, saw Luna poking the fruits under the mistletoe with her feet on her feet, and the moonlight at night fell on her body, making her look very agile, like an elf.


Bree waved to Luna, who turned around and gave Bree a smile.

Bree quickly walked under the mistletoe, but Luna immediately jumped out. She blushed and said: "The two standing under the mistletoe are going to kiss."

Bree froze for a moment, then also walked out from under the mistletoe.

"Strange rules, but we can take a look at Owl Hook."

Bree used magic to attach to her eyes, and soon discovered black maggot-like bugs floating on the mistletoe. There was a big hook at the tail, densely packed teeth, and three eyes.

"Oh, that's disgusting."

Bree hurriedly removed the magic power from her eyes and forgot about the appearance of the tadpole in her mind.

"Giggle!" Luna giggled, and it took a long time to recover.

"Actually, they are quite cute. Every time someone kisses under the mistletoe, they send blessings."

Hearing this, Bree forced a smile at Luna's innocent expression, he would rather not have such a blessing.

"Maybe we could talk about something else, like if you could do me a favor."

Bree looked at Luna lovingly.

When Brie was studying soul alchemy, he discovered a strange thing, that is, soul engraving, which leaves magical patterns on the human soul. It can adhere to the soul and form a magical totem. This may be related to Luna's eyes have the same effect.

The necklace around Box's neck is probably made in the same way.

That necklace is an artifact made of countless magic lines.

"Oh, of course, it must be something interesting!"

Luna clapped her hands happily and said, "Let's get started!"

Brie smiled. Luna's trust made Brie happy. She had an inexplicable affection for this unique girl, just like seeing a pure unicorn.

Bree put her hands in front of Luna.

"Give me your hand."

Just like last time, this time Brie will completely copy the magic totem on Luna's eyes and imprint it on his notes. Tomorrow he can make a spellcasting item according to his own magic power. Brie has I have a hunch that this pattern can help the caster perceive the natural magic of the outside world.


Luna put her hand on Brie's hand. Brie stared into Luna's ethereal blue eyes and saw the pattern in her eyes clearly. Following the pattern, he quickly copied it on his notes using natural magic.

"Are you mobilizing those strange spots of light?"

Luna looked at Bree curiously, and her voice became ethereal as she said, "I can't control them. Although I can see them through meditation as you said, they just don't obey."

"And every time I meditate, I am constantly surrounded by harassing flies. This is so distressing."

After saying that, Luna sighed, then shook her head happily and said, "It's better to be by your side, they won't come close to me."

Bree retracted his hand and put away the notes floating aside. His eyes flickered and he saw a group of harassing flies trembling in the distance. It was obvious that they all followed Luna.

"The harassing flies will only follow people who have troubles." Brie looked at Luna worriedly and said softly: "Are there any troubles? It is useless to avoid them blindly. Only when there are no troubles can you get rid of them."

Luna's eyes dimmed, and the smile on her face faded a little.

She whispered: "I'm fine, I'm just worried about why the harassing flies bring trouble to people, and why the Snorlax always likes to make people angry in their dreams, and why the Owl Hook can't leave the mistletoe. Only It becomes beautiful when two people kiss under a tree.”

"I feel like there's something missing in this world. It's always so strange."

Luna leaned on a corner of the tower and looked at the night sky through the window. She seemed very lonely at this time.

"No one has ever seen them. Maybe I thought it was false...until I saw you, Bree, will we be good friends for life? Only you can prove that I am not lying."


Luna suddenly hugged her legs and started crying.

"My mother was taken away by a group of seductive bats. She knew the secret of Death. I told my father, but he wouldn't let me tell me!"

"He told the Ministry of Magic who came to investigate that I had told lies."

"But I clearly saw that there is still a seductive bat guarding my mother's tombstone, because my mother's soul has been split, and they haven't found the last piece yet."

"I saw her in my dream. She was brought here by the Scimitar Snork. She told me that she died voluntarily because she understood that what she was studying was wrong, and the last fragment was to look at me. I kept it when I grew up.”

As she spoke, Luna wiped away her tears and laughed.

"My mother said she would always watch over me and one day she would meet me. I have been looking forward to this day!"

Luna didn't know what she thought of, so she stood up immediately and said even more cheerfully: "I think my mother is hiding in the moon. Every time the harassing flies joke with me, they will be warned by the moonlight to keep them away."

Bree listened to Luna's words silently. The topic of the soul always attracted his attention, but at this time, Luna's situation worried him even more.

Bree tore off a piece of paper from his notebook, used the transfiguration technique to transform into a rabbit hairpin and handed it to Luna, "Maybe the little rabbit can bring you good luck, and also keep the bugger from haunting you."

"The carrot hairpin you gave me last time was very cute, so I took it as a return gift."

Luna stared blankly at the hairpin, burst out laughing, her face full of joy.

"It's so beautiful, I'll keep it with me!"

"Thank you, Bree. I knew you were a good person from the first sight. All the elves like you and they don't want you to be troubled."

Luna smiled slyly and said in an eccentric way: "So don't worry about it, okay? Because the harassing flies don't come near you, I have no way of knowing whether you are worried or not. This works for everyone except you."

(End of this chapter)

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