Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 126 Bree’s Halloween costume

Chapter 126 Bree's Halloween Dress Up
"That's not something you can promise, Luna."

"Anyone has trouble."


After bidding farewell to Luna, Bree returned to the turret, immediately took out her notes and began to study the totems on it.

This totem representing spiritual consciousness is constantly absorbing the natural magic power from the outside world, which is very weird.

"It is recorded in some books that patterns with magical power will absorb the power of the outside world, gradually forming a magic circle, and even giving birth to some consciousness. This is also the predecessor of the ancient magic text, a more mysterious power than the ancient magic text - totem."

"Nico, prepare some plants tomorrow afternoon."

"Ver, please help me prepare these alchemy materials."

Bree handed the two lists to Nico and Val respectively. He still needs to go to Tipping Alley tomorrow. Mr. Borgin's precious materials are probably ready.

Thinking of this, Bree remembered the dead dragon egg downstairs. It had not moved until now. The product of the first attempt at life alchemy was indeed unreliable.

"Keep it for now. If it doesn't work, cook it and eat it."


The next day, after finishing her morning class, Bree used the teleportation magic of her notes to send herself to the courtyard in London.

At this time, inside Hogwarts Castle——

Draco was wearing an ancient wizard's hooded robe, holding an exquisite but extremely vicissitudes engraved sickle in his hand, and a silver ring inlaid with black gemstones on his finger, holding a box around with a dissatisfied expression Looking for Bree.

"I obviously promised to dress you up today, but where did you go!"

Draco, who was dressed as the Grim Reaper, hummed and walked towards the turret of the corridor. It was not like he had never been there before, so he thought Bree must be there!
Draco, who was thinking this way, didn't see Harry following behind him. Harry finally made the decision to join the Guardian Club, but the prerequisite was to discover Bree's big news.

The only thing he could think of was Draco. As long as he followed Draco, he might be able to find something. Draco must be looking for Bree at this time.

What Harry, who left Ron on the road alone, didn't know at this time was that Ron was also looking for him everywhere, and Hermione was also following Ron.

Hermione said unhappily: "What did Harry go to do? Didn't he agree to go to Nick's death anniversary party together? This is the time squeezed out of the Halloween dinner."

"He'll be late if we can't find him. We have to prepare some Halloween costumes!"

But as she said this, Hermione did not move, because she had not seen the ghost dinner party yet, and at this time she was just complaining excitedly.

"I'll go find him."

Ron said and prepared to leave the common room, but Hermione frowned and followed after seeing him.

Just behind them, Tom, who appeared as Azar, also followed.

"Where's Potter?"

Tom, who only saw Ron and Hermione, was confused for a while, but it didn't matter, as long as he could find those ghosts, Potter was not the main character.


The very lively hall was filled with floating candles, lanterns and colorful decorations, and the dining tables were filled with golden plates. At this time, the professors were preparing the decoration here and the food that would be enjoyed later.

The hall was also hung with large pumpkins filled with pumpkin candies, which were carefully arranged by Dumbledore. This cost him the candy advance payment last month, and even exceeded it by a lot, and the bills were piled high. basket.

However, Dumbledore was very happy when he faced no candy for the next month. Being with the children made him happy. If Luna saw him, she would be surprised to find that there was no harassment around Dumbledore. The patronage of the horsefly.

"Oh, Minerva, don't be so serious. Come and make some prank cakes with me. Put Bibi's all-flavored beans in them quietly with a knife. It's full of surprises!"

As he spoke, Dumbledore, who was wearing a weird lady's floral robe, picked up a piece of cake with all-flavored beans and ate it.

"Oh, it smells like slugs. I accidentally ate it in potions class in my first year. It was an unforgettable experience."

Snape, who was still wearing a big black robe, frowned immediately when he heard Dumbledore's words.

If Potter did it for eating slugs in Potions class, he should be deducted fifty points, because it seriously affected the discipline of the class and made every little wizard unable to eat.

It's a pity that Dumbledore is well-informed and has tried everything, so a slug can't affect his appetite.

"Albus, it's not time to eat yet, you should set an example to the little wizards, even if they haven't arrived in the Great Hall yet!"

Professor McGonagall stared at the disobedient Dumbledore seriously and took away the nine spoons of sugar lemonade from his hand.

While they were talking, little wizards entered the hall one after another. McGonagall immediately put the lemonade on the table aside and took Dumbledore away.

"Hermione, Harry isn't here."

Ron sighed, but Hermione ignored him and said casually: "We will go directly to Nick's party to wait for him."

"Okay, that's all."

Hermione and Ron walked towards the underground floor, and Tom, who had followed them around for several times, followed them dissatisfiedly.

Harry, who was following Draco, watched in shock as Draco walked through a passage.

Harry hurried up and tried to tap the stone bricks with his wand.

The portrait of a big tree slowly opened, and Harry's eyes flashed. He felt that he had discovered a big secret...

"Ah, it's you, how did you get in!"

"Nico wants to tell you, you horse-faced boy is here to be a thief!"

grown ups?

Harry paused at the door. What did he hear?
Draco looked at the flower elf in front of him and said angrily: "You three-inch dwarf, what qualifications do you have to slander me? An ugly guy like you should be thrown out by Bree, and you will be called Lord Bree..." ...You should be buried in the soil to avoid playing in the mud here!" "I am an adult's child, so of course I am qualified to guard against you, a bad guy!" Nico said angrily.

Next to the portrait of the big tree——

"Old is now a father, has a child, and is hiding it in Hogwarts to raise!"

Harry swallowed, shocked.

"What are you doing, Draco?"

Bree had just returned from Knocking Down Alley through teleportation magic when she heard the quarrel outside.

Draco looked at Nico, who was blushing and holding two magic balls in his hands, and was a little scared, but after hearing Bree's voice, he immediately said arrogantly: "Your kid is disobedient. Look, you dare to do anything to him?" Brie’s best friend takes action!”

When Niko saw Bree coming, he immediately put away his magic power and flew into Bree's arms aggrievedly.

"My lord, he bullied me."

Harry, who was at the door of the big tree portrait, stepped back silently. The news was big enough now, but because it was too big, he was a little worried about whether he could tell it.

Bree looked at the closed portrait door.

Was there someone just now?

"Brie, come and change your clothes, don't hug this little kid playing in the mud."

Draco grabbed Nico and threw him out, then pulled Bree into the turret and put the box down.

"Change it quickly, I specially prepared this!"

Bree opened the box and took out a set of robes with black feather wings. The elegant patterns on them were exactly the same as Draco's. There was also a stick with exquisite carvings?
"What is this?" Bree pointed at the stick and the weird clothes.

Draco did not answer directly, but turned around, pointed at himself and said: "Look at me!"

Today Draco is dressing up as the God of Death, and the God of Death's brother is the God of Sleep. The God of Death holds a sickle and wears a black robe, and hooks away souls under the edge of the knife; while the God of Sleep has wings on his back and holds a magic wand. When the magic wand is struck, it will bring life to life. Sleeping.

Both Death and Sleep come from Greek mythology.

Brie rubbed his head helplessly. Last year he dressed up as a unicorn, which represented light and purity, and this year he will dress up as the god of sleep, which represents darkness.

"Don't hesitate, my lovely black crow, this suits you just right!"

Draco immediately took off the wizard robe that Bree was wearing and put on a special wing robe for him. The wings on it became lifelike. Although they could not fly, they could swing according to the wearer's thoughts, and the stick was very It's mediocre and has no effect.

Draco looked carefully at Bree, who was as handsome as the moon.

The black hair is scattered freely beside the ears, the black eyes are as mysterious as the night, the corners of the light red eyes reveal a trace of tiredness, the thick lips are slightly smiling, and the robe on the body modifies the already tall body. The wings on his back swayed slightly, making him very eye-catching.

The breeze blew against his face, and Draco couldn't help but blush and nodded with satisfaction.

“It really matches!”

It was only then that Bree realized that Draco didn't brush his hair back today, but let it fall down like him, which made him look a lot more cute. Of course, he had to ignore that arrogant face pulling.

"Let's go, the dinner will start in a minute!"


At this time, in the empty corridor on the second floor, Arnold finally found the best opportunity. Dumbledore would stay in the hall tonight until late at night, and the portraits in the principal's office also got a day of freedom and could rest. rest.

Arnold walked to the girls' bathroom and said to the sink: "Hiss!" Open it!


The sink slowly opened, and the entrance to the secret room appeared again.

"Hiss!" The basilisk came out to kill the students outside and create chaos!
In this way, I will have the opportunity to go to the principal's office and steal the sorting hat!
Soon, there was a sound of rubbing against the stone wall. Arnold looked at the entrance of the secret room with burning eyes. The long period of torture made him a little crazy.

The Oblivion Curse and the Imperius Curse that Lockhart hit him with before caused some problems, just like now!
"Hiss!" Go back and don't hurt the wizard!
Arnold's head suddenly felt extremely painful, and his face was so pale that there was no blood. He kept shouting hoarsely: "Idiot, it is our honor to be loyal to the Dark Lord!"

"No, I can't listen to you, who the hell are you!"

Arnold's will is divided into two parts, one has no memory but fears the other part's will, and the other part is Arnold himself controlled by the Imperius Curse.

Perhaps the word split personality is more suitable for Arnold at this time than Azar!

And from the passage in the secret room came——

"Hiss, hiss..." Kill the person who summoned me again...

 Ah, Qidian cannot display comments these days, and you can’t see the author’s reply.

  If you have any questions, please leave a message and I will take a look.

  As for Tom's ending... I can only say that he will not be beaten to death by Bree.

(End of this chapter)

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