Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 127 Tom PK Voldemort (Challenge Stage)

Chapter 127 Tom PK Voldemort (Challenge Stage)

Arnold, who was struggling on the ground, heard the hoarse voice of the basilisk. He felt bad and couldn't think about why the basilisk lost control. He wanted to escape from here immediately, but the split feeling in his mind was like a little white flower. But his consciousness kept tugging on his nerves, making it difficult for him to move.

"Don't hurt anyone, Arnold!"

"Ah, since you want your body back so much, then take it back!"

The moment the Basilisk got up, Arnold activated most of Voldemort's soul power in his body and roared:
"Hiss!" Go outside and cause chaos!
After saying that, he gave up control of his body and let the basilisk watch.

Arnold, who stared at the basilisk's yellow vertical eyes, suddenly fell down. The soul belonging to the little white flower was sealed in the body and could not move, and gradually died.

The basilisk crawled over Arnold's body, struggling to get into the pipe in the wall.

"Hiss, hiss..." Create chaos...kill...


"Wow, my God, that's Ode!"

When Odd walked into the Hogwarts Great Hall with a pair of black wings, the little wizards in the entire venue were stunned.

"Oh, excellent Ode, as memorable as last year's unicorn robe."

Some little girls held their faces in excitement, while Colin from Gryffindor held a camera and kept looking for the best angle to take pictures.

Draco raised his head and proudly accepted all the attention. When he saw Dumbledore staring at the dazzling ring on his hand, he thought even more proudly: Letting Bree make the ring for me is the wisest decision!
As Bree sat down, Cedric said to him from the dining table behind him: "It's a very beautiful outfit. A lot of effort must have been spent on those wings. Is this a transfiguration technique?"

"This is an alchemical item, Mr. Digory." Draco was the first to speak. He glanced disdainfully at the spot that originally belonged to Azar, but it was now empty.

"Some guys will never be seen again. Look, they probably hid themselves without their uniforms."

Goyle and Brak, who were eating gourmet candies on the side, also laughed out loud. Every time they came over, Draco didn't refuse.

Hearing the corresponding laughter, Draco became more confident, but just then!

A large group of ghosts rushed out from the underground, shouting loudly, causing chaos in the auditorium.

"Ah, Death is here and he wants to take back our souls!"

Nico, who was almost headless, shouted in horror: "Help, the widow who came all the way has been captured!"

On the other side, a head flew and shouted: "Ah, my body, my body fell into the underground hall!"

Soon another headless body appeared from the ground, looking for his head everywhere.

"Hahaha, that's so interesting. Are these ghosts coming to do some activities too?"

Draco looked at those scurrying ghosts with a mocking look on his face, the horror of death was exaggerated by them!
But soon, when these ghosts were still running around and screaming, Professor McGonagall stood up and stopped them in a loud and serious voice. Unfortunately, it had no effect until the ghost of an elegant and dignified lady flew out and approached Professor McGonagall.

"Sorry, I think they were really scared. There is something capturing souls in the underground hall..."

"Oh, Ms. Grey, let's go take a look."

After observing for a while, Dumbledore stood up and said to McGonagall: "Minerva, let the children go back to their dormitories quickly."

"Wait a minute, Dumbledore, Hufflepuff and Slytherin's little wizards' dormitories are all underground. Have you forgotten?" After hearing Dumbledore's words, Professor Sprout immediately said: "It should be The little wizards gathered in the hall, let’s leave some professors to watch!”

Snape also stood up, and said in a long voice: "Let Professor Sprout watch, our three deans will go with you to take a look, I hope it's not a prank done by someone."

After saying that, Snape glanced at the Gryffindor seats. At this time, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were not there. When he turned back to look at Slytherin, he found that some young wizards were not in their seats.

But Bree was still sitting and eating, which made Snape, who looked indifferent on the face, relieved in his heart.

It's fine that it has nothing to do with Bree. When Bree looked at the soul-related books, Snape was worried, fearing that something would happen, but now it seems that it didn't happen, and if it was the savior who caused the trouble, someone would deal with it. of.

Dumbledore also noticed Snape's gaze, but those were not the only young wizards who were absent tonight. There were some naughty guys in every house, and this was not a mandatory party.

Dumbledore said: "Well, let's go and take a look. We can't let these ghosts continue to affect tonight's Halloween banquet."

"However, some young wizards who have already wandered outside need the rest of the professors and prefects to find them. Of course, several people must be together and not separated."

After speaking, Dumbledore waved his wand at the rambunctious ghosts.

"Call God Guard!"


A transparent phoenix spread its wings and flew up. Under the powerful magic power, the power of the patron saint enveloped the entire hall, calming down the restless ghosts. The little wizards watched this scene in amazement, and all remembered the time when Bree Patronus summoned from the Black Lake.

The professors looked at each other and immediately left the dinner.

Dumbledore said to the patron saint: "Go to the office and call Fox, let him stay here to protect the little wizard."

The patron saint flew to the top of the building, and Professor Sprout gathered several prefects and asked them to arrange for the prefects of their own colleges to lead people to find the little wizards of their own colleges. Of course, each team needs a The Professor followed, except Lockhart.

At this moment, Lockhart is still thinking that the attention that should belong to him has been taken away because of Bree's high profile, and he is angrily planning to make some big moves to attract attention.

The arrival of the ghosts and Dumbledore's conversation with the remaining professors gave him an idea.

"Oh, it's even more shocking to have Lockhart go out on his own to solve the danger. I'll make a great professor, and little wizards will adore me!"

"As for the God of Death who takes away souls, don't be joking. This is Hogwarts. Maybe it's just the little wizard's nonsense. Haha, that's it!"

With that, Lockhart sneaked away.

At this time, Harry was still struggling to go to the underground level.

"Hermione and Ron must have gone ahead of time. I followed Malfoy and forgot about it. I hope Nick and the others won't be angry."

Harry carefully walked out of the Gryffindor common room. When he was about to leave, he suddenly noticed a sneaky man holding an old hat!

That's Arnold!
Arnold stole the Sorting Hat, you have to stop him!

Harry's head got hot and he rushed forward and shouted loudly: "What are you doing!"

Arnold was in a state of embarrassment at this time. Being stared at by the Basilisk's eyes consumed a lot of his soul power, but because of this, the other half of the little white flower's soul in his body was also sealed, allowing him to control his own body without being affected. body, went to the principal's office and stole the sorting hat.

And next he was going to put the hat in the place arranged by his master-the forbidden book area, but now the savior discovered it!
Damn it, Arnold cursed in his heart: Can’t the savior be more at ease and stay in the hall for the Halloween dinner!

Arnold cast a Shattering Curse on Harry, who didn't react, and ran downstairs in a hurry regardless of whether he hit it or not. At this moment, the basilisk must have made a big commotion below, otherwise the principal's phoenix would not be there He's in the principal's office, but he still has important things to do and doesn't want to waste time here.


Down the corridor on the third floor, Tom was standing in front of two stiff cats, holding a transparent ball in his hand. The ball exuded the breath of soul, and contained the soul of a plump lady.

"That Ms. Gray was indeed vigilant. I just caught a soul and was discovered by her."

Tom sneered, looking at the soul ball and thinking expectantly about what it would be like when he handed it to Bree.

"Brie must like it. I should catch a few more, or a special Peeves."

After making a decision, Tom thought of the basilisk. Looking at the two cats at his feet, Tom could tell at a glance that this was because he saw the permanent petrification caused by the reflection of the basilisk's eyes in the water on the ground.

He orders the basilisk to kill Arnold, but something is clearly wrong.

Tom thought: The basilisk's IQ is at best better than the troll's.

At this time, the basilisk was constantly swimming in the pipes looking for prey. Unfortunately, most of the little wizards stayed on the first floor, and a few of them didn't know where they were hiding for a tryst. It couldn't attack even if the professor was there.

Tom suddenly heard the sound of the basilisk and immediately followed it to look for it. Now the basilisk is not easy to appear in public view.

"Tap Tap!"

There was a sound of footsteps upstairs, and Tom hurriedly hid behind the door when he heard Arnold say angrily: "Why is the basilisk here?"

Then he hissed, "Hiss!"

Basilisk, go and stop Harry Potter upstairs!

Tom heard Arnold's words and the crawling sound in the wall beside him, and immediately ordered to the wall——

"Kill Arnold!"

The basilisk stopped suddenly. Compared to the weak soul in Arnold's Imperius Curse, it obviously listened to Tom's words more.

Discovering that the basilisk did not climb upstairs, but rushed towards him, Arnold's face froze and he ran back directly. There was no second soul to save his life.

Realizing that Arnold was about to escape, Tom made a decision in just a split second. He cast a spell to use the reflective armor on the opposite side to stop him, and the basilisk's eyes were also facing the armor.

The vertical pupils of the basilisk reflected on the armor made Arnold stunned and petrified.

"Hisss!" Stop, go back to the secret room!

Tom understood that Harry Potter was looking for Arnold upstairs. He remembered the plan he had arranged before, using the basilisk to disrupt the audio and visual, find a way to absorb the soul and resurrect it, and then leave Hogwarts!

But it's different now, his little Bree is still at Hogwarts, he wants to use Azar's identity to live in Hogwarts, and watch his dear little Bree grow up in Hogwarts.

This is what he should do most now, and no one can stop him!

And Arnold?

"If you hadn't brought the Sorting Hat, I would have died."

 Ah, the title is wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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