Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 16 The First Escape

Chapter 16 The first escape
"The memory of another person appears in my head"

Bree hoped that Val could give some advice, but unfortunately, Val is a piece of trash, as he said - I'm just a bronze lamp for lighting, at most I can cast cleaning spells, clean the house or something.

Looking at Brie's useless look, Ver became angry, but it was no use. He could only mutter: "At least I am obedient."

Isn't this my rhetoric? Bree's eyes became more indifferent.

"Well, I really don't know, but I understand your concerns. This kind of thing has always happened, but the price is undoubtedly terrible. I remember that the guy thought about using the body to perpetuate something. It's a pity that he forgot that his soul was sold to the God of Death just to study alchemy, haha, I'm afraid he will have to be a servant of the God of Death in hell for the rest of his life."

When talking about the servants, Verle excitedly spit out the letter, sparks bursting out of his mouth.

Bree shook her head and began to try the meditation methods recorded in her diary to feel the magic of nature.

Watching Bree close his eyes, Val also kept watch responsibly. As the night fell outside the window, he burned his magic power to illuminate Bree.

As time passed, Brie seemed to have entered a new world. It was obviously dark, but the light spots that appeared from time to time excited Brie. Brie's soul seemed to have broken through the limitations of the physical body, watching herself sitting on the chair slowly. Slowly in a trance, surrounded by energetic magic, constantly beating, lovingly close to Brie's soul, Brie understands that this is the magic that exists in nature!
Bree expected that if she tried to communicate with them, they would be willing to do things for themselves, but this would only require Bree to be willing to use the natural magic in her body.At this time, Brie's expression suddenly changed, because in his body, there was a light group that was constantly emitting power and affecting his physical body!


Bree's eyes were wide open, his eyes were red, and the natural magic power spread violently all over his body, which was very terrifying, but when he woke up, his pupils gradually returned to pure black, and the natural magic power also disappeared. It seemed that everything just now was an illusion. His face was covered with sweat, and his back was wet and cold.

"What's wrong with you, Little Brie?" Ver was a little nervous, but he didn't want anything to happen to the person who was replenishing lamp oil for him.

"It's okay." Brie was stunned, covering her head, and was immersed in thinking. When she thought of the ball of light, which was An Qing's memory, she took a deep breath and said, "I think I have to temporarily Put this research down and won’t touch it again until I figure it out.”

Bree flinched. The unknown can be fascinating, but it can also be scary, especially when it comes to one's own soul and body.

"Oh, it's best if you can figure it out. Don't do those things. Your magic power is very powerful. Even without the power you call natural magic power, you will be an amazing wizard in the future. Maybe you can study As long as the alchemy here is not as crazy as that person." Ver worriedly climbed onto Bree's wrist, seeming to be comforting, or perhaps wanting to warm Bree's body with his warm bronze body.

"Thank you, Val, but I think I have to leave first. I'll be back tomorrow."

Bree smiled awkwardly, seeing his stomach growling dissatisfied, and he hadn't eaten for almost a day, all because of this fascinating natural magic.

"Okay, I've expected it. After all, there is nothing here." Verne said nonchalantly: "I'll take you out. Go back to the castle quickly. Don't get caught by the wind in the tower."

"No, even a cold won't stop me from coming here tomorrow. I'm very curious about the books here." Brie has never been sick because of her natural magic, and she hopes it will be the same this time.

He was sent out of the door by a small bronze snake, but it couldn't leave the tower due to restrictions, and it couldn't even climb the big tree outside.

Bree came out from behind the portrait, which quickly closed itself, and the corridor was dark, lit only by a distant torch. Bree walked softly down the aisle.

"Time appears." Bree waved her wand, and a fog clock soon appeared in the air. This was a small spell that Bree saw on the books in the Ravenclaw library today. It was hidden deeply, but it was difficult to find. Bri's keenness did not faze him, and through some not-too-complex piecing together, he found its principle and quickly put it to use.

"8 o'clock, Hogwarts' curfew is at 9 o'clock, it's not too late."

Bree thought about the kitchen that Cedric had told him before, and prepared to follow the route. He hoped that the stairs in Hogwarts would not be too difficult for him, because the stairs at night were different from those during the day. It seemed to be to target those who A guy who likes to go out at night.

"Oh, look who this is, a lonely little poisonous snake, hahaha, Lord Peeves wants to play a trick on him."

Bree only felt the coldness of the still wet clothes on his back, which made him feel uncomfortable, and then he heard Peeves' malicious laughter.

"Sorry Peeves, I'm very hungry now, can you go play tricks on others?"

Bree was a little helpless, but still secretly took the wand on his wrist in his hand.

Bree knew about Peeves and said it was a ghost, but it could touch real objects and was immune to most spells. Even some professors couldn't do anything about it, so they said he was special.

But it's afraid of Bloody Barrow, and it just so happens that... Bloody Barrow is Slytherin's guardian ghost.

"Hi Peeves, I'm a Slytherin student and I think Bloody Balor would like you."

"Oh, stop talking nonsense, Bloody Barro can't protect himself... Oh no, you didn't hear anything, hum!"

After saying that, Peeves panicked and disappeared into the wall.

Hmm, Bree didn't think much and hurriedly walked to the kitchen, but the idea of ​​studying ghosts that she had before being sorted resurfaced again, and was upgraded to studying Peeves.

The journey was uneventful. Apart from meeting some late Gryffindors and Ravenclaw who had just returned from the library, there were no surprises. The glares from Gryffindors were nothing, but Hermione was still with Noon. It was the same, or worse, after class, making Bree feel a little like herself.

"Did Hermione take my script?" Bree didn't know why. Could it be that Gryffindor also followed Slytherin's example of isolation and hierarchy?
It seemed that Hermione was deliberately avoiding everyone, or was still immersed in knowledge and studying in anger; she just glanced at Bree and left, but she had a worried look when she left. What Bree didn't know was that there was something wrong with her. As he came down the stairs, Hermione looked back.


"Tickle the pear."

Under the trend of hunger, there are more than 100 places in Hogwarts, and the constantly changing staircases cannot stop Bree's sense of direction. She soon found the kitchen portrait hidden on the basement floor. As Bree scratched the pear, Movement, a door handle quietly appeared.


Bree opened the door and saw a large group of house elves working. They were wearing old aprons and seemed to be preparing ingredients for tomorrow's breakfast.

When they saw Bree, they were very nervous. One of them looked at the elderly house elf rubbing his hands and stepped forward and said, "Dear little wizard, do you have any orders?"

Bree was a little uncomfortable being watched by dozens of big eyes, but when he thought of them cooking for himself, he still smiled kindly: "I missed dinner, can you give me some food, it is best to eat here .”

Bree didn't know what to expect if she brought food to the Slytherin common room, but she was sure to be unhappy.

"Oh, of course!"

"It's our pleasure!"

The house elves were very excited and wanted to bring food to Bree immediately.

Following the guidance of the house elf, Bree sat down at the dining table next to the kitchen. Soon a lot of food was served. Bree narrowed her eyes happily and started eating without ceremony.

As Bree ate, the house elf's expression changed again and again, as if he was about to faint from happiness.

They murmured: "The food we made was liked by the little wizard. He is a student of Hogwarts. I must remember this day forever. I made that apple pie!"

"No, I cooked the steak. The little wizard prefers this..."


After a burst of elegant eating and drinking, Brie rubbed her belly and said, "Thank you for the hospitality. I'll give you more work."

"Oh, this is what we should do."

"The little wizard is so gentle and gives us more work..."

Bree blinked, and then thought of the description of house elves, which are creatures that serve wizards to death. The job the wizard gives them is their life. If they don't work, they will be killed if they are rejected by the wizard.

Well, Bree can understand, but he doesn't like this strange attitude very much, but since he is not from my race, he has no position to say such high-sounding words.

After leaving the kitchen, Bree still had the cookies from the house elf in her crossbody bag. Bree walked briskly to the Slytherin common room, ready to end this busy day.

"Oh, look who's back, a little Slytherin crow from Ravenclaw Tower."

After hearing Malfoy's voice for a long time, Bree got used to it. Bree didn't have time to talk to him for the time being. After eating, the clothes on his body were really uncomfortable and sticky.

"Tsk, what kind of mud did you roll? Really, you have to pay attention to your identity. No matter how you act, you are still a Slytherin, not a loser."

Malfoy smelled at least a dozen smells on Bree, including the smell of sweat and various foods, which was difficult for his sensitivity.

"Sorry, Malfoy, I'm leaving now."

Bree looked at Malfoy, who was holding his nose, but had no intention of leaving immediately.

But why are there so few people in the common room? Aren't they usually forming cliques for personal gain at this time? Well, having a tea party?
"Put away your impolite look, Oded. You must know that tomorrow is the weekend, and Slytherin is going to hold a private banquet for the newly admitted little wizards. All day tomorrow, there will be only those who are well prepared and those who are unprepared." Only guys would waste time at this time, of course, you are the one wasting time, while I was looking at the dress list my dad prepared for me."

Malfoy raised his head arrogantly and said contemptuously: "If you beg me, how about I give you a set? I just gave a set to Pansy."

"Well...what if I don't go."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Oh, I was stupid, you Muggle."

Malfoy walked away unceremoniously and sat back on the sofa in the lounge indifferently, continuing to look at the photos of the clothes he would wear tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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