Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 17 Ver’s money

Chapter 17 Ver’s money
Bree's illness came very suddenly, perhaps caused by the previous natural magic disorder; as Bree stood up, a heavy feeling was attached to his body, making him a little breathless.

It's still very early, and even the young ladies and young gentlemen who have to get up early because of the upcoming small banquet haven't gotten up yet.

Brie glanced at her roommate Shabini, who was awakened by the sound of him getting up, and said apologetically: "I felt a little uncomfortable, so I got up a little earlier. You can continue to rest."

After speaking, Brie felt that her throat was very uncomfortable, her voice was hoarse, and her whole temperament was weak and broken.The tip of the nose, the corners of the eyes and the cheeks were all red and distressing.

Bree yawned hard, feeling a little strange.

"It turns out that this is what it feels like to be sick. It's not very good."

Get up and wash, and Zabini glanced at Bree, checked the time, and continued to rest, not sure if he was really asleep.

After washing, Slytherin was still deserted. Bree wore thicker clothes, so she packed up the various homework papers left after class, packed her bag and walked out.

"It's still curfew time, but I hope I don't run into anyone else because I'm sick."

"What are you doing, Mr. Old, maybe now is not the time to leave the common room, maybe you want to cook slugs for your dean..."

Good things don't work, bad things don't work, thank you Brie.

"Sorry." Bree tried to make her voice hoarse and said, "I think I'm sick and feel very uncomfortable, so I'm going to the school doctor's office on the second floor. I hope Madam Pomfrey can help me."

Get ill?

Snape looked at Bree's face carefully, and then said coldly: "Stop your crying."

After saying that, he turned around and left, walking as if he was being carried by the wind, and his large black cloak almost scratched Bree's face.

Bree rubbed her eyes and walked towards the second floor. Fortunately, she didn't meet anyone, nor did she meet Filch's Mrs. Norris (a cat).

"Oh, what's the matter with you?"

After knocking on the door of the school infirmary, a serious-looking lady soon came out. She glanced at Bree with scrutinizing eyes, her tone was a little cold, but when she saw Bree's red face, her eyes flashed again. Pity, a little more gentle.

"Well, I thought someone was trying to play a prank on me. Although it was a joke, I'm glad you thought of seeking medical treatment as soon as possible."

"Come in with me. You only need a bottle of potion to cure your cold, and you will feel better. You don't want to miss the weekend."

Bree followed Mrs. Pomfrey into the school doctor's office. The smell here was quite fresh, and there was not much smell of disinfectant. Although she didn't know whether wizards used this stuff, it also made Bree's fevered head feel better.

"Drink it, but there should be some minor side effects, because the heat will come out of your ears, so do I need to order you breakfast? The little snake probably doesn't want to be laughed at, and the faculty and staff have the right to help you."

It can be seen that Mrs. Pomfrey is a Slytherin, with standard etiquette, but she is different from the current Slytherins. She is less greedy and more caring. She is a unique Slytherin, and she Li likes it very much.

"Ouch..." It's so bitter, who made this potion, it's too low-level.

"Oh, it seems that Snape's potion skills have improved again. This is the first time that the simplest cold potion has been optimized to this point. It works so quickly, and the air spurting out of the ears has sped up a lot."

Madam Pomfrey looked at Bree's disgusted face with a smile in her eyes, but the abnormal redness had faded, and she felt relieved.

She tapped the table next to her with her wand, and soon a house elf in an apron appeared in a blink of an eye.

"Dear Madame Pomfrey, do you have any instructions for me?"

"Oh, and you, my lord wizard, I made some apple pie last night!"

Madam Pomfrey glanced at Bree and said, "Just tell Dian what you want to eat. I have to go to Snape to get some potions later. Of course, please leave here after eating and don't touch anything." .”

With that, Madame Pomfrey left.

"My name is Bree Old. Dian, can you give me some light food? You should be able to see my ears steaming. I can't eat food that is too fishy."

"Oh, of course, Diandian can take care of the sick Lord Bree Old!"

Diandian disappeared as soon as he finished speaking. This is a special magic for house elves, and wizards also have it. It is called Apparition. It is a very advanced magic. You need to go to the Department of Magical Transport of the Ministry of Magic to study for the Apparition exam, because It is profound, so it is also full of dangers. If you are not careful, it is likely to cause disintegration, serious injury, or even death.

However, wizards' Apparition cannot be used in Hogwarts, but house elves can.

"Master Bree Ord, I invite you to enjoy breakfast, all of which are specially prepared!"

Diandian suddenly appeared, and the table was filled with food. Bri's eyes lit up, and his favorability towards Diandian increased.

"Thank you for your attention. You are such a good elf, but can you prepare some snacks for me to pack? I will go to a quiet place to study later, and I may not have time to have lunch."

After listening to Bree's words, Diandian had tears in his eyes. He pinched his old apron excitedly and nervously and said, "Oh, Mr. Bree Old praised Diandian. This is something that other elves don't have. I will definitely prepare it." The best dim sum, it’s a bit of a pleasure!”

With a swipe, Dot and Dot disappeared again.

Bree reluctantly threw himself into the business of replenishing energy, and soon sat down to rest comfortably, with the disc on the table displaying his "great achievements."

As Diandian reappeared, Bri also got a large bag of snacks. After saying goodbye to Diandian, Bri left the school hospital and walked towards the big tree picture on the eighth floor.

There were already many early-rising students along the way, mostly Ravenclaws. Some who knew Bree greeted him in a friendly way, and bid farewell to Bree who had steam in her ears with a smile in her eyes, so Bree Also greet them one by one.

They thought Bree was going to the Ravenclaw lounge to read. She was so studious even though she was sick. This must be their little eagle, the damn Slytherin!

After Bree carefully came to the big tree map, she touched the stone bricks with her wand and went to the east tower. This was what she had agreed with Ver yesterday. Bree couldn't break her promise. As for Slytherin's Small party.

"Please, who would go to a 'private banquet' that looks gorgeous with a pair of steaming ears? Besides, I don't have a dress."

Bree was already sitting at the solid wood table on the second floor in the corner building of the east tower. The chair was surprisingly comfortable.

On the desktop, Bree was earnestly writing his dissertation on Potions class. He has almost finished the homework of some previous courses. Bree doesn't want to be limited to books, and is trying to use her own understanding to discuss the relationship between scabies potion and slugs.

"Oh, you are so boring. You didn't even talk to me when you came here."

Vern shrugged his head and stared at Bri with his bright yellow vertical pupils sadly, like a resentful woman.

"If you are bored, you can read a book. I am a student now, and studying is the only way for me to become stronger."

"Okay, but you can't expect a snake to read, it doesn't do me any good..." Ver lay next to Bree's hand, becoming interested when he saw his wand.

Bree looked at it, then reluctantly took off her wand and handed it to it.

"Don't bite it, and don't spit lamp oil on the wand."

But unexpectedly, Ver didn't look at the wand, but climbed onto Bree's wrist and coiled it into a bracelet.

"If you are really bored, you can try to arrange the spitted lamp oil in order and then explode it into various shapes. Maybe this can be your bragging rights."

Bree shook her head and continued writing the paper, but Ver's eyes lit up.

"You are such a genius, I didn't even think of it!"

With that said, Faner happily crawled aside to practice.

Bree smiled, and soon after, he began to slowly put away the manuscript, and stood up to read the books left by "that person" in Ver's mouth. Most of them were related to alchemy, but there seemed to be exceptions.

"Those are the notes that person took when he was learning magic. Hogwarts was just established at that time. He was the first Ravenclaw student, so he has a hobby of taking notes. You can take a look at it. It might be useful to you. It helps."

As he spoke, Vern hissed the message, having a great time.

Bree picked up the notebook and looked at it carefully.

"There are magic fluctuations on it, it's not an ordinary note." Bree said, carefully turning a page, only to find that it was a normal note. It was in the first grade at first, but the magic content was much more complicated than the current one. The learning is very pure.

Bree sat casually on the open space among the piles of books, flipping through his notes, the sun shone from behind him, making him look warm and comfortable.

Ver stopped texting, stared at Bree for a while, and then quietly got under the solid wood table. There seemed to be a small compartment here. It probably wasn't made by that person, but Ver's secret base.

Because from it, Verne slowly took out gold Galleons and some Silver Sickles.

When Bree looked over inadvertently, he saw Ver's bronze body lying in a small pile of metal coins mixed with Galleons and Sickles. It looked like there were hundreds of them.

"Where did you get the money?" Brie asked doubtfully. Didn't it mean that the man sold his soul to the God of Death because he was poor?

"Steal...ahem, my reward, after lighting lamps for that guy for so many years, I have to give something in return. I took these from his pocket 'fairly'!"

"Okay, but what are you doing with it now? Do you want me to buy you something...a beautiful bronze lamp for women?"

 I said I haven't had the energy to write in the past two days. It turns out that it's because I took melatonin to adjust my sleep, which caused me to feel drowsy during the day.

  And it's useless, the schedule has not been adjusted.

  These days, I lie down at 12 o'clock, fall asleep at 3 o'clock, wake up at 12 o'clock, get up at 1 o'clock, then eat, code, 4 o'clock because of melatonin, I have to take a nap, wake up at 7 o'clock, stay in bed, At 8 o'clock, I eat and then write. At 12 o'clock, I think about adjusting my work and rest, and then the cycle starts. . .

  I'd better stop taking melatonin, it won't help but will be a drag (_)
(End of this chapter)

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