Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 247 The Master of the Goblet of Fire

Chapter 247 The Master of the Goblet of Fire
"Old..." Harry looked at Bree. When he saw Bree, he seemed to have found a foothold in the darkness. At least, Bree did not doubt him.

Of course, Bree also thought it was Dumbledore who did it, but when he glanced at Dumbledore, Dumbledore shook his head slightly at him, which made him put the answer on Moody.


Hearing Bree's voice, Draco glared at Harry before returning to Bree.

"I'm sure Potter won't cheat." That was all Bree said before throwing the trouble at Dumbledore.

After a short period of thinking, Dumbledore also understood that this might be Voldemort's intervention, but he did not expect that Voldemort had laid a clue.

Who is it?
Suspicious people flashed before Dumbledore's eyes, and finally settled on Karkaroff.

He knew very well that Karkaroff was a Death Eater, and he also understood that he was a faggot.

Karkaroff was even more shameless than Malfoy when he used the excuse of being controlled by the Imperius Curse to escape charges.

"The contract signed by the Goblet of Fire cannot be changed."

"No, Dumbledore, this is... this is unacceptable, so that Hogwarts will have two warriors!" Karkaroff retorted excitedly, and Mrs. Maxim also looked at him dissatisfied. Harry, her wishes speak for themselves.

"That's it." Dumbledore looked at Karkaroff. Karkaroff only felt a sense of danger, which turned into cold sweat and slid down his back.

Karkaroff swallowed, and said with a little guilt: "This, this is the contract that Hogwarts made as a witness. We all know its existence, and perhaps it cannot be changed."

Yes, Karkaroff compromised under Dumbledore's intimidation.

He was surprised, why didn't Dumbledore show his kindness and charity?

"Wait!" Crouch said, and he and Mr. Bagman came over.

"A game between four warriors?"

"I think this is against the rules. Of course, it may be an accident caused by someone who wanted to be the fourth warrior but failed." Mr. Crouch glanced at Bree coldly, which made Bree's discomfort even deeper. .

Bree looked at Crouch and said coldly: "Maybe it's the conspiracy brought about by the shady guy for Harry Potter. Of course, I don't agree with this approach.

Because it's easy to kill Potter, you just need to get past our principal, who has the obligation to provide safety to the little wizard. "

Although the Imperius Curse on Crouch was well hidden, it still reached Bree, who was studying the solutions to the three unforgivable curses.

It seems that the cold water from the last time hasn't woken him up yet!
Crouch's expression did not change, and his cough soon covered this up.

"Dumbledore, I think I have to go back first." Crouch's face turned pale, and he looked like a confused and seriously ill old man.

"Go get some rest, Crouch."

After Crouch left, Dumbledore announced a ridiculous result - four warriors.

Dumbledore held four pieces of paper and asked the four warriors to stand around, injecting magic into the Goblet of Fire as a reward for its appearance, and prepared to complete the final conclusion of the contract.

But this time!

The Goblet of Fire suddenly spurted out flames, and Dumbledore waved his wand, creating a defensive barrier in front of everyone. Seeing this, the Goblet of Fire extinguished the flames, but rolled down with a roar.


Bree looked at the Goblet of Fire under his feet, and picked it up suspiciously.

"Poof..." A spurt of sparks bloomed like fireworks.

"I think it just likes my magic power." Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Bree didn't want to continue entanglement here. He didn't need a Goblet of Fire, so he just made up a reason.

Then to verify what he said, he stretched out his finger.

"The fire never ends."

This is the magic that replenishes Vere's lamp oil, and the Goblet of Fire seems to like it very much.

As if he was drunk, the satisfied Goblet of Fire was returned to Dumbledore by Bree, and he left the auditorium in front of everyone. Draco muttered in the auditorium: "Look, there is no need for a competition at all."

"Then please prepare the warriors." Dumbledore seemed to have not heard Draco's words and announced that the game would proceed as normal.

"Our first game will be at the end of this month, please use your abilities..."

"I declare, the game begins!"

Following Dumbledore's declaration, the little wizards looked at each other, not knowing whether to cheer or not.

"Pah...pah...pah...", a slow and unique rhythm came from the teacher's chair, and Snape was seen with a dull face and slowly clapping his hands. Those who didn't know it thought it was the arrival of the mummy.

"Clap clap clap..."

With Snape taking the lead, the little wizards finally dared to take some actions. Of course, the enthusiasm faded a lot, and perhaps the warrior in their hearts had been born.

"Who can compare to Oded." Snape snorted coldly and strode away from here.

And with his words, it seemed that the little wizards were awakened.

"Yes, who can compare to Oude? From the first grade to now, no one can compare." The young wizards in the same class as Bree expressed their affirmation. Some senior wizards looked helpless, but they did not dare to refute. As for the lower grades, especially the new little wizards who enrolled this year, it is different. Their eyes sparkle with admiration for Bree.

For a time, there was a lot of rumors about what Bree had experienced in each grade, and even a lot of changes were made.

The protagonist of our discussion is currently outside the platform below the west tower, sorting information in notes on a guardrail.

After so many years at Hogwarts, he had already expected the enthusiasm of young wizards.

"Oude, I'm sorry to bother you."

An unexpected person walked over, as if he came specifically to see Bree.

"Fleur Delacour, you can call me Fleur." Seeing that Bree was still writing and rewriting, Fleur smiled helplessly, then leaned on the guardrail and looked at Bree.

It took a long time for Bree to sort out the things in his notes. These were some questions and answers he had collected.

The theme is wizards and muggles.

Bree had asked Hermione and Draco yesterday what they thought of Muggles and wizards.

The answer is quite different.

Hermione has an equal attitude towards wizards and Muggles, and said that wizards should not discriminate against Muggles, and Muggles should not be afraid of wizards.

But Draco said that Muggles are stupid and do not have the same talents as wizards. Wizards are the darlings of the world. If it were not for the need, he would never want to come into contact with Muggles in his life.

Hermione's words represent the voice of many Muggle wizards. Of course, there are deviations in it. Hermione is too paranoid.

Draco, on the other hand, was influenced by pure-bloods, discriminated against Muggles, hated Muggles, and believed that contact with Muggles was a low-level behavior...Of course, this is because pure-bloods are inherently afraid of Muggles, so they voluntarily isolated themselves from Muggles Performance.

"What's the matter?" Brie raised her eyes and said in a calm and decent tone: "I'm sorry, it's ungentlemanly to make a lady wait, but I'm recording my thoughts and I can only choose one of them."

Furong smiled lightly, a little annoyed, but more of an inquiring one.

"Maybe I should have come later." That way there wouldn't be a cold draft.

"But I think it would be a good reward to quietly watch the famous Bree Old." Fleur looked at Bree's unmoving eyes with a hint of ambiguity, and forced a smile.

"I don't think Odd likes to be disturbed."

After finishing speaking, Fu Rong quickly left here. This was the first time she was in such a state of embarrassment. She clearly had the Veela blood. Her beauty and allure was something that Beauxbatons looked down upon, but she stumbled here. .

Fleur walked away without leaving. She secretly looked at Bree, the inquiry in her eyes became more intense. She seemed to see Bree reading something about Muggles and wizards. It was like a press release, and it was all dialogue.

"Natural magic...hum."

After Fleur left completely, Bree raised her eyes and looked into the distance, staring at the fading power in the darkness.

"Hiss, hiss..." The huge python crawled out of the magic circle on Brie's notebook.

Nagini, who came to Hogwarts from Odd Manor, seemed a little excited. She seemed to remember this place, but she clung to Bree's shoulder and was unwilling to go down.

"It's the Blood Curse."

Touching Nagini's head, Brie made Nagini smaller and let her wrap around her arm.

Fleur was a blood curser, she had been exposed just now, and the Veela aura still lingered in the air.

"Vela can arouse human desire." Brie felt Nagini's heart pounding, but soon Brie used natural magic to disperse the remaining Veela aura, making Nagini's heartbeat steady.

"Natural magic overwhelms the power of Veela," Bree wrote on one page of his notes.

"Go and play, Nagini, but don't cause trouble. Come back when you're hungry."

"Hiss..." Nagini didn't slip off Bree's wrist, and she could see that she didn't want to leave the magic power that Bree radiated.


The next day, Fleur came to the Slytherin table with a book. The look of admiration on her face made Draco's teeth sore.

Fleur's target was not Draco. She didn't care about Draco's expression at all and walked straight to Bree's side and sat down.

"Hiss..." There was a gasp in the auditorium hall.

This hibiscus is too bold.

Ron was jealous and said, "It's something, it's just..."

It's not that there are too many, Bree's advantages are constantly flashing across Ron's mind, making it difficult for him to speak, and he can only hold back his envy.

Harry sat quite far away from Ron and looked at Bree, then quickly looked away, not even noticing the juice flowing out of his mouth.

"Pfft." Qiu Zhang, who was sitting at the Ravenclaw table opposite, saw her and burst into laughter, making Harry blush.

"Oh, you're not a baby anymore, Harry." Hermione next to her picked up a tissue and wiped the juice from the corner of Harry's mouth, and said helplessly: "Stop worrying about those doubts, you should complete your mission well."

"Mission?" Harry looked at Hermione in confusion, but immediately thought of his status as a warrior.

"Thank you Hermione for trusting me."

Because Harry became one of the four warriors, Ron thought Harry was hiding his methods and had a conflict with Harry.

Hermione was also confused about Harry's name, but Bree believed that Harry didn't cheat, so Hermione lazily didn't bother with it and chose to continue to trust Harry.

"We are friends. Even if I doubt you, I will investigate thoroughly before making a conclusion." Hermione glanced at Ron who was staring at Fleur without leaving any trace, rolled her eyes and said, "Unlike some people."


Harry sighed helplessly, but he put this aside when the owl received a letter. The letter said that Sirius and Lupine were looking for his brother. Now there were some clues. Harry was happy for Sirius. Then he told Sirius about his troubles...

"I don't think Bree is familiar with you, Miss Delacour." Draco stared at Fleur, the disdain in his eyes getting deeper and deeper.

Fleur smiled and glanced sideways at Draco.

"Hiss..." Nagini stuck her head out from Brie's wrist, holding strong hostility towards Fleur.

Fleur's expression changed, and she felt a familiar aura.

And so was Astoria not far away, her eyes fixed on Nagini on Bree's wrist.

Finally, Fleur took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down before smiling, taking out a book, placing it on the table and pushing it towards Bree.

"I heard you like books."

Bree didn't move, even though the book was "Mysteries of Ravenclaw".

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Furong was pursuing Brie boldly, but Brie knew clearly that there was no trace of love in Fleur's admiring face and those silvery blue eyes.

"Give it to you." Fleur blushed and said to Bree with a smile: "This is given to me by one of my elders. I think you will need it. I have been preparing it since I heard about the Triwizard Tournament. "

Bree pushed the book back. Such a strong purpose made Bree very uncomfortable.


"Ahem..." Draco coughed suddenly when he heard Bree's words.

"Huh?" Fleur looked at Bree blankly and said subconsciously: "It's just..." A gift.

Fleur didn't say the last words. She had a hunch that as long as she said it was a gift, Bree would accept it without thinking and would not make any commitment to her.

So she couldn't say anything.

As for Bree, he himself felt that this was not a gift, but more like a necessity.

Furong raised her eyebrows, the admiration on her face persisted, she picked up the book and said, "I will come again."

After saying that, he walked back to his team without the slightest irritation of failure.

Nor was he embarrassed by his confession in public.

"Wow, a passionate and bold French girl." Fred ran up to Bree at some point and winked at him.

And George pulled away from him, and then said to Bree: "We found something interesting."

With that said, Fred, who was helpless on the side, took out a "candy".

"It's fireworks."

George tapped his wand, and the candy flew into the sky, bursting with a bang, and scattered silver threads, which was very gorgeous and attracted the attention of many wizards.

"This is our newly developed alchemy product. We want to incorporate some natural magic into it to create more gorgeous fireworks."

Fred and George looked at Bree expectantly, holding out their hands and blinking.

Bree threw out a bag of galleons and dismissed the two.

"Thank you to our distinguished young master."

"Your servant, George Fred will spread your light across the vast land."

Fred put the money away, and George said: "We will give you the formula, otherwise we will be embarrassed next time."

After saying that, Fred and George ran away eagerly to buy materials.

(End of this chapter)

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