Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 248 The Mage’s Things

Chapter 248 The Mage’s Things

"what do you want to do!"

Astoria's voice sounded in the corridors of Hogwarts, and at the same time, Fleur, who was walking alone in front, stopped.

With a hint of surprise, Fleur was a little surprised by Astoria who stopped her. When she saw the "Basics of Natural Magic" in her hand, Fleur said kindly.

"Is it Ode's fan girl?"

"I think it's a fair thing to pursue Ode, little girl."

Fleur glanced at Astoria's body and showed herself generously.

"Heh." Astoria took off the necklace on her chest...

Furongdao's expression changed, and her eyes became sharp as she looked at the snake-eye necklace in Astoria's hand.

She reached for her wand.

"The blood cursers are not the same kind."

"You should think carefully." Astoria warned Fleur: "We will only bring misfortune."

Fleur retracted her hand sarcastically, looked at Astoria and said, "Are you accepting your fate?"

Astoria's eyes darkened.

"Didn't you just see the snake in Oude's hand? That is our future."

"The future?" Fu Rong said without hesitation: "No, I don't believe in fate, I can't tolerate my blood..."

Fleur stopped, looking at Astoria who looked resigned, her expression became dazed.

"What am I telling you? You are just a timid girl."

Fleur turned around.

"Let me tell you, I pursue Ode because I want to be with him, it's as simple as that, don't you feel comfortable by his side, maybe we won't become monsters..."

"As for my bloodline and his, it is very likely that we will not have a tragedy like mine...being regarded as a heritage by the family."

After walking a few steps, Furong said again: "You don't want to study natural magic to find a way to save it, do you? Do you think you can learn it in just a few years?"

"Ha." Furong said coldly in an almost desperate tone, "I'm seventeen and I want to escape."

Without continuing to say anything, Fu Rong quickly left here, leaving only Astoria holding the book tightly.


"Come this way, kids."

Rita Skeeter broke into Hogwarts with her own photographer and a group of people behind her for interviews and wand testing.

"Potter, you stink!" For some reason, a badge suddenly became popular in Hogwarts. The front is the badge of the Guarding Oud Club, and the back is a piece of English temporarily added by magic. The explanation is "Potter". Very smelly shit.

"How could you do this!" In the corridor outside, Hermione angrily threatened the guy who kept introducing the badges: "Is this how you treat a pre-selected warrior of Hogwarts? This will make others look down on us Hogwarts." Watts!”

"Hermione..." Harry hurriedly grabbed the angry Hermione, and then he saw Cedric running over and said, "Professor Dumbledore asked us to go to the hall for an interview and check the wand by the way."

"Oh, okay." Harry smiled helplessly. He wanted to get out of here right now.

"Hermione, I want to leave. You can go to the library by yourself."

After saying that, Harry trotted away, leaving Hermione still dissatisfied.

"Oh, our stinky shit has escaped." Draco walked over and slapped his nose.

"Malfoy." Hermione glared at Draco, and when she saw Draco was alone, she immediately raised her fist.

"Armor for protection!" Draco waved his wand and used the Iron Armor spell to block Hermione's fist.

Hermione didn't use much effort, and when she saw that beating Draco was ineffective, she snorted, turned her head and left.

"Tsk, bad lioness." Draco looked around, but didn't see Bree. It stands to reason that Bree would go to the library from here to read today...

When everyone was busy, Bree was stopped by a man carrying a box.

"Excuse me, Mr. Ollivander, what can I do?"

Bree was a little surprised, because Mr. Ollivander looked very...excited.

It stands to reason that although the spell-casting items sold by Brie will not affect the wand business, they will challenge the authority of the wand. Who knows whether there will be wizards who do not use wands and only use spell-casting items to perform magic.

"Yes, thank you for remembering me, I remember... ivy wood, mithril-wrapped wand, no core, but shining brightly in your hand, yes, yes... and excellent natural magic .”

Ollivander's hands were trembling a little, and he said in a pleading tone: "I have purchased your spell-casting items, but I think it is too troublesome. It is separate from the wand..."

"We can work together, I am the best wand maker."

Looking at Ollivander who looked expectant, Bree said without hesitation: "I think it's not troublesome, it's just an accessory that wizards can wear."

"No, I mean..." Ollivander hesitated, but seemed to remember something, and immediately took out one by one looking ancient things from the box where he had cast the Untrace Stretch Curse.

"This is a staff. Legend has it that it is a mage's 'magic wand'. This is a magic ball, which is different from the current crystal ball. This is a magic book, and the magic on it can be invoked... Of course, the most important thing is this."

Ollivander reverently hands Bree a battered book.

"These are their production notes. They are my family heirloom. Unfortunately, they are too old. I cannot use the wizard's techniques to make them. Even if I can, it will be difficult for wizards to use them. Maybe you can use them."

Bree took the note and said without hesitation: "You can go to Oude Manor to learn how to make spellcasting items, but how to add the wand is up to you."

Making spellcasting items is not difficult. What is difficult is adding natural magic as the source. The source of the flower elves making spellcasting items is the natural magic left by Brie. It is stored in a bottle, and Brie needs to be replenished after it is used up.

Even if Ollivander learns it, he is just a part-time worker for Bree to spread his magic and increase his faith, which is very good.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, I can't imagine you are so generous." Ollivander was stunned by the huge surprise and murmured. He didn't react until someone asked him to check the warrior's wand.

At this time, Bree had returned to the turret with Ollivander's things. Looking at the book Ollivander gave him, the magic items on it were very powerful, but it was not unreasonable for the wizard to abandon them.

One is that it is not universal, and the other is that the magic system of wizards has become different.

The previous wizards... or mages, they need to store magic power. Most of their magic power is not in the blood, but they are constantly accumulating breakthroughs, and foreign objects are more auxiliary.

Today's wizards are mainly based on the power of blood, and there is almost no magic practice.

This caused a huge change in the magic system.

Mages rely on magic pools, wizards rely on magic strength.

And Brie's natural magic feels like both a mage and a wizard.

Because natural magic needs to be accumulated in the body, and the magic accumulated in the body can be used as either magic strength or a magic pool.

When used as a magic pool, you can consume magic power to cast spells. Its magic power is stronger than that of a wizard. It needs to be restored after the natural magic power is exhausted.

When it comes to magic power, you only need to consume a small part of the natural magic power to affect the surrounding environment with the upper limit of magic power, and use the power of nature to cast large-scale magic.

"Staff... magic ball... magic book, these are all tools that can be accepted by natural magic, but they don't have much use for me anymore."

The staff makes it easier to channel natural magic, and Bree can mobilize natural magic instantly.

The magic ball can store magic power, but Bree has too much magic power to use up, and can easily control the magic power in nature.

Magic book...this is interesting.

"By allowing the magic to stay in the book, it may give me a foundation for the world in the book, but this will only happen after Tom finds me the alchemy materials... It's a pity that those things are too weird."

They are all about space, and have been hidden by the wizard in a corner of the street. Tom has not had much news about them until now.

(End of this chapter)

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