Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 255 Christmas Ball

Chapter 255 Christmas Ball
After the messy breakfast, it was time for the little wizards to be suspicious of Draco, but Draco got smart and stayed next to Bree, ignoring the suspicion and saying nothing.

After Cedric found Qiu as his dance partner, Professor Sprout asked Professor Snape for a bottle of restoration potion on the spot, which transformed the two of them back.

As for the rest of them, the professors ignored them, on the grounds that they wanted them to remember a little longer and not get too comfortable in their comfortable life.

"Harry, come on, invite me to be your dance partner!" Ron saw Cedric being transformed back and immediately grabbed Harry.

"Did your brain get digested when you were hungry at night, Weasley?" Hermione rolled her eyes at Ron.

"Are you going to have two boys dance?"

Harry said sorry to Ron, and immediately after, he felt the gaze of countless girls...probably boys.

Harley became a hot potato.

But Snape seemed to do it on purpose, or something, he said coldly and in a drawl: "The restoration potion is not a regular potion."


Snape's meaning was self-evident, and Harry felt that everyone who looked at him just now turned their eyes away.

"Snape must be targeting Harry." Ron hugged Harry and then started eating breakfast.

Anyway, almost everyone in the school has changed, so she has nothing to be embarrassed about.


At this moment, a group of owls flew in through the skylight...

"It's a dress!"

Packages were dropped one after another.

After receiving the package, Furong immediately came over.

"I ordered a set for you too."

Fleur handed the package to Bree, completely ignoring the dress Tom had sent for Bree.

"Sorry Fleur I think I'll just wear the dress Tom brought, he knows my size better."

Fleur nodded.

"Of course, it's better to make the dress custom-made." Fleur smiled, but left the clothes to Bree.

"I wish you peace, Mr. Malfoy." Fleur took the dress and walked to Beauxbatons' carriage. She couldn't change her dress and prepare her makeup here.

"Oh..." Draco let out a long sigh, knowing that he couldn't change back.

"Oh, wait, Bree!" Seeing Bree get up, Draco immediately ran after him, and there were too many people staring at him behind him.


Christmas is here as promised, and a huge stage has been set up in the auditorium hall, surrounded by drinks and snacks. The top of the head is decorated with ice crystal clear decorations, and snowflakes are flying. Although it will melt, there is no cold touch, and it will not Become water.

For this ball, Professor Flitwick had hired the goblin music troupe early on, and they were adjusting their instruments at this time, waiting for the warrior leading the dance to enter the arena at any time.

The professors were all gorgeous in attendance, and of course no one could compare to the pink witch robe that Professor McGonagall had rush-customized for Dumbledore.

"Boom!" After Professor Flitwick waved his wand, melodious music flowed through the hall like flowing water.

The warriors and their partners danced to music and attended under the gaze of everyone.

Brie is wearing a black dress with dark patterns that has a strong wizard element. The fluttering one-shoulder cloak is silvery. A double-circle silver thin belt is tied around the waist, which tightens the waist and shows off the superior long legs. .

Brie attracted enough attention as soon as she appeared on the stage. In the past, Brie would not dress up in such an exquisite way.

Bree glanced down lazily and kindly, smiling softly.


"Oude, how could that woman invite Oude!"

Some witches who turned into men gritted their teeth and hated it.

Some wizards who turned into women also gritted their teeth and hated it.

"Scheming girl, slimy!" Draco was wearing a black wizard robe. He was not as unrestrained as those lions, and now he was groping his friend who had also turned into a lady.

At the dance, perhaps many people were enjoying this unique change...

"I may not be used to this kind of dance." Brie smiled stiffly, and the dance with Fleur was not in the slightest, but he had a headache.

The switching of men and women around the dance was really too scary to watch. Perhaps because they knew their children had turned into another gender, the excited parents prepared new evening dresses for their children.

When had the Weasley twins been so quiet?

Oh, it turns out that the dance partner who turned into a man was holding down the shoulders to prevent them from dancing.

"I think they enjoyed it quite a lot." Fleur raised her eyebrows and smiled like a flower. It was obvious that she was very happy.

"Actually, if I don't want to dance with you, I would also like to experience the feeling of becoming a man for once. It would be great."

"Ha..." Brie chuckled lightly, but her eyes were a little tired.

Bree said silently: "If you need it, I can ask Professor McGonagall for the potion."

Fleur said helplessly and submissively: "Of course, one dance is enough. If you do more, I'm afraid I will be torn apart by the eyes."

This is a step for both sides.

When the music ended, Bree took Fleur to Professor McGonagall and explained her purpose.

"Of course, if you need it." Professor McGonagall drank a little wine, her face a little red.

Then she picked up a candy, put a drop of potion on it, and handed it to Fleur.

After Fleur ate the candy, Professor McGonagall also liked Fleur's dress, and soon a Mr. Fleur in a men's tuxedo appeared in the hall.

"Thank you." Fleur waved to Bree and walked to the dance floor.

"Minerva, do you want to dance?" Dumbledore came over, and Professor McGonagall did not dislike Dumbledore's women's clothes and floral skirts, and soon stepped onto the dance floor with Dumbledore.

Brie was helpless and prepared to go to the window sill to enjoy the wind.

At this time, the Weasley twins stood next to Bree with their proud figures.

"Oh, Mr. Old, come and dance with us." Fred said, pretending to be charming.

George on the side also secretly put his arm on Bree's forearm and said affectionately: "Mr. Ode must not want us to be sad, right?"

With veins twitching in the corners of her eyes, Bree shook off these two guys.

"You'd better restrain yourself."

George and Fred laughed, blew a kiss to Bree, and jumped up to invite the witches who had turned into men.

"Brie." Draco sneaked over and whispered, "Can you research a recovery potion? I really can't stand it anymore."

"This is Snape's job, Draco." Bree patted Draco on the shoulder, he couldn't stop laughing, maybe he could bring back troublemakers like Weasley in advance.

"Go and enjoy the cool breeze. Look how red your face is, Draco."

Walking to the wide floor-to-ceiling balcony next to the hall, there was a layer of snow drifting in on the ground; Bri closed the floor-to-ceiling windows to isolate the bustle inside and let the cold wind blow the dress.

It is covered with heavy snow, and even at night, you can see dazzling white waves under the bright moon and stars, spreading like an aurora on the ground.

The lake has begun to freeze, and the volatile potions are gradually disappearing.

"Excuse me." A light voice came from behind Bri. Bri looked back slightly and saw a pair of bright eyes and refreshing short hair.

"Still looking for the prince who harassed the flies, Luna?"

A few days ago, Bree went to look for Luna to understand her attitude towards Muggles and wizards. At that time, Luna was looking for some prince who was harassing the flies, which was very interesting.

"No, I have found it. It is dancing with its princess on the dance floor."

"I just don't like dancing." Luna walked over. She was still in a daze as a young girl, like a white rabbit that would jump away at any time.

Draco on the side gathered his wizard cloak uncomfortably. He didn't like seeing people the most recently.

"Okay." Brie smiled gently, and soon, several more people ran out from behind.

It was Cho and Cedric, followed closely by Hermione and the twins.

And Yana, this girl has been spending time with Luna lately.

As soon as Yana walked in, she walked to Bree's side and said nothing.

"Brie." Hermione pursed her lips and looked like she was about to cry, while the twins were comforting her.

"Potter and Weasley bullied you?"

Bree patted Hermione on the shoulder and comforted: "Don't care what they think, you should care more about yourself."

"No, they are simply bastards. Should I stay and be their substitute? There is no way I can find a dance partner one second before the dance starts."

Apparently, Hermione and Potter got into trouble with Weasley over dancing with Krum.

"You can't always take care of them like an old mom, and that makes people take everything you do for granted."

"Bring some cool air and you'll feel better."

"That seems to be Potter and Weasley." Cedric, who had been afraid to speak, pointed to the side of the balcony, which happened to be a small flower bed, and Potter and Weasley were leaning against the wall cautiously, as if Eavesdropping on something.

"I saw it before..." Qiu blushed, and she looked like a gentle young master in men's clothing.

"Several couples sneaked out of the hall and seemed to be heading in this direction."

The twins looked disgusted because they were Harry and Ron's dance partners.

"Stop talking about them, we should talk about business."


At this, everyone nodded except Cedric, Draco and Bree.

"It's a riddle. We formed a team to find the treasure of the Big Four!" Hermione changed her cry from before and said with excitement in her eyes: "We think this is a big deal."

"As long as we complete this matter, our names will be written in the school history!"

Hermione looked at Bree and said a little embarrassedly: "We searched many places, but the Weasley twins didn't find it when they went to explore, so we thought of asking you."

Bree was the one who solved the first riddle and successfully found Gryffindor's office through the Ravenclaw statue. Although the treasure was too shabby, it was still a great discovery.

So Hermione and others decided to come to Bree to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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