Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 256 Experiments

Chapter 256 Experiments

"Well, where do you think it will be?" Brie asked with interest.

He had been thinking about this issue recently, but it wasn't until he was in Slytherin's study that he realized that maybe it wasn't possible to find Slytherin through Gryffindor, as they spread.

It is even less possible to find Hufflepuff through Slytherin to form a circle.

"We think there's a clue in the Gryffindor common room, but there's no statue in the common room."

"Slytherin doesn't have statues either." Bree told Hermione this information ahead of time.

Hermione nodded, and the rest were also helpless, they thought the statue was the key.

"But there is a statue in the secret room, isn't it?" Hermione said, "It's a pity that we can't enter, and now it's blocked by Professor McGonagall."

Anna whispered at this time: "We should go find the Gryffindor statue."

"But we're not sure that Gryffindor had the money to build a statue for himself," Yana added.

The scene calmed down.

This is the difficulty Hermione and the others encountered during this time.

"Perhaps you should change your thinking." Bree slowly expressed her thoughts. Compared to the circle theory, Bree believed that this was an arrangement by Ravenclaw alone.

"The castle was designed by Ravenclaw, and except for some special locations, such as Slytherin's secret chamber, she actually knows everything about it, so I think you should start with Ravenclaw."

"Ravenclaw?" This was indeed a point that Hermione and the others missed.

"Brie, you mean to say that the way to find the treasures of the other giants is through the statue of Lady Ravenclaw?"

Maybe...Brie wasn't sure...and it didn't look like a treasure at all.

"Then where is Slytherin's office?" Hermione stroked her carefully smoothed hair in distress.


"Huh..." The winter snow continued to fall, and the dance party also came to an end.

Dumbledore stood on the stage, followed by Karkaroff and Madame Maxime.

Next to him was Percy, who was attending the ball on behalf of the Ministry of Magic.

"Everyone be quiet, we have to announce the rules for the second game." Dumbledore waved his wand, sealing the mouths and sound outlets of the goblins who were still singing and playing musical instruments.

"I guess the warriors got the golden egg."

The golden egg was snatched from the fire dragon.

"Then please solve the riddle. The secret is hidden in the golden egg."

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he announced the end of the dance.

"Another puzzle?" Hermione's eyes widened. She still had a big project on her hands. Why was there another one? It couldn't have been plagiarized by Dumbledore!
"Hermione, you have an idea..."

"Shut up Harry, I still have my own mysteries to solve. You have to rely on yourself to do this."

Hermione tried not to look into Harry's green eyes, for fear that she would agree...


"Harry, what happened to your eyes?"

There was a bruise at the corner of Harley's eye, but it looked like the medicine had been applied and there was only a slight mark.

"It''s Snape. I eavesdropped on his conversation with Karkaroff and accidentally bumped into the wall." Harry hesitated.

Hermione was very alert.

"Who gave you the medicine?" You've used too much.

"Yes...yes, it was Snape who gave me the potion..."

Ron on the side winked, trying to stop Harry from telling Hermione what they heard, but quickly turned his head away after seeing Hermione's gaze.

"Snape has something to do with Karkaroff." Harry whispered, "But more importantly, someone stole Snape's potion. Snape thought I stole his Polyjuice Potion and Veritaserum… I obviously didn’t do it.”


Christmas is over, and the golden egg has become the second mystery in Hogwarts. What the little wizards talk about most is solving the mystery.

As a month passed, the potion's effect disappeared, and the little wizards returned to their original appearance.

"Oh, George, I feel like something is missing."

George nodded, but then said, "But there's something extra."

The two of them said in unison: "I'm not used to it..."

In the lounge, Hermione held a book recording the Big Four and glanced helplessly at the Weasley twins, feeling dangerous about what they said.

The other little wizards also seemed to be nostalgic and behaved a little awkwardly.

"Maybe we can go to Professor McGonagall's office and look for it..." Fred said to George.

George responded: "And throw it into the kitchen vat!"


Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Yana, let's go to the Ravenclaw lounge and find Luna and the others."

Hermione pulled up Yana, who was a quiet author and recorded things, and walked in the direction of Ravenclaw.

"Harry, how is your golden egg?" Ron tentatively asked Harry, who was sitting on the other side holding the golden egg and studying it.

Harry had been looking at the golden egg for a month, but found nothing.


Ron couldn't bear it, but he still said: "I found out a piece of news. Cedric went to Oded with the golden egg, and then he seemed to get the answer to the mystery."

Harry stood up suddenly and immediately ran out with the golden egg.

"Merlin's pants are not as quick as yours." Ron complained, and could only watch his friend go find Bree.

In the library, Bree was looking through some miscellaneous notes about Godric Gryffindor.

The book records that Gryffindor came from a swamp, and after he left, the swamp was transformed by wizards into a wizard gathering place, named Godric's Hollow, which has been passed down to this day.

"Oude." Harry came to Bree's side with the golden egg in his arms and cautiously asked, "Do you have time? I want to ask you something."

Harry placed the golden egg in front of Bree and said irritably: "I don't know why I want to participate in this competition."

"I don't think it makes any sense."

There was a cry in Harry's voice.

Bree cast a shielding spell, thinking something was wrong with Harry's current situation.

"Oude, I'm 14 years old and I know my situation very well."

"I don't have good magic talent, I don't have an equal environment, I don't have free choices..."

Harry smashed the golden egg on the ground, but the golden egg was unharmed.

"This competition made me feel the same as I did in the first grade. It was a stupid and childish level, and what was even worse was that everything was put on the surface and people talked about it... I was not supposed to be a warrior, someone wanted to To control me!"

Harry took out a book called "Fundamentals of Natural Magic" and choked with sobs: "I like your magic very much, Oded. I am studying very hard."

"Look." Harry took out his wand, skillfully channeled a trace of natural magic, and cast a flying spell, which brought the golden egg to his hand instantly.

"I relied on this magic to summon the broom and snatch the golden egg from the fire dragon in the first level." Harry said with some pride, as if taking credit.

But soon, Harry's face seemed to be squeezed into a ball, and he was extremely bitter.

"I'm not as smart as Hermione. She can already use natural magic to strengthen the fire spell..."

Learning natural magic requires a teacher, and using "Fundamentals of Natural Magic" as a teacher is naturally possible, but it is quite difficult.

Getting started is the easiest part. If you want to study more profound things, this book tells very little.

Basic studies are naturally just the foundation.

But according to Bree's observations this semester, only a small number of young wizards have grasped the basic points and fit with natural magic.

Most young wizards find it difficult to insist on learning natural magic on their own. Harry's ability to learn it is quite surprising to Bree.

After all, Harry's performance at Hogwarts was quite...speechless. He was obviously a poor kid, but he didn't study hard. If he graduated, it would be difficult for him to survive.

"You can find the secret of the golden egg in the water...for example, in a larger bathroom. That's what I told Cedric."

The ice in the Black Lake has just shown signs of melting, and it is not suitable for people to enter the water.

Harry nodded, but that wasn't his main purpose.

"Can you teach me natural magic, Oded? You can use me as a test subject. I know that some wizards need test subjects when they create magic."

"I am willing to."

There was no fear of death in Harry's eyes, and he was even a little persistent.

"I think hanging around with you is much better than being Dumbledore's savior."

Experiment with magic with Harry Potter…

"I'm working on the Unforgivable Curse, Potter..."

"..." Harry opened his mouth and shuddered as he thought of Moody casting the Imperius Curse on him during the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.


Harry seemed to have made up his mind. He gritted his teeth and said, "I can do it. Even if it's a death curse, you can use it on me."

"As long as you treat me as a friend, I don't want to be a savior."

Bree pursed her lips, thinking about Harry... He was of little use to him, but this guy seemed too pitiful, and he was still the person Voldemort wanted to kill.

Voldemort, Bree really wanted to see Harry hit Voldemort in the face with natural magic. By the way, Bree wanted to study the magic that killed Voldemort.

That is the magic that Lily Evans left to Harry before she died.

A magic that can reflect the death curse.

After a long while, Bree said: "I promise you the first one, and the second one is on your own."

"it is good."

Harry's eyes lit up and he said, "Can I call you Bree?"

"Okay, I hope you don't regret it."

Bree patted Harry on the shoulder and smiled gently.

"I've recently been researching ways to defend against the Unforgivable Curse, and how to resolve the Curse. I have ideas for everything except the Soul-Tampering Curse."

"Any time," Harry said.

"I have a lot of time."

"Okay then..." Brie smiled lightly, with a kind warmth in her pure black eyes.

Harry stared blankly into Bree's eyes and fell into them instantly.

The faint words rippled in Harry's soul - outside of the Triwizard Tournament, learning natural magic is your only goal.

After Harry recovered from his comfortable daze, Bree said: "If you have any doubts about natural magic, write it down on this piece of paper."

Tearing a magical page from the notebook and handing it to Harry, Bree left the library.

The Imperius Curse is a black magic that controls consciousness, and will continuously destroy the soul, causing damage to the consciousness. In severe cases, like Azar, cracks in the soul will occur.

There is no solution to the curse in the current magic world. It can only affect the soul through more will-destroying methods and forcibly remove it.

And there is no way to repair the soul in the current magic world.

(End of this chapter)

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