Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 264 Bri has the right to choose

Chapter 264 Bri has the right to choose

The spring breeze blows, and the corridors of Hogwarts are filled with the smell of young grass and rain and mist. The young wizards walk by talking, instead of playing with their wands when they see birds falling into the treetops.

But at this time, Filch, like a cat smelling fish, suddenly appeared to stop these little wizards.

In a corner of Hogwarts, Bree sat on a stone chair in an elevated corridor outside the castle, looking through Gryffindor's notebooks and not having time to record them in her own notes.

And Draco was peeling oranges.

"Oh, damn Filch, look at the good stuff he and his cat do."

Draco was extremely depressed. He still had a lot of knowledge about natural magic that he had not yet learned. Because he used natural magic to tease the birds in the corridor, he was punished by cleaning the trophy room. Now he had time to rest.

"I don't even use a wand, and it doesn't cause problems outside of school, but I can't use it inside school."

Draco was furious.

Brie laughed and said, "If you can keep a low profile, I don't think Filch will be able to find out that you used magic."

Well, Draco had nothing to say.

He doesn't keep a low profile. After learning natural magic, he doesn't want to show off his achievements all the time.

You know, not many people in Hogwarts can actually use natural magic.

Not counting those that use a bit of natural magic to make your wand glow brighter.

"I have recently been studying the magic of controlling plants, but unfortunately the plants don't really listen to me." Draco said helplessly.

Controlling objects in nature is a big topic set by Buri and requires long-term learning.

"You have to learn to talk to nature first, Draco."

Draco twitched the corner of his mouth, he didn't have the ability.

To talk to nature, you must first see the elemental consciousness in nature.

Even after experiencing elemental awareness through Bree a few years ago, this was difficult for Draco.

"I'm not that crazy girl, I don't have such a good life."

Draco was talking about Luna. Luna could see the moonlight element. Among Bree's students, Luna was the fastest learner.

But Luna always uses the moonlight to do some weird things, such as going to find clothes made of moonlight to wear for the Snorlax.

"You have talents of your own, Draco, natural magic is broad, it's not specific."

"This basic book of natural magic is just to lay the foundation for you. Your future magic path is not fixed and may not be in the book."

Just like a dictionary, "Basics of Natural Magic" is only responsible for telling wizards the existence of natural magic, and those gorgeous poems need to be created and recited by themselves.

"Ode!" Just as Bree and Draco were exchanging natural magic, Azar ran over panting.

Azar did not attend classes immediately after returning to school. Instead, he was sent to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries for a month of observation, during which he would also be questioned by the Ministry of Magic.

Now he has been sent back to Hogwarts and can learn magic like a normal student.

"I'm here to find you." Azar became a little shy. He was obviously a boy of thirteen or fourteen, but he was more cautious than before, or even more submissive.

The blow during this period cast a heavy shadow on his life.

"Azar, have you thought about it?"

Azar nodded vigorously and begged: "Can you find my mother? I heard that you have a contract with the Forbidden Forest and are the law enforcer of the Forbidden Forest..."

"I think you can make my mother's life better in the Forbidden Forest."

"It would be better if I could meet her."

"Ahem." Draco coughed when he heard this, and interjected, "As far as your mother's crime is concerned, your going to the Forbidden Forest is to give merit to the Ministry of Magic."

Madame Azar has killed so many hippogriffs that the Ministry of Magic has issued a reward, and if she is caught, she will spend the rest of her life in Azkaban.

"Ah, I, I..."

Hazard was so frightened that he stumbled.

"Draco is telling the truth. You are not suitable to go to the Forbidden Forest now, Azar."

Bree tore off a magic note page, handed it to Azar and said, "Study magic well, I will let the centaurs take proper care of Mrs. Azar."

This is Bridetom's apology to Hazard.

The incident where Tom possessed Azar and caused problems with Azar's soul could only end like this.

This is charity from the strong to the weak.

"Thank you, Oded." Azar said gratefully to Bree.

Unknowingly, Azar believed that Bree was the best person to him in Hogwarts.

He shouldn't have provoked Bree like that when he first entered school.

Bree shook her head, not accepting the gratitude.

"Are you still looking for the guy who cast the Imperius Curse on you?" Bree asked lightly.

Azar was stunned. He shook his head quickly and said, "No, I'm not looking for it."

Azar, who was full of energy and fearless at the beginning, is gone.

Brie stood up, looked at Azar, who was thin due to illness and was only one year younger than him, but had just reached his chest, and gave him an encouraging smile.

Patted Azar on the shoulder and said: "Your life has not begun yet, Azar."

"When you are stuck in the mire, you should also look for visible light."

"The future is still very long, don't give up at the beginning."

"I, uh...suck..."

"I know, Oded." Azar cried, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, bowing to Bree, and then ran away quickly.

"Why bother with him?" Draco snorted twice.

"There are many miserable people in the world, such as Malfoy who is suffering from Filch's disaster."

Bree chuckled softly.

"If you are indifferent to everyone, life will be too boring."

"Draco, I've seen a saying before that it's called "If you're poor, you're good for yourself; if you're rich, you're good for the world."

"I agree with the first sentence, but for the second sentence, I think I can only reach the goal by not forgetting my original intention and keeping my bottom line."

Draco thought about Bree's words and said meaningfully: "I also know a saying, when you wear a crown, you must bear its weight, perform its etiquette, and defend its honor."

"My father said that if I inherit the Malfoy family, then I must act according to the principles of the Malfoys of all generations, and I can no longer be as free as I am now."

Draco was obviously happy, smart, and special.

Many people among the purebloods envied him because Lucius and Narcissa gave Draco a relatively independent childhood, which was unthinkable in a pureblood family.

This envy developed into jealousy and secret ridicule.

Many people believe that the Malfoy family is almost doomed, and its heirs have not shown pure-blood principles.

"You're right, Draco." Bree didn't refute Draco's theory of the crown.

"But Draco, Odd's master is me, Bri Odd."

"And Malfoy's master is Malfoy, not Draco Malfoy."

(End of this chapter)

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