Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 265 Ravenclaw’s Alchemy Room

Chapter 265 Ravenclaw’s Alchemy Room
Bree had already seen clearly that he and the pure-blood family were not on the same level.

"Only the true 'Advanced Ones' can decide their own path. The rest are just stones in the road and cannot decide their own position."

"Draco, you are almost 15 years old, you should also think about your future." Bree patted the dazed platinum head.

Draco curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

"I'm not yet 15 years old, and even if I am an adult, I may not take over the Malfoy family so soon."

Draco's voice became quieter and quieter. Although he spoke harshly, he was already thinking about his relationship with the Malfoy family.

Could it be that he also wanted to become a member of the Malfoys like all the Malfoys in the past?

Draco, who had tasted the taste of freedom, did not want to be trapped and die with this name like his father.

The childhood admiration for his father seemed to be shattered at this moment. Draco was not blind. He could see Lucius's helplessness in the family.

"But you can't escape it, can you? My family gave birth to me."

"But I also want to have my own life."

Bree didn't disturb Draco's contemplation. In his opinion, Draco should also grow his brain and stop making trouble all day long.


Someone was watching Bree.

Bree looked towards that line of sight.

It's Helena.

Walking in front of Helena, Bree asked, "Is it about the alchemy room?"

"Yes, come with me."

Bree put away the magic code, glanced at Draco, who was still thinking, and followed Helena.

Ravenclaw's tower is quiet, and the frolics in Gryffindor Tower rarely occur, and Filch rarely comes here.

"Meow!" It was Mrs. Norris.

"There is no dried fish here, Mrs. Norris." Brie touched Mrs. Norris standing on the guardrail and said hello to Mrs. Norris.

"Hiss, hiss..." Blood curser, sir.

Bree stopped and looked at Mrs. Norris carefully. He hadn't paid attention to this yet.

"It is indeed a blood curser." A blood curser followed a squib.

Weird combination.

"Didn't keep up, Ode?"

"Sorry, I'll come right away, Ms. Grey."

Bree catches up with Helena, and Mrs. Norris's affairs are not important to him.

Soon, Bree was brought to a portrait on the sixth floor.

This is a lady cooking food.

"Hello." The lady in the painting greeted Brie warmly.

When the lady saw Helena, she immediately said: "Then please come in."

The portrait slowly rose, revealing the door behind it.

"Bang..." The door opened.

A strong metallic smell hit my face, slightly toxic.

Bree reacted quickly, with a wave of his hand, the poison gas was condensed into a pill.

"The things here can still be used." Helena went in first.

Bree followed suit.

The space here is large, but it is full of debris, or precious alchemy materials. Some of the items also exude strong magic power. If a guy who doesn't understand alchemy breaks in, he will probably suffer a lot.

"From Ravenclaw's point of view, these are not important things to her, so they are not destroyed." Helena glanced around and said.

Bree was a little puzzled when he heard Helena's words.


"Defective products will naturally be destroyed." Helena said matter-of-factly.

"Ravenclaw is no weaker than anyone else in knowledge. She is arrogant. Of course she will destroy anything that comes from her but cannot satisfy her."

"This is also the reason why Ravenclaw didn't leave behind the treasure you think."

Bree was in a daze. He was surprised by Ravenclaw's unusualness, but this was indeed Ravenclaw's character - knowledge was more important than anything else.

But Ravenclaw is also very humble. She doesn't think she has enough knowledge to teach others, so she doesn't leave any special knowledge.

Bri looked around and was still very satisfied with the place. Moreover, he also found a lot of alchemy materials with spatial properties.

These materials were all snatched up by great wizards 1000 years ago. However, over the past thousand years, many wizards have given up studying ancient things and chosen more convenient ways to become stronger.

"Did Ms. Ravenclaw leave anything satisfactory?" There couldn't be anything.

"Castle, crown, statue, what else?" Bree only knew that these two things were retained by Ravenclaw.

Helena lowered her eyes, she obviously didn't want to answer this question.

She just glanced at Bree and left the alchemy room.

Bree didn't ask further questions because Ms. Ravenclaw still kept Helena.

The daughter of Ravenclaw is a mystery, and no one knows who her father is.

There are many speculations that Helena is a creature created by Ravenclaw.

However, Helena once escaped from Ravenclaw privately. According to Ravenclaw's pursuit of perfection, she should destroy Helena.

But no, Helena became a ghost in Hogwarts even if she died.

"Dong dong..."

There was a sound outside, and Bree turned his back to him and said, "Have you still not found Peeves?"

It was little Peeves, and Bree sensed it as soon as it came near.

Little Peeves shook his head in frustration and said, "I heard from the portraits that Peeves disappeared on the day of the second project."

Bree nodded understandingly, thinking Peeves might be in the Black Lake.

"Then we won't look for can go find Yana."

"Yes!" Little Peeves saluted Bree and immediately ran out.

Yana would go to the Forbidden Forest every once in a while. In addition to avoiding the full moon, she also went to see her father.

Bree, who holds the Forbidden Forest Contract, has such power.

But this time, Brian needs Yana to help him bring a letter to the centaurs station, and ask the centaurs to help find Mrs. Azar and take care of her a little bit.

For Bree's sake, the centaurs will agree.

And this is what Bree promised Hazard.


In the abandoned alchemy room, Bree held up his wand and wrote on a floating page of paper with beautiful calligraphy, recording his requirements.

When Yana came, Bree still put the letter into the envelope and handed it to her.

After Yana and Peeves left, Bree also started to tidy up the alchemy room. There were too many clutter here. Even though Ravenclaw was a very tidy witch, it was also covered with dust and fallen objects. shelf.

"You can write to Tom now. Maybe we don't have to collect space materials anymore."


On the other end, Yana, who took the letter and left Hogwarts at night, turned into a wolf and rushed into the Forbidden Forest.

In fact, Yana didn't really want to visit her father, she just wanted to do things according to Bree's arrangements.

"Go to the centaurs' station first."

Following the guidance magic that Bree gave her, Yana quickly came to the centaur station and handed over the letter.

The centaurs patriarch opened the letter and said silently: "We will take care of Mrs. Azar, as long as she doesn't cause trouble."

Yana nodded and immediately left the centaurs station. She didn't like centaurs.

"Ouch!" Just not far away, Yana heard a subtle wolf howl.

It's Mrs. Azar.

The moon is full today, so she probably couldn't control herself and turned into a wolf.

Yana frowned and rushed towards the sound.

Since Brie is going to protect this Mrs. Azar, she should go and see it.

Stepping on the branches and leaves on the forest floor, Yana felt a gaze staring at her amid the rustling sound.

However, this look was not hostile, but more like curiosity and inquiry.

Yana walked around a creek and found her sight in the moonlight.

And she also discovered Mrs. Azar. She didn't turn into a werewolf?
Mrs. Azar sat loosely on the ground, supporting the ground with her hands. Her voice was hoarse and she sobbed to a middle-aged woman in front of her: "Can the elves really turn me back into a wizard?"

The middle-aged woman looked to be in her 40s or [-]s. She was not tall and slightly chubby. She looked very kind, like a mother who was unconditionally obedient to her children.

But if you look carefully, her eyes are full of reason.

"Werewolf transformation is the assimilation magic of the orcs, like a slave contract on the bloodline. The elves and the orcs are world enemies, and they have the power to restrain assimilation."

"I have been exposed to the power of elves."

Mrs. Azar touched her smooth face, which had no furry wolf hair, and the full moon hanging upside down in the sky was bright, and the moonlight fell on her tear-filled eyes.

She understood that the woman in front of her had used a special power to suppress her werewolf blood.

This was short-lasting, but it was enough to give Mrs. Azar hope.

"Please help me." Mrs. Azar looked at the woman longingly. How she wished to return to her identity as a wizard so that she could live a normal life with her children and not have to hide in the forbidden forest to survive.

"Of course, I will help you."

The woman looked at Yana, who walked in front of them as if out of control.

"Call me Mrs. Valli."

"Mrs. Vali?" Yana came back to her senses, but suddenly found that she couldn't move, and the Mrs. Vali in front of her didn't even use her wand.

"What do you need me to do, madam?" Mrs. Azar said respectfully to Mrs. Valli.

Mrs. Valli looked at the two of them and asked gently: "Do you know a child named Bree Old?"

"Please tell me about his experience..."


When Yana walked out of the Forbidden Forest, she had returned to her human form and had forgotten what happened in the Forbidden Forest.

"I won't see him today."

Yana thought that every time she went to see her father, he would look at her with an emotion she couldn't see, which made her very uncomfortable.

On the other side, Mrs. Azar stayed quietly beside Mrs. Valli.

Mrs. Valli smiled kindly.

"He has grown up and has his own life."

Thinking of this, Mrs. Vali suddenly sighed helplessly.

"But they also paid attention to him."

"This is inevitable. I hope I can do it faster."

After Mrs. Valli muttered to herself, she looked at Mrs. Azar.

"The centaurs were once the guests of the elves, but unfortunately the centaurs were too wary of wizards."

Thinking about her past experience, Mrs. Valli continued: "I can't show up. No matter whether I have bad intentions or not, they will be wary of my existence."

"And you won't, you still have a chance."

"I...what do I need to do?" Mrs. Azar lowered her head obediently. She was willing to take risks in order to become a wizard again.

"The centaurs may know the whereabouts of the elves. You need to find the centaurs' books recording the elves... I don't know where they are, so you need to find a way."


Before Yana had said that the centaur would protect her, Mrs. Azar understood that this was a good opportunity.

"I'll get it done, but it might take some time."

"We don't have much time in one year." Mrs. Valli reluctantly set a time limit for Mrs. Azar.

Mrs. Valli looked from a distance, as if she could see Hogwarts. She said deeply and in a tone that could see through everything: "Godric's Land and those extreme purebloods have already started moving. Winclaw was involved as well."

"Helena, alas..."

Mrs. Valli shook her head, leaving Mrs. Azar with the last words before disappearing.

"When you find the centaur's classics, go deeper into the Forbidden Forest..."


At night, in the cold wind, Bree stayed in Ravenclaw's alchemy room to study the alchemy materials here.

Thousands of years are enough time to make some records of materials blurred. Breed summarized them one by one and picked out the things that were useful to him.

But Bree, who was selecting materials, suddenly stopped.

Bree stared at a big hourglass in his hand, in a daze.

"Is this a time-turner?"

Bree carefully placed the hourglass on the table and watched how it started.

"It needs to be injected with magic power to activate."

Brie has no idea of ​​traveling through time, which may have unpredictable consequences.

Bree turned the hourglass over and felt a hint of power emanating from it.

Bree carefully spaced out with his own magic.

"This is the power of time." It is very powerful, like an electric current passing through quickly. If Bree observes with magic power, he can find that this power is like an arc, opening up spark trees in mid-air and tearing apart space, producing distorted black holes one by one.

“Time and space are never separate, they need to coexist in order to exist.”

So... if Brie wants to create a small world in her notes, she must study time.

Both time and space exist, so this small world has a point of intersection.

“Time and space are not enough.”

"You also need soil, temperature, water source, and air flow."

"Soil is the cornerstone of survival. Although we cannot mold a planet out of it, we can mold a platform to support life."

Making a planet was too troublesome, so Brie decided to make a world with round sky and squares, and the borders would be protected by a wide sea and a barrier.

"Temperature is the power of growth, and a sun must be created to bring warmth to all things."

Bree is also preparing to use fire magic to create a sun that can move in the sky. Of course, this requires high magical attainments.

"Maybe we can get a phoenix to act as the sun and let it fly in the sky."

"Water is needed." According to the wizard's magic, it is impossible to create real water out of thin air.

But natural magic can.

(End of this chapter)

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