Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 266 Element Transformation

Chapter 266 Element Transformation
But if you want to fill a small world, even draining a hundred black lakes is not enough.

In addition to water, there are also air currents, which are the forces that move the material in the entire world.

"Substance...magic element."

The world in the book is a world between reality and fiction, but when the two are connected, the world must be real, otherwise it cannot accommodate life. This is the rule of the world.

"Material... Do we need to move the material from the real world into it?"

How much do you have to dig in?

"But it will be really easy to do this, but my control over the world will be reduced."

Suddenly, Brie's eyes lit up.

"Transformation, elemental transformation!"

Bribri creates real water flow out of thin air by relying on elemental transformation, using the magic of nature to condense the water elements in nature into water.

The root of the water element is rules.

"I need a source of rules, just like the source of the world I saw at the beginning, and then I can..."

Bri raised his hand and saw a stream of water condensing in his hand, forming a flowing water mass.

Then, Bree stared at the water mass, his eyes covered with a layer of natural magic.

His consciousness also reached a state of seeing through the fundamentals.

In Bri's eyes, the water ball on his hand had turned into a dense aggregation of water elements.

And if you look more closely, you will find that each water element is a regular body made up of chains of consciousness.

Bree twisted these chains with the magic of nature and her own will...

Slowly, the blue color of the water ball in Brie's hand dispersed and became fiery red, and a blazing flame was born.

And then, the flame turned into a mass of earth that exuded a thick feeling.

The soil changed again and turned into a breeze.

Bree waved her hand, and the breeze dissipated.

Bree hurriedly took out her notes and wrote down her higher understanding of natural magic in the notes.

"This is just the most basic use of element transformation. There is only one element that makes them up, and the rest will be more complicated."

such as…

Bree reached out and touched a collapsed bookshelf.

The bookshelf exuded a musty smell, and when Bree touched it, the bookshelf immediately turned into a ball of dirt and spilled onto the floor.

"There are many elements in wood, including water, earth, wind, and fire, but the order of the rules is different."

Bree knelt down and felt the dirt on the ground.

These soils are not pure, they are also mixed with many other elements, but there is more soil and it looks like soil to the naked eye.

"More research is needed."

Obviously, the element transformation just now failed.

Bree waved his hand and transformed the soil into a bookshelf using elements, but it failed. The books were not made of wood.

"It's hard to get rid of water, and it's hard to round up a broken mirror."

Perhaps it would be easier for Bree to burn down the bookshelf with fire and then use elemental transformation to turn the ashes back into the bookshelf than to restore it after transformation.

"Restore as usual!"



Restore items that cannot be restored to their original state.

"The wizard's magic comes from the fantasy in his heart."

"Elemental transformation is the reconstruction, extension, and rule change of reality."

"It's a difference in power levels."

After getting the answer she wanted, Bree stopped paying attention to the unique bookshelf and went back to take notes.

There is one more thing he needs now, which is to understand the true elemental power in nature.

After all, the water needed by all things is not a single water element, but contains life that Brie doesn't know about.

What he conjured up was something similar in appearance and spirit, but slightly different and completely different.

"This may be the essence of natural magic, and the most difficult thing to understand."

If Bree hadn't seen the rules of the source of the world and had a natural affinity for natural magic, he probably wouldn't have been able to achieve this.

"Rules...the end of natural magic is rules."

"If you understand the rules of nature, you can perform all natural magic. When you master the rules of nature and change the rules at will, you can become the master of nature."

Bree still can't say that she understands all the laws of nature.

But he has found the direction. As long as he follows it, he is sure to master natural magic quickly.

Then start making rule changes.

"When the small world is born and fully operational, that's when I will fully master nature."

Bree's eyes were bright.

This is another way.

Compared with this, the method of using natural magic and natural magic power to harvest the faith of wizards is not enough.

"My own strength is more important than any external object."

The greater role of faith is to ensure that the Oude family will not sink in the years, and its power will make people remember the name Bri Oude.

"Believed by wizards and become a god-like existence like Merlin?"

Maybe Merlin is not qualified.

"But I don't need these vanities, I just want to see what the natural end is."

"And why do I appear in this world?"

What An Qing's memory brings to Brie, in addition to insights that transcend age, is also a new vision that is not available in this world.

"Beyond this world, there are other worlds."

Bree took the note and waved his hand, and all the materials in the alchemy room were included in the note.

The small world he wanted to create could no longer be completed by alchemy.

He needed natural magic to nurture the world.

From nothing to something, from one to two, from two to three, and then to all things.

"Perhaps our vision is different, Dumbledore."

After collecting everything in the alchemy room, Bree walked through the empty room, came to the window, and opened it.

The early summer wind rushed over like a battlefield cry, confusing Bree's voice.

"You are trapped by the wizard's embarrassment and blinded by the contradictions in your understanding, so much so that you forget that wizards are humans in the first place."

"Maybe the world doesn't care about wizards and Muggles at all."

“Even if everything becomes barren, the grass will sprout in the spring.”

Bree left the alchemy room. He was now focused on exploring the rules of nature, and the conflict between Muggles and wizards could only be left for later. He thought that as long as he understood the rules of nature, everything would have a solution.

Because everything is based on rules.


As the sun warms up in spring, summer is gradually approaching. In the speckled Forbidden Forest, when Buri raised his head, apart from the halo in his eyes from the canopy of trees, there was only the sound of birds chirping in his ears.

During this time, Bridu observed the rules of nature in the Forbidden Forest, used magic to analyze everything he saw, and then recorded it in his notes.

However, he would not foolishly use a quill to record. Instead, like a pensieve, he would copy his memories and store them in a notebook.

Every memory is a natural rule, lying quietly in nothingness like a stream...

"A quiet life really doesn't last long."

Bree felt that someone had broken into the Forbidden Forest, walking impartially in his direction.

At this time, Bree still felt a sense of prying eyes, as if looking at him from the sky.

"The Marauder's Map." Bree reacted immediately.

Then in the distance, Moody, holding the Marauder's Map, was stunned because Bree's name disappeared from the map.

However, he was only in a daze for a second before he guessed that Bree might have used some means to avoid the power of the Marauder's Map.

"Barty Crouch." Moody snorted, and his voice changed from Moody's to that of Barty Jr.

On the Marauder's Map, as it zoomed in, two names of Barty Crouch appeared.

"Why are you here? Why can't you break the control of the Soul Imperius Curse now?"


At this time beside the Forbidden Forest...

"Krum, why are you here?"

It was Harry's voice.

"Potter?" Krum looked over in confusion, as if he didn't expect to meet Harry here.

Then he explained: "It's a competition. The rules for the third event are already out, right? It's a maze."

"I heard that they are planning to release some magical plants and magical creatures from the Forbidden Forest as a barrier."

Krum shrugged.

"This is not cheating, Karkaroff told me directly."

Krum told Harry boldly. Harry was stunned and then said: "You don't have to tell me."

"I just came outside the Forbidden Forest to find some plants."

Harry followed Bree's crash course in natural magic and had already begun to control plants.

They had a lesson in the corner building after that, so he wanted to practice beforehand.

Harry, who wanted to go back after finding the plant, was unable to walk at this time.

After seeing what Harry was thinking, Krum smiled and said, "Let's go together. I heard that the Forbidden Forest is still a bit dangerous."

Krum didn't have any bad intentions. After observing the game so far, Harry also understood that Krum was a straightforward person, so he followed him.

In the Forbidden Forest, Bree had already discovered who the visitor was, it was Crouch.

The smell of the Imperius Curse is too strong.

Bree jumped up and disappeared into the forest.

There was something strange about Crouch who was staggering towards him. His face was twisted, and his wrists were covered with self-inflicted scars. After walking into the Forbidden Forest before finding Bree, he suddenly fell to the ground, twitching constantly, and muttering in his mouth - —

"Barty, Barty..."

"Mr. Crouch!"

Krum and Harry, who entered the Forbidden Forest, heard the sound and ran over, and saw Crouch lying on the ground.

"Mr. Crouch, are you okay?" Harry and Krum squatted on the ground and asked Crouch, but Crouch just kept mumbling like a stupid old man.

"Barty, my son passed the twelve ordinary wizard level exams. He is outstanding..."

"My wife and son are coming soon, and we're going to a concert tonight with Mr. and Mrs. Fudge..."

Mr. Crouch seemed to be nostalgic, smiling foolishly.

"When I become the Minister of Magic, maybe I can be more stable and spend more time with you..."

"Yeah!" Crouch's eyes suddenly widened, and ferocious bloodshot tears flowed out silently.

He seemed to be awake, but also seemed to be madly grabbing Harry's collar, shouting hoarsely: "I want to see Dumbledore, I want to see him!"

"I have important news..."

"Let go, Mr. Crouch!" Harry grabbed Crouch's hand instead. Crouch was just bluffing. His body had no strength and he was easily pulled away by Harry.

"I'm going to find Dumbledore." Harry said to Krum and immediately turned around and left.

"What happened?" Krum looked blankly at Harry who was running away, and then at Crouch. He was very puzzled. He only knew that Crouch was the referee of the game, but he looked like he was crazy.


"Bang!" Krum fell to the ground.

Moody walked out from behind Krum. He looked at Crouch who was muttering on the ground with cold eyes.

Undo the Imperius Curse!
A blue light hit Crouch, and the Imperius Curse in Crouch's mind disappeared instantly. He fell weakly because he had been controlled for a long time.

Bree walked over to Moody.

Moody stared at Bree closely. He knew that the magic just now was cast by Bree.

He knelt down and checked that the Imperius Curse in Crouch's mind had really disappeared and that his soul was constantly recovering, and then he looked at Bree in disbelief.

"you succeeded!"

"It's just the Imperius Curse."

Bree looked at Moody lightly, no, it should be Barty Jr.

Little Barty lowered his head and said, "No matter how talented you are, you will be troubled and you will die."

After saying this, Barty Jr. looked at Crouch, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"I'll keep this trouble away from you."

After saying that, Barty Jr. raised his wand.

Bree pressed her index finger against Barty Jr.'s wand.

"You really hate him?"

"Haha, hate?" Little Barty heard Brie's words and gritted his teeth: "I want to kill this guy who ruined my life."

"My hatred for him cannot be expressed in words."


Bree's fingers touched lightly, but Barty just stared at Bree's and did not pull away the wand.

"If you kill him, you will fall into the deepest form of hell."

"Pfft... hell?" Little Barty was obviously amused by Bree's words. He was already in hell, so what else was he afraid of?

"Leave a line for yourself, little Barty."

"The feud between you and your father has no correct outcome. Don't continue to hurt yourself."

"What do you mean?" Little Barty couldn't understand what Bree said.

Brie stared into Barty's eyes and said slowly: "Kill him and you will never be able to look back."

"Hahaha, look back?"

"Ahead of me is..." Little Barty looked at Brie stiffly and suddenly paused.

He lowered his head, his Adam's apple rolling, and took a deep breath.

"Tsk!" Little Barty thrust the wand in his hand into Crouch's clothes. The force was so strong that the wand let out a mournful cry and faintly broke.

"Maybe you are right, I shouldn't dirty my hands for a piece of trash, haha."

Putting away the half-used wand, Barty Jr. sneered.

"He wants to use Crouch to attack you. Whether you kill him or not, you will be charged with killing an officer."

After saying that, Barty Jr. lifted Kreacher up on his shoulders.

"Don't think that you can control my decision if you know my details..."

"I'm going to find out about you, Bree Old!"

Barty Jr. and Crouch disappeared into the Forbidden Forest...

Bree also disappeared in an instant and returned to Hogwarts.

Not long after, Dumbledore and others arrived, but only found a fainted Klum, and Mr. Crouch was missing.

(End of this chapter)

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