Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 267 "The Monster in the Witcher"

Chapter 267 "The Monster in the Witcher"

Crouch's disappearance and Krum's being knocked unconscious caused an uproar, but it was quickly suppressed by the Ministry of Magic.

A special group in the Ministry of Magic. Although this term's Minister of Magic, Fudge is very inclined to extreme pure blood, but he cares more about the reputation of the Ministry of Magic.

The disappearance of the Ministry of Magic officials is definitely a provocation to the Ministry of Magic, and it is also related to the attack on a Nordic Triwizard Tournament warrior.

If Karkaroff makes a new report, it will develop into an international incident and the Ministry of Magic will be embarrassed.

"Look for it!" Fudge brought the Aurors to Hogwarts aggressively, and headed to the Forbidden Forest without waiting to see Dumbledore.

Of course, he wasn't looking for it mindlessly.

"Go find Potter. As for the other warrior, let him rest well and send some people to comfort Karkaroff."

"Yes!" Following Fudge's swift action, the Aurors started to move.

The little wizards were also attracted by Fudge's movements.

Unfortunately, until the afternoon, the Ministry of Magic searched the outside of the Forbidden Forest and found no trace of Crouch.

A tired Harry was brought back, and Fudge went to Dumbledore's office.

And Bree was called over.

"Sorry to bother you, Oded." Dumbledore smiled helplessly.

Fudge on the other side wiped the sweat from his head and said to Bree: "I hope Mr. Ode can help."

Fudge's tone was a little unwilling and a little aggrieved.

But he didn't want to make matters worse.

"Forbidden Forest Contract, we cannot enter too deep into the Forbidden Forest."

Although the Forbidden Forest is on the British border, it looks like a collapsed secret place, part of it is exposed, and part of it seems to be hidden in a strange space.

The space there seems to have an owner, and even the Forbidden Forest Contract cannot fully detect it. Perhaps Brie's authority is not enough.

"I can confirm that Mr. Crouch is no longer in the Forbidden Forest."

That was the answer Bree could give Fudge.

"Can you guarantee that Crouch is not in the Forbidden Forest?" Fudge asked with a slightly questioning tone.

"I'm not a prisoner, Minister Fudge." Bree glanced at Fudge, and continued: "I can be sure that Crouch is not in the Forbidden Forest at this time, I swear by Merlin's magic power."

Fudge snorted twice, and had no choice but to say, "Then record it in the book and let the rest of the people go to other places in Hogwarts to look for it."

After speaking, Fudge turned to Dumbledore.


"I think our Ministry of Magic has to send more Aurors. The warriors of the Triwizard Tournament were actually attacked. This is definitely a provocation to the British wizarding community!"

"This will be laughed at internationally."

Fudge's reason made Dumbledore unable to find any good refutation conditions, and he was not prepared to stop it.

"Well, then, I'll let Professor Moody assist you."

Dumbledore thought that Moody was a senior Auror before and would have a lot of insights in dealing with these matters.

"Moody?" Fudge didn't want to deal with Moody 1. After all, when Moody was notorious, he was still a small official with some power in the Ministry of Magic.

Moody didn't take kindly to him.

It's a pity that Dumbledore has already given in, so he can't make further progress.

"Okay, I will let the people from the Department of Magical Enforcement contact Professor Moody." Fudge emphasized the word professor, reminding Dumbledore that Moody is a professor and cannot interfere too much with the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic. things.

Dumbledore nodded with a smile.

Fudge chuckled, his expression becoming kind.

"By the way, Dumbledore, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you..." Fudge glanced at Bree, his meaning was unclear.

"Then I'll take my leave, Professor Dumbledore."

Bree had no intention of listening to Fudge and Dumbledore's argument and walked out immediately.

At this time, Bree saw Filch pacing hurriedly outside the principal's room.

"Mr. Filch, what can I do for you?"

Filch came to see Bree. When he saw Bree coming out, he immediately came up to him. His wrinkled face was full of worry, his words were trembling, and he no longer had the pretentiousness of the past.

"Oh, you're finally out, thanks Merlin!"

"My Lady Norris is gone."

Mrs. Norris?
"Is it lost?" Bree looked at Filch in confusion, and Filch nervously squeezed his shabby robe.

"Yes, yesterday, I searched all day today, but she was still nowhere to be found."

"I even feel that its life is passing away and leaving me!"

Filch was crying in such an ugly way that Bree couldn't bear to watch.

"Okay, how do you want me to help you?"

Bree touched his pocket, and Nagini stood up, listening to Filch's words.

"Map, I once got a map, but it was stolen by those troublemakers. Of course, Dumbledore asked me not to embarrass them."

"I know the map is in Potter's, but Potter won't help me."

Filch looked at Bree with a whole-hearted pleading attitude.

Mrs. Norris was his possession, so to speak.

"No need to look for Harry."

In the Forbidden Forest yesterday, Bree had seen the Marauder's Map that Moody was carrying.

The Marauder's Map was originally supposed to be in Harry's hands, but after this grade, Harry could be said to have considerable trust in Moody.

After all, the Moody pretended by Barty Jr. does have considerable talent in teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts classes.

The knowledge he teaches is very useful to young wizards. The Unforgivable Curse is a curse that changes people's minds when they hear it. What a great reputation.

To sum up, Harry trusted Moody and was probably deceived by Moody into taking away the Marauder's Map.

"I have a way to find Mrs. Norris, as long as it's still in the castle."

The Forbidden Forest contract in Bree's hands is a mutual assistance contract between Hogwarts Castle, Black Lake, and the Forbidden Forest. Bree has certain law enforcement powers.

In addition to the fact that the black dragon, Peeves, returned to the Black Lake, Bree temporarily lost part of her contractual sovereignty. Both the Forbidden Forest and Hogwarts also had a certain amount of authority because they did not have a completely dominant owner.

The Forbidden Forest Contract quietly appeared in Bree's hand.

Soon, a little green light emitted from the contractor, and then, a little green light jumped down, like a dandelion, spreading from the corridor and disappearing into the wall.

This magic has the same purpose as the Marauder's Map, both communicating the consciousness of the Forbidden Forest Contract.

As for the Marauder's Map, Bree guessed that it was a magic item made with reference to the Forbidden Forest Contract. He didn't know how he managed it, but the Forbidden Forest Contract recognized it.

"Let's go." Contract gave instructions.

"Okay." Filch's eyes flashed with envy and jealousy, but of course, there was not much malice.

His malice was all given to himself when he knew that he was a squib.

The evil he does to others are all thoughts radiating from his body and mind.


After walking for a long time, Bree opened an aisle door.

This is the basement, but Bree found signs that someone had been there.

"Greengrass, and Longbottom." Bree murmured in a low voice, then looked at Filch who was still following behind.

Maybe he shouldn't know what happened next.

"Wait for me here. I'll go take a look. There's a magic defense down there."

Filch suddenly stopped. He bowed humbly and begged in a tearful tone: "I'm sorry to trouble you, but please bring my Mrs. Norris out."

"I will." Brie walked into the dark underground stairs, and the magic traps around her were ineffective, allowing Brie to pass.

The sound of dripping water and his footsteps kept ringing in his ears, but he soon used magic to hide his footsteps so as not to scare the two people below.

"Ass, why did you catch Mrs. Norris?"

"We can use other biological experiments, Filch will cause trouble." Neville's voice was full of worry and pity.

"She is special." Astoria answered Neville in a cold voice.

"You can leave, I don't need your help."

"No... Astoria, why are you drawing your own blood?" Neville quickly tried to dissuade Astoria before he could even say his words of rejection.

"Don't move, Longbottom, some blood won't kill me." Astoria said calmly.

But when Bree steps inside—

Astoria pressed his wand against Neville's neck, his eyes were indifferent, but after realizing that Bree had walked into this secret room, his eyes were round and full of panic.

Neville, who was already in a panic, was stunned on the spot.

Bree watched the layout of the secret room.

There is a row of shelves filled with transparent glass jars, which contain many animal parts and some special plants.

In the middle is a huge table filled with potion equipment.

"Mrs. Norris?"

Mrs. Norris was lying on her back on the table, motionless, with a bandage on her ankle and a bloody knife beside her.

Bree walked over and came into contact with the petrification magic on Mrs. Norris.

"Old..." Astoria suddenly let go of the wand in her hand, lowering her head and not daring to look at Bree.

"Oude, Ass, she's just... just studying magic." Neville's eyes couldn't hide much.

"You don't know what she's doing and why are you helping her?" Bree looked at Neville.

"Meow..." Mrs. Norris, who had been petrified for a long time, woke up, with a hint of fear in her meow.

It hurried to Bree's hand.

"Hiss..." Nagini warned Mrs. Norris not to come closer.

"It's okay." Brie touched Nagini's head and then comforted Mrs. Norris who was huddled on the table.

"I..." Astoria lowered her head in confusion, and Neville on the side said hurriedly: "Ode, Astoria must have her own reasons, she is not a bad person."

"I said nothing about her, Longbottom."

There was a green patent leather book on the table. As soon as he saw Bree's eyes looking over, he wanted to take it away.

"Wait, Miss Greengrass."

The green book flew into Bree's hand.

"The Witcher Monster"

Brie didn't need to read it to know that it was about blood cursers.

"Natural magic can help you," Bree reminded Astoria.

Astoria pursed her lips, showing no aura in front of Bree.

"I don't have time." Astoria ran out of the secret room with tears in her eyes.


Neville hurried out after him.


Bree touched Mrs. Norris to heal her wounds, and she recovered as the bandages fell off.

"Go find Filch quickly, he's worried."

Bree walked out of the secret room, and Mrs. Norris followed quickly.

"Meow meow meow!" Outside the secret room, Filch fell to the ground. Mrs. Norris trotted forward and rubbed against Filch.

"It's all forgotten." Bree glanced at Filch.

I don't know if it was Neville or Astoria who did it.

"Filch is fine." Bree can understand the language of all things, and can naturally tell all things his reminder.

Mrs. Norris stood confused, as if she wanted to wait for Filch to wake up.

"He'll wake up soon."

Bree shook her head and left.

This forgetting spell is very rough, and I don’t know how long it will take Filch to remember it.


In the evening, at the Slytherin table, Astoria behaved very differently from before.

She did not sit opposite Bree, but chose to sit next to Draco, talking to Draco from time to time, but Draco did not want to talk to her.

"Brie, are you full..."?

Draco watched Bree remain silent and polite, but quickly eating the green apple pie in front of her, and said helplessly: "Well, why should I be so stupid?"

Draco glanced at Astoria and said dissatisfied: "I guess I'm not that familiar with you."

Astoria did not choose to be silent as before, but responded to Draco coldly.

"I think your father has told you about us."

Draco's eyes were dazed and he snorted.

"Are you kidding? Do I have to be you?"

"You have to do it with me, but I'm not a kind person. Leave your thoughts to others..."

"Keep your eyes closed and don't lean over."

"Brie, have you eaten? We have an appointment to practice natural magic at the corner tower tonight."

"We can't do without you as a teacher."

When Bree heard Draco's words, he ate the green apple pie on the fork in one gulp, then tapped the table, and soon a freshly baked green apple pie appeared.

"What are you talking about, Draco?" Bree sliced ​​open the green apple pie with a knife and fork, not looking at Draco at all.

"Oh, okay, I'll wait for you."

"What bad luck." Draco complained softly, and then looked at Astoria's sister, Daphne.

"Daphne, don't you want to say something to your sister?" Draco's desire to let Daphne take Astoria away was written on his face.

Daphne and Pansy were eating dinner elegantly. When Draco said this, they both looked at Astoria.

Pansy wanted to get up with dark eyes, but Daphne held her back.

"Sorry, Draco, Astoria is now the princess of the Greengrass family. I dare not do the same thing." The jealousy on Daphne's face was not concealed, but she could only speak decent words.

But it also told Draco that the Greengrass family was investing in Astoria.

And judging from Astoria's current goals, the output of this investment is likely to be him!

(End of this chapter)

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