Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 271 The black lake flying into the sky

Chapter 271 The black lake flying into the sky
In the stands, some wizards wearing black hoods and covering themselves tightly dispersed into the sea of ​​wizards and walked towards the outside of the game.

And out of sight, these wizards turned into black pythons and swam toward the black lake.

Moody glanced in the direction of the black lake and smiled viciously.

At this time, more and more spectators filled the seats, and professors began to enter. They needed to patrol around the maze to prevent accidents among students.

As the parents of the warriors, they also began to give final encouragement to the warriors under the leadership of Professor Sprout.

Mr. Diggory was very active, and Mrs. Diggory came smiling behind him.

"Mom, aren't you in Germany?"

Mrs. Diggory travels all year round, and this time she came specifically to watch Cedric play.

Mrs. Diggory and Cedric hugged each other, and Mr. Diggory hurriedly began to cheer for his son.

Klum's parents also came. They are a dark-haired couple, very loving, and they silently cheered for Klum.

Furong's mother also came with Furong's sister.

"Is there any progress?" Fleur's mother asked expectantly.

After hearing this, Furong remained silent and did not answer. Furong's mother's face darkened and she said, "You can compete with peace of mind. The family will give you some time to yourself until..."

Furong's mother didn't say any more, but her face said it all.

Harry, who was far away, looked at others with envy, and soon lowered his head. He suddenly felt that he was alone.

"Oh, Harry." Mrs. Weasley strode over, hugged Harry tightly, and then said, "Congratulations."

"I also wish you success."

Mr. Weasley also encouraged: "Don't worry, believe in yourself at all times!"

As he spoke, Mr. Weasley clenched his fist and waved at Harry.

Harry felt warm in his heart and said quickly: "I will."

After speaking, Harry looked up at the full auditorium, many wizards were shouting, and soon, he saw Bree.

Bree arrived belatedly, and finally walked to Draco's side. At this time, Draco specially left a seat for Bree.

Seeing Harry's eyes, Bree waved gently, and Harry quickly responded with a smile.

Cedric also followed Harry's gaze and smiled brightly at Bree.

Bree smiled back.

"Then, brave warriors, please enter!" Dumbledore's voice penetrated the entire competition venue. Under the arrangement of the professors, the two people with the highest scores were tied, and Harry and Cedric were the first to break into the maze!

Then came Krum and finally Fleur.

"I really don't know where this kind of competition comes from." Draco looked at the maze with dissatisfaction. Outside the court, because of the traceless stretching spell in the maze, they could not see anything and could only wait for the warrior to run away with the trophy. come out.

Bree's mentality is very peaceful. He has created the three unforgivable curses and defensive magic. He can rest for a day or two until the party at Ode Manor is over.

"Draco, aren't your parents here?" Bree glanced around, thinking that she had asked Tom to give enough hints to the Malfoy family.

The Triwizard Tournament is best watched quietly rather than sneaking away.

Bree looked in the direction of Dumbledore. At this time, Karkaroff looked flustered, covering his arms, and stepped back cautiously, seemingly preparing to slip away.

On the other side, Snape also covered his arm with dark eyes, but in an instant, he was staring at the maze with no intention of leaving.


"Snake?" Nagini in Brie's arms stretched out her head and told Brie that there were many snakes around, which made him frown slightly.

Now here is a collection of wizards from the UK, including the entire European region. Many of them are the elites of the wizarding world, and there are also many pure-blood families. No matter how stupid Voldemort is, he should not have made a move here.

No, that madman Voldemort doesn't care about the wizard elite and these pure-blood wizards who are not in the same camp as him.

"Sorry, Draco, your mother and I just dealt with something." Lucius Malfoy's voice came suddenly.

But Bree felt that Lucius was explaining to Bree the reason for his late arrival.

"Long time no see, Mr. Odd." Lucius nodded to Bree and took Narcissa to the seat Draco had chosen for them.

"This is a very tense game." Lucius looked at the unexplorable maze underneath, his eyes full of hidden panic and pain.

Narcissa held Lucius's arm and looked at him worriedly.

"Maybe some people are more nervous than us."

Bree looked over the railing and saw a green ladybug.

The green insect tried to escape, but Briley caught her with magic.

Breedao: "Go ahead, this is big news."

Brie used magic power and waved her hand, and the green ladybug swished like a stream of light and rushed into the plant maze below.

Bree's magic is very hidden. Except for the Malfoy family who are paying attention to him, not many people have noticed anything unusual here.

Bree saw Moody patrolling the plant maze glance at Bree, but said nothing and continued to maintain the normal operation of the maze.

"Brie, you are too partial and want to help Cedric win." Draco whispered.

Lucius and Narcissa looked at Draco with headaches.

Bree may not care about winning or losing this game.

"That's it?" Narcissa said, interrupting Draco's whining in front of Bree.

"Rita Skeeter."

is her!

Narcissa and Lucius looked at each other, both seeing the other's naked eye.

"That reporter?" Draco asked, and he suddenly understood something.

Animagus, an Animagus that is not registered with the Ministry of Magic.

"Why do you do this? Is there any problem in the maze?" After discovering that Bree was not helping Cedric cheat, Draco's IQ gradually returned.

Lucius and Narcissa had some vague guesses.

"I think Harry's going to have an unfriendly adventure."

Bree doesn't know what Voldemort is going to do, but he will definitely capture Potter because he wants to use Potter's blood, that is, the blood of his enemy, to resurrect him.

So, let the reporter who was brave enough to spy on Brie happily get a big news.

"Oh, that must be fun." Draco didn't know what was going to happen to Harry, but he was happy.


As time went by, the game gradually became unexpected.

"Fleur Delacour fainted and the match was lost!"

"Oh!" There was a pity cry on the playing field.

Beside the maze, Mrs. Maxim's face also looked bad, but she didn't blame anything and quickly took Fleur down for treatment.

Not long after, news came that Klum was injured and unable to continue the game.

But Karkaroff disappeared. Durmstrang's students were very puzzled, but they still took Krum down to rest and wait for the final result of the game.

Now, only Cedric and Harry are left in the maze!

On the other side, in the black lake not far from the competition venue, there were many beings that should not come.

Black snakes rushed into the water one after another, quickly heading towards the deepest part.

Not long after, the black snakes who crossed the black lake came to the mountain peak at the bottom of the lake.

The mountain peak is locked by four huge chains, and the chains branch out into countless small chains, locking the magical creatures of the Black Lake floating on the mountain peak.

These magical creatures seemed to be dead, letting the water waves sway, looking very strange in the silent water bottom.

And these intruding black snakes did not care about the magical creatures or the chains, but rushed straight to the Ravenclaw statue on the top of the mountain.

Their goal is the crown!

"Clang, clang, clang!" Just as the black snakes rushed towards the crown, the surrounding chains suddenly shook, and several chains rushed towards the black snakes.

Streams of blood mist exploded in the gloomy water, and the dancing chains continued to look for intruders, intending to kill them all.

Just when all the black snakes were dead and injured, the blood mist poured into the chains as if they were alive.

All the chains seemed to be infected with disease, and mottled lines continued to spread.

When the colorful color flows along the chain and dyes the statue of Ravenclaw.

Like convulsing water plants, the chains began to fight with each other. The sound of ringing bells stirred up waves under the water, and the surface of the black lake began to ripple.

Under the huge noise, the creatures of the Black Lake that had been silenced by Bree's sleeping magic slowly opened their eyes.

"Ang!" An angry dragon roar sounded from the bottom of the Black Lake Mountain.

The mountain began to shake violently, and the Ravenclaw statue was in danger.

The mottled color has stained the lower part of the crown.

"Hiss..." A black snake gushed out of the mottled.

The black snake looked at the crown and said in a human voice: "The master is resurrected!"

"Bang!" The black snake suddenly bit the crown, but at this time.

"Stop, Riddle!" came Helena's voice.

Then Helena rushed into the Ravenclaw statue.

The statue emitted a strong light, the chains and the mottled spots on the statue quickly receded, and the black snake was swung a hundred meters away.

The blood mist turned black again, and the creatures in the black lake bound by chains began to struggle fiercely!
"Boom!" The mountain shook violently, and a chain broke.

"Boom boom boom!" The chains were broken one by one.

The creatures in the black lake rushed towards the mountain.

At this time, strong winds were blowing on the Black Lake and the water was turbulent.

Black Lake is rioting!
The Ravenclaw statue continued to emit a shimmering light, twinkling in the murky water.

"Om!" The mountain began to rise.

But the sound of the dragon's roar underneath became more and more painful.

"Ang!" The Forbidden Forest Contract!
A dragon roar came out, and the creatures from the black lake immediately changed their direction.

outside world--

Because of the influence of the Black Lake, strong winds were raging at the competition venue next to the Black Lake.

And with the strong wind, the waves in the Black Lake were turbulent, and the sound of angry dragons roared from the ground, and dense bubbles gushed out.

At this moment, perhaps because of the dragon roar, the four fire dragons who were recovering from their injuries in the Forbidden Forest broke out of the cage and flew towards the competition venue.

"Ouch!" A stream of flames spurted down, and Dumbledore hurriedly waved his wand to resist the fire dragon's attack.


"Clear spring like water!" Channels of water rushed out from the tips of the wizards' wands to resist the fireballs emitted by the other fire dragons.

"Why are these fire dragons so strong!"

Something was wrong, Brie could tell at a glance that these fire dragons had eaten something that increased their magic power.

"Careful, Draco!" Narcissa hugged Draco into her arms and squeezed the wand in her hand.

Lucius also raised his wand on guard, protecting their mother and son.

"Brie, what's going on?" Draco asked Bree.

This situation is clearly an enhanced version of the Fire Dragon Troubles in the first game and the Black Lake Troubles in the second game.

Or an explosion of two combined into one.

"It's just a redistribution of interests." Brie raised her eyes and looked at the prepared and unhurried wizards around her with a cold expression.


The wand on Bree's wrist flew out, and under the strong magic power, it plunged straight into the playing field.

"Bang!" The wand emitted strong fluorescence.

"Buzz!" A green sprout sprouted from the tip of the wand.

Immediately afterwards, huge roots spread and branches of the giant tree surged out, piercing the panicked screams and making the wizards freeze in horror.

Huge branches stretched out and entangled the four flying fire dragons.

The fire dragon breathed out a flame that had become silvery white, burning the trunk, the flame sizzled on the branches, and some ashes from the flames fell down.

Bree frowned.

A few branches sprouted from the main trunk, and they hit the heads of several fire dragons so hard that they saw stars in their eyes, and the fireballs in their mouths were knocked down before they spewed out.

"Bang bang bang."

The loud knocking sound made people's teeth hurt, and some wizards were even frightened to the point where they stumbled to the ground.

"Huh, you should have taken action earlier, these disobedient guys." Draco said with a dissatisfied look on his face: "They dared to burn your wand."

Seeing that the four fire dragons were subdued, the wizards breathed a sigh of relief, and Dumbledore looked sharply at Ludo Bagman of the Ministry of Magic.

"You should explain about the fire dragon, Mr. Bagman." Professor McGonagall was not as calm as Dumbledore. This situation was obviously not a normal fire dragon riot.

Ludo Bagman hesitated, but in the next moment, he pointed blankly at the Black Lake.

The wind howled.

A strong wind carrying mist blew towards the competition venue. Almost all the wizards were blown around by the wind, and many were blown out of the competition venue.

The fluttering robes were still holding on, and the sound of tearing could not be heard. When the wizards reacted and tried to resist with their wands, the wind suddenly stopped.

An eerie silence.

But soon, something even more terrifying struck.

"Black, Black Lake is flying!"

"Ah, run!"

That's too late!

The water in the black lake seemed to be alive, rising into the sky from the black lake.

"It's the creature from the Black Lake!" Dumbledore's eyes were serious, and he quickly crossed the stands and came to the competition venue. He held his wand high and used his magic to resist the incoming huge waves.

But the waves were too big, and Dumbledore needed time to form a magic formation.

In the water flow, countless creatures seem to be going crazy, with red eyes. They are controlling the water flow!
"Quick, raise your wand!"

Many adult wizards have raised their wands. They are not the only ones on the playing field, but there are also young wizards. The young wizards can't escape as fast as them.

Some parents’ children are not even with them and they can’t escape!
"There are many obstacles!"

"All protection!"

"Super Iron Armor Curse!"

"Peace guard!"


(End of this chapter)

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