Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 272 Cedric’s Death

Chapter 272 Cedric’s Death

Countless magic spells rushed towards the water waves hundreds of meters high like giant beasts, trying to resist them.

And the water waves are endless, and the creatures in the black lake are also magical.


The sky-blocking water has enveloped the competition site, and cracks have appeared in the barrier that defends against the influx of magic.

That's too late.

The water from the Black Lake pours down through the cracks in the barrier.

Immediately afterwards, as the crack spread, the entire barrier collapsed!

"It's a giant squid!"

The giant squid rushed down the waves like a man possessed.

"No, kid!"

"All protection!"

"Come here, everyone!" Dumbledore shouted, Dumbledore's magic circle was about to be completed.

But at this time, Ludo Bagman raised his wand and cast a death curse on Dumbledore.

Dumbledore waved his hand to block it, and the chair flew towards him!


After Ludo Bagman's death curse, another death curse followed.


The death curse was so fast that Dumbledore was almost hit in the arm, and his magic was completely interrupted!



Bree glanced at Moody who was attacking Dumbledore, and immediately looked at the sky covered by the lake. He raised his left hand and held the notes. The notes were constantly turning, and physical chains transformed by magic kept flying out.

And the right hand is raised high, turning into a magical hand.

When the water waves falling from the sky hit, they came into contact with the hands of magic.

The falling lake water seemed to have touched the milky white dye, and the lake water instantly turned into a thick milky white cloud. As it continued to spread, all the lake water turned into white mist floating in the sky.

The black lake creatures in the water were struggling in confusion, but they were unable to stop their fall.

The chains in Brie's notes kept flying out, rushing towards the powerful magical creatures in the sky, while some ordinary creatures were held up by Brie's control of the clouds.

The wind moved, and the clouds and mist swept into the sky with the wind controlled by Bree, and the rebellious magical creatures were completely caught out.

Looking from a distance, Bree stood in the stands, pointing at the clouds falling towards the black lake that lost its water flow and became an abyss in the distance.

The top of the black lake turned into lake water again, and returned to the lake with those creatures without magical fluctuations.

The Forbidden Forest Contract flew out of Bree's hand and hit the Black Lake. In an instant, the mad dragon roar at the bottom of the Black Lake disappeared, and the Ravenclaw statue at the bottom of the lake gradually became stable. Helena slowly escaped from the statue, Extremely afraid.

On the playing field, Bree was still holding a note. The chains on the note slowly contracted, pulling all the magical creatures in the sky back into it.

There was silence at the game.

Not far away from Bree, the Malfoys who were protecting Draco looked at each other and saw each other's disbelief.

Is such magic really something a wizard can do?

This is the sentiment of many wizards present.

"It's amazing." Draco opened his eyes wide, and his gray pupils were full of tears.

"Natural magic, this is natural magic!"

An old man rushed out from the ruins-like stands and ran towards Bree quickly.

"I am Adebe Wofflin, please allow me to say hello to you, respected master of magic." Adebe Wofflin is the author of "Theory of Magic". At this time, he is like a child studying. Looking at Bree excitedly.

"Oh, I was going to visit you after the game, Master of Magic."

"Adebe, we'll talk about this later, we want to wait for the last warrior to come out." Dumbledore was still surprised, and he looked at Bree with extremely complicated and admiring eyes.

"Your magic amazes me. Your understanding of natural magic is even stronger."

"An incredible level."

By this time Ludo Bagman and Moody had been captured.

Professor McGonagall and Snape brought them both up.

"I found Veritaserum and Polyjuice Potion on Moody's body."

"What!" The professors and wizards gathered around were shocked.

"He's not Moody!"

At this moment, two people suddenly spit out from the maze.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The Triwizard Trophy flew out and landed at Bree's feet with an incredible bounce.

"Boom!" The Goblet of Fire burst out a coquettish flame at Bree's feet, as if celebrating victory.

The scene that should have cheered because of the appearance of the warrior did not happen, but infinite silence.

"What should we do, Dumbledore?" Professor McGonagall said with a dull face.

Dumbledore didn't know. He looked up and looked around, but not at McGonagall.

Professor Sprout said: "We should go see those two children first."

After hearing this, Professor McGonagall only reacted, but Snape had already rushed down.

"It's a portkey, Dumbledore."

Bree raised his hand and the trophy flew into his hand.

"Portkey?" Dumbledore stared at the Goblet of Fire sharply, and then looked at the audience.

At this time, Harry was holding Cedric tightly and sobbing.

"He's back, Voldemort is back!" Harry shouted loudly.

"He killed you Cedric!"

Mr. and Mrs. Diggory, who had just come off to see Cedric...

"What, no, that's impossible!" Mr. and Mrs. Diggory ran over like crazy and pushed Harry away.


"Daddy's Seid!"



Bree stood with her head pounding.


"Cedric?" Bree appeared next to Cedric's body in an instant, looking at Cedric's pale face in disbelief.


As if being hit in the chest by a heavy hammer, the blood on Brie's face faded a lot.

Bree knelt down and touched Cedric's forehead, the skin with some warmth...

"Voldemort, hoo..."

Bree waved his hand, and the wands planted on the field continued to vibrate. Huge tree roots surged up, as if forming a huge magic circle, and the entire field was enveloped.

The Goblet of Fire trembled and flew into the middle of the Bree array.

The violent magic circle was constantly moving, and here, Bree's hair turned silver, and her crimson eyes stared straight at Cedric.

Harry on the side choked with sobs: "Bree, Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back."

"His soul and my parents are resisting Voldemort..."

Bree didn't answer Harry, just running his magic while maintaining the magic circle and the unforgivable curse.


Whispering softly, a violent pain erupted from Cedric's body.

When the Diggory couple tried to protect Cedric in a panic, Bree stopped them with magic power.

"There is no such thing as unforgivable magic."

"Soul, as long as you find the soul..."

"What is the magic master doing?" Adebe Woflin stared at the magic circle arranged by Bree, and he felt the power of space distortion.

And that Goblet of Fire is the anchor point in space.

"It's reverse teleportation." Dumbledore knew what was going on and immediately shouted: "All of Hogwarts, protect the little wizard!"

The professors immediately raised their wands.

The other wizards also protected their children behind them.


Bree didn't want to waste time. A strong flowing magic power alternated between the tree roots, tearing apart the magic barrier of Hogwarts and breaking the space protection here.

"Boom!" A magic smoke burst out, but it quickly dissipated.

Suddenly, the playing field at Hogwarts turned into a cemetery.

There are many tombstones, and the hooded people in the cemetery raised their heads in disbelief and looked at the surrounding stands.

Snape hurriedly protected Harry and stared at the man in the center of the cemetery.


The wizards rioted, and the Ministry of Magic stared at Voldemort in disbelief. Fudge said, "No, no, it must be fake. He's dead, dead!"

"You can go and give it a try." Next to Fudge, Mrs. Bashart said coldly.

Fudge swallowed and stiffened.

How dare he?
Fudge didn't care about Bashat's disdain. He hurriedly ran back. He wanted to find some bodyguards. He couldn't trust anyone now.

Off the field, Voldemort looked around. He was not afraid, but became excited.

"Oh, I'm still thinking about how to get to Hogwarts."

Voldemort's voice was extremely hoarse, like a snake hissing.

His face was distorted, his nose turned into two holes, and his snake-like face was extremely ugly.

"Harry!" The two souls looked at Harry. Their figures were transparent and almost disappeared.

And on the other side, there was Cedric.

"Dad, Mom!"

Cedric rushed towards his parents, but there was no way they could make contact.

"Brie?" Cedric stood blankly and suddenly felt someone tapping his shoulder.

Bree touches the soul.

"Bree Olde?" Voldemort held his wand and stared at Bree. Of course, he did not forget to guard against Dumbledore.

But Dumbledore didn't make a move, he seemed to be thinking about something.

"I haven't come up with a name for it yet, but I'm sure it will help you."

A natural magic power mixed with soul magic surged out of Bree's hand, rushed into Cedric's soul, and then brought Cedric back into Cedric's body.

At this time, Voldemort suddenly tightened his wand, and the wand involuntarily emitted a green light and flew into Cedric's body.

"Remove the curse, soul!"

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort raised his magic and hit Bree suddenly.

But when the spell hit Brie, it failed without any effect, and not even a trace of Brie's white hair was affected.

"Go!" Voldemort roared, and used Apparition in a panic, and the rest of the Death Eaters followed suit, but the vines on the ground suddenly burst out to cancel their magic.

Voldemort stared at Bree fiercely, and he felt that Bree was going to kill him.

Voldemort looked into Bree's crimson eyes and said hoarsely: "When I come back, everything will be unforgivable again!"

"Bang!" A strong magic power rushed out from Voldemort's body, breaking through the vines on the field, and the broken roots continued to fly...

"Apparition!" Voldemort suddenly disappeared.

The other Death Eaters disappeared shortly after.

"Sand..." Cedric moved his fingers.

"Dong dong dong..." Mr. Digory lay on Cedric's heart, feeling Cedric's heartbeat, and cried out in tears: "My Ced is back, Ced!"

"Cedric!" cried Mrs. Digory, who was so frightened that she kissed Cedric.

"The cure for the Unforgivable Curse?" Mr. Adebe Wulflin shouted to Dumbledore at the side with trembling hands: "You saw it, Albus, that is the cure for the Unforgivable Curse!"

"Remove the curse?" Harry whispered. He looked at the souls of his parents, but the souls were weak and had dissipated with Voldemort's departure.

"If I could..." Harry covered his mouth hoarsely, crying slowly.

If there had been a break from the curse, they wouldn't have died.

Many wizards have witnessed death caused by the death curse. Some older wizards or Aurors in the stands were silent, with tears in their eyes.

The Unforgivable Curses are a nightmare for the wizarding world, they are the weapon of dark wizards to do evil.

But now there is a cure for the curse...

The wizards couldn't take their eyes away from the figure on the field, but this game was over...

"We found the body of Mr. Barty Crouch!"

This time it was the voice from the Ministry of Magic. Fudge only dared to come forward after Voldemort left. He brought many dementors with him. The Auror standing next to him was trembling, but he seemed to have gained a sense of security.

"Where is he and how did he die?"

"It's Huli, he died just now."


Fudge looked at Bree, but quickly looked away.

"Barty Crouch must be a traitor. He betrayed the Ministry of Magic and colluded with the dark wizards. The water in the lake just now is the evidence. I will apply for the Order of Merlin First Class for Mr. Oded!"

"And Ludo Bagman, he must be controlled by the Imperius Curse. The Ministry of Magic wants to find out the truth!"

Fudge said loudly, immediately putting aside Crouch's relationship with the Ministry of Magic.

Explained Ludo Bagman's problem!
However, he looked at Bree who didn't care, exhaled, and softened his voice.

"Barty Crouch Jr.!" Here, the wizard guarding Moody and Ludo Bagman shouted loudly, attracting everyone's attention.

Bree also looked over.

Moody's magic eye Gollum fell away, and little Barty's appearance slowly recovered.

Little Barty stuck out his tongue at Bree and smiled ferociously.

At this time, Fudge didn't care about why Barty Jr. was still alive, he saw the opportunity, ran up immediately, and immediately said: "Look, this is Barty Crouch Jr., who was already dead, but Barty Crouch Qi betrayed the Ministry of Magic!"

Barty Jr. should have stayed in Azkaban, and if he appeared here now, it must have something to do with Barty Crouch. Mr. Fudge found the person responsible, and he immediately yelled.

"You should accept the Dementor's Kiss!"

Fudge didn't wait for him to recite them all.

"Wait, Fudge!"

Dumbledore waved his hand, and a transparent phoenix separated the dementors. He motioned to Snape on the side.

Snape took the truth serum found from Moody and poured it into Moody's mouth.

"We should ask," Snape said regardless of Fudge's disgusted face.

"What do you have to say?"

Barty Jr. bit his lip tightly, but the strength of Veritaserum made him open his mouth.

Little Barty looked through the crowd to Bree.

"I've found...your weakness!"

(End of this chapter)

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