Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 277 Awakening the Demon King

Chapter 277 Awakening the Demon King
The ground was full of death and endless desolation.

The wind blew past, with bursts of bone-chilling coldness, hitting Bree and Vonn in the face.

"What are we looking for here?"

Vonn was a little confused, because it was pitch black and there was nothing here, the ground was covered with gray gravel, and not even a blade of grass was seen.

"It is said that there are traces of ancient elves here. Don't worry, nothing will happen to you as long as I'm here."

Brie looked around, and soon sensed the vague vitality contained in the death aura.

"It's so cold here." Vonn rubbed his arms, and the goosebumps on them were all in one piece.

Brie puts a barrier on Vonn.

The death energy here has no effect on Muggles, but Vonn has given birth to a ray of magic power, so don't let the death energy here be lost.

Vaughn's ray of magic really worried Bree.

"Ouch, what is this!" Vonn staggered suddenly, and if Bree hadn't held him back, his whole face would have been smashed.

"It's tree roots." Brie bent down to look, and saw some withered and mottled old tree roots entangled on the ground. There was no life flowing on them anymore. In some places, they would be scattered into debris if stepped hard. , as if it had been corroded by termites.

"What a big tree root!" Vonn exclaimed.

The root system on the ground was very developed and spread far away. Looking forward, Bri couldn't even see where the main trunk was.

"Come on, let's go to the front and have a look."

Bree walked forward with Vorn. The tree roots on the ground were crisscrossed, looking like huge pythons lurking.

"That's so high!"

The air of death was like a thick fog. Only when Bree got closer could he see the whole place.

All that's left of the huge tree trunk is its stump.

Although this is a tree stump, it is at least a hundred meters high, guarding it like a majestic city.

The death energy on the tree stump and the countless cracks caused by the battle seemed to highlight the glory of the year and the tragedy of the ruin.

"Go up." Bree grabbed Vonn's shoulders and used magic power to lift the two of them up.

Following the dry bark, Bree and Vonn quickly arrived at the tree stump.

"Tick tock!" is the sound of water dripping.

"How can there be water here?" Fu En whispered.

"Oh, wait for me." He hurriedly caught up with Bree heading towards the sound of water dripping.

As Bree and Vonn went deeper, little stars appeared. When they got closer, they realized that they were auras surrounding an arrow's feathers.

The arrow feathers are deeply embedded in the tree stump, and at the top of the arrow feathers, a little water flows out of the tree stump, gathering into water droplets and dripping on a sapling in front.

The light spots above the head looked like guards, but when Bree stepped in, they made a sharp whistling sound, which frightened Vonn behind Bree so that he did not dare to move.

"Stand there and don't move, Fu En."

Bree waved her hand and caught the incoming light spots. Those light spots kept struggling in Bree's hands, but they were wrapped in Bree's magic power.

"Is this consciousness?"

This is the first time that Bree has seen consciousness that can be seen with the naked eye. Under normal circumstances, elemental consciousness requires highly sophisticated natural magic to observe.

"This is not elemental consciousness." Brie came to this conclusion after a little observation.

"This is a soul body, but it's just because too much time has passed. It's been so long that they can only protect this place in the form of a point of light."

"Can we go, teacher, it's too uncomfortable here." Even with Bree's magical protection, Vonn still felt uncomfortable.

The death aura here is even stronger. If a wizard comes here, he may have been swallowed up and it will be difficult to use his magic power. These light spots on Bree's hands can easily kill the fragile wizard.

"Wait, I want to see the memories in these souls."

Bree waved her hand, and the notes flew out and turned into an exquisite tall basin. This was an alchemical product that Bree made after imitating a pensieve. Of course, it didn't have much effect.

Then, Bree took the wand and activated the memory on the light spot on her hand.

Soon, a transparent light was thrown into the pensieve by Bree——

Under a wave of magic power, Brie seemed to be in a bubble. When a ray of light fell, the bubble burst, and memories began to appear in front of Brie's eyes.

A majestic green highland, with lush vegetation among the continuous undulations, and looking into the distance, an endless ancient forest is bathed in the warm sunshine.

Bree turned around and looked up, and saw colorful beams of light shining through the towering tree crowns.

"This is the fairy tree."

The huge Forbidden Forest tree was intact and full of life, and some elves with transparent wings were flying around the giant tree.

They couldn't see Bree, and Bree couldn't touch them.

"Woooo!" A loud horn sounded.

As soon as the scene changed, Brie had arrived outside the forest.

Countless orcs came galloping over, and violent magic rushed towards the forest.


Following the order from the Elf King here, thousands of magic arrow feathers like meteors passed over Brie's head and flew into the rushing team of orcs.

In an instant, smoke and dust filled the air, magic power burst out, and the tragic calls were suppressed in the dark magic power of the sky and the earth.

But the orcs were so numerous that even arrow feathers couldn't stop them from charging.


The Elf King shouted, and he saw that the trees in the forest looked like humans, with their roots pulled out from the soil and used as feet, while the thickest branches turned into hands. They rushed towards the invading orcs.

The war reached a stalemate...

"Woooo!" The orcs blew their horns again, and the army retreated.

The scene turned, and Brie came to a gorgeous giant tree palace.

The lush trees hovered outside, and the elves were playing around, but in the palace inside the tree hole, the elf king frowned.

"Humans, we gave magic to humans, but humans have become greedy and they are not satisfied!"

The old elf who looked like a priest walked over.

"King, humans are inherently untrustworthy, we have known that from the beginning."

"Moreover, we never gave them real magic. The magic now... can only be said to be human magic."

This is the truth. The elves only gave humans some simple magic to make humans admire the elves in order to control the human race. However, humans have developed too fast and have their own civilization and power.

"Elder, that's not what I want to say." The Elf King said helplessly: "I hope to know why humans didn't come to help the elves fight against the orcs."

"This is clearly an agreement!"

The elder lowered his eyes and said solemnly: "I feel that human beings have new power."

"New power?" The Elf King repeated in disbelief.

The elder looked out the window and said, "Bloodline Wizard!"

As the scene turned, Bree saw an elf disguised as a human stepping into the human city. Soon, he saw the king who was in the human city, constantly promoting blood wizards.

At this time, the urgent report came!

"Report, King, the orcs are attacking!"

Raw material for orcs, blood wizards.

After a wizard and an orc combine, the child born may inherit part of the orc's magical blood. In addition to orcs, magical creatures can also combine with humans to give birth to wizards, but such wizards are very dangerous.

"Quick, go notify the neighboring countries!"

In the face of powerful enemies, the Western countries, which were originally scattered into hundreds of countries, quickly united to fight against the orcs. When there was a chance of victory, they began to frantically capture orcs to make wizards.

A large number of wizards are generated...

The scene in front of Bri's eyes kept flickering, interspersed with events quickly, which made Bri's eyes blurred. When the scene calmed down, he returned to the giant tree palace in the forest.

The elf knelt on one knee in front of the Elf King and spoke respectfully about how humans have been capturing magical creatures for wizard creation in the past hundred years.

"Have any elves been captured?" The Elf King clenched his fists and whispered.


The Elf King nodded and let him go down.

On the other side, the elf elder came out and said: "King, there are still many magicians among humans, and magicians will continue to be born. I have already studied it, and magicians are stronger than wizards."

The wise elder suggested: "We should win over those magicians and let them occupy the upper echelons of mankind, so that we can continue to control mankind, lest those humans bring dirty methods to the elves because of the appearance of wizards..."

"Boom!" A loud noise shook the sky, and the entire giant tree palace shook twice.

"It's an ancient elf tree, hurry up!"

The Elf King and the elders exclaimed, and saw that the entire environment disappeared like a broken mirror...

Bree also came out of her memory.

"Teacher?" Vonn said immediately when he saw Bree waking up.

But Brie lowered her head, and the light spots on her hands had disappeared.

The surrounding light completely dimmed, and it was pitch black. Only the saplings under the arrow feathers still had a little fluorescence.

Bree waved her hand, and a light appeared, shining all around, illuminating the surrounding desolation.

Bree stepped forward to check. The black air here was emanating from under the tree stump and had nothing to do with the sapling.

"Magic." Not wizard magic, a bit like natural magic.

But something is different.

"Maybe it's the magic of the elves."

Buri input a little natural magic power, and the sapling became a little greener, as if the rain had returned from a long drought, and some of the yellowish green leaves on it were fluttering around Buri's fingers.

"Buzz!" Bri used magic power to pull the sapling up from the ground.

"Can you radiate natural magic?"

Brie felt that after absorbing his magic power, the sapling emitted a subtle natural magic power.

"You should be a descendant of the ancient elf tree."

Bree looked at the old tree stump that had completely lost its vitality, and regretfully said, "I don't know why you became like this."

Could it be that humans defeated the elves and cut down this ancient tree that represented the elves?

Bree didn't know, but he should have gone out. Except for this tree, there was only endless death energy. There were many such death air in the ancient tree fairy rings in Bree.

"Let's go, Vonn."

"Teacher, is there anything special about this tree?"

Bree put the sapling into his notebook, and then said: "Maybe I can break off a branch and make a wand for you, but only after I study it clearly."

This tree is very fragile. It must have been here for thousands of years. It has lost too much spirituality and cannot do much.

"Oh, magic wand!" Vonn said excitedly: "Is it as powerful as yours?"

Bree glanced at Vonn, making Vonn a little embarrassed.

Breedao: "The wand is just a thing used by wizards for convenience. A true natural...nature mage should use himself to induce the power of nature and perform powerful magic."

"Oh, then I don't want the wand anymore." Fu En said sadly.

Bree tapped Vaughan on the head.

"If you don't use a wand, I'm afraid you won't be able to cast a single spark."

Vonn pursed his lips, feeling a little depressed.

Bree rubbed Vonn's head and felt the magic talent in his body...

Unfortunately, Vonn's magical talent has not improved after spending time with Bree's overflowing magic.

It seems that the natural magic power only stimulates the blood in his body and activates that part of the magic talent, but does not enhance it.

However, this is the talent of a wizard. For natural magic, what is needed is his understanding of nature and nature's recognition of him.

"Am I bad, teacher?" Vonn tried hard to maintain a calm expression and looked at Bree expectantly, hoping that Bree could give him some comfort.

"Very bad. You are the least talented wizard I have ever seen."

Vonn shut up completely.

"Don't worry, the courses I teach may be suitable for you. This is the difference between magic and wizards."

Bree patted Vaughn on the head, the little guy was too short.

"Teacher, I will definitely study hard."

Bree didn't answer Vaughan until Vaughn did it.

After walking out of the circular pit, Bree took out his notes and opened the teleportation circle.

"Follow me, Vonn."

"is teacher."

After crossing the magic circle, Bree came to the hall of Ode Manor.

"My lord!" Nico immediately rushed over.

"Sir, are you okay?" Nico tried his best to maintain the etiquette of being a member of the Oude family and stood straight.

"Growing taller again, Nico."

"Where's Tom?"

Bree walked towards the sofa in the hall, while Vonn behind him was a little uncomfortable and his eyes were filled with wonder. This place was so beautiful, like a palace in a dream.

"Tom went to open an orphanage as you asked."

Ver didn't stop, he continued: "Nico is managing business matters."

"The Malfoy family guests are in the back garden."

"That platinum egg was thrown away by his father to manage business in the Muggle world."

Bree nodded, understanding.

Then he said to Nico: "Arrange a room for Vonn, I still need to go out..."

"Ah, sir, where are you going? Do you need to take Nico with you?"

Bree shook her head.

"I have something very important, Nico, please be obedient."

After rubbing Nico's head, Bree opened the magic circle and left Ode Manor.

"Okay." Nico looked helplessly at Vonn, who seemed to him a bit simple.

"Come with me, Fern."

Fu En whispered: "My name is Fu En."

"Vorn Enoch"


After leaving Ode Manor, Bree got on the flying carriage turned into a magic wand.

In the carriage, Bree opened the map and slowly looked at a country on the European map.

"Austria...a place that is gradually being neglected."

Bree put down the map. The carriage would fly there by itself, so he didn't have to worry too much.

In contrast, he should think carefully about how to make it possible for Muggles to obtain magic.


The elf saplings that Bree got indeed inspired Bree to use environmentally friendly methods to plant trees that can exude natural magic in Europe. This way, they can perfectly avoid the eyes of Muggle executives and allow those environmentalists to plant them together, so that The magic of nature spreads with the oxygen transformed by the trees.

"Perhaps you can ask Draco to do this. He has industry in the Muggle world."

Bree tentatively confirmed the plan

Then think about the story in your memory.

"The orc attack unites a divided country... This is an issue I ignore."

"Wizards and Muggles have been divided for too long. Not to mention the attitude of Muggles towards wizards, it is also difficult for wizards to empathize with Muggles."

"I can't just think about things from the perspective of a wizard. In addition to being a wizard, I'm still a human being."

and so……

Wizards and Muggles both need a strong enemy who forces them to stand together.

(End of this chapter)

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