Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 278 Grindelwald and the White Rose

Chapter 278 Grindelwald and the White Rose
When Bree stood in front of the Nurmengard tower again, he had no hesitation.

Bree pushed open the door under the tower.

The door that had not been opened for a long time made a decaying sound, as if Bree could make the door collapse with just a little more force.

The crows on the tower croaked and screamed, watching Bree with their vigilant black eyes until Bree completely stepped into the tower.

Bree raised her head and looked up the wide staircase. A dizzy feeling as deep as the black abyss pressed on her side and could not fall on her body.

"This gentleman is not friendly at all."

Brie was also holding fruits and an elegant bouquet of white roses in her hands.

Brie stepped onto the steps, and the steps seemed to be triggered. A strong magic force was about to pull Brie into an illusion. Unfortunately, the illusion fell apart when it came into contact with Brie.

Bree walked up the steps slowly, one step at a time, without being disturbed in the slightest.

When Bree lowered his head and saw only the dark abyss, he had arrived in front of an extremely ordinary wooden door.

"Clang!" The wooden door was pushed open by itself, revealing a simple hut.

An old man was sitting on a chair, looking out from the tower window. Outside was the lake that trapped him, and the black clouds and mist on the lake had never dissipated.

"Mr. Grindelwald." Bree walked in carrying fruits and white roses.

"Buzz!" A burst of magic suddenly hit Brie.

The white rose in Brie's hand was smashed to pieces.

Petals are flying outward.

Bree hooked up her hands, and the petals seemed to be in order. As the wind came back, they fell one by one towards Grindelwald, and finally re-condensed into a white rose in front of Grindelwald, floating and swaying, exuding a special fragrance. magic.

"It's beautiful," Brie explained, then placed the fruit on the wooden table beside Grindelwald.

Grindelwald's eyelids moved slightly, and he looked at Bree in surprise. Perhaps it was Bree's strength that aroused his interest.

"Are you Dumbledore's man?"

Dumbledore's chosen successor, Grindelwald knew very well how Dumbledore acted and would always find a spokesperson to help him do things.

Bree shook her head.

"I'm a student at Hogwarts, but I'm just more talented."

"Ha." Grindelwald sneered, and then looked at Bree with muddy and lonely eyes.

"Your visit is over, I'm just a failed old man, you can't get it from me..."

Bree stopped Grindelwald and said, "Dumbledore hopes that humans and wizards will not interfere with each other and live in parallel, and he is the boundary that balances this; when he has no choice but to die, for this reason every generation he will We must choose a very prestigious mixed-race savior who hates war and is full of love for humans and wizards to implement this concept."

Grindelwald was stunned for a moment, but it was so fleeting that Bree almost didn't notice it.

"What you said is very interesting." Grindelwald said interestingly: "You know Dumbledore very well, and I was surprised to learn that."

Grindelwald's voice was low, but with a hint of twilight, and he said slowly: "Few people can understand him, even me, and it was only after that..."

Grindelwald took the white rose floating in front of him.

"Flowers that represent short-lived love and sacrifice, roses... rose gardens..." Grindelwald seemed to be caught in a memory, until Bree interrupted the old man's sigh.

"There is a white rose garden in Godric's Hollow."

Grindelwald's eyes were a little wary, he looked at Bree silently, and then crushed the white rose.

Alchemy item?

Grindelwald looked at the crushed rose and was surprised.

Bree waved his hand, and the white rose fragments scattered on the ground were like seeds, stretching out their rhizomes and spreading along the stone wall of the room. Blossoms of pure white roses bloomed among the branches and leaves, and along the tower window, the whole tower began to explode. Blooming with vitality...

A rose identical to the original one fell on Grindelwald's chest and was pinned to his clothes like a brooch.

"It's a very strange magic." Grindelwald was not angry at Brie's provocative behavior, but instead became curious about this kind of magic.

Brie didn't answer Grindelwald's words, but said, "Do you know yourself?"

"Myself?" Grindelwald stared at Bree and asked Bree to continue.

"You intend to rule mankind. Justice only exists on those who agree with you and you. If it is because of the conflict between Muggles and wizards, I think you are gaining status for wizards, or saving wizards."

"Unfortunately, the strength of Muggles is beyond your imagination. You can control one Muggle with magic, but you cannot control all Muggles, and you cannot resist the unimaginable weapons of Muggles."

"It's not that Dumbledore defeated you, it's that you chose to fail."

Did Nurmengard really trap Grindelwald?

Can love for Dumbledore trap Grindelwald?

Only he can trap himself.

Grindelwald was silent for a long time. He began to look at the young man in front of him and said, "You know me very well."

"It's just that I read more books and know more about the world, so I understand you better."

Brie's respect served Grindelwald well.

"I see a lot in you, some shadows of Dumbledore, some of me, and some of others... It's very special, but when I look at it again, you don't look like us at all."

Grindelwald asked: "Do you know yourself?"

Bree smiled softly, a shallow smile that was more serious.

"Of course, I know what I want to do and my abilities, so I am qualified to know myself."

Grindelwald thought about not mentioning it, but he didn't expect that Bree had already had his own realization.

"Yes, only by knowing your own power and understanding what you want can you truly understand yourself. At least, you can know what you want to do, haha!" Grindelwald laughed.

After laughing enough, Grindelwald said: "You are a little different, why?"

If it were just the influence of Grindelwald himself and Dumbledore, Grindelwald would never feel this way. He vaguely felt that Bree still had someone to say.

Breedow: "Have you ever heard of the second Dark Lord?"

"Second term, heh." Grindelwald sneered disdainfully.

"You don't seem to have much respect for the Dark Lord, oh, for you, what's your name?"

Grindelwald seems to have heard of Voldemort, but didn't know much about it.

"Bree Old."

Breedao: "The second Dark Lord is different from you. He was born of pure blood... and has the power of extreme pure blood."

"Extremely pure blood..." Grindelwald frowned slightly, and then smiled, full of disdain, but as if he had some scruples. He looked at Bree and reminded: "You may disdain him for this, but You should also be careful."

"Be careful of ultra-pure bloods?" Brie asked. Are there any ultra-pure blood characters that can make Grindelwald wary?

Grindelwald seemed not to want to talk about this topic. He said: "You just need to be careful. No one is simple. Simple guys will not survive now."

"Dong dong dong!" Grindelwald lightly knocked on the wooden table next to him. He exhaled a breath and said with a little spirit in his eyes: "Why are you here? I am just a trapped old man. I can’t give you anything.”

Bree took out a book "Fundamentals of Natural Magic" and placed it on the wooden table.

"Mr. Grindelwald, I hope you are not too intrusive."

Bree opened her notes, stepped into the magic circle in front of Grindelwald, and left.

"Hoo!" The summer wind whistled, blowing the high tower of Nurmengard. The white roses attached to the tower swayed one after another. The petals fell like raindrops and were involved in the lake. Some petals flew in along with the wind. The tower window quickly flipped the "Basics of Natural Magic" on the wooden table in the room.

Grindelwald pressed his old hands on the pages, picked up the book, and slowly opened it.

"Natural magic..."

"Boom!" In the dark night, a few hours after Bree left the Nurmengard Tower, the Nurmengard Tower, which had been peaceful for decades, collapsed!

"Quack, quack, quack!" The crows flew up and dispersed away from the place where they lived.

"What happened!" The Austrian Ministry of Magic rushed to Nurmengard, but only saw ruins.

"prison Break!"

"Gellert Grindelwald escaped from prison!"


Far away in the British territory of Austria, in the Muggle world, in Wiltshire, in a luxurious manor.

"Hey, Brie, look, this is the property my dad gave me in advance!"

Draco and Bree were sitting in the wide hall, and he pointed at the huge map of Europe on the table.

"Look, Wiltshire, this is where our Malfoy family has lived for generations. Of course, we usually live in the magical world, not the current manor guarded by Muggles."

As he said that, Draco looked around with disgust at the hall that was full of Muggle atmosphere even though it was gorgeous.

"My father conveniently gave me this manor, as well as the land attached to the manor and a large number of farmers. These farmers gave me a lot of pounds every year for leasing the land of the Malfoy family." As he spoke, Draco said Pout.

"Let's take a look at this. This is an agricultural processing plant in the Muggle world. It was given to me by my father." Draco said casually, pointing to a large factory in Wiltshire on the map.

"This place occupies two levels of agricultural processing in the entire UK. It was developed by my grandfather."

"And here." Draco pointed to London.

"There are also some agricultural stores here where agricultural products are dumped, and my dad also gave them to me..."

"And here, these large counties also have the Malfoy family's agricultural properties, but the land is leased from the United Kingdom. Of course, the rent is very small. Only this part of the land in Wiltshire is permanently owned by the Malfoy family. of."

"The Malfoy family is a noble family in the Muggle world!"

Draco said, then curled his lips and said: "But they are all agricultural products, agricultural products, do you want me to learn farming? A wizard will not raise a hoe stupidly."

Agricultural products...Brie put aside this idea and was very strict about what she ate. Even the Malfoy family could not use magic to induce the production of agricultural products excessively. In terms of food, the UK was very strict.

"Draco, agriculture was the most important industry in ancient times. Although it seems to have become low-end with development, it is still important. It is the lifeblood of a country."

Bree patted Draco on the shoulder and said to him, "I'm here to ask you for help, not to see how much property you've been assigned here."

Draco snorted arrogantly: "I'll explain my property clearly so you can make arrangements. Anyway, the Malfoy family is not short of money. Even if my generation doesn't manage it well, it doesn't hurt."

Bree smiled.

"The Oude family is looking for you to cooperate. They hope to do some public welfare environmental protection projects, specifically tree planting."

"Public welfare, environmental protection, tree planting?" Draco looked at Bree strangely. Did he hear it correctly?

"Poor management means not making money, and the charity you are talking about is... losing money?" Draco looked at Bree in confusion.

Bri nodded and said, "Money comes from the Oude family."

There is a magic stone in Bree, and money is not something he cares about, not to mention that gold is just an arrangement and combination of some elements.

As he spoke, Brie pointed to the table in front of him, and with a gentle tap, the material of the wooden table changed drastically.

The golden light almost blinded Draco's eyes.


Draco looked at the table in disbelief.

"Magic cannot create real gold."

Bree looked at Draco looking for flaws, and smiled: "Natural magic can do it, and gold is also a part of nature."

Draco froze.

"You mean it'll stay gold?"

Brie shook her head and smiled: "He is already gold, no longer wood."

Draco pursed his lips.

"Brie, do you know what kind of wood this wooden table is made of and how many years ago it was... This is an antique shipped from the East across the ocean hundreds of years ago. It is much more precious than this large piece of gold."


"Cuckoo..." the owl's voice.

Bree raised her hand and the window opened, letting the owl fly in.

"Emergency report on Prophet's Day?" Draco frowned and put aside the trivial matters on the table.

"What kind of things would require urgent reporting?"

Draco spread out the report, and the headline on the front page read - The Dark Lord - Grindelwald escapes from prison!

"Brie!" Draco handed the report to Bree. Bree glanced at it, skipped the page, and looked below——

Mr. Diggory Cedric, who should have died, was confirmed to be healthy after half a month of testing at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries. The cure of the killing curse is shocking!

Hogwarts College stated that new courses will be launched next semester, and the Ministry of Magic will also send a senior inspector to supervise the college courses and serve as a professor.


According to rumors, a wizard discovered that Dumbledore went to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries. Please continue to pay attention to the reporter for specific reports, Rita...


Bree tossed the Daily Prophet aside.

"Don't make a fuss, Draco." Bree looked at Draco's panic and asked, "Is there no news about Voldemort recently?"

Voldemort, this is Bree's next target.

Now that Grindelwald has chosen to join the game, Bree has to make Voldemort take on the role of the second Dark Lord. Otherwise, Voldemort, who only dares to guard this small place in the British wizarding world and is used as a weapon by extreme purebloods, is not Green. DeVoe's opponent couldn't make wizards truly fear his existence.

Enemies, Bree is choosing enemies for wizards and muggles.

Bree is not prepared to choose the path of any demon king to solve the problems of Muggles and wizards, but wants to use them to complete his own layout.

Even if Brie doesn't have complete control over everything, she has a reason to do so whenever possible.

This is the path he chose.

"Oh my god, that's Grindelwald!" Draco exhaled: "You don't know, Bree, Grindelwald is definitely more troublesome than the mysterious man. Of course, this is what my father said. Waugh didn’t understand.”

Draco said worriedly: "Can Dumbledore deal with two demon kings at the same time?"

(End of this chapter)

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