Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 281 On the way to office

Chapter 281 On the way to office

Inside the booming King's Cross Station, Bree was saying goodbye to Harry.

Nico was lying on Bree's shoulder, and Nico was still standing straight, looking like a little adult.

Nagini carefully lay down at Bree's feet.

Vonn, on the other hand, stayed next to Bree carrying a large suitcase.

"I hope Dumbledore won't be angry with me for being late."

As a professor, Bree should have gone to Hogwarts in advance, but this is a time for new professors to get to know old professors, and Bree doesn't need this.

Bree took Val off her shoulder and handed it to Tom.

Tom looked at Bree softly and at the young man in front of him, slightly speechless. After a long time, he said: "Remember to read the letter I wrote to you and the reply."

Bree smiled.

"I will, Tom."


It was Nagini. Nagini looked at Bree carefully.

"Follow me, Nagini. I can see you'll regain consciousness soon."

Nagini has been in contact with Bree for a long time, and with the help of natural magic, she has gained a lot of humanity, and is not far from recovering her original memory.

Bree took Vonn on the train to Hogwarts, but when they got on the train, Bree drove Vonn away.

"You go to the first grade carriage by yourself, someone from the first grade will pick you up."

"Okay." Vonn looked at Bree and whispered, "Then...Teacher, I'll go there first."

After saying that, Vonn turned around and walked towards the first grade.

After Vorn left, Bree arrived at the carriage dedicated to Draco.

Opening the door, Bree saw Draco sitting in the car sorting documents.

During one summer vacation, Draco took over the Malfoy family's business in the Muggle world, as well as the tasks given to Draco by Bree, and now he has become a lot more mature.


When Draco heard the door opening, he was pleasantly surprised when he saw Bree: "Come and have a look, I found something good!"

good stuff?
Bree went up to take a look, and saw that what Draco was reading turned out to be a Muggle watch magazine, and it was a very fancy one.

But Gao glanced at Draco, and Draco started chirping when he saw Bree sitting next to him. Even Nagini who slipped in was lying on her stomach in a daze.

"Okay, Draco." Bree reluctantly told Draco to shut up, and continued, "Is what I arranged for you done?"


Of course Draco had done everything, just plant trees, or just give up some land and let the flower elves manage it. That was totally fine.

"I think you will have news soon. The flower elf will tell you as soon as possible."

Bree nodded upon hearing this.

Draco put down the magazine in his hand and said with interest: "Have you heard, Bree?"

Draco didn't give Bree a chance to think. He said: "Potter, he was tried by the Wizengamot on August 8th, but the news was only released now. I heard that Deng was in court. Blido has caused Fudge a huge loss of face."


Draco laughed loudly, clearly dissatisfied with Fudge.

"Wizengamot?" Bree wondered. This is the court of the wizarding world. It is independent of the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry of Magic can only be regarded as one of the forces, but the Portash matter can be tried there.

Seeing Bree's eyes, Draco immediately knew what Bree was thinking.

He said: "Using magic outside the school, and in front of Muggles."

"What kind of magic can move people so much?" Brie chuckled.

"Oh, it seems to be the Patronus Charm."

Patronus Charm... I didn't expect Harry to be able to use the Patronus Charm. Harry had never found anything worth protecting before, but now it seems that he has found it.

Draco didn't finish speaking. He continued: "It was Dumbledore. He saved Potter. My father was also present. At that time, Dumbledore debated Potter's innocence on the spot. Instead, he was blamed for the dementor attack. I blame Fudge for Muggle matters."

"Fudge is very embarrassed."

"I heard from my father that because of Grindelwald's affairs, Dumbledore has a higher voice in the world, so the Wizengamot also takes it into consideration."

Grindelwald was never heard from after escaping Nurmengard, but no country lowered its guard...except Britain.

Decades ago, when Grindelwald was in turmoil, Grindelwald's organization did not invade Britain because of the presence of Dumbledore.

Without suffering, Britain would not have that sense of crisis. At most, it would be vigilant.

But I am afraid that most of this vigilance is on the resurrected Voldemort.

Compared to Grindelwald, the British wizarding community is more worried about Voldemort.

It just so happens that the nemesis of these two demon kings is Dumbledore.

"Woooo!" The train roared sharply, reminding everyone that it was about to set sail.

At this time, the door of the carriage was pushed open.

It was Harry and Hermione.

Hermione greeted Bree: "Bree."

"Long time no see, Bree." Harry saw joy flashing in Bree's eyes. He took out a box from his pocket, and the box became a little bigger in front of everyone.

Harry handed the box to Breede: "Sirius asked me to bring you a gift at this time. He was looking for Regulus some time ago and said he was sorry for not attending the Ode family's party."

Bree took the box and said: "Thank him for me, but I didn't have time to attend the party at my house, and I'm sorry." Bree remembered that she asked Harry, but during this party, he was in Muggle boundary.

After putting the things away, and seeing that Harry and Hermione had not yet left, Bree asked, "How is Regulus? I heard that Dumbledore helped you."

There was also the matter of Dumbledore's injury, but it seemed that Harry and Hermione didn't know much about it.

Harry knew better about Bree's inquiry.

Harry said: "Sirius and Lupine found Regulus in a cave on the coast outside London, but Regulus' condition is not good."

Harry was still a little scared when he saw Regulus's appearance at the Black Mansion.

"I heard from Sirius that Regulus turned into an Inferi."


Bree raised his eyebrows in thought. He had just seen the Inferi from Voldemort some time ago. This is a kind of magic that traps the soul in the corpse and controls the soul to run the body. The body can be regarded as an alchemical item. .

"I heard that Dumbledore also went there and was injured."

Bree said and Harry shook his head.

"I don't know that," Harry said honestly.

Hermione on the side had some news.

"It's the Infernal Corpse Poison. It's a curse. I saw it when I was reading miscellaneous books."

"I've been staying at Black Manor these past few days, and Dumbledore has been here. I saw some black markings on his arms, which are manifestations of the curse."

Hermione said with some certainty, and Bree nodded.

He also knew about the curse of the Infernal Poison, but he didn't see Dumbledore's condition, so it was difficult to judge.

And this kind of curse is not fatal to Dumbledore. For Dumbledore, he can survive it.

"By the way, Harry, what kind of creature is your Patronus Charm?" Bree was still a little curious about Harry's Patronus.

"It's a stag, Bree. My patronus is a stag." Harry felt a little awkward, because according to Harry's understanding, Snape's patronus was also a stag.

Hermione on the side burst out laughing when she heard what Harry said. It was obvious that Snape was also the patron saint of the stag. As Harry's good friend, Hermione also knew about it.

It was funny and made Bree laugh out loud.

"Harry, you are indeed here."

It was Ron. He interrupted everyone's conversation. When he saw Bree and Draco, Ron's face looked a little strange.

This guy was holding two badges, which belonged to the fifth grade male and female prefects.

Compared to Slytherin, each grade has a steward, but the rest of the grades have always maintained the habit of only the fifth and seventh grades having prefects.

Of course, this also led to the fact that in Slytherin, what the prefects of other grades said was not recognized by other houses. Only the little snakes would stick to this habit.

The two prefect badges Ron is holding are for Harry and Hermione.

"It's time for you to go on patrol." The train has started, and as a prefect, you are indeed obliged to manage it.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other, said goodbye to Bree, picked up the badge that Ron brought and headed outside.

"Finally gone." Draco snorted. He had been looking at the scenery outside and didn't want to contact Harry at all.

Brie smiled and said, "Perhaps you and Harry have a natural conflict, but you have learned to ignore it, which is a good thing."

Draco hummed, not answering Bree's words, and talked about something else: "My dad found a job at the Ministry of Magic."

The Ministry of Magic... is a mixed place with many forces fighting for it. At this time, Malfoy, who is siding with the Odd family, goes to the Ministry of Magic. This will obviously be regarded as a signal.

Odejia intends to take action in the political arena.

"This is a decision that my father and your uncle have discussed for a long time." Speaking of this, Draco frowned.

"The resurrection of the mysterious man or Grindelwald's escape from prison. This will be a disaster for the wizards. We should have prepared for it earlier."

Bree didn't think the thoughts of the Malfoy family and Tom were useful, and Tom didn't tell me, so Bree believed that Tom didn't pay attention to this thing at all, and it was all the Malfoy family's own thoughts.

So this was not an important thing to Bree, so Bree did not continue talking.

The Hogwarts Express train was still rumbling, and Bree watched the scenery quietly, but at this moment, an owl flew into Bree's train compartment in a panic.

In a letter, Bree looked at the 2 Hogwarts logo on it and had some bad guesses.

So Bree opened the letter, and a string of complaints about Bree's lateness rushed out like this, screaming at Bree.

It was Professor McGonagall, and Professor McGonagall looked at Bree dissatisfied.

"Sorry, Professor, I thought I would arrive before the wizard entered."

Bree watched the owl fly away after completing its mission, and stood up. He said to Draco: "It seems that mine has passed first, otherwise Professor McGonagall may have to give me a scolding."


Draco sighed with understanding and said, "It seems that those rumors are correct."

Bree smiled, opened the note, and quickly disappeared from the train under the teleportation circle.

"You're finally here. I thought you wanted to experience more of the little wizard treatment on the train."

Professor McGonagall looked at Bree coming down from the corner tower and smiled helplessly.

It could be seen that Professor McGonagall was not really angry, maybe he just wanted to see Bree earlier.

"Long time no see, my dear." A smile appeared on Professor McGonagall's serious face, and she went up to hug Bree.

"Long time no see, Professor McGonagall, it's a pleasure to be with you in the next time."

Professor McGonagall was very happy to hear Bree say that. She smiled and said, "I'm also happy to have you as a professor at Hogwarts with you."

"Brie, you have to tell me clearly which classroom you plan to teach in, because we can't figure out your teaching method, you can choose one yourself."

Picking a classroom was no trouble for Bree.

"It's in the alchemy classroom outside the turret. I'll clean it up in a while."

The turret is on the east side of Hogwarts, between Ravenclaw Tower and Gryffindor Tower, but there are no professors teaching here and there are no offices, so it is relatively quiet.

The classrooms outside the corner building were built many years ago.

"Okay, just make your decision. I'll do a registration later. By the way, your class schedule."

Professor McGonagall conjured up a class schedule and handed it to Bree.

"The grades you teach are from fifth to seventh grade... very relaxed. Of course, I mean the class time. In fact, fifth grade and seventh grade are the two busiest grades. The little wizards are facing the wizard level exam, which is very important for wizards. The future is very important and you need to grasp it.”

Professor McGonagall gave some inside information.

"The school is considering adding natural magic to the grade examination as a main subject, but this year it needs to be arranged separately. After all, it is too urgent."

Bree nodded.

"Then do I still need to take a test?" Brie has never taken a wizard level test.

Mag shrugged upon hearing this.

"I don't think you need it. The wizard level examination is for young wizards to prove their strength and have qualifications to survive in the outside world. And you, no one will think that you need the transcript of this examination."

"Besides, you should also give the little wizards a chance. You have already surpassed them a lot." Although this was a bit disgraceful, Professor McGonagall still told Bree the truth.

Bree nodded. He didn't want to take the easy level test with a group of young wizards.

Professor McGonagall reminded again: "If you want to use the turret as an office, then you have to let the little wizards know, so as not to find the direction when the little wizards need to ask you for advice. Of course, you can set a rest time time."

Bree nodded.

"Then I'm going to go find Dumbledore first, because he was a little unhappy because I didn't prepare lemon honey candies for the opening party."

(End of this chapter)

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