Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 282 Professor Oude

Chapter 282 Professor Oude
"Oh, by the way, thank you for the gift. I like it very much." Professor McGonagall looked at Bree kindly, smiled and turned to leave.

Bree bought gifts for many professors at the beginning of the school year, and the professors liked them all. Even Snape couldn't refuse the precious potion ingredients.

Returning to the corridor outside the turret, because few people visit here, the torches around are a bit old.

"Perhaps we'll have to ask Filch to replace some equipment."

Bree opened the door with the unlocking spell, but the dust thrown out from the crack of the door stopped Bree a little.

Clean up!
After a spell, Bree stepped into it.

The place is very wide, but it is full of messy tables, chairs and alchemy equipment. It is a mess. It can be seen that Hogwarts has not used this place for a long time.

Bree waved her hand, and the large windows in the classroom were opened, letting in the wind and sunlight.

Only then did element transformation be used to transform all the alchemy tools, tables and chairs here into brand new tables, chairs and decorations.

Silver-green intertwined vines spread from the ground, constantly weaving exquisite patterns on the walls. After Buri dropped a sapling, the sapling grew in the wind and grew stronger on the professor's podium. Buri opened the wall. , let the tree trunk escape, and then a new platform was transformed on the tree trunk.

The silvery-green textures throughout the classroom began to blend with the tree, and strands of magic power continued to flow out, circulating in the textures, filling the entire classroom with natural magic power.

This tree is a natural tree cultivated by the flower elves in Burrang. It can emit natural magic. It is also good to put in the classroom, so that the little wizards can better understand the power of natural magic.


In Dumbledore's office, Professor McGonagall was talking to Dumbledore about the opening dinner later. Professor McGonagall was obviously unhappy and seemed to be offended by someone.

"Dumbledore, are you sure that woman named Umbridge is qualified for this job?"

McGonagall had already seen that Umbridge was a very mean person. In her, McGonagall could not see any tolerance that a professor should have.

Moreover, this guy has not even passed the teacher assessment, so no one knows whether she can be a teacher.

Mag expressed great concern about this.

"You should trust the Ministry of Magic. After all, we can't find a better professor for Defense Against the Dark Arts. We can't live without this course. This is something we all know."

"Of course, you are the principal, and it is you who make the decision on the appointment and dismissal of teachers." Professor McGonagall still couldn't agree with Umbridge's existence. She only hoped that Umbridge could have some skills and would not embarrass Hogwarts.

"Haha, of course, but I think it's time for me to retire. For example, this year, it would be nice to announce it soon."


Professor McGonagall was shocked, and she looked at Dumbledore in disbelief.

"You heard that right, Minerva, it's indeed time for me to retire. There will always be a day when I get old."

"No, Dumbledore, that's not now." Professor McGonagall had not yet recovered from the news that Dumbledore wanted to abdicate, and she was stumbling when she spoke.

Faced with Professor McGonagall's objections, Dumbledore smiled and said: "I must choose a successor for Hogwarts. This is something everyone agrees on."

Professor McGonagall was silent, and she asked a little cautiously: "So who do you want to take your class?"

"Bree Old."

Dumbledore said in a very affirmative tone, and Professor McGonagall was silent for a moment when he heard the name, and then said: "Brie is just a child now, and he doesn't know much about Hogwarts yet. Not familiar with it, we should give him time to adapt to everything in Hogwarts."

"Of course, that's for sure, we should give Bree this chance." Dumbledore smiled.

He continued: "So I have decided to temporarily hand over the position of Headmaster of Hogwarts to you."

"I hope you can let Oded know everything about Hogwarts during my absence."

"Where are you going, Dumbledore?" Professor McGonagall asked.

Dumbledore coughed and whispered: "Grindelwald has been missing since he left Nurmengard, but we all know that he cannot come out forever, so I must prepare as soon as possible to prevent the situation from happening." The point of no return.”

Dumbledore's eyes were filled with helplessness.

"Are you going to reopen the Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore?"

Professor McGonagall was also a member of the Order of the Phoenix, so she naturally knew what Dumbledore wanted to do. She frowned, but she also understood that opening the Order of the Phoenix at this time was indeed a good choice.

"Then do as you say, Dumbledore, and I will raise Bree well."

A glimmer of fighting spirit appeared in Professor McGonagall's eyes, and Professor McGonagall showed great expectations for Bree to become the principal.

"We can't tell him about this yet, Minerva, it's a surprise." Dumbledore's eyes flashed with malice.

Professor McGonagall also nodded and smiled slightly.

Dumbledore stood up and said to Professor McGonagall: "I have to go to Nurmengard. The Ministry of Magic there has already greeted me." Dumbledore looked a little helpless. It was obvious that he didn't want to go there. But because of Grindelwald's affairs, he had to go there, otherwise the international situation would become serious.

After the news of Grindelwald's escape from Nurmengard came out, wizards in some places cheered.

Saints, those wizards who were with Grindelwald have now become old people, but the age of the wizards is definitely not what they seem.

If Grindelwald wanted, he could easily form a team and quickly take the wizarding world by storm.

His ideas were so attractive to wizards back then that even Dumbledore was once obsessed with them.

"Fortunately, he failed. With a past of failure, wizards will hesitate about his correctness and future possibilities."

Through the Portkey, Dumbledore soon came to Nurmengard in Austria. At this time, there were still many local wizards stationed here. As for the effect?
Maybe just to reassure myself.

If they didn't want to save face, I'm afraid Austria's Ministry of Magic would have to move here. After all, they thought that a proud man like Grindelwald would definitely not return to the collapsed Nurmengard Tower.


Dumbledore faced the Austrian Minister of Magic, and he smiled kindly: "I think you have investigated some clues, right?"

The local Austrian Minister of Magic scratched his head in embarrassment. He coughed and said, "Sorry, Grindelwald hasn't moved in decades, so we temporarily separated the Aurors guarding here."

Grindelwald's caretaker?
Everyone at the top of the Ministry of Magic knew why Grindelwald was imprisoned.

The Aurors standing guard were of no use.

Dumbledore frowned.

"I mean the current news about Grindelwald, I hope you are not in vain."

Seeing Dumbledore's seriousness, the Minister of Magic of Austria immediately said: "We have discovered something, that is, Grindelwald does not seem to have contact with the saints, and has left Austria."

The Austrian Minister of Magic's eyes flickered and said: "We are not sure where he went."

No news...

This made Dumbledore a little disappointed, but also a little strange.

Austria's Minister of Magic guessed: "Could it be that Grindelwald got tired of staying and left Austria?"

Dumbledore looked at the minister, then closed his eyes and said, "No, he can't leave here unless he has new ideas."

Dumbledore knew Grindelwald very well, so he immediately said: "I hope your Ministry of Magic can unite to find traces of Grindelwald. If you have any news, please contact me."

It was time for Dumbledore to go back, he was here to make a statement, and soon his ideas would spread throughout the wizarding world of Europe.

And the European wizarding community will invite him again.

"Of course, we will send the news as soon as possible, just don't worry."

The Minister of Magic nodded and bowed, and then Dumbledore left.

Today is the first day of school at Hogwarts, and Dumbledore doesn't want to miss it, not to mention that today is a very meaningful moment.

The handover of the principal is a big deal.


In Hogwarts, the little wizard has arrived at Hogwarts Castle through the arrangement of Professor Flitwick. However, everyone's topic of discussion at this time is not the little wizard, but Bree sitting on the teacher's bench.

Of course, a fat woman wearing a pink jumpsuit and a hip-hugging skirt not far from Brie was also mentioned a word or two.

Umbridge was a little unhappy listening to the voices below, because she thought that as a senior official of the Ministry of Magic, she was the more focused person.

"Cough cough!"

Umbridge coughed twice, but the little wizard underneath had no tendency to stop.

"Quiet!" She stood up and shouted, and the little wizards who didn't know why were stunned.

She sat down satisfied.

But soon more heated discussions broke out, and no one cared about Umbridge.

Of course, except for some little snakes who know Umbridge's identity.

But the little snakes are reticent, so they can't see anything.

Umbridge's face looked horribly foul, and when Dumbledore arrived, Umbridge was not causing trouble.

"Let's get started, Minerva," Dumbledore said to Professor McGonagall. After hearing Dumbledore's words, Professor McGonagall immediately stood up and left the hall. She needed to go to the front hall to pick up the newly admitted children.

Then Dumbledore looked at Bree.

"I'm glad you came as promised, Professor Oded." Dumbledore laughed.

"Also, thank you for the dragon's blood, which has a lot to do with my injuries."

Bu looked at Dumbledore's arm, lowered his eyes and said, "Do you need help?"

Dumbledore shook his head slightly.

"I can handle it. Those Inferi are not scary things." As a great wizard, Dumbledore is confident in handling this annoying curse.

Soon, Professor McGonagall brought all the little wizards in, and Dumbledore also stood up.

However, he did not immediately take the sorting hat to sort the houses, but asked Professor McGonagall to stand over.

"Classmates, we need to make sure of one thing before school starts. Come here, everyone!" Dumbledore spread his hands and greeted everyone.

Dumbledore smiled as he watched the young wizards being attracted by his words.

"There should be many little wizards who have seen something unusual."

Dumbledore looked at Bree with a hint of hope in his eyes.

"We have a new class that is unprecedented and will change the future of the wizarding world."

The little wizards below started to commotion. They were just guessing at first, but now it seems that it is true.

Bree becomes a professor at Hogwarts, a fifth year student.

There was a notice before, so the little wizards accepted it quickly.

"Yes!" Dumbledore said immediately: "We have welcomed the new course of Natural Magic, and we are honored to have invited Mr. Bree Olde, who will serve as the professor of our new course."

"Furthermore, because of Bri Old's outstanding achievements, on behalf of Hogwarts, I would like to say that Bri Old has completed her course at Hogwarts and received an outstanding graduation transcript!"

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he immediately applauded, and the little wizards below heard Dumbledore's words and immediately applauded.

Some excited little wizards even raised their hands in the air and cheered.

Especially the Weasley twins, who loved to join in the fun and started chanting Bree's name.

"Ahem!" Umbridge frowned upon seeing this and coughed twice, but the cheers around him had buried his voice under the table, which made Umbridge's expression even more ugly.

Dumbledore pressed his hand, but before the little wizards could recover from the surprise, he immediately used magic.

"Okay, we have to add some things. Because of the special donation from the Oud family, the textbooks for this course are not paid by the little wizard. I think I'll let Professor Oud talk about it."

Dumbledore signaled to Bree, who nodded with a smile and stood up from the professor's chair.

"I am very happy to serve as Professor of Natural Magic at Hogwarts. The classroom is located on the east side of the top floor of the East Tower, accessible from Gryffindor Tower and Ravenclaw Tower."

Bri first made it clear where the class would be held, and then said: "All prefects from fifth to seventh grade, please go to the classroom to pick up the textbooks from this college."

After Bree finished speaking, she sat down.

The applause and cheers below were even louder.

However, there are some depressed voices, because the previous statement from Hogwarts made it very clear that as students in the first to fourth years, they can only learn the guided magic part of the basics of natural magic by themselves, and they cannot officially come into contact with natural magic until the fifth grade.

As for the rest, no one asked Bree if she was qualified to be a professor, because anyone who asked that was a fool.

"Wait a minute, Dumbledore... and Mr. Odd." Umbridge stood up from the professor's chair.

There was a disgusting look of contempt and displeasure on her face.

"I think Hogwarts didn't notify the Ministry of Magic about the addition of new professors, and even didn't make it clear about the addition of courses. I think this course is unreasonable and has not passed the Ministry of Magic."

After she finished speaking, she immediately raised her short and fat chin and said very sharply: "I am Dolores Umbridge, a senior official of the Ministry of Magic, and I have the authority to announce."

Umbridge looked at Bree and smiled proudly.

"I declare that the natural magic course is cancelled. I'm sorry, I think you have to go down. This is not what a student should..."

(End of this chapter)

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