Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 283 New Professors

Chapter 283 New Professors

"Uh huh!" Umbridge suddenly covered her mouth, completely speechless.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Professor Umbridge, maybe I have to say something." Dumbledore looked at Umbridge apologetically, and then said: "As the Headmaster of Hogwarts, I think I have the right to do so. Whether it’s hiring professors or adding courses, this is my right.”

After saying that, Dumbledore let go of Umbridge, and Umbridge was so fierce that she couldn't swallow this breath.

"How dare you, I am a senior official of the Ministry of Magic!"

Snape on the side suddenly said in a cold voice: "There are many senior officials in the Ministry of Magic."

Umbridge was stunned on the spot, a little embarrassed and didn't know how to refute.

Professor Sprout chuckled, and she also said: "I remember Minerva was a senior official of the Ministry of Magic, but she gave up and came to teach at Hogwarts."

Well, Professor Sprout's words made Umbridge even hotter, of course, out of anger.

Professor Flitwick also said: "I don't think the Ministry of Magic can manage Hogwarts. In front of Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic is still a child."

Indeed, the Ministry of Magic is much younger than Hogwarts.

Umbridge clenched her palms. She listened to the ridicule of some young wizards below, took a breath and forced a smile, and soon sat down again as if nothing happened, but in her eyes, she was full of anger.

Umbridge lowered her head, thinking of Fudge's arrangement for her to come, and quickly raised her head arrogantly. She was not in a hurry. Dumbledore was too powerful now, and she needed a chance.

Seeing Umbridge quiet down, Dumbledore nodded, turned around and said, "The children will have to wait a little longer."

Dumbledore was speaking to the first years standing in the middle of the aisle.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Professor McGonagall, who nodded and walked over.

"Everyone, next is a very important matter."

Dumbledore coughed, which made the professors present a little confused.

The matter of Bree had been discussed with the professors in advance, but the matter now was decided just now by Dumbledore after thinking about it for a long time.

"What is Dumbledore going to do?" Professor Flitwick asked Bree in a low voice.

Bree shook his head, he didn't know.

Just when everyone was still suspicious, Dumbledore said: "I must announce that Minerva McGonagall, a lady who has worked hard at Hogwarts for many years, is fulfilling her duties as the vice-principal. I believe no one will question this decision.”

"I announce that I will step down from the position of Headmaster of Hogwarts and serve as Deputy Headmistress, and the position of Headmistress will be held by Professor Minerva McGonagall!"

"What?" The professors whispered to each other, and Umbridge's eyes lit up. She thought this was a great opportunity.

Internationally, because of Grindelwald's jailbreak, people became panicked. Dumbledore, who defeated Grindelwald, was naturally sought after. This forced the Ministry of Magic to stay away from Dumbledore.

Originally, the Ministry of Magic was preparing to invade Hogwarts forcefully, but everything was disrupted, and Umbridge could only look for opportunities wherever possible.

Dumbledore's resignation as principal was obviously a signal that he had other things to say.

This is definitely against Grindelwald!

"I agree. I think Professor Minerva McGonagall will be an excellent principal." Umbridge stood up and applauded before everyone could recover, her eyes full of false sincerity.

"The Ministry of Magic also supports this decision," she added, laughing so sickly that it was like a slimy toad burping.

"Bang bang bang!" Applause gradually sounded, first from the direction of Gryffindor, then from Slytherin, and then from the other houses.

The professors applauded enthusiastically, even Snape had some energy, it seems that he didn't like Dumbledore being the headmaster either...

Not long after, the principal's handover ceremony ended. Dumbledore gave up the principal's seat to Minerva and picked up the sorting hat himself.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve done this kind of work, it’s really nostalgic.”

Dumbledore smiled, picked up the sorting hat and the list of freshmen, and began to sort the freshmen forward.

"Congratulations, Principal McGonagall." Bree smiled at McGonagall. He looked at Dumbledore and asked in a low voice.

"There's no lesson Dumbledore was prepared to teach, is there?"

Meg nodded.

"Not yet, he has more important things to do."

Professor McGonagall hesitated slightly and thought for a while before telling Bree that there were too many people here, and she still didn't know how Dumbledore wanted to arrange it.

Is that so? Bree nodded and did not continue to ask. Anyway, it was probably just dealing with Grindelwald or Voldemort.

However, there is still an opening.

On the teachers' bench, everyone may have overlooked the seat belonging to the Professor of Care of Magical Creatures.

Mag saw Bree's doubts, and she smiled and said, "You'll know after a while, he came a little late."

Hagrid no longer holds a position in the Department of Care of Magical Creatures, but it stands to reason that Hagrid should also be present as the administrator of the Forbidden Forest.

Professor McGonagall said: "Hagrid went out for something. It was Dumbledore's arrangement."

After hearing this, Brie did her best and waited for the sorting to be completed.

"Vorn Enoch!"

Bree raised her head slightly when she heard Vonn's name.

"Gryffindor!" shouted the Sorting Hat.

Well, this kid definitely fits in there.

Soon, the sorting was over, and at this time, a dark-brown curly head with white hair appeared next to the gate. If Brie hadn't been so perceptive, he might have discovered Brie.

"Principal McGonagall, it seems he is here."

Bree looked familiar, as if he had seen the hiding old man somewhere.

Dumbledore also discovered him. He quickly stepped forward, crossed the aisle, and pulled out the old man.

"Come, let me introduce you to our new Professor of Care of Magical Creatures!"

"Ah, he's Scamander!"

"It's the author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, I know."

Some Hufflepuff students commented.

Bree remembered, this was Newt Scamander!
"If Cedric knew Newt Scamander was teaching at Hogwarts, he might choose to repeat the grade." Bree laughed.

I saw Dumbledore bringing this shy old man to the teacher's bench.

Then they were introduced, and it was obvious that the two were good friends, and Newt slowly adapted to them under Dumbledore's introduction.



Bree pinched an old Niffler at his feet.

There are two tufts of beard hanging on Xiu Xiu's face, which makes him very funny.

"Hug, I'm sorry, I brought this." Newt said dullly. He rarely attended events and mostly communicated with magical creatures. He was a little awkward when talking to Bree, and there was a strange meaning in his eyes. .

Bree was too young, which made Newt a little suspicious.

"Okay, let's start the banquet!" Dumbledore shouted, and the table was filled with delicious food.

Newt also sat on the seat with Sniff, and started eating silently.

It can be seen that this is an introverted professor.

After the banquet was over, Dumbledore wanted the little wizards to sing the school song, but McGonagall, as the headmaster, stopped him.

Dumbledore said he was sorry.

At this time, Umbridge stood up. She was very dissatisfied because no one introduced her.

"Look here!" Umbridge used amplification magic, which made Snape, who was next to Umbridge's seat, frown.

"I, Dolores Umbridge, a senior official at the Ministry of Magic, am honored to be Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts..."

Umbridge stood up, came out of her seat, and walked to the podium. She seemed to be making a declaration or attending a regular meeting of the Ministry of Magic. With an official tone and arrogance, she said with a smile: "The Ministry of Magic believes that little Wizards are doing Defense Against the Dark Arts wrong and we need a capable wizard."

Obviously, she was talking about herself.

"I know very well what happened to you. Except for Professor Quirrell, who had an accident in the first grade and had some abilities, the rest of the professors suffered from various accidents. This is the negligence of Hogwarts and... the negligence of the former principal. "

"It's fair to say, Professor Dumbledore." Umbridge smiled at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore frowned slightly, but didn't stop him.

Umbridge's smile deepened. She looked at the group of young wizards below and said, "The Ministry of Magic will bring new changes to Hogwarts. You are very lucky."

"Hoho." Umbridge smiled sweetly, and then sat back on the professor's chair with his lips pouted.

Dumbledore arranged for the prefects to take the little wizard away.

Dumbledore seemed to have remembered something, and he said to Umbridge: "I remember that the first-level badge of Sir Merlin has been awarded. Why wasn't it given to Professor Oded tonight?"

Dumbledore frowned and looked at Umbridge, who was smiling. Umbridge said naturally: "Oh, this is a big thing. The Ministry of Magic should give it more thought."

Umbridge secretly buttoned up Bree's Merlin badge, which was now in her small pink clutch.

She was still minding what had just happened, and without giving Dumbledore any face, she turned and walked towards her office.

"He has a stench, Albus. This makes me sicker than seeing the news about Grindelwald's escape from prison." Newt walked up to Dumbledore at some point and said to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore shook his head and ignored Umbridge.

"Professor Ode, can you come here?"

Dumbledore introduced to Newt: "This is Brea Odd, the founder of natural magic and the professor of the new curriculum at Hogwarts."

Newt looked at Bree in surprise. In the United States, news about natural magic was still relatively unknown, especially for a homebody like him who only knew about studying magical creatures.

"Oh, I seem to have heard of it."

Dumbledore was a little surprised, but quickly said: "It seems I have to give you a copy of "The Fundamentals of Natural Magic," Newt."

Newt scratched his head and smiled apologetically at Bree.

"Albus, you decide how to arrange the rest." Professor McGonagall came over.

Behind her were Snape, Sprout, and Professor Flitwick.

It seems that they are all very concerned about what happens after Dumbledore.

Snape asked, raising his head coldly and impatiently: "Are you going to deal with Grindelwald?"

"No, Severus." Dumbledore gave Snape an accurate answer first.

Dumbledore is still waiting for Grindelwald's choice, which is, of course, untenable.

Snape got the answer he wanted and just stood aside without saying a word.

Dumbledore then said to everyone: "I will reorganize the Order of the Phoenix, so I will rarely stay at Hogwarts in the future. The school's affairs will depend on you."

Everyone nodded, the Order of the Phoenix still knew about it.

And Newt was a little nervous.

"Albus, I..."

Dumbledore invited Newt to Hogwarts to deal with Grindelwald. No one was more experienced than Newt.

But Dumbledore thought about it and said to Newt: "Let's wait a little longer."

Newt understood that this was because Dumbledore didn't want to face Grindelwald so soon, so he sighed.

"Well, I have to think about how to teach the little wizard."

Newt's tone was helpless, but also full of excitement.

Dumbledore looked at Bree, who had been silent.

"Professor Oude, if you have something you don't understand, you can ask other professors. Compared with other professors, you still lack some life experience."

After Dumbledore finished speaking with a smile, he said to McGonagall: "I have been invited by the International Wizarding Advisor and will be leaving Hogwarts soon. I cannot vacate the principal's office for the time being. I'm sorry."

Mag waved his hand, indicating that it was not important.

Dumbledore left after the Phoenix appeared. Newt looked at Professor Sprout nervously. He arrived too late and had not yet arranged a place to stay.

Professor Sprout stepped on his feet and patted Bree on the shoulder, and said with some pride: "I'm glad to have the same position as you. This is really surprising."

After speaking, Professor Sprout said to Newt: "Professor Scamander, please come with me."

Here, Professor Flitwick also said to Bree: "Oh, it's different. This has never happened before in the history of Hogwarts, but it is so convincing."

Professor Flitwick was very excited and seemed to want to talk to Bree, but he had to go see the eaglets tonight, so he could only say goodbye in a hurry.

Professor McGonagall also wanted to see those little lions. She didn't want those little lions to go crazy just because she became the principal.

Snape and Bree were the only ones left in the hall.

"You... are very good." It took a long time before Snape said this in a drawl. After seeing the platinum-blonde hair emerging from the corridor, Snape frowned, but didn't say much.

"Don't embarrass your Headmaster." Snape shook off the robe and left the hall quickly, turning a blind eye to the people in the corridor.

"Although I'm fully prepared, I'm still so surprised." Draco walked out of the corridor and said to Bree with a look of surprise on his face.

"Our amazing Professor Ode, haha!"

Draco laughed playfully: "That's awesome, we have to celebrate, let's go to the kitchen!"

Bree is also very happy in his heart. Becoming a professor may be a good arrangement for him, which will also be helpful for spreading natural magic.

But more importantly, planting trees is what Brie will do next.

Of course, there is also the matter of the small world, and Brie's elemental transformation is still under study.

Looking at Draco, Bree said: "Sorry, Draco, I have class tomorrow."

Because of Umbridge's presence, Bree, who had just had dinner, was also a little hungry, but it was his first day on the job, so he had to...

"I asked Diandian to prepare green apple pie, pudding, roast chicken, pancakes..."

Draco seemed to be announcing the menu, and Bree pursed her lips.

"Then go and have a look, you have a heart..."

Anyway, just follow the "Natural Magic·Basic Analysis". Natural Magic pays more attention to practical practice.

"Teacher..." Another little head popped up.

"A little lion that swims at night?" Draco looked at Vorn and tutted.

Behind Vonn were Hermione and Harry, as well as Luna and Yana.

"As prefects, we are here to catch this disobedient little guy." Hermione determined the nature of this action. Anyway, she had already told Professor McGonagall... Oh no, it was Principal McGonagall.

"Then let's go to the kitchen together, I think a little bit will be very happy." Bree smiled lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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