Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 284 "Education Order No. 23"

Chapter 284 "No.20 No. [-] Education Order"

Early the next morning, the sun just broke through the sky and slanted on the four-leaf vines in the window of the turret.

Along with the slightly cold autumn wind, Bree also posted on the wall the course list that Principal McGonagall had given him yesterday.

"There is a class today."

The class was in the morning, and the houses were Slytherin and Gryffindor, and generally speaking, these two houses would be very noisy together.

In fact, Brie has an idea to let students from every college come to class, which will allow Brie to have more time of her own.

"Let's talk to Principal McGonagall later."

Speaking of Principal McGonagall, Bree was still a little confused. Unknowingly, she had become a professor, and Professor McGonagall also became the principal.

After packing up her classes, Bree left the turret.

The classroom is just outside the portrait of the big tree, and Bree quickly pushed open the classroom door and stepped into it.

"Wow...Harry, look at this..."

The classroom was originally chaotic, but after Bree stepped into the classroom, it suddenly became quiet.

Ron swallowed and quickly ran to Harry's side, and the others quickly did the same.

Draco sat at the first table with his hands propped up, looking at Bree with raised eyebrows.

Bree smiled lightly, walked behind the desk, and put down the lecturer.

"There's no class yet, so don't be cautious."

"But please prepare your textbooks and spell-casting items. This is your lesson today. I have to see how much you can induce natural magic and to what extent."

These courses were originally learned by Draco and Harry. In fact, for Harry and the others, there was no need to take the first few lessons, or even the later ones.

Because Bree wasn't sure if these fifth-year little wizards would be able to get into shape quickly.

Soon, the class begins.

"Now, everyone begins to absorb the natural magic in the environment. I will record your situation and make some appropriate course arrangements."

"Whether you can learn natural magic depends on your progress."


Perhaps it was because Bree was too rigorous in class, so even Harry and Hermione were very serious, but Ron, who had always been at odds with Bree, did not dare to cause trouble.

It's just Draco who has been slacking off because he can use some small natural magic.

Of course, Bree turned a blind eye to this.

After class, Bree didn't leave in a hurry.

"If you have any questions, you can come outside the classroom to the big tree portrait at the end of the corridor and tap the portrait with your wand. If I am there, the portrait will open... Only during the day. Don't come to me after dinner."


The little snake and the little lion were particularly well-behaved today, and Brie was very satisfied.

"I'm afraid I will check your magic progress in the next I won't assign a paper, and you won't be able to write anything."

"Of course, if there is no progress, you will have to submit a ten-inch paper to me."

"Oh!" Some little wizards who were making poor progress cried out sadly.

But Bree didn't care about that.

The lessons are set according to the progress of people with normal talents. If you can't achieve this, just obediently spend several times more time to work hard.

Genius depends on talent and hard work.

Of course, those who are nearly as talented as monsters are not counted.

It was like Luna and Yana found Bree in the afternoon and told Bree that they wanted to learn natural magic in advance.

Luna said: "There is no "Basic Analysis of Natural Magic" for sale outside. Can you give us a copy, Bree?"

It could be seen that Luna loved natural magic very much. She stared at Bree quietly with her big eyes.

Yana stood aside coldly, but she also looked at Bree with some expectation.

As fourth graders, they were not able to take the natural magic course, which made them a little disappointed.

"Natural magic is very difficult. According to the textbook here, you need to accumulate natural magic for four years before you can start to learn natural magic."

Bree took out two copies of "Natural Magic Basic Analysis" and handed them to Yana and Luna.

"But for talented little wizards, I don't think we should stick to these rigid rules."

"You guys have given me some ideas. I will have to go to Principal McGonagall later and hope she can agree."

Brie and Yana said goodbye to Luna, and walked to the principal's office after a while.

"Dong dong dong!" Brie knocked on the door knocker, waking up the stone statue with its eyes closed.

"Please come in, I'm sorry, I fell asleep just now."

The door to the principal's office opened quickly.

"Oh, what's the matter, Bree?" Principal McGonagall was sitting behind the desk correcting things, and when he saw Bree coming, he immediately smiled.

"Sit down, I have to finish these things, there isn't much left."

After hearing this, Brie sat down and then looked around.

Warm and comfortable wallpaper colors, plush blankets, soft sofas, and simple decorations.

Phoenix's shelves and some bookshelves have been moved, but the Sorting Hat and the pictures on the walls are still there.

This was originally Dumbledore's principal's office. As a principal, he would come here to serve. This was a rule.

Dumbledore has moved to Principal McGonagall's office on the second floor.

"Don't look at it, I don't have the same hobby of collecting candy as Dumbledore." Principal McGonagall rubbed her arm, put the information away, and said to Bree: "Can I help you?"

Principal McGonagall had to deal with school affairs and also serve in the Transfiguration Department, so she seemed a little tired, but she looked like she was enjoying it.

"It's about the natural magic class. I have some ideas."

Principal McGonagall came over and sat on the sofa opposite Bree.

"some thoughts?"

Principal McGonagall pursed her lips slightly and signaled Bree to continue speaking. In Principal McGonagall's opinion, some of Bree's ideas might be very fruitful.

"I don't think we need to separate the four colleges. I can teach students from the four colleges at the same time."

Principal McGonagall frowned slightly.

"This has to give the little wizards the same time. I have to adjust the class schedule with the other deans. It's not difficult."

If that's all it is, it's not really an accomplished idea.

Brie continued: "I want to do an open class, for grades one to four."

"My original idea was to give it to young wizards in grades one to four to learn how to control natural magic. It is only in fifth grade that they start learning natural magic, so I want them to learn it in a systematic way."

Principal McGonagall nodded. This was indeed a good suggestion. In fact, if Bree hadn't said she would only teach grades five to seven when she took office, they would have wanted Bree to teach all seven grades.

"I'm talking about open classes, principal."

"Open class?" Principal McGonagall was a little confused.

"For this class, I will notify you of a time and place in advance. The little wizards can come as they please. There are no restrictions. It's like a club activity."

"In the early learning of natural magic, there is not much to say about containing natural magic. It mainly depends on whether the little wizard can perceive it."

After hearing Bree's thoughts, Principal McGonagall frowned.

She has also studied natural magic, and of course she knows that learning natural magic cannot be done by following the instructions, so he nodded and said: "This is a good proposal. I will explain it to the other three deans and then come up with regulations."

Speaking of this, Principal McGonagall suddenly became distressed.

"Dumbledore went out last night. I originally hoped that he would become the head of Gryffindor. After all, I have too many things to do." As she said that, McGonagall looked at Bree with some expectation in her eyes.

As if he didn't understand, Brie coughed and said, "As long as the principal decides, I'll go back first."

After saying that, Bree stood up and quickly left the principal's office.

Mag sighed helplessly.

"Slippery, this can't be done. Before you become the principal, you must experience the responsibilities of the dean."

Mag's mind was running wildly, but he couldn't find a good way.

It is really inappropriate to let Bree, who was born in Slytherin, serve as the head of Gryffindor.

"How about making Snape the Vice Headmaster and letting Bree be the Head of Slytherin?"

Mag thought about the possibility of this matter.

"You can ask Snape first."

McGonagall made a decision and called Snape.

It was the first time Snape had entered the new headmaster's office, and he looked at McGonagall suspiciously.

McGonagall coughed and told Snape that she wanted Bree to become the Headmaster, and Snape could become the Vice-Principal of Hogwarts.

Snape's narrow eyes narrowed, full of thought.

After a long while, he said: "No problem, but Gryffindor, what are you going to do?"

Professor McGonagall has become the principal and still has to teach. Under the busy schedule, Gryffindor is naturally difficult to manage.

And for those who have not become principals but still become deans, it was okay when they were vice principals, but not now.

"I'm going to let..." McGonagall couldn't say it, and at the same time, she didn't trust Dumbledore to take care of those children.

Dumbledore was busier than she was.

Snape raised the corner of his mouth slightly, but quickly put it down.

"I think I can help you take care of it temporarily, as the vice principal, and then take over when you have a suitable candidate."


McGonagall looked at Snape in surprise, thinking she heard something wrong.

"Do you have a better arrangement than this, Headmaster?" Snape looked at McGonagall silently.

Mag pursed his lips.

If Snape could temporarily manage it as deputy headmaster, it would just be Harry.

As if sensing McGonagall's worry, Snape said emotionlessly: "You know I won't hurt him."

"Well, I will announce the news soon..."

After speaking, Mag thought of Bree's matter, so he asked the other two deans to come and start discussing the open classes.

It didn't take long for a few people to reach an agreement, and the new course list was distributed to every professor.

The new class will start next week, and this week will be conducted according to the original class schedule.


"Oh, is that really a Defense Against the Dark Arts class? It feels like praying in a church. It's so boring."

"Church, what is that?"

"It's a kind of Muggle belief building. Of course, my mother believes in God, and my father and I believe in money, but now I believe in magic..."

After finishing the morning's classes, the little wizards went to the auditorium to have dinner one after another. On the first day, they often spent time talking about their own family affairs.

Of course, there's also the matter of new teachers.

"It's so cool. Professor Scamander found a Pegasus and let us fly on it!"

"Professor Newt, that's what he wants us to call him!"


"Professor Oude is so handsome, and his serious look makes him feel safe. I was about to give up on natural magic. It was too difficult, but now I have hope!"

"My sister has come to me to ask for textbooks. She is in fourth grade. In comparison, "Fundamentals of Natural Magic" is too difficult. It is easier to understand it with the current textbooks."


The little wizards were chattering and talking about each other, even at the beginning of lunch.

Umbridge, who was sitting at the professor's chair, became very angry when she heard the disdain and disgust towards her class.

And when she saw the three deans and Principal McGonagall coming—

"Quiet!" Umbridge stood up and used magic to amplify her shrill voice, which shocked the little wizards below.

"I think as students, you should eat quietly."

She looked at the little wizards proudly and said with a crooked smile: "As a senior official of the Ministry of Magic, I have the right to ask Hogwarts to make some rectifications."

As she spoke, she took out a parchment scroll from her pocket——

"No.20 No. [-] Education Order"

If the quality of teaching at Hogwarts declines, the Ministry of Magic can take a series of measures to make positive changes to Hogwarts. It has the highest authority on all matters involving punishment, sanctions and deprivation of rights for Hogwarts students. And has the right to modify such punishments, sanctions and deprivation of rights imposed by other teachers.


Cornelius Fudge

minister of magic

Order of Merlin, First Class


Umbridge read it aloud, regardless of McGonagall's pale face.

Umbridge was not afraid at all. She had already investigated. Dumbledore was not here today and had gone to Austria to attend the International Wizarding Conference, so he could not help McGonagall.

"Headmaster McGonagall, I think this education order is in effect. This is the right of the Ministry of Magic."

Back then, the Ministry of Magic signed some regulations with Hogwarts to allow the magic tribe to dominate the wizarding world, but now it has turned around and taken action against Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall certainly knew that this educational order had some power, but it could not be used as a way for Umbridge to show off her power.

"I will investigate, Professor Umbridge, but for now please let the little wizards eat."

Professor McGonagall waved to the Gryffindor prefects, and Harry, Hermione, and the seventh-year prefects came over quickly.

"Go and ask the prefects of the four colleges to let the little wizards come to the hall, and there will be important announcements after dinner.

Professor McGonagall took a deep breath and ignored the arrogant Umbridge, who was sitting on the headmaster's seat.

Bree came not long ago, but today's dinner table was a little weird.


Newt also arrived. He was still not quite used to the life of a professor at Hogwarts. He was rarely introverted and sat in the corner, which was completely different from Umbridge who was squeezed next to the principal's chair.

Bree found a random place to sit down and started enjoying her lunch.

Umbridge sneered as she looked at Bree.

"Professor Oded, can we talk?"

Bree didn't answer. He didn't want to be upset while eating.

"Professor Odd!" Umbridge's voice was a little embarrassed, and she stood up and walked towards Bree.

"I don't think you heard the education order just now!"

Umbridge places the Education Order on Bree's desk.

She was smiling, but her eyes were full of pride.

No matter how powerful the person is, such as Dumbledore, he is manipulated by the Ministry of Magic, but she is not afraid of Bree at all.

Bree glanced at the order, then waved, and a gust of wind slapped the order into Umbridge's face.

"Any thing else?"

Umbridge chuckled and took off the education order from her face and put it away.

"I think you are waiting for the Order of Merlin, but I have to investigate your situation for the Ministry of Magic, so I hope you have time in the afternoon. I have to go to your office to see if there is nothing that does not comply with the regulations..."

(End of this chapter)

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