Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 291 "Education Order No. 24"

Chapter 291 "Education Order No. 20 No. [-]"

Recently, there has been an increase in news about Death Eaters. Of course, it cannot be seen in mainstream newspapers, but even mainstream newspapers are not as enthusiastic as word of mouth.

In various wizarding bars, the various whereabouts of Death Eaters were spread.

He spoke from beginning to end, as if he were personally present.

"Remember, Bellatrix, she showed up!"

The Ministry of Magic has concealed information about the prisoners who escaped from Azkaban, but over time, due to outside speculation, some names have been put into public discussion.

"I saw her in Hogsmeade!"


Some people are surprised because Hogsmeade Village is located next to Hogwarts. Since the last werewolf invasion, Hogsmeade Village has strengthened its defenses.

"It's true, she drank Polyjuice Potion!"

"I saw her entering the Oude family's shop and buying magic items!"

"No way……"

There was endless conversation in the bar, and at this time in Hogwarts, the little wizards were in a very bad state.

A pink figure walked over with small steps.

"Stop, what are you going to do?"

The little wizards who were about to go to the Guardian Oude Club were stopped.

A few days ago, Umbridge's Transfiguration finally dissipated, and she immediately reported Bree's cruelty to the Ministry of Magic.

Of course, she was greeted with silence.

Fudge probably figured out what Bree was thinking, thinking that Bree and Dumbledore were not on the same side, but Bree really slapped the Ministry of Magic in the face this time, and he had to do something.

Fudge appeased Umbridge and gave her a new education order. As for Bree, Fudge was ready to let Umbridge establish her own power at Hogwarts first.

Umbridge suppressed her shame and nodded, preparing to find Bree when she gained power at Hogwarts.

She was holding an education order from the Ministry of Magic, looking at the young wizards who had just come out of the Guardian Odd Club, and snatched the campus newspaper from their hands.

It’s about her interviews with every professor.

The previous reports were all based on actual reports, such as how to measure the height of Professor Flitwick, asked Principal McGonagall if he would like to be touched when he turned into a cat, questioned why Professor Sprout used the greenhouse to grow dangerous plants, disturbed and protected Professor Newt takes a nap with the Bowtruckle tree, revealing the scars in Professor Snape's heart...

There was nothing Umbridge could not admit about this.

But, in the end...

Professor Oude turned her into a pink toad and threw her into the black lake...

"Ah, very good!" Umbridge gritted her teeth and stared at the people in front of her with a smile.

"Don't worry, this is not your problem..." Umbridge tore up the campus newspaper in her hand, but she understood that this was only one of them, and the key was.

Take ownership of the Guardian Ode Club because this is the place where the voice is heard on campus.

Umbridge strode towards the Great Hall, clutching the education order in her hand.

"Ahem, hum!" Umbridge came to the hall and stood on the podium regardless of whether the professor and the little wizards were eating.

She opened the education order and said aloud the above content——

Education Order No. 20 No. [-] - Disband all societies in Hogwarts and prohibit the organization of activities and gatherings of more than three people.

Hogwarts High Inquisitor Order
All student organizations, associations, teams or clubs are hereby dissolved.

It is hereby defined that organizations, associations, teams and clubs refer to regular gatherings of three or more students.

Reconstruction can be requested from the High Inquisitor (Professor Umbridge).

No student organizations, associations, teams and clubs may exist without the approval of the Senior Investigator.

Any student found forming or participating in any organization, association, team or club without the approval of the Senior Investigating Officer will be immediately expelled.

The above regulations are in line with "No.20 No. [-] Education Order".


Minister of Magic - Cornelius Fudge

Senior Investigator: Dolores Umbridge

"Huh, I guess this is completely in compliance with the regulations."

Umbridge tried her best not to look at Bree and stared straight at McGonagall.

McGonagall is the headmaster, so all she has to do is go through her, and Umbridge can't go to Breena and ask for trouble.

"This..." McGonagall put down the knife and fork in her hand and looked at Umbridge inexplicably. She thought of what Dumbledore said to her and said silently: "Why do you do this? Young wizards should have choices during their rest time. s right."

"This is free and the Ministry of Magic should not interfere."

Although McGonagall agreed with what Dumbledore said about attracting the attention of the Ministry of Magic, she would not let the young wizards become victims. Within certain limits, she could agree.

But now she didn't know what Umbridge wanted to do.

"Of course the little wizard is free... Principal McGonagall."

Umbridge smiled crookedly and said, "But this is a school. There should be some rules to protect the little wizards from getting hurt due to lack of judgment."

Umbridge spoke in a high-sounding way, but everyone knew that she was hiding something sinister.

But the education order is real.

"I think this education order can be passed completely, McGonagall." Umbridge's eyes changed, and she said: "The establishment of the club only happened in the past few hundred years, and the regulations were jointly formulated by the Ministry of Magic. ."

"Don't forget, many clubs get their sponsorship from the Ministry of Magic."

school director.

The school trustee is an extramural organization organized and funded by the Ministry of Magic to support Hogwarts.

That's where clubs and intramural activities started.

"You understand, the school board agrees." The school board has existed in name only, but with the Ministry of Magic and the Golden Galleons, McGonagall can agree to this education order.

Mag frowned and nodded.

She knew that the amount of gold galleons the school needed was not a small amount, and it came from these donations.

Bree raised her eyes and said softly: "The Odd family will participate in the school board of directors, and will be elected by the Malfoy family."

Mag's face improved a lot after hearing this.

Umbridge gave Bree a hard look.

“Now, all clubs are dissolved and those who need to apply for reorganization, please send representatives to my office.

After saying that, Umbridge twisted her waist happily and left the hall.

"Clang!" Draco threw the knife and fork on the plate. He lost his appetite and even felt nauseated.

Many other little wizards were not in the mood to eat.

Bree pushed the last bite of green apple pie away from her face and said to McGonagall: "Headmaster, the Old Family can exclusively fund Hogwarts."

Oude has this ability, and Mag knows it too.

But about Dumbledore...

"Let's see what Umbridge wants to do for now, wait for Dumbledore..." McGonagall stopped talking.

There are too many people here, just stop clicking and Brie will understand.

Bree nodded, McGonagall just decided, she is the headmaster, and Bree is just the head of Slytherin, so there is no need to overstep.


Yesterday's incident has spread in Hogwarts. Even students from other schools are communicating with each other. Some people even found Bree and asked if she needed help.

As schools that are both in Europe, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons can certainly help Hogwarts, but there are conditions. They hope that Bree can consider working in their schools for a period of time.

After this period of learning about natural magic, regardless of the students from other schools, the teachers have learned a lot.

In fact, these professors are the key to the arrival of people from other schools this time.

In addition to the two magic schools in Europe, people from other magic schools also came to look for Bree, saying that they could help Hogwarts solve Umbridge.

"Sorry, I think that's a Hogwarts thing."

Bree looked at the teacher who came from the magic place. She seemed to be a kind-hearted woman, but she had shown murderous intent in front of Bree just now.

Solving Umbridge is a real solution.


Following Umbridge's actions, the entire Hogwarts club was disbanded.

The first ones to bear the brunt are the Fantasy Game Club and the Guardian Ode Club related to Bree.

On the other side is the Quidditch Club and other smaller clubs.

"How is it, Aibo?" When Hannah Aibo came out of Umbridge's office, he was stopped by a group of young wizards. Hannah was the representative of the Guarding Olde Club, and these people were the backbone of the club.

"Umbridge is going to replace Professor Sprout as the supervisor of the Guarding Old Club." Hannah said this with a tangled expression.

"What!" The others looked at Umbridge's office in confusion, and then whispered: "What does he want to do?"

"Professor Sprout has agreed." Hannah took out the review sheet for the reorganization of the Guarding Old Club, and said weakly: "She didn't give us a chance to talk."

"Oh..." The little wizards looked at each other, and they could all believe how Umbridge would use the Guardian Club to do his best.

"Don't Professor Sprout have any idea of ​​stopping it?" someone said.

Hannah said: "Yes, Professor Sprout's only request is not to change the name of the Guardian Ode Club."

"What?" Many people don't understand, but there is no other way.

But most want to quit the club.

"Everyone, wait a minute. I'm going to ask Professor Sprout and Oude. Maybe there is a way to save it." Hannah couldn't bear to protect the Oude Club from disintegration and immediately spoke out.

The rest nodded, and they didn't want to leave the club either.

On the other side, in Umbridge's office.

As the current president of the Fantasy Game Club, Draco was squinting proudly at Umbridge sitting behind the desk.

Umbridge frowned. She didn't expect that even Malfoy would dare to sway with her.

"Draco Malfoy, I respect your surname, but please don't make it difficult for me." Umbridge smiled and pushed out a list in front of him.

"Sign and I will reorganize the Fantasy Game Club."

Draco looked at what was written on the list - Professor Zflivi was not good at teaching and should not spend time in the Fantasy Game Club, so the club asked Professor Umbridge to serve as a mentor and become the guidance professor.

"You must be sick, Professor Umbridge." Draco had no intention of writing.

This made Umbridge even more unhappy.

"Professor, you should calm down. Of course, Black Lake is a good choice."

Umbridge's face turned red at Draco's words and she became angry.

But it was no use, Draco and Bree's friendship was well-known at Hogwarts.

"Very well, very well, little Mr. Malfoy." Umbridge took back the paper in front of Draco.

"Then there is no need to open the Fantasy Game Club. I think Quidditch can promote the physical and mental health of little wizards more than this game."

"Please go out."

Draco turned and left. He didn't want to come here. If it weren't for those guys from the fantasy game, he would be drinking tea in the corner building now.

"Is it done, Malfoy?"

There is a group of people waiting outside the office.


"Huh?" A group of people looked at Draco in disbelief.

"What are you afraid of? It's just that you won't be able to participate in the school competitions, and those outside the school will not be stopped. After a while, Bree and I will tell you to open a competition venue outside the school."

Draco was not so pessimistic.

"Huh, that's fine, Umbridge's face is extremely ugly, and we don't want to provoke her."

Draco snorted twice, and went straight upstairs. He wanted to tell Bree how this Umbridge bullied him.

"Bang!" After Draco left, there was a sound of objects hitting the floor in Umbridge's office.

"Malfoy, Odd!" Umbridge hugged her chest angrily, with tears glistening in her eyes, but her mean and fierce face looked particularly cold.

"I will definitely find a way to deal with you." Umbridge smiled slowly.

"Something happened to Slytherin, let's see if you're all safe."

Umbridge is still a little unsure about the other houses, but Slytherin, this is the territory of extreme pure-bloods.

And Malfoy is an extremely pure-blooded traitor, he took refuge in Ode.

With this in mind, Umbridge got up and planned to go to Slytherin herself to select a strong Quidditch team for Slytherin.


On the second floor of the turret, Bree is sitting behind a desk. The table is different from the past. There is a colorful glass vase with a white rose inserted in the vase.

"Stop it, Draco, have you ever seen a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who could stay for a whole year without incident." Bree stopped Draco from accusing Umbridge and comforted her.

"That's what I said." Draco thought for a moment and raised his eyebrows: "But in a whole year, Umbridge has to do so many things."

Draco wanted Umbridge to get out now.

"Don't worry, she won't cause any big trouble." Umbridge just made a small fuss, and Bree just took it as a joke.

What Bree is really concerned about is the outside world, the current pace of the three demon kings and the tree planting, as well as the birth of the small world.

Nowadays, the small world is still gestating, slowly, and it needs the help of external forces to speed up.

And this external force is tree planting. With tree planting, as long as humans all over the world can learn natural magic, they can gain a lot of faith and use faith as energy to speed up the birth of the small world.

The tree planted by Buri is called the Natural Tree, and Buri can control when this tree emits natural magic and affects human physique...

Unfortunately, now is not the time. In order to ensure that the world has a unified ideological concept, he has to let the three demon kings fight.

Only when there is an external crisis can we quickly unify internally.

With this in mind, Bree handed a report to Draco.

"Germany report?"

The report that Bree handed to Draco came from the German wizarding world, and Draco took it and looked at it carefully.

It says that Grindelwald reappears——

(End of this chapter)

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