Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 292 Grindelwald's Actions

Chapter 292 Grindelwald's Actions

"Grindelwald leads the Saints to occupy Durmstrang Academy!"

Draco stared blankly at the report in his hand. The description of Grindelwald's brutal behavior was so intense that he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

"My father said that Grindelwald would definitely come out, but he didn't expect it to be so sudden. Why?"

Draco didn't understand why Grindelwald wanted to occupy Durmstrang.

"That's Northern Europe, Draco."

Grindelwald was Durmstrang's student at the beginning, although he was dismissed midway.

Dismissing a student brought a bloodbath to the wizarding world in Europe.

At that time, the Nordic lands and Germany were the first to come into conflict.

But this time, it's slightly different.

Bree pointed to a corner of the report.

Following Bree's finger, Draco read: "'I, Gellert Grindelwald, hereby announce that I will take over the post of principal of Durmstrang College and teach the subject "Fundamentals of Natural Magic". division!'"

Draco shouted, and he continued to read: "'The study of natural magic has given me a lot of inspiration. I am very grateful to Mr. Bree Old for his great contribution to the magical world. For this reason, I would like to invite O Mr. De goes to Durmstrang to take up his post.'"

"This is simply putting you on the fire, Bree!" Draco threw the newspaper away angrily. He could imagine how much trouble this report would cause Bree when it appeared in the UK.

Bree silently pulled out another report, which was only an hour after the previous one.

Draco took it doubtfully.

This report turned out to be an interview with a reporter. Grindelwald, who was wearing a blue suit, was sitting behind the desk in Principal Durmstrang's office. Compared to the withered old man he looked like some time ago, he now looked like an elite executive.

Under his meticulous white hair, his brows were slightly relaxed, but his eyes were full of breathtaking power.

The fingers of both hands were crossed diagonally in front of his chest, showing off the white rose pinned to his clothes, and he stared ahead lazily yet majestically.

Draco was in a daze for a moment, and then turned his attention to the written report.

"'I am sorry to hear that Mr. Bree Odd has been employed in Hogwarts College. To express my apology, I will give you a white rose. The rose will not wither. I will never step into Hogwarts.'"

Is this a show of favor?

The word immediately came to Draco's mind.

"Bree, have you met Grindelwald?" Now Draco was very suspicious. It was Brie's "Fundamentals of Natural Magic" that led to Grindelwald.

The following report also makes this clear.

Grindelwald promoted a lady, and the reason was to find a copy of "Natural Magic Basic Analysis" for Grindelwald.

"I've seen it, Draco, but this matter is not the point. The key is that Grindelwald figured it out by himself... Everyone knows that Grindelwald was never bound by the tower, but restrained himself in the tower."

Of course Draco knew it, but some thoughtful people would take advantage of this and slander Bree. How could Draco bear it?

"I'm going to contact my dad and try to find a way to intercept this news. I'll build momentum for you first so you don't get caught off guard."

Draco hurriedly prepared to leave, but Bree stopped him.

"Wait a minute, Draco, I think they'll be too busy right now to deal with me, and instead they'll be complimenting me."

Bree knew Grindelwald's secret words very well, and the white rose on the tower that day was his contract with him.

Of course, it's just verbal, but between two strong men, a verbal contract is enough.

Brie looked at the white rose sent by Grindelwald on the table. It was fresh and tender, and Grindelwald used magic to protect its vitality.

"Grindelwald wants me to leave Hogwarts more than anyone else. I am not Dumbledore, and I have no blood alliance with him. All I have is an expectation."

"Expectations?" Draco didn't understand, but he vaguely felt that this was what Bree was waiting for, because Bree had been too lazy some time ago, and it was only now that Bree got some energy.

"Grindelwald hopes that wizards will live a better life, and I want to hope too." Brie gave Grindelwald "Basics of Natural Magic", and Grindelwald understood Brie's plan and asked him to continue to complete what he has not yet completed. dream.

Grindelwald wasn't sure if Bree had a deeper purpose, but Grindelwald couldn't resist the temptation.

Therefore, Grindelwald is wary of Bree, but at this stage he also trusts Bree. As long as Bree takes action and stays at Hogwarts, everything will be fine.

"What kind of expectation is this?" Draco was confused.

Bree gave him a helpless look.

"Read more books yourself and find out what Grindelwald was doing in the first half of his life...Draco, times have begun to change. You have to understand your future friends and enemies."

"Of course, you must continue to practice natural magic. This is the absolute future."

Bree waved to Draco.

"The book is in the restricted section of the library. Find it yourself."

Under Bree's training, Draco, who is already in fifth grade, definitely has some magic skills, and it is easy to sneak into the restricted area.

"I know, really, why do you say half and half like my father? Let me guess by myself." Draco said and left the turret.

Draco, who had left the turret, had just walked into the corridor when he saw Harry walking towards him, holding his forehead.

"What are you doing here?" Draco's tone was sharp, even though Bree accepted Harry, he wouldn't, never would!
"Ask me some questions." Harry didn't want to talk to Draco at all, and quickly walked around Draco's body and walked towards the corner tower.

Draco snorted and turned back to follow Harry back to the turret.

Bree looked at Draco who came back after Harry, silent, this guy.

Harry covered the scar on his forehead and said kindly to Draco: "Can I talk to Bree about something, Mr. Malfoy?"

"No." Draco sat aside, as if Umbridge was listening, and motioned for Harry to speak.

"Are you okay, Harry? Draco won't tell anyone."

Bree glanced at Draco helplessly, and Draco nodded generously to Harry.

Well, Harry had no choice. He hesitated for several days, but he couldn't find a solution, so he could only come and talk to Bree.

"My wound hurt, and it made me see something."

Harry didn't mention that he was a Horcrux, but Bree knew it.


Bree raised his eyebrows. As a Horcrux, Harry could see some images of Voldemort. It was possible, but it definitely didn't appear for no reason. At least if no one touched this point, Harry wouldn't be able to see anything. .

So, it was Voldemort who was guiding Harry.

I just don't know if Voldemort has discovered that Harry is his Horcrux.

"I remember that Voldemort used your blood to resurrect, right, Harry." Bree remembered that the ritual for resurrecting Horcruxes requires the blood of the enemy, and there was no way Voldemort would not do something to Harry.

Harry nodded.

Brie also nodded, and continued: "Then you are worried that Voldemort will affect you and turn you into another you?"

Bree was saying that Harry was worried about becoming Voldemort because of the Horcrux problem, and Harry could hear it.

Harry nodded awkwardly, he was indeed afraid of this.

"You don't have to worry about this. Voldemort may have used your blood to do some magic on you, but that's about it."

"Of course, you will still have some problems under the influence for a long time." Brie frowned slightly, he will be a little busy recently.

This year's tree planting has come to an end. Many places in the European Muggle community have public service announcements about the tree planting activities of the Ode Family Welfare Institute. The public is also very vocal about tree planting and protecting the environment. This is in line with the political correctness of the top leaders of the Muggle community. match.

Therefore, next year Brie is absolutely sure that natural trees will be planted in most parts of Europe and some areas in other countries on the grounds of environmental protection and public welfare.

By planting a natural tree, you can donate a loaf of bread to the welfare home, add greenery to the world, and harvest fresh air for your living environment.

Under such a slogan, Europe, where the concept of environmental protection is prevalent and the pursuit of public welfare, is unstoppable. At the same time, other regions with Europe as their message concept have also begun to subconsciously recognize this concept, which has opened some doors for tree planting in Buri.

After a while he was preparing to talk to Tom about something.

In addition to planting trees, Bree also had to watch the actions of the three demon kings...

So he should leave this little matter about Harry to Dumbledore. Anyway, Harry is the person he wants to train.

Bree is only responsible for training Dumbledore and cannot overstep his authority.

"I'll talk to Dumbledore about it later."


Harry's face looked a little bad. He didn't want to have anything to do with Dumbledore at all. He wanted Bree to help him.

"Learn to use everything you can use, whether it is good or bad, Harry." Bree warned Harry using Slytherin's philosophy.

Harry understood, but he still couldn't get over this hurdle. He always believed that the death of his parents was inseparable from Dumbledore.

Brie knows this too.

"Harry, when you become stronger, you can know the truth of everything, why don't you ask Dumbledore yourself."

Ask Dumbledore yourself?

Harry opened his mouth and said nothing, but a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

"I get it, Bree."

Bree was teaching Harry to endure hardships, endure temporarily, and get things from anyone to enhance his strength.

This is the fastest way for Harry to become stronger, and it is also the most suitable.

At the same time, this is not an evil path, because Harry's original intention is just to seek justice for his parents.

But this kind of path is the easiest to go astray. You can take shortcuts by using crooked ways, but Harry was also ruined at that time.

"Learn to be rational Harry, your future should not be trapped in the death of your parents, nor should you be trapped in the name of the savior."

"Live your life and go ahead. Dumbledore will come to you later."

Bree was able to suppress what Voldemort was doing to Harry.

After persuading Harry, Draco remained silent the whole time. After Harry left, Draco said, "Don't help him like this. This kid doesn't know a good heart at all."

Draco thought of the first time he extended Malfoy's hand of friendship to Harry.

He hummed and looked at Bree, dissatisfied with Bree's acceptance of Harry.

"He has no parents, Draco," Bree said.

Draco pouted.

"There are many people without parents, you can't help but pity them."

Bree shrugged, and said again: "My friendliness to him is not based on his pity, but that he is not so annoying."

Bree looked at Draco with deep meaning and said: "A pitiful and self-destructive person is not worthy of sympathy. They have abandoned their hearts from the beginning and chosen the most shameful side of the world."

Draco's expression changed, slightly awkward.

"I think Potter is quite hateful, but of course he's not too lost."

Draco's father once told him about human nature.

A serf with no status, he cheated and cheated and could not do anything well. At the same time, he was not satisfied with his subsistence life and wanted more.

So he chose to kill the farmer who sheltered him, raped the farmer's daughter, took away the wealth, abandoned his parents, fled the manor, and headed to the city...

In the city, he was dazzled by the luxury and exchanged the wealth that could have settled down for happiness. Without money, he could not bear his poverty.

Afterwards, he went to a dark alley and became a lowly character to pat on the beard and horse of his new master. Then, step by step, he exchanged his conscience for wealth, and exchanged wealth for weapons to kill his new master, one master, another master...

When he stood at the top of his life, he tried his best to erase his past and make himself absolutely perfect...

But he has lost the right to smile in the sun.

Maybe a smile is worthless to many people, but living a life with a smile is the most essential pursuit of people.


Malfoy has many family mottos, which are nothing more than to be born noble, to put interests first, and to continue Malfoy as the first priority... However, all Malfoys know that in front of family mottos, family is more important.

"Sometimes, some seemingly cunning people are the most observant of the rules. They are good at finding their own suitable position within the rules." Bree looked at Draco who was thinking about things and said softly.

“People celebrate people who rose from nothing to greatness because they think they can do it themselves.”

"I don't deny this, but everyone needs to see themselves clearly and be true to themselves to avoid falling into the wrong path."

Bree thought that if he didn't have natural magic and didn't come to Hogwarts, he would only choose to study at Stonewall Middle School and try to reach his limits.

He wasn't sure if he would take a detour because it didn't happen.

But judging from his current knowledge, he will definitely regret it.

Some words are very vivid.

The arrow has to be fired when it is on the string. This is the only way it can be done.

Bad people are also cultivated step by step by so-called choices.

After finishing the conversation with Draco, it can be seen that Draco is not in high spirits, and he doesn't even have the intention to go to the restricted area.

"Draco, please do me a favor."

Bree's words made Draco look up.

Brie smiled and said: "I heard that Dumbledore is in contact with your father recently, and I think Dumbledore can get what he wants."

"Order of the Phoenix?" Draco thought.

Perhaps it was the Malfoys' blatant betrayal of the ultra-pure blood that made Dumbledore see something different, and the fact that the Malfoys had gained protection from the Odders added another thread.

"Dumbledore has also been contacting the O'Dea family recently, hoping that the O'Dea family can help."

Bree said helplessly, "Who knew that the Order of the Phoenix was so poor. Dumbledore still wants to expand the Order of the Phoenix. Without money, it's impossible."

Although wizards rely mostly on magic for their power, the potions used during war were enough for Dumbledore.

Healing potions, vitality potions, special potions...

For daily expenses, some sources of information also require money to open the way...

Special magic items...

Miscellaneous, and it’s not like these members of the Order of the Phoenix don’t have families and various expenses. The little wizard still has to spend money to go to school...

(End of this chapter)

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