Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 296 The Decision of the Christmas Dinner

Chapter 296 The Decision of the Christmas Dinner

He is a teacher from a magic place.

A gentle woman wearing a kimono.

She walked in slowly from the outside, and Bree frowned slightly, because this person was carrying a small box, which exuded a magical atmosphere and was somewhat similar to Bree's natural magic.

"Well, Mr. Ou De." Reiko walked in holding the box.

"I'm Reiko Kubomura," she said first, then placed the box on the wooden table in front of Bree.

It's a stone box, but it's wrapped with silver threads on the outside.

"What's up?"

Suzuko did not beat around the bush with Bree, she said: "The general hopes that Ou De-kun can go to the magic place."

With that said, she cast a spell on the box with her wand, unlocked the shackles, and opened the lid.

A scale, but also like wood.

"You can feel that this is close to your natural magic."

"This is the artifact left behind by the Yaqi God." Runes flashed on the scales.

"It records the onmyoji that has been lost. Our general hopes to bring the onmyoji back to the empire. If Mr. Oude is willing to help, we are willing to share this power."

Brie looked at the scales in the box. Brie didn't know much about Onmyoji, nor was he interested.

He already has the answer. Onmyoji is a kind of power born out of natural magic. The previous warlock's method was also born out of natural magic and blazed its own path.

Of course, natural magic comes from the source of the world and is a manifestation of the source. All magic in this world comes from the source, but it is just a matter of how much is inherited.

"Sorry, I have no plans to leave Hogwarts."

Reiko's eyes flickered slightly.

"This won't take you too much time, just during the holidays..."

Bree stopped Reiko's words.

"It's not because of time, but because I don't want to learn Japanese onmyojitsu." Brie didn't think this thing could compare to her own strength.

Lingzi was silent for a while, then she said: "We would rather you accept it."

"I hope you can think more about it." Reiko resealed the box but did not leave.

"The Magic Office knows that you are using the power of the Malfoy family and the Ode family to plant natural trees. We think you have your thoughts in it."

After saying that, Reiko slowly left.

Bree watched Reiko Kubomura's figure disappear into the turret, and waved her hand slightly dissatisfied.

Bree doesn't like people who threaten him.

"It seems that Tom acted too hastily...or maybe the people in the Magic Institute were too vigilant."

A few days ago, Tom told Brie that he planned to plant natural trees in Japan, and he was currently negotiating with the local people...

"Then don't plant it in Japan." After passing a message to Tom, Brie asked Tom to deal with the matter.

Regarding the wizarding world knowing what she was doing, Bree's concern was that she did not want to attract the attention of the three demon kings.

But this didn't stop the three demon kings.



After the conversation between XZ Academy and the Magic Institute, people from other colleges also came to look for Bree. Some magic colleges came up with some things that are consistent with natural magic, hoping to work with Bree to solve these mysteries, but Bree refused. .

The unified reply is - learn by yourself and crack it by yourself.


"Boom, boom, boom!" Footsteps.

"Huh!" The cold wind blew by.

In the corridor, the short little wizard walked quickly, and the little wizards around him looked at him in surprise.

"Teacher Oude."

"Fu En, is something wrong?"

This was the first time Vonn came to see him since the beginning of school.

Vonn has his own arrogance, and he is also extremely sensitive in his heart. After discovering that his wizarding talent was not strong at Hogwarts, he was once disappointed, but he did not give up and has been secretly learning natural magic.

Unfortunately, at only 11 years old, he still doesn't know enough about magic.

"Teacher, I failed Professor Flitwick's class again today."

"I haven't succeeded in using a spell yet."

Bree rubbed Vorn's little head.

"The future is far away, and your life is still very long, Fuen."

Vonn nodded, he understood, but he still looked at Bree hopefully.

"I'll teach you the teaching process that I taught Harry last semester. It's up to you how much you can learn."

A crying child will be fed by milk, and vulgarity will not deceive me.

Vonn nodded happily and said, "I have one more thing to tell you."

Like a spy, Vonn whispered: "I found out that Potter and a group of people were hiding somewhere to practice magic."

"I wanted to participate before, but they thought I was too young."

Vonn said dissatisfiedly.

"Learning magic in private?" Brie smiled and didn't care too much. This was a good thing in every aspect.

Students enjoy learning, which gives professors less to worry about.

Seeing Bree's nonchalant look, Vonn said, "But we all have a dueling club."

"The Duel Club is just a place to fight with each other. If you are proficient in the magic you have learned, if you want to learn the magic you have not mastered, you need to learn it from other ways."

"Just like you came to find me, Fu En."

Vonn scratched his head, his cold face suddenly felt warm. He was actually angry that Harry and the others didn't take him with them, but he didn't mean anything malicious.

"Nagini is in the corner building. Go find her to get the information. Principal McGonagall is still waiting for me in the principal's office."

Bree bypassed Vonn and walked towards the principal's office.

In the principal's office—

"Come here, Little Bree." Professor Sprout was sitting on the sofa, drinking hot black tea.

"Would you like a drink? Professor Snape isn't here yet."

In the principal's room, the door of the inner room is open, and McGonagall is probably inside, while Professor Rysprout and Professor Flitwick are drinking tea in the outer room.

Bree sat on the other side of the sofa, and naturally picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup.

"Is it because of Christmas?"

Bree asked, because Christmas is coming soon, so the professors all need to prepare for the little wizard's holiday, and of course, there is the Christmas leftover - turkey dinner.

"Yes, but today's Christmas will be a little different due to the issue of foreign students." Professor McGonagall walked out of the inner room. She closed the door and held a stack of invitations.

Professor McGonagall first put the invitation letter on the desk, then stood beside the table and said: "Some people in the British wizarding community hope that Hogwarts will hold a Christmas party and invite them to participate."

"Some people?"

The door to the office was pushed open, and it was Professor Snape who questioned as soon as he entered.

When McGonagall saw the people gathered, she followed Snape's words and explained: "Yes, some people, some people from the Ministry of Magic or pure-blood families."

"Oh, this is really a big deal." Professor Flitwick said in surprise, because there were very few such examples.

"It's so lively, this year and last year." Professor Flitwick, a lively gentleman, was particularly enthusiastic about decorating the ball, and he was looking forward to it.

But this still required everyone's agreement, so he looked at the other professors.

McGonagall said: "I agree with this. After all, the foreign students have been a little restless recently, so it would be better to divert their enthusiasm."

Because Bree rejected most of the foreign schools, they had to look for opportunities elsewhere, especially Umbridge, because Umbridge was connected to the Ministry of Magic, and the foreign schools hoped that the Ministry of Magic could help them get the opportunities they wanted. need.

"Me too, but I think the little wizards have the right not to participate, and the same goes for the professor." Bree continued.

"And it's too dangerous to let a large number of adult wizards out of school enter Hogwarts. We can't be sure if there are Death Eaters among the pure-bloods, so I think we can let underage wizards participate as representatives of pure-blood families."

"The Ministry of Magic can invite some officials. It is best to choose the parents of the little wizards in Hogwarts, and forget the rest."

After Bree finished speaking, the professors thought for a while.

Snape nodded and expressed no objection, as did the other two professors.

McGonagall said: "Brie's suggestion is very good, I think it is feasible."

What McGonagall is worried about is bringing danger to Hogwarts. According to Bree, this kind of thing can be avoided unless there is a problem with the Ministry of Magic... This is the Ministry of Magic's own business.

"It seems that many little wizards will stay in school this Christmas." Professor McGonagall smiled helplessly.

"A lot of gold galleons have been advanced for last year's Triwizard Tournament, and Hogwarts's treasury does not have that much money to hold such a large party." Professor McGonagall explained the situation.

The other three professors didn't answer, and they didn't have much savings.

"Contact the Ministry of Magic and the school board," Bree said.

The Ode family doesn't own Hogwarts yet, so they won't contribute money.

McGonagall nodded and said, "If the Ministry of Magic and the School Board do not provide funding, Hogwarts has the right to cancel the funding rights of Hogwarts from the Ministry of Magic and the School Board."

McGonagall's words were meant for Bree, but there was a high probability that the Ministry of Magic and the school board would not give up this opportunity.


At the end of the meeting, Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout were in charge of setting up the scene and food for the ball, and then they needed to compile a required form, which Professor McGonagall would take to the Ministry of Magic and the school board.

Along with it is a list of people to be invited.

The professors were getting ready to leave.

"Professor Snape, you and Professor Oded wait."

In terms of Christmas arrangements, Snape was in charge of discipline management and Bree was in charge of summarizing the detention of young wizards, but McGonagall also had some personal matters.

"What's the matter, Principal McGonagall?" Bree found that Snape showed more respect to McGonagall than to Dumbledore.

McGonagall said: "It's about Gryffindor and what Dumbledore told you last time."

Snape frowned.

"I don't think I can teach magic to Potter whose brain is not much different from that of a troll."

"It's like the Occlumency Curse. It's an advanced skill that he will never learn."

McGonagall opened her mouth, but couldn't find anything to refute. She had learned about Harry's progress in learning magic under Newt, and it was very poor...

"You can give it a try, Snape." That was all McGonagall could say.


Seeing the stalemate, Bree stepped forward and said, "What will happen to me if you stay, Principal McGonagall?"

Meg sighed.

"It's about those people from other schools. They have come into contact with Umbridge so frequently that Umbridge has become arrogant these days."

Of course, this is not the point, McGonagall continued: "There is also Professor Newt, who previously started a magic learning organization in private, and in a secret room on the eighth floor, he gathered a large number of wizards without passing Umbridge... "

This was troublesome because Umbridge had an education order.

"Do you want me to ask Umbridge to resolve this matter about Professor Newt?"

Mag shook his head.

"No, that's not the case. I hope you can teach these students. According to Professor Newt... he can't find his mind. The students' learning progress and talents are very different, and he can't take them away. "

When it comes to this, Professor McGonagall understands that Newt is not a qualified magic wizard. He is more suitable to stay with magical creatures.

"Why don't you go to Professor Flitwick? He is the expert in this field, and Professor Flitwick is also the champion of magic duels." The logical problem here cannot be clearly pointed out.

"Uh..." Well, Mag shrugged helplessly, she had not lied to Bree.

"To be honest, this private club was actually created by Dumbledore. He asked Newt to teach it...there are many specific reasons."

To be honest, this is where Dumbledore's Army is trained. Dumbledore needs help. Although the situation outside is as quiet as a pool of stagnant water, only those who are in it know how big the waves are surging beneath the water.

Moreover, Harry is special, he is the savior of the British wizarding world, and he has a great reputation. Dumbledore needs a powerful person to take him.

Moreover, Bree's identity is also very special, and Dumbledore also hopes...

"Does Dumbledore want this private organization to entangle me and let me stay in Hogwarts?" Bree narrowed his eyes, he had the feeling that Dumbledore was wary of him.

In other words, he wanted to explore the purpose of everything he did.

Like Grindelwald, before exploring everything, he also wanted to stay in Hogwarts without ending up, or even to win over himself.

"I refuse. I have many things to do."

Seeing Bree's persistence, Mag had no choice but to pass on a message.

On the other hand, Snape also said, "I'm not interested in teaching Potter either..."

Professor McGonagall expected this, and she continued: "This organization has gathered many young wizards, especially Gryffindors, who account for most of them."

Snape frowned, he was acting head of Gryffindor.

McGonagall added: "There are people from the other three colleges, but there are no Slytherin students..."

Well, there was no way Snape could escape.

"As the dean of Gryffindor and the vice-principal, you are obliged to help this organization. After Christmas, I will explain to Umbridge that this organization will be brought to the fore, and you will be the supervisor ." Professor McGonagall agreed.

"This organization benchmarks the Defense Against the Dark Arts course. If you do well, the professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts course next semester may consider you, Professor Snape."

Snape was silent for a while and said: "Yes, but I need absolute rights. If they don't learn well, I will punish them."

Mag said without hesitation: "This is your scope of rights."


(End of this chapter)

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