Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 297 The Demon King Takes Action

Chapter 297 The Demon King Takes Action

"Draco." Bree came to Slytherin and found Draco.

"About Christmas, since the foreign students will not be leaving this year, Hogwarts decided to hold a dinner, and some officials from the Ministry of Magic will also attend."

"You can ask other prefects to record the list of students who are detained in school and hand it over to me at noon tomorrow."

Draco raised his eyebrows, that was not what he heard.

"Aren't the purebloods from outside coming? Isn't this a dinner they promoted?"

After Draco finished speaking, there was a bit of disdain in his eyes.

A bunch of guys who take advantage of every opportunity, are those people from foreign schools really the most popular ones?

Draco didn't think so.

"Students can attend, you understand Draco."

Draco understood instantly, but other doubts also came.

"Oh, what are you doing? I don't believe you have good intentions in letting those guys get in touch with your family's affairs in advance."

Bree smiled.

"I just don't want Death Eaters to sneak into Hogwarts. I don't want to give the little snakes a chance."

"Yeah, yeah, everything you said is right." Draco didn't believe it. Maybe Bree was just trying to give those little snakes some ideas and cause some trouble for the little snakes' own family.


As Brie went to the four colleges to process personnel records, at noon the next day, Brie received four full lists of students staying in school.

A rustling sound slipped through Bree's fingertips, and Bree handed the list to Draco in front of her.

"Bring it to Principal McGonagall for me."

Draco took it.

"He will let me do the work." He glanced at the list. It was all pure-blood families, and at worst they were all mixed-blood families, with fewer Muggle-born wizards.

After Draco left, Bree finished her work.

He had no classes tomorrow and had to help Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout decorate the Christmas party, and the day after tomorrow was Christmas.

Bree had already prepared her Christmas gifts, so she didn't have to worry about it.

Bree picked up a newspaper—

Grindelwald has decided to run for the new president of the International Union of Wizards and Wizardry...

There are many comments from veteran wizards in the industry. Most people think this is ridiculous, because Grindelwald did a ridiculous thing, which was a shame to the chairman election conference and a witness to Grindelwald's brutality.

The specific things were not revealed, as if everyone deliberately concealed this.

Bree also found no record in the book.

"Grindelwald is ready to take action." Brie affirmed.

He should also be prepared. Now that the matter of planting natural trees is gradually unfolding, he only needs to complete the finishing work on Arbor Day.

He needs to focus on the three demon kings.

"What will Grindelwald do? He will not follow the same path."

Grindelwald's original slogan was to make wizards slave Muggles and create a world where wizards were sovereign.

But he failed, but his goal will not change and he will only use more radical means to achieve it.

"Perhaps he will cross the wizarding world and break the Wizarding Secrecy Law in advance, so that Dumbledore and the wizarding world who are still lucky can't react."

"Boom boom boom!"

At this time, a voice came from outside.

"Please come in."

It's Fu Bu, a student of XZ Academy.

"This is my first private meeting, Professor Oude." Fubu stepped into the turret and said to Bree cautiously.

Bree nodded.

"You are a little different than you were a few years ago, and I still remember some of it."

"People will always grow." Fubu smiled slightly.

His expression changed and he got straight to the point: "Some of you people have sent us some information through some little wizards. They hope to reach some agreements with us."

"The specific content has not yet been determined, but the intention to cooperate is very strong."

Seeing that Bree didn't care very much, he helped the sermon: "It has something to do with Hogsmeade Village. It seems that they are planning to go there."

Bree lowered her eyes slightly.

"Hogsmeade is not the property of Hogwarts. It is the territory of wizards. Purebloods occupy a large territory there."

Fu Bu pursed his lips. He felt that Brie was letting himself go. Who would let outsiders control the territory near them?

"You can go back, Fubu, I think Christmas is what you should be thinking about."

"Okay, excuse me then."

After helping Bu leave, Bu took out his notes and wrote a letter on it——

Tom, let Ver close the shop in Hogsmeade Village. I didn't expect Voldemort to be so bold and want to use Hogsmeade Village as a target.

Of course, now that you have just joined the Order of the Phoenix, it is not the time for you to take action.


Bree was also helpless, Voldemort knew very well that he would not attack him.

"Voldemort is also suspicious of me."

The three demon kings were all suspicious of him, but there was nothing he could do about it. Brie smiled knowingly.

"Having mastered their weaknesses, they will move forward without hesitation, even if they know the road ahead is confusing and dangerous."

Bree cleared the table, began to write greeting cards, and then sent out the gifts with an owl.


In the blink of an eye, Christmas has arrived as scheduled. The decoration of the party is very special, full of silver and green satin, extremely gorgeous, and every corner is full of gorgeous flowers, and snowflakes are falling from the transparent ceiling.

The entire hall is like a small open-air flower garden.

"Oh, it's so beautiful." McGonagall led the four deans into the hall, and she exclaimed in admiration.

"Professor Snape, could you please manage the discipline." McGonagall was wearing a dark purple female wizard's robe. The woolen satin was very simple, but the dark flowers on it were extremely delicate.

It was from Brie.

"I'm going to the teacher's desk. I don't think Professor Newt can handle it alone." McGonagall frowned slightly, but it would be good if Newt could speak normally in front of other schools.

Newt is a shy old man, and everyone knows this during this time.

Each dean put on new clothes, and it was obvious that they came from the same store.

Brie is wearing a green wizard's robe with silver patterns. He is 1.7 meters tall and looks very tall with thick-soled Martin boots.

"Then I want to take my leave. I want to find a quiet place to stay throughout the dinner." Bree smiled softly, glanced at Snape with a stinky face, and left.

Professor Flitwick wears blue wizard robes, Professor Sprout wears yellow wizard robes, and Snape wears red.

No way, who made Snape the acting head of Gryffindor?

It was obvious that he disliked this dress very much.

It was thanks to Harry that he was able to wear it.

After the clothes were delivered, it was Harry who sent them to Snape. The two had an argument, and Snape couldn't bear to wear them.

This was arranged by Professor McGonagall, and Bree didn't want to be this evil person.

Bree came to a quiet window, leaned on the outer railing, and silently looked at the dance floor in the hall.

It was windy outside, but Bree used magic to block out the cold wind and drifting snow.

He felt the notes in his arms fluctuate slightly——

"Is Voldemort taking action?"

Brie told Nicole to withdraw from Hogsmeade, but Tom still left some secrets and watched there.

"Ah!" During the dinner, a painful groan came out, interrupting the conversation between Ministry of Magic officials and external school personnel.

All eyes looked over.

Ah, it's Snape and Harry, that'll be fine.

The dinner party resumed its original bustle.

At today's dinner, Draco's father was present as an important official of the Ministry of Magic and was walking with Draco in the direction of Bree.

"Long time no see, Mr. Ode."

Lucius did not call Bree Mr. Ode Jr. because he had already seen clearly who was in charge of the Ode family.

However, he did not underestimate Tom. He knew Tom's skills very well and admired them very much.

"Mr. Lucius." Brie greeted Lucius, but the reminiscence between the two was interrupted by something at the dinner.

Draco curled his lips and said: "The eye-catching Potter wants to make some news wherever he goes."

Bree smiled at Draco's words, and Lucius tapped Draco's shoulder with the snake-headed scepter in his hand.

"Don't say something inelegant, Draco."

"Got it, Dad."

Bree didn't look at Draco's aggrieved face. He was more curious about Snape's state at this time.

In front of Harry, Snape was sullen.

"Potter, if you were teasing your Head of House, you succeeded."

Seeing Harry holding his forehead in pain, Snape couldn't see any pity, only coldness, and he continued to speak in a cold tone.

"Now, pretend to be a normal student and stay away from me."

"Hiss..." Harry covered his forehead and did not answer Snape, as if he really had a headache.

Ron and Hermione rushed over and tried to help Harry, but Snape got there first.

Snape touched Harry's forehead, and he felt a breath of dark magic.

Snape looked towards the window sill, saw Bree's eyes, and immediately said fiercely to Harry: "Come with me."

After that, he threw Harry into the hands of Ron and Hermione like trash.

Ron and Hermione also heard Snape's words. Ron wanted to take Harry away from Snape, but Hermione immediately said: "Don't be so petty, Harry needs the professor's help."

In this way, Ron took Harry to follow Snape.

The episode at the dinner did not attract much attention. The focus of the banquet at this time was on the Ministry of Magic's negotiations with pure-blood families and external schools.

"Odd, look at this kid." Snape said with a cold face. He would not say that he just saw something and had no solution.

Even if his Occlumency really could cure Harry's problems, he was still reluctant.

Mag saw Harry's condition here, understood what the problem was, and immediately came over.

Bree said to Snape: "Sorry, Professor Snape, I think Principal McGonagall told you about Harry's problem."

Lucius and Draco on the side looked at Snape meaningfully and covered their foreheads, looking at Harry with interest as if he was caught in a nightmare.

Snape narrowed his eyes.

At this time, McGonagall stepped forward and touched Harry's forehead.


"How are you?" McGonagall asked about Harry's situation, but Harry just covered his head and said nothing.

Mag frowned and looked at Bree. She was not very familiar with this aspect of magic.

Bree had no choice but to use magic to pull Harry out of the nightmare.

"Ah... uh..." Bree sealed Harry's mouth in time to prevent him from screaming.

After a few seconds, Harry regained his composure, breathing heavily with sweat on his face.

Bree unlocked the magic and added a sound barrier to the surrounding area.

Harry hurriedly said: "Voldemort, it's Voldemort, he has Death Eaters with him!"

"Mr. Arthur, Mr. Arthur is injured, hurry up, at the Black Mansion!"

"Cough, cough, cough!" As if he was frightened, Harry kept coughing and his eyes turned red.


"What, Harry, what did you say!" Ron asked loudly, grabbing Harry's robe.

Snape frowned, and McGonagall waved his wand immediately.

"Buzz!" Phoenix suddenly appeared and landed on the guardrail.

"Go tell Dumbledore that Voldemort has appeared with Death Eaters, and now Arthur Weasley is in danger at the Black Mansion!"

The phoenix turned into fire and disappeared with a whoosh.

The situation here attracted attention in the hall, but with the barrier of Bree, they couldn't hear what was going on.

Bree seemed to sense something and took out his notes.

Soon a small teleportation circle appeared.

"Nagini, go to the Black Lake."

"Yes, sir." A female voice came from Nagini's mouth. Nagini had regained consciousness due to her long-term study of natural magic, but she was still trapped in the blood curse and could not return to her human form.

Nagini walked away along the guardrail.

Here, Professor McGonagall asked Harry about other things with concern, but Harry only said something about how Voldemort and his Death Eaters broke into the Black Mansion.

After McGonagall asked, she immediately said to Snape: "I know about you, Professor Snape, but the child is innocent, can you help him?"

Professor McGonagall expected, staring into Snape's cold eyes.

"Dumbledore said you were the only one who could help Potter resist Voldemort's influence."

Snape was shaken.

At this time, Bree walked up to Snape and whispered to Snape: "Harry was affected by Miss Lily Evans' magic, and part of Voldemort's soul is in the scar."

Bree was sure that Dumbledore did not tell Snape that Harry was a Horcrux. He just hoped that Snape could help Harry, but there was no sense of crisis. Snape didn't care how much pain Potter suffered. .

Snape's eyes widened. This was the first time he had shown such an expression in public.

He immediately suppressed his emotions and said to Harry coldly: "Go to my office and wait for me."

Harry was at a loss, but he knew that this was the helper that Bree and Dumbledore had found for him, while Ron was anxiously worried about his father at this moment, and still didn't know what to do.

Hermione pursed her lips and pulled Harry.

"I'll take you there, Harry." Hermione pulled Ron and quickly walked towards Snape's office.

"Let's be clear, Oded, Potter is..." Snape glanced around. Professor McGonagall didn't know the specific situation inside. She was just a messenger and left here quickly.

Here, Lucius was also very discerning, and only Draco, who wanted to know Harry's scandal, pretended not to understand the situation.

"Come on, Draco."

"...Yes, Dad."

When only Snape and Bree were left on the windowsill, Bree revealed that Harry was a Horcrux and explained what a Horcrux was.

"A Horcrux that flies away from death!"

"Voldemort's clone!"

(End of this chapter)

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