Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 306 Bellatrix’s dissatisfaction

Chapter 306 Bellatrix’s dissatisfaction

Umbridge stood triumphantly on the podium, and she glanced arrogantly at the dissatisfied little wizard below her.

Of course, she didn't miss the teacher's seat at the back.

"I'm happy, very happy, because Hogwarts has a better future."

Umbridge looked outside and saw the sky where the barrier had been broken and said: 'Hogwarts has been exposed to the outside world because of unknown intruders, and it is obvious that relying only on professors cannot protect the little wizards.

As a fair and significant leadership organization, the Ministry of Magic has the responsibility to protect young wizards.

Umbridge was chattering, and the professors behind were silent.

Snape glanced at McGonagall, who shook her head.

The Ministry of Magic is powerful, and as a professor at Hogwarts, you cannot ignore the safety of the little wizards.

These guys can only be tolerated for a while.

Although anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is a drama directed and performed by the Ministry of Magic.

After Umbridge's speech ended, Fudge looked at the professors.

He chuckled and didn't say much. He would not stay in Hogwarts. He was the Minister of Magic.

The Headmastership of Hogwarts was not what he was after.

He just needs to keep some Aurors to help Umbridge run Hogwarts.

Wait for Fudge to leave.

Umbridge went to the Headmaster's Office very satisfied, this would be proof of her victory.



Umbridge came bounding out of the Headmaster's office.


What on earth did Peter do to cause such a big trouble!

The principal's room was full of riot magic and was not suitable for people to enter. Umbridge was stabbed as soon as she stepped inside.

Umbridge, who was clenching her fists, snorted and smiled.

"From now on, the principal's office will be on the third floor." After saying that, she turned around and left without looking back.

As for why Peter disappeared, she didn't care. She had already told Fudge about it.

Come to think of it, for Voldemort to conquer Hogwarts, a little Peter could be tolerated as a victim.

In the corridor, Bella, who transformed into a bat, slowly flew by and followed Umbridge. Bella needed to ask whether stupid Peter and Umbridge were loyal to their master's orders.


In London, England, Bree was preparing for Arbor Day tomorrow when she heard the owl outside and opened the window with a wave.

"Gu Gu Gu..."

After taking the letter, Bree looked at it slowly.

The barrier of Hogwarts was destroyed by unknown persons. In the name of protecting Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic sought the position of principal for Umbridge...

Bree clutched her forehead with a headache.

When he wasn't around, Umbridge got into trouble.

This Umbridge can't stay, and after the matter here is dealt with, she will be killed.

"Nico, inform Tom and ask him to find out why the barrier at Hogwarts is gone."

Recently, due to the inaction of the Death Eaters in the Order of the Phoenix, Tom had nothing to do, but they could arrange for him to visit Hogwarts.


And this time, Hogwarts.

Because the contract of the Forbidden Forest was damaged, problems arose in both the Forbidden Forest and the Black Lake.

In the Forbidden Forest, various magical creatures are looking for the key to the problem. As the guardian of the Forbidden Forest, the centaurs soon sent Firenze to Hogwarts to find Bree's help.

In the horse tribe, Mrs. Azar, who was taken in by the horse tribe, found a chance...

Nearly a year ago, Mrs. Azar, who turned into a werewolf, was rescued by Mrs. Valli, who gave her hope of becoming a wizard again.

The condition is to find the elven classics inherited by the centaurs among the centaurs.

After a year of inquiring, Mrs. Azar has found the location of the thing, which is under the stone altar of the centaurs.

You only need to break the altar to get it.

However, the centaurs clan leader will not leave the altar unless there is any serious matter, and there are also a large number of centaurs guarding him at other times.

Until now, due to the issue of the Forbidden Forest contract, the centaurs chief led a large number of tribesmen to leave the station to appease the creatures in the Forbidden Forest.

"This is the only chance."

The time set by Mrs. Valli is almost here!
At dusk, the wind howled and beasts roared everywhere in the Forbidden Forest.

A large number of tribesmen in Marenbuli went out, and there were even fewer people around the tribe leader's tent.

Mrs. Azar took the opportunity to step into the patriarch's tent.

In the middle of the tent is the stone altar.


"Tick tock..."

Under the wolf's claws, the stone altar was cracked, and blood oozed from the wolf's claws.

Mrs. Azar attacked the stone altar desperately.

"Someone is attacking the altar, hurry!"

The voice of the centaur came from outside.

Mrs. Azar has already seen the metal books in the stone altar.

She suddenly pulled out the elf tome and flew out.

The centaurs only saw a gray shadow running away!
"It's the werewolf!"

The angry voice of the horseman was heard, and sharp arrows pierced through the sound of the wind and flew towards them.

However, following the route planned by Mrs. Azar, she fled quickly and disappeared into the centaur camp soon after.

Ran away.

Several arrow feathers penetrated Mrs. Azar's back.

Horse people are very powerful, which is why she is always looking for opportunities.

But even under circumstances like today, she was still injured.

"You found it." Mrs. Valli's voice rang in Mrs. Azar's ears.

Mrs. Azar looked up and saw her.

But at this time, Mrs. Valli looked at her with unbearable eyes.

"You feel it, right?" Valif said.

Mrs. Azar nodded, smiling sadly.

"You are afraid of it, it has a curse." This elven book contains a death curse, and the stone altar is what suppresses it.

But Mrs. Azar broke her and sensed its existence for the first time.

"Don't worry." Mrs. Vali waved her hand and pulled out the arrow feathers from Mrs. Azar's back, and a healing force healed her injuries.

"The curse is not fatal to you." It targets the strong.

"I once sensed His existence and reached an agreement with Him when He was in chaos, which made Him hate me." Mrs. Vali's voice was helpless.

"I will reconcile with Him, and then the curse and werewolf blood on you will disappear."

Mrs. Azar nodded silently, she could only listen to Mrs. Valli.

"Let's go, we will set foot in the depths of the Forbidden Forest. The elves' tomes can help us find Him."


Inside Hogwarts, Firenze was stunned as soon as he arrived at Hogwarts.

There were Aurors patrolling outside the castle, and the young wizards were lifeless. They didn't even dare to get together to talk.

Looking from a distance, the professors also sighed silently.

Twilight was revealed throughout Hogwarts.

This situation stopped Firenze in his tracks. He felt that his trip would be fruitless.

"what happened?"

Firenze was puzzled, but before his confusion could end, the Auror over there discovered him and he hurriedly left.

"I have to find an opportunity to go in and take a look."

On the other side, inside the castle.

Umbridge was holding the previous "Education Order" with great joy.

She hung all the educational orders on the bulletin board so that the little wizards would always remember them.

"Oh, that's awesome, Fred." At this time, the little wizard's cheerful voice came from the distance.

Umbridge's expression changed.

These little wizards treat her orders as child's play!

"Not allowed!" Umbridge suddenly appeared in front of a group of young wizards gathered to watch the fireworks.

Use the wand to take away the little wizard's fireworks.

"If there is a next time, then you will be expelled." Umbridge gave a deterrent and left with a smile.

Seeing their hands empty, George and Fred looked at each other, both seeing the other's disgust for Umbridge.

"Isn't she afraid that Bree will come back?"

Bree is only leaving temporarily, and she is not in trouble. Umbridge is too arrogant!

Then Hermione came over.

"Don't forget Voldemort. The Ministry of Magic and Voldemort are on the same side."

Hearing Voldemort's name, the little wizards around him became dumbfounded.

They were not sure who was more powerful, Voldemort or Bree, not to mention that the sovereignty of Hogwarts was now in the hands of the Ministry of Magic.

"Disperse, disperse, private gatherings are not allowed!"

A little snake walked over. It was Nott, who now replaced Draco and became the prefect of the fifth year.

Almost as soon as Umbridge came to power, all of Slytherin's prefects were replaced by hers.

"Awesome..." Hermione pulled Harry away, and the other young wizards dispersed under the threat of the education order.

No one wanted to be expelled and have to succumb to Umbridge's disgusting rules.

When it was time for dinner, Umbridge stood on the podium again.

"I'm glad that you all acted strictly in accordance with the Ministry of Magic's education order. Look, Hogwarts has become more disciplined all of a sudden."

"Little wizards can get better teaching here."

After saying the decent words, Umbridge turned the topic to the main point.

"In order to ensure that the young wizards have enough activities, the Ministry of Magic has decided to hold an inter-house Quidditch match tomorrow."

The young wizards and professors wondered when Umbridge would consider this.

Umbridge said again: "We will invite the respected Mr. Voldemort to come to Hogwarts to watch the game."

Great, everyone knew what Umbridge was planning.

This is pulling off the skin of a tiger.

It turned out that she was also afraid that Bree would trouble her, so she wanted to move Voldemort out.

Everyone glared at Umbridge.

How can she!

"No, we don't agree, that's a demon!" Neville stood up and shouted.

Because of Bree's natural magic, his parents were already showing signs of waking up under the care of medical staff.

But he could never forgive Voldemort for the bad things he did.

Let them play for Voldemort to watch, it would be better to kill him!

"Huh?" Umbridge narrowed her eyes.

Under Neville's voice, more and more little wizards stood up and boycotted the game.

"Huh, even if only Slytherin House participates, it won't change tomorrow's schedule!"

Umbridge smiled and ignored the shouting little wizards.

And the situation is different from what they thought.

The wizards who signed up were not just those from Slytherin House, but also some young wizards from other houses whose parents had joined Hogsmeade.

At this time, someone reported the magic learning organization that Professor Newt had established privately. This was undoubtedly a big deal under Umbridge's education order.

It's against the regulations.

On the spot, some wizards who were learning magic in private were brought to Umbridge's office by the little snakes.

Umbridge looked at the three Harrys in front of them, which she had specially chosen.

"You have started a club in private. According to the education order, I have the right to expel you, but..."

Harry and the three were a little nervous. Hermione saw this and said, "But what?"

Expulsion was definitely something Harry and Hermione didn't want to happen.

The same goes for Ron. He doesn't want to be the first Weasley to be expelled. This will be written down in the family tree and ridiculed by future generations!
"Haha." Umbridge tilted her head and smiled.

"As long as you announce in public that you will join the Death Eaters after graduation..."

"Impossible!" Harry and Hermione shouted before Umbridge could finish her sentence.

"Of course, I know you won't agree." Umbridge smiled.

"You can choose to announce your support for me, Umbridge, the new headmaster of Hogwarts." Umbridge looked at Harry and Hermione with burning eyes.

"I'll give you time to think about it. After tomorrow's game, I hope you can make a decision."

The three Harrys left Umbridge's office.

Ron said angrily: "Who betrayed us!"

Someone snitched.

"Wait, Malfoy, is it you!" Ron shouted immediately when he saw Draco passing by in the corridor.

Draco paused and looked at Ron with disgust.

"Please put your poor IQ away so your stupidity won't be discovered."

Draco watched the three Harrys walk up to Draco.

Hermione stopped Ron, and Harry said urgently: "Malfoy, can you contact Bree?"

Harry and the others also wanted to write to Bree, but they didn't know Bree's address at all, and the Odder's house was also hidden, and even the shop in Hogsmeade Village was temporarily closed.

"Oh, Bree..." Draco drawled, looking at a few people funny.

"You have some misunderstanding about Bree. He has no obligation to protect you. A professor's duty is to teach and educate people. If you do something wrong, you have to bear it yourself."

"Don't bother Bree, it's wasting time." Draco waved his hand and walked upstairs.

Harry and Hermione couldn't help it. In the whole of Hogwarts, except Bree, no one could make Umbridge step down.

"What should I do, Hermione?" Harry frowned. He didn't want to be expelled from school at all, but he didn't want to give in to Umbridge either.

"Wait a minute, it's not like Brie won't come back."


In Umbridge's office——

"Umbridge, have you found Helena's whereabouts?" Bella's voice came.

Umbridge's proud expression froze, and the quill slipped from her hand.

"Miss Bella, I have ordered the ghosts of Hogwarts to search for Helena. The results will be available soon."

A bat flew down and transformed into Bella.

Bella looked at the invitation on Umbridge's table and sneered.

Point your wand at the table.

A flame rises.

The invitation was burned to ashes.

"Don't be so smart as to disturb the master with such a trivial matter."

"Drill the heart and gouge out the bone!"

"Ah!" Umbridge covered her head in pain and rolled on the ground.

After a long time, Bella dissipated the magic.

"Find the diadem quickly, bastard." Bella appeared, transformed back into a bat, and flew away from Umbridge's office.

Umbridge stood up painfully and tremblingly on her chair, her eyes full of fear.

"I must, must..."

Umbridge's cruel words could not be uttered, and she was afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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