Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 307 Helena’s whereabouts

Chapter 307 Helena’s whereabouts

Draco had just reached the corner tower when he heard Nagini's voice.

And then, in Draco's eyes, Nagini slowly transformed from a python into a human form.

A woman appeared in a body-hugging gown of inky black with rippling phosphorescence.

"I have fully recovered." In the past few days, Nagini has been adapting to her body, and only now can she change as she pleases.

Draco didn't speak, he just came to sit in the turret, not just for Nagini.

Nagini continued: "Lord Bree asked me to guard the turret, but I feel there is magic in Hogwarts."

"Can you please help me keep an eye on it, I'll go out for a while."

With that said, Nagini transformed back into a python, then shrank her snake body and walked outside.

Draco didn't refuse. He would stay in the corner tower reading and studying natural magic all afternoon.


Nagini left the turret, came to the corridor of Hogwarts, and headed towards Gryffindor Tower.


The sound of bats flapping.

Nagini looked up, a bat with green eyes reflected in her vertical pupils.

The bat was watching it too.

The bat rushed down, and a green light rushed out from its sharp claws, poofing towards Nagini.

Nagini roared, arched her body, and ejected away, widening the distance between the two.

Green light shot from between the bat's claws to the ground.

The fluttering sound accompanied by the pale green mist came closer to Nagini.


Under Nagini's magic power, snake shadows slowly crawled out and rolled up in green mist. When the bat saw this, it immediately flew into the air.

But there are also long snakes hanging upside down from the ceiling.

"This can't go on like this, I have to suppress the Forbidden Forest Contract!" Professor Flitwick's voice came from the corridor.

Then, Professor McGonagall's voice said: "Don't be impulsive, Filius, Bree will be back after Arbor Day, and we have to protect the students."

McGonagall had already received news from Bree, so she could still endure Umbridge's disgusting educational orders.

Fortunately, Umbridge only pursues power and not other weird things, otherwise it would give him a headache.

But here, the sounds of bats and Nagini disappeared, and the original traces of magic were also removed.

After McGonagall and Flitwick left, Nagini poked her head out again.

But the bat was gone.

Nagini followed the traces and chased after him.

On the second floor, in Mag's office, Ariana was reading a little book, and little Peeves helped Ariana flip through it.

Somehow, these two guys became good friends.

"Brother hasn't come to see me for a long time." Ariana sighed. At first, she thought that by becoming a ghost at Hogwarts, she could be with her brother forever, but her brother had been dealing with things outside.

Ariana was a little sad.

"What's the matter, Ariana?" Little Peeves asked after seeing her distracted look.


At this moment, a bat flew in.

Its pale green eyes stared at Arianna and Little Pippi, revealing a humane surprise.

then.Bat transformation.

Bellatrix appears.

"Who are you!" Little Pippi blocked Ariana, but her small body couldn't cover Ariana.

"Ariana, and Peeves, two special ghosts." A black bead in Bella's hand shone brightly, and was surrounded by a special power.

Peeves and Ariana were shocked when they heard Bella's words.

"You're the one who captured the ghost!"

Yesterday, many ghosts disappeared. Every time they disappeared, the ghosts would forget their disappearance.

Let the ghosts in Hogwarts panic.

Now, it's their turn!

"Don't come here, I'm Lord Bree's man!"

Little Pippi shouted.

This made Bella look at Peeves in surprise.

But that didn't stop Bella's behavior.


A strange force surged towards Little Peeves, and Ariana behind it pushed hard, pushing Little Peeves away.

"Run!" Arianna said in a trance, at this time she had been caught in the plunder of Bella's memory.

Little Pippi was pushed away, and it rushed towards Bella angrily, but was opened by Bella waving her wand.

The surrounding barriers blocked Little Pippi's behavior, preventing him from finding helpers.

At this time, the hissing snake language came.

Immediately afterwards, Nagini also transformed into a human form and broke the barrier.

Bella felt a strong wind coming and hurriedly let go of Ariana to avoid Nagini's attack.

Looking at the woman she didn't recognize, Bella was confused.

But that doesn't matter, she has to get out of here.

She frowned. Ariana's memory seemed to be sealed by a magic power. Of course, that part was so far away that Bella couldn't use it.

Regarding the recent events at Hogwarts, it is clear.

On the eighth floor, this is where Helena appeared for the last time. At that time, Ariana and Dumbledore lived in the principal's office on the eighth floor. When Ariana came out again, she saw Helena.

Eighth floor...

Bella sneered openly and hit Nagini with a death curse.

Of course, Nagini hid, and Bella turned into a bat and flew out.

Nagini looked at Ariana, Dumbledore's sister.

"who is she."

Ariana had some impression of Bella.

"That's the report!"

She said: "It's Bellatrix, she's a Death Eater!"

Death Eaters?
Nagini was following Brie and knew Brie's plan, so she said, "Don't spread this matter."

As she spoke, she glanced at little Peeves coldly.

"Yes, Lady Nagini!" Little Peeves was a little scared, and Ariana on the side also nodded.

Soon, Nagini left here. She had to pass the news of the Death Eaters' appearance to Bree to see what Bree would do next.

And Bella, who knew that Helena was going to the eighth floor of Gryffindor Tower, also came to the eighth floor.

According to Ariana's memory, she searched everywhere but found nothing.

"Where have you gone? The ghost can't leave Hogwarts. You must still be there."

"Brie Ord will be back soon, and it won't be that simple then." In Bella's eyes, Umbridge has been given up, a fool full of small ideas, which the Death Eaters don't need.

And Fudge will pay the price for his little thinking this time.

Bella frowned when she saw a painting of a troll, there was no longer a corridor.

Is there any secret passage here?

There are always so many secrets at Hogwarts.

Bella was thinking, it seemed like she was going to catch a little guy...

In the evening, Draco, who was about to go back to the lounge, had just walked to the corridor.

"Oh, the Malfoy boy."

A cold voice reached Draco's ears. He straightened his back stiffly and slowly turned his head, seeing a familiar and frightened face.

"Hahaha!" Bella stared at the panic on Draco's face, giggled, then covered Draco's mouth that was about to scream, and pulled him towards the corner of the aisle.

"Uh huh!" Draco's mouth was sealed by magic.

Bella threw Draco aside, and then looked at the little face that was somewhat similar to her sister, Narcissa, and the same hair...

Very nice, pureblood, not so annoying.

Just... Malfoy?

Bella's expression was not good, and she untied the magic from Draco's mouth.

"Aunt?" Draco said in a trembling voice. He really couldn't find a normal name for her.

At home, Narcissa had identified people from the Black family to Draco, and introduced many of them to Bella, saying that as long as there was blood from the Black family and things related to Voldemort were not violated, Bella would not harm him.

Swallowing, Draco waited for verification.

When Bella heard Draco calling her aunt, she raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Did Sissi teach you that?"

Sissi, Narcissa's nickname.

Draco's face was tense, but his back was already gripping the wand tightly.

Bella laughed.

"I haven't gone to find her yet..." Bella looked at Draco.

"Put away your wand and take me somewhere."

"Eighth floor, do you know the secret hidden there?"

Bella reached out and touched Draco's face.

"Secret?" Draco's pupils swayed and he was at a loss.

"A secret that can hide people. Someone disappeared there. I want to find her."


Draco saw the look in Bella's eyes, swallowed what he wanted to ask in detail, and then his mind raced wildly.

"It's the Room of Requirement..." Draco told Bella about the Room of Requirement and how to enter.

"A house where all your wishes come true can meet all your needs... Tsk." This is a lie to a child, but the house does look mysterious.


Frowning in displeasure, Bella curled her lips. She felt that it would be difficult to find out which room in the Room of Requirement Helena went to, and it would take a lot of time.

And Oude is coming back soon.

Bella patted Draco on the shoulder, stepped back with a smile, then transformed into a bat and flew away.

Draco exhaled deeply.

He had no confidence against Bella, even if he had some natural magic at his disposal.

Bella is very powerful, especially the magic of killing people.

Leaving the corridor, Draco hurriedly wrote a letter on the magic page to tell Bree that he was being bullied by Bella.

On the other side, Brie watched Nagini talk about Bella at Hogwarts, and the ghost...

Draco's letter also arrived.

After reading it, Bree closed her eyes and thought carefully.

"Crown? You should be looking for Helena."

Bree also knew about Helena's disappearance, but she didn't investigate too deeply.

Now it's clear that Helena went to the Room of Requirement, but it's not clear which room she was in.

"The Room of Requirement was a product of the early days of Hogwarts. As the designer of the castle, Ravenclaw is most likely its owner."

"And Helena, the daughter of Ravenclaw, must know some secret."

Unfortunately, there are too few clues, and Voldemort's sanity is enough now, so this matter is not important to Bree.

The most important thing is to wait until tomorrow's Arbor Day is over. Bree is going to let the natural trees emit natural magic and start to affect the blood in the Muggle body.

Let the weak magic power hidden in the Muggle body be mobilized.

This will take some time.

"The three demon kings have all appeared on the stage, and the battle between them has already begun."

Brie's time has come, too.


Bella left Hogwarts and returned to Hogsmeade to tell Voldemort about the Room of Requirement.

Voldemort sat behind his desk and said slowly: "You mean to participate in the Quidditch match held at Hogwarts tomorrow and completely bring Hogwarts into the sphere of influence of the Death Eaters?"

Voldemort's voice was low, like rich red wine, full of temptation.

Bella nodded at this time.

"Hogwarts will definitely help its master's cause."

Like faith, Bella looked at Voldemort expectantly.

"Ha ha." Voldemort smiled, full of mockery.

"Umbridge's stupidity has affected you, Bella."

Bella's face turned pale and she said hurriedly: "Master, Bella did not make her own decisions."

"No, Bella, you're doing well, but you can do better."

Voldemort encouraged Bella: "Go, kill Umbridge and let the Death Eaters get away with this matter."

Bella said it in her heart, but she couldn't say it, she just had to do what Voldemort said.

Voldemort understood what Bella was thinking. He needed Bella, his friend from beginning to end.

"We will face another opponent, he will come very quickly, and our work is almost done, isn't it?"

Bella's eyes were filled with admiration, and she smiled and said, "Yes, master, as long as we succeed, Hogwarts will surrender, and there is no need to attack Hogwarts now."

But, the opponent?
"It's Grindelwald, this is an inevitable battle." Voldemort stood up. He hadn't left this office for a long time, and he planned for a long time to let him fight in real combat.

"The wizarding world is always a world of magic." Voldemort said proudly: "No matter how many plans there are, magic will always be used to choose its direction, and I will be the winner."

Accompanied by Voldemort's words, his powerful magic power continued to surge, and the expressions of the wizards in the entire Hogsmeade village changed, feeling the great danger. When they looked at the source, Voldemort's office, their expressions changed wildly.

Voldemort has become more powerful.

There was a strong wind blowing outside the window.

On the table, "Fundamentals of Natural Magic" was slowly turning.

Voldemort's voice gradually faded away: "After you come back from Hogwarts, you will carry out the plan. Anyone who stands in the way will be sent to see the God of Death."


In the Nordic region, Durmstrang is a magic school whose location is unknown to the outside world.

Because of its concealment, neither the Muggle world nor the wizarding world can find it. Even graduated wizards have difficulty returning without internal guidance.

At this time, the students had an early break and the saints gathered in the hall.

Grindelwald stood solemnly on the marble platform.

"The emergence of Death Eaters has seriously affected the wizarding landscape."

Originally, the Ministry of Magic could only choose between Grindelwald and Dumbledore, which gave Grindelwald the possibility to win over those wavering wizards.

But now, with the emergence of Voldemort's declaration, the wavering wizards have a home, and they choose to avoid...

Grindelwald knew that his plan had failed again.

(End of this chapter)

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