Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 308 Fireworks and Fire Dragon

Chapter 308 Fireworks and Fire Dragon
He originally wanted to directly break the wizard protection law and force wizards and Muggles to confront each other. As the wizarding world became tense, wizards had no choice but to join the saints to fight against and control Muggles.

But Dumbledore actually made an agreement with Muggles to suppress wizards' information at all costs.

That slowed the Saints down.

But that's it. Grindelwald is confident that he will take advantage of the stalemate to win over wizards and drag it out until the war between Muggles and wizards breaks out. By then, the power of the saints will be extremely amazing, suppressing the power of Muggles in one fell swoop.

However, Voldemort hindered this.

A large number of wizards choose to hide, which will ruin the saint's plans.

Without wizards fighting for the future, how can Grindelwald's philosophy face the coming storm in the wizarding world?
Therefore, for Grindelwald, the Death Eater organization must be destroyed.

Grindelwald knew this, Voldemort knew this, even Dumbledore knew this.

So the three of them were waiting, waiting for them to be ready for the internal battle within the wizarding world to begin.

Grindelwald passionately preached about the evils of Death Eaters, and that wizards should not be subservient to Muggles, let alone avoid them timidly.

Muggles are despicable. They will not live in harmony with wizards. They are afraid of the power of wizards. If they are left alone, wizards will be put on the fire again without any power to fight back!
At Grindelwald's voice, the saints all responded.

In the first step, Grindelwald will become the chairman of the International Union of Wizards and Magic.

"Qilin, according to the guidance of divination magic, it has come to Europe, in the UK!"

This time, Grindelwald will not bypass Britain.

Feeling the blood alliance under the white rose on her chest, the blood of the two people's contract had long been gone.


"Ouch!" In London, Zuowu was hiding in a dark alley, looking for Dumbledore everywhere.


During this time, it felt magic, big and small, but none of it was about Dumbledore.

"Ouch?" When I came to London Park, I stood in front of a natural tree.

It looked at the tree strangely.

A burst of magic slowly gushes out...

"Ouch!" Like a cat sucking on mint, Zuowu rubbed around the natural tree, constantly smelling the magic emanating from the natural tree.


After seeing many natural trees in the distance, Zuowu opened his eyes wide and jumped in like crazy.

In the woods...

Today is Arbor Day, and Bree is teaming up with London's Ode Welfare Home to plant natural trees on a piece of wasteland next to the park.

The orphanage has organized several events here before, but because Bri is hosting this time, the orphanage attaches great importance to it.

On the side, some business tycoons were also invited.

They are happy to spend a small amount of money on something that will increase their reputation.

Some people from society also participated in it, and they all signed up voluntarily to participate in the activities.

As a senior executive of a bank, he also participated in this event. When he saw that Buri turned charity into business and guided business tycoons to invest money for charity, he immediately smiled and made a note in his heart, preparing a draft to report back.

In his opinion, this loan has been successful and will bring handsome returns to the bank later.

Bree also planted a natural tree with her own hands with a smile on her face.

Some reporters around were snapping photos.

Everyone's smiles grew stronger.

Bree glanced across the park, though.

Something is coming.


"Ah, Mom, there is a big lion here!" A group of children playing in the park ran over.

I saw Zuowu stumbling around in the woods in the park.

Use the power of time and space to keep jumping.

Some knowledgeable people backed away slowly and made a call.

Bree remained silent and retreated with the flow of people.

Not long after, the sound of helicopters was heard overhead, and a group of well-equipped police officers emerged from the surrounding woods.

Zuowu felt the aura of danger and looked up warily at the group of people approaching it.

"Why are magical creatures appearing here..."

"It couldn't have been caused by a wizard!"

"I don't know. According to us, all wizards should be eliminated. Why do we need to reach an agreement with Dumbledore..."

…These police officers became less vigilant when they saw a magical creature.

Compared to the cunning of wizards, magical creatures are easy to deal with.

But this is generally not their job.

Soon, no one knew who notified Dumbledore.

Dumbledore arrives with some wizards.

Zuowu huddled up and trembled because of fear.

It howled at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore understood, this guy was looking for him.

However, he was the police captain who came first, had a conversation with him, and then asked them to prevent the people around him from coming over so that they could cast the forgetting spell.

This is an agreement reached between Dumbledore and the Muggle leaders. Dumbledore is obliged to help the Muggle leaders contain news about wizards, including making ordinary people forget things they should not see.


Seeing Bree disguised as a businessman, Dumbledore remained silent.

"This is the president of the Natural Tree Charity Foundation, and he has the authority to know some things." The bank's executives stopped a wizard who wanted to cast an oblivion spell on Bree, and pulled Bree over.

The bank executive took out his identity card and handed it to the police captain on the side. The captain checked and handed it back.

"Natural Tree Charity Foundation?"

"I've heard of this organization. You've helped a lot of orphans and organized charity for people. It's very good." The captain extended his hand to Bree.

"My nephew is in the orphanage. His parents have passed away. Due to professional reasons, I am unable to take care of him. I am very grateful to your orphanage. After I got to know you, I transferred him to you."

An uncle, a police officer, sent his nephew to an orphanage to take care of him...

"Hello, the Natural Tree Charity Foundation will always help children."

With the income from public welfare activities such as natural trees, it is more than enough to support the welfare home.

"Oh, that would be nice."

Shake hands.

The captain whispered to Bree: "Next time you encounter such a situation, you must explain your identity. You are qualified to reject the forgetfulness magic of these wizards."

"No one knows whether they can see what's in your head. Forget about ordinary people. You are different."

Muggles are still afraid of wizards, that's obvious.

Bree nodded in thanks.

And soon, after the Forgetting Curse, Dumbledore also left with Zou Wu.

The police officers also evacuated the place.

As if nothing happened, Arbor Day continued.

"Is this kind of thing common?" Brie asked the bank executive. He could see that this person wanted to deepen the relationship between the two, so he reminded Brie.

"Yes, on bad days I meet several times a day, especially during this period. Do you understand, some foreign wizards are magic people, and they have conflicts with us ordinary people."

"And Tom himself is divided into several camps, some are full of malice towards us, and some hope to live in peace with us."

The executive shrugged and explained the current relationship between wizards and Muggles.

"In my opinion, I'm quite envious of those magicians. I've seen flying on a broomstick. It's very cool."

The executive smiled, and his expression quickly changed again.

Get a little serious.

"But if it comes to a time when wizards and us are fighting to the death, wizards must die, because we don't know magic... they must die."

He emphasized again.

"We are ordinary people, aren't we?"

Brie lowered her eyes and said in agreement: "Ordinary people really cannot accept wizards. This is inevitable."

The executive smiled at Bree's approval.

"Let's not talk about it anymore. It's a pleasure to cooperate with you."

Bree smiled.

"The statements about this Arbor Day will be sent to the bank soon."

"We have held Arbor Day public welfare activities in many countries around the world. Because it is an international project, the return of funds will be more complicated, and we need your help."

Hearing Bree say this, the executive grinned.

"Rest assured, we are well prepared and this will come as a surprise to the British business community."

"Goodbye then, Mr. Old."

As the Arbor Day came to an end, everyone said goodbye and left. This tree planting was very successful and added a touch of green to the earth.

"Grindelwald's forces have begun to invade the British wizarding world, and the new world is not far away." Bree received the news from Tom. Recently, the Order of the Phoenix discovered traces of a large number of saints in the British wizarding world.

"It's time to go back to Hogwarts."

Bree narrowed his eyes. He had received too many inquiries from professors recently.

Overtly and covertly, he was told to return to Hogwarts quickly and deal with Umbridge.

Even Snape wrote him a letter seemingly asking about natural magic.


In Hogwarts, the Quidditch match originally prepared by Umbridge went on as usual, but without Voldemort watching, Fudge came with the Ministry of Magic to support the event.

At the Quidditch pitch, Umbridge was sitting on the viewing stand, watching the game absentmindedly.

Umbridge was a little scared. After Bella made it clear that Voldemort would not come, she began to think about whether she should run away.

"No, I finally got to where I am now..."

She would have nothing if she left Hogwarts.

Instead of leaving, she thought: At worst, she would become a professor again. How dare Oude kill her?

Umbridge, who comforted herself, breathed out calmly.

At this time, she heard bursts of cheers.

In the sky, the Gryffindor and Slytherin players stopped.

Because the Weasley twins committed a foul.

But many little wizards are looking forward to it with excitement.

"What's that?" Umbridge squinted, looking at what George and Fred were holding.

Like a spherical bomb, sparks emitted.

"Bang!" George threw a ball bomb.

Fred took the stick and swung it hard.

The spherical bomb seemed to be locked in position and rushed towards Umbridge quickly.

"Oh!" Umbridge wanted to pull out the magic, but felt her pocket was empty.

It's Peeves!
"Hey, bye!" Little Pippi made a face at Umbridge, and flew away with her wand.

The people around him reacted and immediately held their wands to resist.

The spherical bomb was bounced off, and brilliant fireworks exploded in the sky, forming a fire dragon, which was very gorgeous.

"Wow!" The little wizard below exclaimed.

This is so beautiful.

"It's not over yet!" Fred smiled and dropped a new bomb.

George swung the stick hard and smashed it into Umbridge.

"Bang!" Dazzling fireworks exploded, and a burst of smoke rose from the auditorium.

"Ahem!" Fudge escaped under the protection of the Auror.

And Umbridge was also lying on the guardrail.

At this time, their faces were covered with dust, and the fireworks were still exploding, forming another firework dragon in the sky.

The fireworks seemed to be alive. One after another, two firework dragons intertwined and shot up into the sky, then fell rapidly, rushing towards Umbridge.

"Oh, help!"

Umbridge's face was filled with fear.

At this time, she was already embarrassed by the previous fireworks!
With her little thick legs, Umbridge ran in panic, hoping to hide under the platform under the audience.

But the fireworks were fast, and two fire dragons exploded directly on her.

"Bang bang bang!"

The two fire dragons collided, and colorful fireworks shot into the sky and exploded in all directions.

Umbridge breathed black smoke, coughed and collapsed on the ground.

"Oh oh oh!" the little wizards shouted excitedly.

"Enough!" Fudge roared, and he motioned to the Auror who was protecting him.

The Auror used a Binding and Levitation Charm, grabbed George and Fred, and led them to the stage.

Umbridge regained consciousness at this time, gritted her teeth and walked over.

"Expelled, they must be expelled!"

Umbridge pointed angrily at George and Fred.

Professor McGonagall hurried up. She frowned and did not smile because of Umbridge's embarrassment.

In comparison, George and Fred were more worrying at this time.

"Umbridge, they are still children, and they are in seventh grade. They should be given..."

"Wait a minute, McGonagall, I am the principal of Hogwarts, and according to the education order, I have the right to deal with students...including professors."

"We won't stay at Hogwarts without you!" George and Fred laughed at Umbridge.

They didn't seem to care at all about being fired.

"Bye bye, old witch!" George and Fred waved their hands, summoned the brooms, and rode away.

"Huh?" Umbridge clenched her fists.

"Very well, the redhead of the Weasley family." Umbridge glanced at Ron and Ginny who were watching the fun and sneered.

"I declare that because the Gryffindor players disrupted discipline, the entire team's score will be discarded. This time, the champion is Slytherin."

Umbridge shouted proudly.

But aside from some applause from Slytherin, no one responded to her.

Who cares about this game, no one, including Umbridge herself.

At night, George and Fred were taken away by Mr. Arthur Weasley who arrived. He said nothing to George and Fred.

He didn't pay attention to Umbridge at all, just exchanged a few words with Professor McGonagall, and then left with the two of them.

"I hope I won't pick up Ron and Ginny later." Arthur complained, but did not blame George and Fred.

Because Arthur also hated Umbridge, who had been so disgusted with her at the Ministry, and now vaguely decided that the children were right.


"Great job, you are very brave, of course, I do not advocate it." Arthur warned George and Fred.


(End of this chapter)

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