Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 311 The new professor of divination class

Chapter 311 The new professor of divination class

"I don't need you to force him to apologize." Evans turned to James and shouted: "You are just as annoying as him, a guy who only shows off and causes trouble."

"No, I never said you..." Evans ran away before James could finish.

"Evans!" James called after her. "Hey, Evans!"

"Oh man, she's really mad because of what Snotlout said."

This was something that made James even more angry. It was all Snape, otherwise he wouldn't have made Evans angry.

There was another flash, and Snape was hung upside down in the air again.

"Who wants to see me take off Snotlout's underwear?" James said with cold eyes.

"James, don't, don't do this." Lupine stepped forward to stop James, but Sirius held Lupine back.

"Hey, we are in the same group, don't forget."

Lupine, na na, stopped looking at Snape.

James snorted and pointed his wand at Snape.

Snape's eyes were unclearly blurred. He wanted to shout, but he couldn't make a sound and could only twitch.

But the pride in his heart made him suppress his cowardice and fear desperately.

He looked very ferocious, which of course looked ridiculous to others.


At this moment, Harry suddenly popped up in Snape's memory. He was numb and looked at Snape sitting opposite him in shock.

But Snape wasn't awake yet—

"What are you guys doing!"

"No, it's Professor McGonagall!" Sirius was the first to react, and the little wizards around him also dispersed.

Snape was knocked to the ground.

Mag ran over quickly, but James and the others had already fled away.

"Oh, are you okay?" McGonagall looked at Snape, who was already confused, and frowned, her eyes full of worry.

She gritted her teeth and said, "I have to talk to Dumbledore about these guys. I can't let them go all the time."

As she said that, she looked at Snape again.

He said gently: "I will take you to the school hospital. I will teach them a lesson about this matter, and at the same time, no one will talk about it in Hogwarts."

McGonagall touched Snape's hair and frowned slightly when she felt it was greasy, but did not let go.

She was in charge of student files, and she also knew about Snape's situation.

"I heard that you have a good talent in potions. I will ask Slughorn to take more care of you. I hope you can have a better future."

...(The part about Professor McGonagall was added by the author, and the rest is omitted in the original work.)
At this point, the memory ended, and Snape desperately tried to retain this part of the memory so that he would not fall into the abyss.

An intense chill enveloped Harry.

Without seeing the back, Harry would never know whether James actually took off Snape's underwear.

A hand gripped his upper arm as tightly as a pincer.

Harry flinched, staring blankly into Snape's angry, murderous eyes, trembling with terror.

"Did you have fun?"

Harry didn't dare to answer, he swallowed.

Snape's face turned pale. Who would want his love rival and the son of his evildoer to see his humiliation with his own eyes.

This gave Snape the idea of ​​​​killing people to silence him.

However, when I saw Harry's eyes that were exactly the same as Lily's.

Snape let go of Harry dejectedly.

"No, no, Professor Snape." Harry said tremblingly after a long time to recover.

"Your father is an interesting man... isn't he?" Snape looked at Harry.

Harry shook his head helplessly.

"No, it's not."

"You're not allowed to tell anyone what you saw!" Snape roared.

"No, I won't!" Harry was startled.

Snape growled hoarsely.

"Get out, get out, I don't want to see you!"

Harry's pupils shrank, he had never seen Snape so excited, as crazy as he was.

He ran out of Snape's office in fear.

"Touch!" The door closed.

Snape slumped back in his seat, like a silent corpse.

"Lily..." Snape's weak screams accompanied by silent sighs scattered in the surrounding darkness...


Harry ran frantically back to the Gryffindor common room. Since there were no classes in the afternoon, Ron and Hermione were waiting in the common room for Harry to come back.

"Look, what Snape did to you again." Ron muttered, stood up, and when he was in front of Harry, he frowned again and said, "Are you okay, Harry?"

Are you ok?

"No... no, I'm fine, Ron, it's okay, it's okay." Harry was soaked all over. He swallowed and sat lonely on the sofa in the corner, breathing heavily.

Hermione frowned.

"Snape..." Hermione choked before she could finish her sentence.

Because Harry was looking up, telling Hermione to stop with a begging look.

Hermione sat next to Harry and looked at him quietly.

Harry lowered his head and suddenly looked at Ron who was looking at him inquiringly on the other side.

Then he whispered to Hermione: "Hermione, if, I mean if, I lost the fight with Malfoy and was hung on a tree for everyone to laugh at, and you saved me, but instead of thanking you, I said I don’t want you to… It’s an assumption, I said Mudblood, I don’t want you to help me.”

"What will you do?"

Hermione looked at Harry for a long time, but she still didn't ask why because of Harry's expression.

Instead, he said very seriously: "I will be angry, Harry, because we are good friends, but if you can apologize to me before tomorrow, then I will definitely forgive you."

"Because I know that you must have been very embarrassed and angry at the time, and even wanted to run away. You didn't want your friends to see your embarrassing scene."

"Is that so?" Harry lowered his head again.

He exhaled.

"Thank you, Hermione, but can you please keep it to yourself."

"Of course, as long as you're okay, you look terrible." Hermione slapped her nose.

"Go and take a shower. No girl likes a boy who doesn't like to be clean, even if he's a friend." Hermione smiled helplessly.

But Harry pursed his lips.

"Why doesn't a boy like to be clean?"

Hermione glanced at Harry strangely, and then said: "I have read some books about psychology. If a person doesn't like to be clean and is always dirty, then he may have encountered something worse than the surface dirtiness. Something that is difficult for him to accept.”

"The apparent filthiness may be a habitual self-protection on his part."

"No one would come near him with those smells."

"Of course, it may also be laziness. Laziness is a disease and a symptom of endocrine disorders in the body. It may be hyperthyroidism, or problems with the liver and kidneys."

"Because these diseases can affect mood, overload the brain, cause neurasthenia, and make you unable to lift your spirits..."

Hermione rambled on, getting more and more biased.

Harry exhaled and stopped Hermione.

"Thank you, Hermione, I'm going to take a shower first."

Hermione shrugged, not everyone liked learning new knowledge.


Hermione vaguely sensed that what Harry asked was related to Snape, as evidenced by the greasy hair on Snape's head.

What happened?

It seems that Harry won't tell...


On the other side, Harry came to the bathroom, soaked himself in the bathroom, and let the water cover his head.

After a long time, he appeared.

"He, he is different from what I thought." Harry's voice was choked.

He knew very well who the man who looked like a school bully in Snape's memory was, his father.

Harry, who had been bullied by his cousin and others in the Muggle world since he was a child, hated such people very much.

They bully the weak just to make themselves happy.

But why is such a person his father?

"Why is mom with him?"

In Snape's memory, it was obvious that she and Snape were friends. Of course, they had a falling out, and looking at the current situation, they had not reconciled.

"Think about it, Snape's character will never give in."

The memories in his mind kept tormenting Harry, and he felt that he had never been so scared or sad.

He knew very well how Snape felt when he was teased by James...

"Snape didn't lie to me. My father was indeed an arrogant man."

The more he thought about it, the more disappointed Harry became...

Once again he sank himself into the water.


"Da da da..." Along with the early sunshine on the second day, the sound of horse hooves came to Hogwarts.

They are the horse people in the Forbidden Forest.

The centaur patriarch and the two centaurs behind him stood at the gate of Hogwarts Castle.

Soon, Principal McGonagall came to the centaurs after receiving the news.

"Is something wrong?"

The Forbidden Forest Contract clearly states that the Forbidden Forest and Hogwarts should help each other, and should treat the centaurs with courtesy when they come.

The centaurs clan leader said respectfully: "Dear Headmaster of Hogwarts, I am the clan leader of the centaurs. Maybe we have met before, but now is not the time to reminisce about old times. I hope to meet Lord Oude."


Mag nodded and invited the centaurs to come in.

"Please come and enjoy breakfast together. Professor Ode is here too."

Bree would not end breakfast to meet the centaurs, McGonagall knew that.

The three centaurs nodded.

"Firenzai, Bane, you two stay outside."


Some time ago, when the barrier was broken, Firenze came to Hogwarts, but Hogwarts was being held hostage by the Ministry of Magic at that time, so Firenze could only bring back the news that Bree was not in Hogwarts.

At that time, the clan's sacred objects were stolen, and all the clan members were looking for Mrs. Azar, so there was no time to come to Hogwarts.

When they heard that Bree had returned, they hurried over.

The centaurs chief frowned. The sacred object was crucial to the centaurs, and he had to get Bree's help.

In the Hogwarts Great Hall, the lively little wizards were eating breakfast and talking.

But when he saw the centaurs chief coming in, he quickly changed the subject.

Professor Sprout stopped to enjoy the food and silently looked at the centaur patriarch.

Here, Brie just finished breakfast.

He asked: "Is the situation in the Forbidden Forest bad?"

There was a problem with the contract of the Forbidden Forest some time ago, so that there was also a problem in the Forbidden Forest. A large number of magical creatures rioted, but the centaurs were always there to appease them.

"No, the Forbidden Forest has settled down. It is a matter of the centaurs."

"Our sacred object is lost and Mrs. Azar stole it."

The knife and fork in Azar's hand dropped to the Slytherin table.

The little snakes around looked at him, then frowned.

Azar stood up and ran forward.

"What happened?" Azar asked loudly.

The centaur patriarch knew Azar, but he didn't make it difficult for him.

He slowly told how Mrs. Azar stole the sacred object.

After hearing this, Brie said to Azar: "Go back and sit down."

As the head of Slytherin, Bree had the obligation to keep the little snake in line.

Azar groaned, and finally had no choice but to sit back at the long table, but his eyes never left Bree.

"What is the holy object?" Brie asked.

"This..." The centaurs chief shook his head and sighed,

"It is a book left by the elves, but only the power of the elven royal family can open it. Before the elves disappeared, they gave it to the centaurs." The centaurs chief explained.

Bree thought, the elves were once the owners of the Forbidden Forest.

Bree, who has the contract of the Forbidden Forest, knows that there are some places in the Forbidden Forest that he cannot use the contract to explore.

Maybe those places are where the elves are left.

Bree summons the Forbidden Forest Pact.

As if Hogwarts and its surroundings were shrunk, a three-dimensional topographic map like a sand table was spread out.

However, as the map extended, some places shrouded in thick fog also appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Mrs. Azar." Brie intercepted a trace of Azar's magic power and injected it into the sand table map, but no figure appeared on the map.

The horse people don't know why.

Bree demonstrated: "Snape."

Bree intercepted a trace of Harry's breath and threw it into the sand table map.

Soon, Snape's little person appeared in a remote place outside the castle.

"Harry practiced magic with Snape during this period, and his body is contaminated with Snape's magic. Using this relationship, Snape's location can be shown on the map." Bree explained.

"But the map does not show Mrs. Azar's location, so there are only two possibilities."

The centaurs leader understood immediately.

Either Mrs. Azar left the scope of the contract, or she went to those places shrouded in fog.

"Thank you for your help. We will mobilize the centaurs to search for holy objects in these places."

"Within the scope allowed, we will take Mrs. Azar back to Hogwarts and leave it to you for disposal."

After saying that, the centaurs chief prepared to leave.

But suddenly thought of something, the patriarch of the centaur said: "I heard that the professor of divination at Hogwarts has resigned, and we centaurs hope to help."

The centaurs are a powerful prophecy race, and astrology divination is their strength, which is well known in the magic world.

Bree looked at Mag. This morning Mag was still talking about recruiting a professor of divination, otherwise the little wizard's studies would be affected.

McGonagall thought for a while, and she believed that the centaurs knew everything about them because of Bree's relationship, so she said: "I am very happy that the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest are willing to work at Hogwarts."

The centaurs clan leader nodded respectfully, and then said: "Fierenze in our clan is close to wizards. I will let him talk to Hogwarts in person about this matter."

The centaur lowered his head and said to Bree: "Thank you again for your help, respect Lord Oude."

The centaurs chief left, taking Azar's worries with him.

And Firenze was left behind.

"Goodbye, brother." Bain said goodbye to Firenze.

"Goodbye, Bane."

Of course, they still meet, and their parting is the opportunity to become the next leader of the clan.

They are all outstanding horse people of the horse people family, but because of their personalities, they chose different paths.

After a conversation with Principal McGonagall, Firenze quickly took over and came to the auditorium hall.

The little wizards haven't left yet.

Taking advantage of this moment, Mag introduced Firenze to the young wizards.

After the little wizard left, Mag said to Firenze: "We will arrange your office and classroom soon."

"Do you have any requirements in this regard?"

"Just make your arrangements. Of course, it's best to have classes at night and be able to see the stars..."


(End of this chapter)

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