Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 312 The Devil’s Faith

Chapter 312 The Devil’s Faith

"That's right, Principal McGonagall, a relative of mine...I just found him..."

In the corridors of Hogwarts, Hagrid followed behind McGonagall, stroking his big hands and talking uneasily.

Grawp was his half-brother. Because the giant had been absorbed by Voldemort, Grawp had no other place to go but to find a way to contact his brother.

Hagrid was shocked when he saw Grawp's letter in the Owlery.

His brother can actually write his name.

So, there is the present scene.

McGonagall raised her eyebrows and said, "You can't get close to Hogwarts."

McGonagall would be suspicious of anyone coming to Hogwarts during this time.

But that doesn't cut Hogwarts off.

"You can give him the job of guarding the Forbidden Forest, and I hope he can handle it well."

Hagrid was very happy when he heard that he had only one relative.


The busy time has arrived...

"Oh my god, why didn't I read this book? It could help me..."

"Don't be stupid, Weasley. Even if you get the test questions in advance, you won't be able to do it to your satisfaction."

The Hogwarts library has been very busy recently, mostly filled with fifth- and seventh-year students.

Because something very important to the little wizards is coming.

Ordinary wizard level assessment and advanced wizard level assessment.

"Oh, don't say that, I also have magic talent." Ron said through gritted teeth.

The magic exam is not just a written test, but also on-site spell casting, which is the highlight.

For some wizards who have average magical talent and don't work hard, this exam is simply a disaster.

"Ahem." Harry coughed twice and said, "I heard that natural magic will also be tested this time, and the professor who will test it is Bree."

Ron's expression became even more miserable.

He wasn't very good at learning ordinary magic, let alone natural magic.

Neither Harry nor Hermione were too worried about natural magic, he had just made up for it.

Seeing this, Ron gritted his teeth and said: "Hermione, I won't tell you, but you, my good brother, why can't you do the same!"

Harry has changed a lot under Bree's guidance. At least he has learned to find his own advantages.

Harry has considerable talent in some magics, and he is studying hard.

"While you were sleeping in and playing fantasy games, I was reading, Ron."

"Actually, you can also learn by playing fantasy games, but you didn't pay attention to this."

Hearing what Harry said, Ron looked sad and silently pulled out another thick book from the library bookshelf.

Hermione and Harry looked at each other. They both knew that Ron was doing useless work.

This is not the way to cram before an exam. It is difficult to read through so many books. It is best to look for some simple and important knowledge points to grasp.

But they knew better that Ron would not listen.

"Actually, there are ways out if you can't pass the Wizarding Level Examination, but there are just fewer choices." Harry said for Ron.

Ron's face darkened.

Hermione hummed.

"Actually, even after we finish the exam, there may not be a good way out. Let's look at the current situation outside."

Harry's face froze.

Indeed, the wizarding world is no longer peaceful. The so-called assessment is more because the school wants to test their strength and let them see themselves clearly and not act recklessly after leaving school.

"Please come in."

At this time, Mrs. Pince walked into the library with a group of elderly wizards.

Mrs. Pince said to the students who were still reading: "I'm sorry, children, you have to go out. This will be the place where scholars will write questions."

"Oh, Mrs. Pince, I can't bear the title of scholar." An old wizard said politely to Mrs. Pince.

Mrs. Pince looked very respectful and said: "You are a famous scholar. The famous "The Origin of Wizards and Curses" is your book..."

Mrs. Ping is a lady who loves books very much and admires the authors of books very much.

And this order was approved by Mag, so she quickly drove the little wizards out.

With the books in hand, the little wizards reluctantly found places to study.

At this time, in a room, a group of professors were sitting around a long table for meetings.

Hagrid, as the professor of Care of Magical Creatures, naturally has a seat.

After McGonagall sat down, she said: "Hogwarts has invited some scholars to Hogwarts, and they are all former assessors."

"They wanted to refuse this time, thinking that the current wizarding world is not suitable for holding exams. Hogwarts can make its own decision, but we still hope they will come."

Mag rambled a lot, and finally said: "This time, natural magic will also be included in the assessment, and will be supervised by Professor Oude."

Bree, who was sitting aside, nodded, and the other professors had no objections.

At this time, Snape spoke up.

He frowned, "Are they from Hogsmeade?"

McGonagall nodded silently.

All the professors frowned, worry flashing in their eyes.

McGonagall said at this time: "Don't worry, they are neutral, but Voldemort's declaration fits their psychology too much. They want to study magic safely, so they are helping Voldemort create barrier magic."

Mag's words did not make everyone relax, because this group of people were the most neutral and least likely to get involved in some power issues.

But they made their way to Hogsmeade.

This is a strong signal.

Voldemort's power is unbelievably great.

And Hogwarts is right next to Hogsmeade, which is troublesome.

"Don't worry about invigilating the exam, the future of Hogwarts is not dark." Bree said.

That's the end of the meeting.

Bree and Mag walked upstairs. Mag didn't speak, and neither did Bree.

When you come to the platform outside the turret.

Mag stopped.

"There have been some problems in Hogsmeade recently... a friend of mine at the Ministry of Magic told me." Speaking of this friend, McGonagall was a little bit embarrassed.

"He is a member of the Department of Magic Execution, pure blood, and my colleague back then. I know him, and he can be trusted."

"Besides, this matter doesn't have much to do with us."

"Say it." Bree knew what Mag meant.

Mag nodded slightly.

She walked to the guardrail and looked down at Hogwarts.

Under the towering turret, you can see the Black Lake and the Forbidden Forest as far as the eye can see.

"Some saints appeared in Hogsmeade, and Grindelwald may have arrived in England."

"Voldemort's power is also expanding outward recently."

"Do you know, why those reclusive scholars joined Voldemort... because Muggles found the addresses of many wizards, and they intended to control wizards..."

Mag closed her eyes, but her annoyance was still visible.

"Dumbledore must have a headache," Bree said.

He could believe that Dumbledore's helplessness when faced with the two demon kings who were making moves in England would make anyone feel dazed for a long time.

"Yes, Dumbledore has brought back a lot of the international Dumbledore's Army with the intention of stopping Grindelwald, and on Voldemort's side, the Order of the Phoenix is ​​also making efforts."

"And Dumbledore went to persuade the upper echelons of the Muggle community."

"The Muggle community is beginning to grow impatient for war, which is likely to come."

Bree looked at Mag unexpectedly. Under normal circumstances, Mag would not say these things.

"Did Professor Dumbledore ask you to ask me what I think, Principal McGonagall?"

Mag didn't hide anything, she nodded.

"Yes, we all know that there is still room for everything."

"Those scholars who came also hope to find out your attitude."

In the wizarding world, Bree's name became more and more famous due to the turmoil between the two demon kings, all because of natural magic.

Both demon kings have demonstrated their understanding of natural magic on several occasions.

Powerful and unimaginable.

This makes their power's confidence in them even higher.

And as the creator of natural magic.

Bree Ord has become an indispensable talking point for wizards internationally.

"There is a lot of speculation about you."

There are indeed many, and most of them are saying that Bree is a powerful wizard, but he does not have the ambitions of the two demon kings, and only wants to stay and teach at Hogwarts.

But there are fantasies that everyone agrees with.

That is when Bree takes action, which may change the current situation in the wizarding world.

"The discussion will not affect my judgment, don't worry, Principal McGonagall."

"Please help me thank Dumbledore for everything he has done for the wizarding world. I will lend him what he needs later."

What Dumbledore needs?

McGonagall nodded in confusion and said, "I will support you in whatever decision you make. You are the backbone of Hogwarts."

If it weren't for the many years of friendship with Dumbledore, McGonagall wouldn't have said this to Bree.

It's really... Dumbledore's current situation is too difficult.


In the turret, on the second floor, an invisible person came.

"I'm sorry to disturb your review time, Harry." Brie noticed something, so he said.

In front of the desk on the second floor, Harry's figure was revealed as he took off his transparent cloak.

"No, I've already reviewed it." Harry smiled, folded the invisibility cloak and placed it in front of Bree.

Bree knocked on the table, and a flower elf appeared and put the invisibility cloak into a box.

Bree held out another ring and put it in.

"Go and bring it to Tom, and have Tom hand it over to Dumbledore."

The flower elf obeyed and left with the box.

Harry, who was listening on the sidelines, was puzzled but did not ask.

Bree explained: "Have you heard of the three Deathly Hallows? Your cloak and the ring just now."

Wand, cloak, ring.

Harry had vaguely heard of it, but he would have to ask Hermione to find out more.

But, Harry had other things to talk to Bree about.

"Bree, do you know what Professor Snape likes?"

Harry felt a little awkward, he had never thought that such words could come out of his mouth.

However, he felt that he owed Snape an apology on his father's behalf.

Otherwise, he would never be able to raise his head in front of Snape for the rest of his life.

He owed it to Snape.

Although, he didn't think a gift could pay it off.

Bree's hands paused.

Giving Harry a strange look, Bree said, "Why?"

Harry said awkwardly, "It's because of my father and mother."

Harry wanted to tell Bree everything, but then he thought about Snape's words.

Don't tell anyone.

Harry fell silent.

"Professor Snape likes potion ingredients. Of course, this is only on the surface. You may already know what he likes."

Of course Harry knew, but that was impossible.

"Maybe if you become Snape's godson, he will be a little... huh." Sorry, Bree couldn't go on.

"Me?" Harry was stunned. He pointed at himself and said, "Snape's godson?"

Harry is now 15 years old, a young man, and this is really a bit silly.

"I know your mother, Snape liked him, so there was something special about you..." Bree explained.

"I know, but I won't become his godson. It's impossible, and he won't want to." Harry blushed. No matter how much he sympathized with Snape or felt guilty about Snape, he couldn't accept the call. Snape…father?
"Then why do you ask him what he likes? Snape is lonely, and superficial things cannot impress him."

Harry was silent for a while and then said, "I'll think about it myself."

Harry left dejectedly.


The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix——

As Tom handed a box to Dumbledore, Dumbledore's sad face finally relaxed a little.

"Thank you, Tom, for coming to help me deliver something at this time."

Tom said with a smile: "I hope I can help you, Dumbledore." After saying that, Tom was about to leave.

But Dumbledore stopped him.

"Wait, we should take action,"


Tom turned and looked at Dumbledore.

Then he saw Dumbledore and said, "Tomorrow, I hope you can come."

Tom was surprised and raised his eyebrows.

But in a flash, he said: "Of course, of course, I joined the Order of the Phoenix."

After Tom left, Dumbledore opened the box.

He picked up the resurrection stone ring without any surprise, and after feeling the magic left by Voldemort disappear, he put it on his hand.

He was dazed for a moment, but soon regained consciousness.

Ariana has become the ghost of Hogwarts, and will not completely dissipate with time, he is not so eager.

He resisted the Resurrection Stone's trap.

And he picked up the invisibility cloak and tied it on his body.

Along with two Deathly Hallows.

Combined with the Elder Wand in his hand.

A powerful force swirled around.

The Elder Wand gave him greater spellcasting power.

An invisibility cloak band hides his aura.

The Resurrection Stone protected his will.

They were powerful magical items that kept Dumbledore confident in the chaos that followed.

But more importantly, this is the faith of the saints.

The mark of the saint is the Deathly Hallows, and now, they are in Dumbledore's hands.

"Faith brings powerful belief, but it is also the easiest to be destroyed. Alas, I'm sorry, Grindelwald, I have to do this."

Dumbledore sighed and looked at the moonlight outside the window. The moonlight was gradually obscured by dark clouds, but his body was always shining with light.

Even in the dark, he still upholds the original heart.


(End of this chapter)

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