Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 314 The Demon King’s Battle (1)

Chapter 314 The Demon King’s Battle ([-])

"Oh, slow down, don't scare these cuties."

Hagrid stroked the angular-looking Thestrals and comforted them.

When the little wizard heard Hagrid's loud voice, he immediately became more careful. They didn't want the Thestral to hurt their relatives.

"Mom." Draco didn't run away excitedly like those little wizards. Of course, Narcissa wouldn't allow Draco to do this.

Narcissa saw her son approaching gracefully, she smiled softly, stepped forward and hugged her child.

"Your father has decided to participate in the Order of the Phoenix's operation... Don't worry about the logistics."

After listening, Draco nodded, he fully believed in his father's ability.

"Dad..." Luna also found her father. Her father even brought her mother's portrait. Of course, he was hidden so that only Luna could see it.

"Ginny, oh, mother's sweetheart." Mrs. Weasley hugged Ginny. Ron and the Weasley twins who had been captured by Bree were looking around.

"Ron, George, Fred, how did you do in the exam?" Mrs. Weasley frowned, but did not reprimand them in public.

Ginny whispered: "If you ask the professor, the professor will give the parents the fifth grade wizarding level exam results, mother."

"Oh, Ginny, you are betraying your brother." Ron looked at Ginny in disbelief.

The same goes for Fred and George on the side.

No one wants their parents to know their grades, especially if they are not sure.

George and Fred looked at each other and said in unison: "It's all because natural magic is too difficult."

Other parents also found out the news, which made the little wizards lament.

Of course, except for the other grades, their exams will be in the next few days, and the results will not be announced until the holidays.

On the lawn, the little wizard and his parents were talking and laughing.

But there are still some little wizards in the auditorium.

Either their parents didn't come, or...

Vonn held up his hands and fiddled with the tableware on the dining table, very rudely, but he couldn't find anything else to cover up his sadness.

At this time, someone can scold him and divert his emotions.

"Forn, don't be rude." Bri returned to the auditorium hall, said to Fern, and walked to the teacher's seat.

Vonn raised the corners of his lips, sat down properly and said, "I understand, Professor Oude."

On the other side, Azar was also disappointed, but just sat silently.

When Bree saw it, she walked towards him and said, "If you're not used to it, you can go to the kitchen. Of course, I hope you can figure out whether you need this emotion."

Azar was stunned, and he whispered: "I don't need it, but I feel very uncomfortable. Can I go to the kitchen?"

"Okay, meeting the professor means I agree. Now you need to think quietly alone, what should you do in the future to make yourself better."

"Of course, don't run around, it won't do you any good, it will make people unhappy."

Azar nodded obediently.

"I understand, Oude...Dean."

Bree's tone was businesslike, and the little wizards knew very well that Bree was like this during class. At this time, the little wizards should treat him like a professor.

Azar left the hall and went to the kitchen. The second he left the hall, he felt much more comfortable.

"Your method is very special." Fubu came over.

After the people from the academy left, Fubu did not leave. He chose to study natural magic at Hogwarts.

"I just hope he can cry freely and not hold it in."

Fu Bu didn't answer, he said: "I want to go back to the dormitory, after all, my parents didn't come."

Bree nodded.

At the same time, he looked at the little wizards staying in the hall and said, "You can go to rest at any time. You will have final exams after that. Don't fail because you are in a bad mood."

"No professor would want so many people repeating a grade."


The parent visit day went on in an orderly manner, but there was no such tranquility in other places.

King's Cross Station -

Under the dense dark clouds, the crow made a shrill sound, fluttering around one tall building after another, and finally stopped on the roof of the station, which had become empty due to the weather.

On the other side, a bat with the same idea came as scheduled, regardless of its living habits, and hung upside down on a giant tree nearby.

Electric fire and thunder roared, and a huge bolt of lightning struck down, hitting the giant tree, but strangely, it reversed its direction before making contact and rushed towards the ground again.

At this time, among the crows, a blue magic circle appeared, blue flames burst out, and Grindelwald walked out of it.

"When it rains, don't even think about relying on the big tree, otherwise you will die with it!"

Grindelwald's voice was full of coldness, and a wave of magic fell from the sky, rushing forward like a tsunami.

The giant tree that had escaped the lightning strike was torn apart by this force.

The bats flew away one after another and formed a swarm in the sky, weaving a magic circle with green light flashing.

An ink-colored mist erupted, and Voldemort was seen looking up into the sky.

"Ah, how do you know who I want to live and who to die, who can live and who can die?"

Following Voldemort's words, the fragments of the giant tree that had been blown up on the ground floated up one after another, pieced together, and returned to their original state in an instant. The green leaves swaying in the wind were still as green, unaffected by their hostility.

"I never decide who lives or dies." Grindelwald glanced at the giant tree and knew very well that this was the power of natural magic. Both Voldemort and he found an opportunity in the wizarding world.

But, their paths are different.

"Life and death are always locked." Along with Grindelwald's words, bright blue flames spread from the soles of his feet, like spider webs, constantly intertwining and covering the entire ground.

Burn, invulnerable to everything.

The sultry wind passed through the flames, bringing with it scorching heat.

The giant tree seemed to feel a crisis, its leaves were wilted and it was trembling.

"Look, he's still dead."

With the flames, the giant tree continued to turn into ashes, and the tree trunks screamed as they burned, begging Voldemort for help.

But Voldemort didn't save it.

"Death is locked, but wizards have the power to fly away from death." Vertical pupils slowly appeared in Voldemort's eyes.

The giant tree turned into ashes, dust flying, mixed with black mist, turned into a big black snake.

With hatred for Grindelwald, the serpent looked up to the sky with anger and flew away.

Grindelwald laughed, and carrying the flame, the huge blue phoenix flew into the sky and faced the ink snake.

"Ah, who are they!"

"Quickly, report to the official!"


With the appearance of Grindelwald and Voldemort, the Muggles in King's Cross Station shouted in fear.

The superhuman power reshaped their worldview, and everyone was surging. Regardless of the oppressive weather outside, they rushed to the side door to escape.

Soon, Muggle officials who received the news came outside the station with a large number of soldiers and weapons.

Both Voldemort and Grindelwald were very interested in those weapons.

But they are different.


Completely ignoring whether there were still Muggles in the station, Muggle officials immediately issued instructions.

Dozens of missiles flew towards...

Grindelwald raised his wand and struck them with powerful spells.

Voldemort chose to dodge and turned into a black mist, causing the missile to lose its target and hit King's Cross Station behind him.


The huge station collapsed along with the smoke and dust in the sky.

Both Grindelwald and Voldemort understood the power of these wizards, and it seemed that this was the strongest weapon these Muggles could bring for the time being.

Then, it can be ignored. As long as there is no such thing, the two of them have nothing to worry about.

"Ang!" The black giant snake looking up to the sky sucked the surrounding smoke and dust, and grew rapidly, becoming stronger, and soon reached hundreds of meters.

The phoenix also sucked the flames from the ground and transformed into a rising flame, like a small sun, staring at the giant snake with its head raised on the ground.

The battle broke out between the giant snake and the phoenix, constantly churning the dark clouds in the sky and the earth.

On the ground, the Muggle floorboards were crushed by giant snakes, making it impossible for those Muggles to get close.

Those weapons are also difficult to harm virtual monsters.

Grindelwald and Voldemort fought with their wands in hand and their eyes fixed on each other.

The light of magic continued to burst out as their figures shimmered in the surrounding buildings.

In addition to the sound of explosions, even the sound of breathing was unpleasant in the dazzling battlefield.

The Muggle executives hurriedly gave orders to retreat.

Fisherman's profit!

This was the first thought of the Muggle executives. They made such a decision when they determined that the two wizards were invincible.

But Grindelwald and Voldemort were no fools.

Grindelwald will use this battle to tell the world that the wizard has arrived!

And Voldemort will use this battle to tell wizards that he is the Dark Lord who is beyond reproach; to tell Bree that his power will make wizards fear him, and this fear will spread across all continents!

A strong beam of magic burst out from Voldemort's wand. Grindelwald dodged and cast an equally powerful spell.

But Voldemort's reaction was not inferior to his.

Both of them avoided it, but the surrounding buildings couldn't avoid it.

Thousands of buildings were knocked down, and the sound of Muggles crying could be heard.

There were Muggles running for their lives all around.

keep away!keep away!keep away!

Muggles should stay away from the power of wizards!

Such emotions became unmanageable with the arrival of the media.

"What to do!" A Muggle executive was asking.

The powerful power of Grindelwald and Voldemort made many senior officials panic.

With such power, unless they use that thing, they can't kill these two people.

But this is London, they can’t use it!

"We can't kill them both, but we can kill other wizards!" the top executive said through gritted teeth.

They have been dealing with wizards for a long time, and it is clear that not everyone has the power of Grindelwald and Voldemort.

"Issue a wizard-killing order!"

An order was immediately sent out...

The senior management looked at the surrounding media, who were all trembling and looking this way.

The top management understands that this is taking into account the official.

"Tell them that they can send out all negative news related to wizards. Our world does not need wizards!"

"Not allowed!" The senior executive looked pale and finally made up his mind.

Upon hearing the official lifting of the ban, the media excitedly set up live broadcast equipment, and a large number of flashlights were flashing.


On the other side, Dumbledore was alone, watching the battle between Voldemort and Grindelwald from a distance.

"Oude, your magic and thoughts have given them greater ambitions... I hope you are right."

Dumbledore's eyes slowly firmed.

"Hoo!" The sultry wind blew by, and the invisibility cloak on Dumbledore fluttered, covering his breath.

He raised the Elder Wand, pointed high at the sky... the sky began to drizzle, and the first icy cold fell on his resurrection stone ring.

Indifference filled Dumbledore's eyes, and emotion slowly disappeared from him. Extreme reason was Dumbledore's only emotion now.


Voldemort and Grindelwald, who were fighting, suddenly felt a surge of magic power.

"Boom!" Two powerful white magic lights hit Voldemort and Grindelwald.

In reaction, Grindelwald and Voldemort crossed their arms, and the magic on their wands spread, quickly forming a magic shield.

But it was too fast, and they were still injured.



The two people who were fighting fiercely stopped and looked at Dumbledore who suddenly appeared.

When the officials who were still in fear looked at Dumbledore, who was like a god, suspended in mid-air and emitting holy light, they all felt at ease.

Such scenes were also broadcast live by the media and spread to thousands of households in the UK.

And it keeps spreading.

When Grindelwald and Voldemort fought, Grindelwald had already prepared for a huge attack by saints around the world.

Soon, the whole world will discover the existence of wizards.

The wizard will make the final choice!

There were two original choices, one was Voldemort, and the other was Grindelwald.

But as long as he defeats Voldemort, then he can only choose him, Gellert Grindelwald.

But, Dumbledore, he's still here.

"Dumbledore, you understand the meaning of this battle." Grindelwald slowly adjusted his emotions and looked at Dumbledore with complexity.

Voldemort also looked at Dumbledore coldly, but when he glanced at him, he frowned.

A powerful magical item, ancient, and familiar.

This is also the reason why Grindelwald’s eyes are complicated.

The three Deathly Hallows were what Grindelwald wanted throughout his life. He had been searching for them for decades but could not find them, but now they appeared completely in Dumbledore's body.

"I know exactly what this fight means, but why can't it be me."

"You?" Voldemort laughed.

"Only you want to hang out with those filthy Muggles."

Voldemort's words angered the Muggles below, and the missiles were aimed at him again.

Grindelwald looked at the Muggles. They looked at Dumbledore without hostility. Instead, they looked at Dumbledore as if they were seeing a hero.

How similar to the original scene.

Dumbledore was like a savior, saving the wizarding world and defeating him, the evil dark wizard!
"Hahaha, you are still the same as before, Dumbledore!" Grindelwald understood that Dumbledore had successfully given Muggles a chance to get along with wizards.

Of course, some people won't be happy.

At this time, the British senior officials looked at Dumbledore with fear. They wanted to shut down the live broadcast, but this was impossible because the news had been passed on.

"But this time it's different, it won't end, it won't!"

Powerful power burst out from Grindelwald, and the blue phoenix that was originally fighting the giant snake roared upwards, grew into the wind, and rushed towards Dumbledore.

Voldemort's eyes turned into vertical pupils, and the characteristics of snakes appeared again.

The magic power in his body continued to explode.

"You can't decide this world, let alone my destiny, Dumbledore!"

The ink became huge again, and black magic power rippled around the snake's body.

It rushed towards Dumbledore together with the blue fire phoenix, the powerful magic power surged, and the surrounding space cracked faintly, causing distortion.

(End of this chapter)

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