Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 315 The Demon King’s Battle (2)

Chapter 315 The Demon King’s Battle ([-])
Dumbledore was suspended in midair indifferently.

A fiery red phoenix suddenly rushed up behind him, growing bigger and bigger.

The difference is that no one felt crisis in this phoenix, except Voldemort and Grindelwald.

Three giant beasts entangled together.

Everywhere you look, they are all the products of their destruction.

The earth was cracked by giant beasts, tall buildings were swallowed up by flames, and the drizzle falling in the sky was evaporated, reflecting a hellish blush!


The battle became more and more intense.

The Muggle higher-ups immediately issued orders.

"Kill the wizard!"

They couldn't intervene here, so they decided to attack those wizard residences that had been marked.

"The rift has opened, it cannot be stopped!"

There is no turning back between Muggles and wizards. Even with Dumbledore, the Muggle leaders will not allow the emergence of such a heroic character, not to mention he is still a wizard!

"Damn it, he's more dangerous than those two demon kings!"

The Muggles have been affected, and the Muggle executives can imagine how much help they will have in killing wizards in the future.

Therefore, we must take advantage of the moment to quickly attack the wizard's power.

"Report...we discovered the Death Eaters' station!"

"Oh? Where is it!"

"In the Scottish Highlands, wizards call it Hogsmeade..."


"Where did the news come from?"

"The Saints."

"Oh!" The Muggle executives narrowed their eyes.


In Scotland, a large number of troops gathered, and various combat weapons came into view.

Scotland, not England, the Muggle executives in the UK are willing to start a war here. It is best to lure these three demons there. In London, the executives are very cautious.

At this time, inside Hogwarts.

Parents are having lunch with the little wizards.

Copies of the Daily Prophet drop under the flutter of owls.

"Is the barrier open?" Snape asked.

Mag explained: "It was to make it easier for the little wizards to send messages home yesterday."

Mag looked at Bree.

Bree nodded.

"When the owl leaves, the barrier will close."

At this time, an incredible scream came from below.

I saw a woman covering her mouth and pointing at the newspaper with trembling hands.

The other parents and little wizards also began to panic because of the news in the newspaper.

The professors immediately opened the newspapers——

On the front page, a unicorn bowed before Voldemort.

The International Organization of Wizards and Magic announced that Voldemort has become the new chairman of the International Organization of Wizards and Magic!
This is not the main point. Next——

Voldemort and Grindelwald battled at King's Cross Station, and wizards were completely exposed to the eyes of Muggles...

Powerful natural magic, destroying the world...


The war is here.

Bree manipulates the barrier to completely hide Hogwarts.

He stood up and said: "You can stay at Hogwarts until the end of the war. Of course, you can leave at any time."

After saying that, he sat still and had no idea of ​​taking action.

Snape frowned and looked down at Harry.

Harry had learned Occlumency and there was no reaction at this time, which made Snape breathe a sigh of relief.

Mag also sat silently.

The entire hall felt like the clear water was covered with weeds, blocking the sunlight and making it extremely depressing.

But, at least the kids are safe.

"I'm full." Brie stood up and walked towards the turret.

Beside Draco, Narcissa grabbed Draco who wanted to follow him.


"I'm not stopping you, I'm just telling you that as long as the two of us stay at Hogwarts, your father will be safe."

"I know, Mom."


At this time, outside the village of Hogsmeade, a large number of Muggle troops gathered, and an operation to eliminate wizards was gaining momentum.

In the quiet village of Hogsmeade, a gunshot rang out!
"Boom!" Weapons belonging to Muggles were glaring at Hogsmeade. The wizard's body was too fragile. The wizard might be able to dodge one or two bullets, but he could not escape the hail of bullets.

"Kill, kill the wizard!"

A large number of wizards fell, but soon, the Muggles felt something was wrong.


These wizards are too weak, they shouldn't be like this!
The fallen wizards around him slowly turned into mice and fell to the ground.

There is no wizard here. As early as early in the morning, the wizards in Hogsmeade left here and disappeared without a trace.

"Let's go!" Fortunately, they did not go deep into Hogsmeade.

"Report, there is a door in front of us, blocking us!"

Before the Muggles could react, twelve huge black doors like curtains stood around.

Around these gates, bright lights are shining like stars. Only when you look closer can you find that they are hourglass-shaped magic items.

The magic of the gate and the hourglass were intertwined, shrouding all the Muggle troops, including Hogsmeade.

This is the most elite unit in the UK. If there is a problem here, then...

"Quick, find a way to notify Dumbledore!" A high-ranking Muggle shouted.

At this time, outside the village of Hogsmeade, a large number of Death Eaters gathered. They were wearing hoods and surrounding the outside. They held up their wands as if they were holding a ceremony, chanting redundant spells like whispers in their hands. One after another magic power broke into the hourglass.

"Taluda, taruta..."

As the hourglass was activated, a suffocating black mist began to spread from the door.


On the land where the army was, a huge magic circle was slowly weaving.

"Ah!" A soldier came into contact with the black mist at the edge. In an instant, his skin and flesh festered and turned into ashes, leaving only a white figure, like a soul, being sucked into a nearby black door.

"Retreat, retreat!" Muggle executives shouted, asking the soldiers to gather inside.

But the black fog is getting closer.

"Damned!" Suddenly, a curse hit a Death Eater who was reciting the spell.

Immediately afterwards, a series of curses struck.

But the Death Eaters were already on guard.

"Order of the Phoenix!"

Death Eaters recognized these people instantly.

"Aren't you in London?" Earlier, Voldemort had arranged for Bella to investigate. She could confirm that the Order of the Phoenix was in London, but why did it appear here?
The battle of the Demon King should have attracted the attention of the Order of the Phoenix!

Moreover, the anti-Apparition spell has been set by the Death Eaters around them. If the wizard wants to come to Hogsmeade Village, he can only take the express train at King's Cross Station or ride a broom...

"Go to hell, Death Eater!" Moody didn't know how to explain. He turned his magic eye and quickly fired a disintegration curse on his wand.

"Armor protection!"

"Bang!" Moody's spell was so powerful that he couldn't defend against the opponent's armor spell. He was severely knocked out and fell to the ground unable to get up.

At this time, the Death Eaters also knew why the people from the Order of the Phoenix were able to come.

A Zouwu keeps flashing, and every time it flashes, it can bring several wizards here.

"Quick, stop them!" Seeing some members of the Order of the Phoenix attacking the shady gate and the hourglass, the Death Eaters immediately shouted, pointing their wands at the members of the Order of the Phoenix.

The battle between the Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix is ​​about to break out...


At King's Cross Station, the battle continued, but because of the dark clouds covering the sun, it was impossible to tell what time it was.

However, when Bella's figure appeared, Voldemort knew that everything was going as he expected.

He, Voldemort, is the number one devil among British wizards, and Grindelwald came too late.

Voldemort's eyes moved slightly and turned into a black mist without saying a word, and disappeared carrying Bella.

The giant ink-colored snake collapsed suddenly and scattered shapelessly, stirring up dust all over the sky when it fell to the ground.

Grindelwald frowned slightly, but his goal was generally accomplished. Although the only voice in the wizarding world was not determined, the war between wizards and Muggles had completely begun.

He took another deep look at Dumbledore, turned around, put away the flame, and disappeared.

Dumbledore also stopped and lifted the spell.

All around, there were only endless ruins.

Nobody wins.

But this is enough. The Muggle world recognizes Dumbledore's existence and even hopes for his appearance.

As the news of wizards fermented, a piece of news broke into the ears of ordinary people in the Muggle world—Muggles might give birth to wizards.

But following the news, the officials quickly refuted the rumors that the possibility of wizards being born among Muggles is extremely low. There are only a dozen wizards born from pure Muggles in the whole of the UK every year.

Wizards can only be born before the age of 11, and it is absolutely impossible after the age of 11.

This time is not under the control of children under 11 years old.

Muggle admiration for wizards has weakened...

Others are clamoring to capture the wizards and study their magic...

"Alas." Dumbledore sighed. At this time, the battle was not over yet.


On a high-rise building in London, Voldemort and Bella silently looked at St. Paul's Cathedral, the most sacred place in Britain.

At this time, the Saints had already begun to attack here.

The holy religion and wizards, who represent divine authority, are eternal enemies.

The Holy Religion is not that simple. They are forces inherited from the era of magicians.

Although they lost their magic, the magic props were passed down.

And with prayer, they can still play such a role.

"Push." ​​A bat flew onto Bella's hand. Bella's expression changed, and he suddenly looked at Voldemort.

"Master, Hogsmeade..."

Voldemort raised his hand and stopped Bella.

He looked at St. Paul's Cathedral. At this time, the Saints and the priests of the Holy Religion were fighting. The priests who took out the inherited sacred objects strangely blocked the Saint's attack, but it seemed that they would not last long.

But something unexpected happened.

A group of wizards rushed in and pointed their wands at the saint. A group of wizards rescued the priest and confronted the saint.

"That's Dumbledore's Army, not the Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore made a very clear distinction between dealing with me and Grindelwald."

Bella's face panicked, she was struggling.

"Master, Bella will always be your slave..." She made her decision, knowing that Voldemort would not go to Hogsmeade to save those extremely pure-blooded people.

It is even said that Voldemort directed people who were not ultra-pure-bloods out from the beginning, allowing the ultra-pure-bloods to play in Hogsmeade.

Voldemort neither stopped nor helped.

However, Bella is an extremely pure-blooded person.

"Go together, my friend, you were never a slave." Voldemort looked at Bella.

Bella choked.

"Master, you obviously don't like them."

Bella is surprised that Voldemort is going to Hogsmeade.

"I also hope that those Muggle troops disappear in Britain." Voldemort's tone was gloomy. This was his plan, and he naturally did not want to be interrupted, even if it would benefit the extreme purebloods.

Bella and Voldemort disappear, and Dumbledore appears outside St. Paul's Cathedral.

During the confrontation between the two, the Saint discovered the Deathly Hallows on Dumbledore.

A sense of absurdity hammered into the hearts of the saints, leaving them with no intention of fighting.

And Newt suddenly appeared. He opened the box, and a huge fire dragon flew out and rushed towards the saints. Dumbledore was swiping at the side. It seemed that he just wanted to push back Grindelwald's saints.


"Go to hell!" Bella's figure suddenly appeared outside Hogsmeade Village. Her magical talent was unparalleled.

As soon as he appeared on the scene, he fought off the demoralized Moody.

"You're getting old, Moody." Bella smiled frivolously, shaking the wand in her hand slowly.

One after another, spells were issued one after another.

Moody was irresistible.

At this time, Bella caught a loophole.

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Flying bricks!" Sirius's voice suddenly came, and a brick blocked Bella's attack.

However, the remaining force of the Killing Curse still pushed the fragments of the bricks and hit Moody, forcing Moody to back off.

"Ah, so it's you, Blake's traitor." Bella looked at Sirius with fierce eyes, and uttered a Cruciatus Curse frantically.

Although Sirius was extremely talented in magic, he was not as good as Bella at this time.

Bella seems to have infinite evil in her heart, and her black magic is intimidating.

"Ah!" Sirius was tortured by pain and fell to the ground unbearably.

"Hahaha, is this your will?" Bella sneered and said to Sirius, "It's not worth mentioning. You didn't even last as long as Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom before you collapsed."

Sirius looked at Bella fiercely, but the pain prevented him from speaking.

"Split into pieces!" A powerful magic rushed towards the shady door behind Bella.

The power was so strong that Bella was stunned.

"Bang!" A magic spell was fired fiercely, blocking the crushing spell.

The surrounding wizards of the Order of the Phoenix were shocked, but the Death Eaters here were surprised by Voldemort's arrival.

Voldemort looked at Tom, who was holding his wand, and said in surprise: "You're here too."

He quickly understood the reason. He smiled and said as if to an old friend: "You want to kill me."

The tone was understated, as if he were joking.

"Don't you want to kill me too?" Tom's voice was clear and his tone was very sure.

"Of course, of course I will kill you." Voldemort laughed.

Voldemort had already understood the benefits of restoring his soul in Bree, so he couldn't give up.

Whether it was the diadem at Hogwarts or Tom, he wanted it.

"Master." Bella kicked Sirius away, walked to Voldemort, and looked at Tom warily.

Bella was confused because Tom gave her a familiar feeling.

"This is my fight with him, Bella."

Bella heard this and walked away cautiously.

But at this moment, Moody didn't know when he came to Sirius, helped him up, and prepared to retreat.

But Bella was going in that direction, so he cast a powerful spell on Bella.

Bella looked hard and hit Moody with a death curse.

Moody pushed aside Sirius, who had regained his composure, and ducked sideways, saying, "Quickly go."

Sirius clutched his heart, the severe pain not dissipating yet.

run away?

He looked at Bella, and raised his wand again.

When Bella saw it, her eyes turned cold.

"Passed out!"

A powerful wand was fired, and Sirius, not to be outdone, used the crushing spell with all his strength.

"Bang!" The two magic waves canceled out, and Bella took several steps back, while Sirius was knocked away by the powerful wave of magic.

That is, the shady door!
(End of this chapter)

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