Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 320 Slytherin’s message

Chapter 320 Slytherin’s message
Bree's battle with Voldemort was not concealed by Muggle officials. They wanted to put Bree in the same position as Dumbledore to increase the Muggles' confidence in victory.

This will enhance the official momentum and give them some confidence when talking to Brie.

However, no one expected that Voldemort would be killed by Bree so easily.

And with Brie's casual magic, the dark clouds hanging over the British people disappeared.

When the sun shone on everyone, everyone felt at ease for no reason.

Plus the creator of natural magic, and the founder of the Academy of Magic.

With the blessing of various reputations, Bree's image has become respected in the eyes of the Muggle public.

The powerful gesture makes people look forward to it. Muggles who have just come into contact with magic have more ideas about the future and envision more boldly.

At this time, an even more shocking news came out.

Grindelwald was taken away by Brea Odd in full view of the public. The entire Saints organization was leaderless and dispersed under the counterattack of Muggles. More and more wizards began to declare their willingness to learn magic together with Muggles.

The voices of those reactionary wizards seemed to disappear in an instant, and the world was filled with kindness.

"Won't you fight back, Mr. Grindelwald?"

In Hogwarts Castle, Grindelwald sat quietly, looking at the sky in the distance, the tranquility set off by the Forbidden Forest and Hogwarts.

If Grindelwald wanted to escape in front of Bree, he could still do so, but he only had a symbolic fight with Bree before being taken away by Bree.

"I can accept failure, Mr. Brid Odd." Grindelwald's gaze did not change, still looking into the distance.

But at this time, his whole body showed a twilight, and he looked like an old man, enjoying life leisurely.

"I didn't think I could succeed from the beginning. The Saints' development was abnormal and their beliefs were paranoid. Even if I could suppress it, I knew that once the battle lines widened, some people would come out to stop me."

Grindelwald took off the white rose from his chest and handed it to Bree.

"I don't like white roses. The emotion they represent is short-lived and unavailable. You decided the ending from the beginning, didn't you?"

Bree nodded slightly.

"Thank you for your support, Mr. Grindelwald."

Grindelwald waved his hand, he sighed and said with a smile: "It's not to help you, I just want to escape from his ideological shackles."


"My godfather is a farmer who lives in Godric's Hollow." Grindelwald smiled secretly and looked up at the sky. The bright sunshine slanted on his face, but it looked so mocking.

"My life is not worth it."

"I'm like his shadow, taking over his wishes."

"At this point, Dumbledore is lucky. Under my influence, he still went his own way."

"Yes, you are the person, the photo, that photo that my brother put in the book!" Ariana suddenly came out, she said excitedly: "You are old like my brother, but I can recognize you, you are my brother friend."

"Why are you here, Miss Ariana?" Grindelwald said unexpectedly.

This is Bree's Corner Tower, and it stands to reason that Ariana would not come here without incident.

"It's me, Gellert." Dumbledore walked in.

"My study is not big, gentlemen." Brie said dissatisfied.

"Perhaps you need to pass the professor's examination before you can come back, Mr. Dumbledore."

Dumbledore smiled and said mischievously: "I have already written an application to McGonagall and hope to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor next semester."

Defense Against the Dark Arts professor...will Snape agree?

"Don't worry Snape. Due to the expansion of enrollment, Hogwarts does not have enough professors, so many new professors will be recruited. Snape needs to bring some professors from the Potions class so that the new professors can reach the required level quickly. Standards of office.”

"As far as I know, Lupine has also applied to be Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts."

Bree frowned slightly. Mag hadn't had time to talk to herself about this yet.

But that's not the important thing.

"Of course, Mag didn't agree with me. She needs me to be the professor of Transfiguration. She can't do it alone."

"So I hope to help her find a qualified Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

All in all, this sentence is the key point.

"I am still the principal of Durmstrang, Dumbledore." Grindelwald smiled softly and said, "Of course, I am looking forward to the professorial life at Hogwarts."

"Wait a minute, you two."

Bree pointed to the door and said, "Please talk about it in private, or catch up on the old days. It's a holiday now, and I have to leave Hogwarts."


After leaving Hogwarts, Bree left it to Dumbledore to talk to Muggle leaders about building the school.

At this time, Lucius and Narcissa also brought Draco to Ode Manor.

"Brie, that's so cool, you rule the world."

Draco started talking nonsense when he saw Bree.

"Draco, watch your words and deeds. There is no master in this world and everyone is free."

"Oh, come on, natural magic has a master, and this is enough for you to operate."

Draco came to Bree, curled his lips, and whispered: "My mother insists that I hide, but I believe in your strength..."

But you still hid.

Bree chuckled softly.

On the side, Lucius took out a portrait.

Above is Abraxas Malfoy, Lucius's father.

"My father's soul is preserved in the portrait."

Speaking of his father, Lucius looked a little solemn.

"This is a secret of my family. I originally thought that my father died in a magic experiment, but I didn't expect that he would appear in Dobby."

When Bree found Abraxas Malfoy's soul in Dobby's heart, she didn't pay much attention to it. Later, she left Tom to Lucius and ignored it.

At this time, his help was needed.

"I tried many methods, but unfortunately I still couldn't wake up my father."

The person in the portrait is lifeless, not as agile as the magic portrait, and belongs to an unconscious state.

Bree waved.

"More than."

"It's been a long time since you summoned me, my lord!" Dobby cried to Bree as soon as he appeared.

But when he saw Lucius, he looked wary.

Lucius' eyes flickered and he didn't say anything, just waiting for Bree's move.

Draco curled his lips and whispered something, but Narcissa patted his shoulder and stopped him with annoyance.

Bree looked at Dobby and said, "Do you remember Abraxas Malfoy?"

"Oh, former owner, ah, Dobby's head hurts so much. Dobby feels like he is in the mud under the tree and can't breathe!"

Dobby curled up and shivered.

"Resurrection, resurrection, soul cracking, resurrection, resurrection..."

"Don't cut Dobby, Dobby hurts..."

this is.

Bree realizes something and uses magic to knock Dobby unconscious.

This shows what Abraxas Malfoy did to Dobby.

Also, Voldemort had said before that Abraxas was his investor, but also a cowardly guy who chose to escape.

"Escape from what the purebloods have in store for you, right?" Bree whispered to the portrait.

Then he took out a ring, which was the death energy ring of the ancient tree fairy.

Brie used this to turn Ariana into a ghost, and now he can also use this method to turn Abraxas into a ghost.

The magic material Bri was ready, and soon, as the death aura spread, Abraxas's soul was drawn out of the portrait.

A transparent soul body appears in front of everyone.

Abraxas, a handsome young man.

"Didn't I fail..."

When he opened his eyes, he saw Bree.

"Who are you?" Abraxas asked with a frown, his whole body on guard.

"Bree Old, Professor at Hogwarts."


Abraxas relaxed a little.

And when he saw Lucius, he was shocked: "Are you Lucius?"

Lucius saluted respectfully and appropriately.

"Yes, father."

"Incredible, I didn't expect to see you again." Looking at Lucius, Abraxas was very satisfied.

And when he saw Narcissa and Draco, he narrowed his eyes.

"It seems the Malfoy family still exists."

Abraxas said happily, but soon, he thought of another person.

Lucius on the side was about to introduce Narcissa and Draco, but saw Abraxas asking.

"What happened to Tom Riddle...Voldemort?"

Lucius was a little surprised as to why his father would ask about this name, but he still said truthfully: "He died, just yesterday."

"Dead?" Abraxas was stunned, and he hurriedly asked: "Where are those pure bloods?"

"Hiding, trying his best to distance himself from Voldemort."

"Wait, Mr. Abraxas, I didn't wake you up to let you know the current situation." Bree stopped the two Malfoys.

Lucius shut his mouth and motioned to his father to face Bree's existence.

"Then, may I ask, Mr. Professor of Hogwarts."

Very proud Malfoy.

"It's about the curtain, do you know?"


Abraxas looked at Bree in disbelief. He didn't think anyone would mention this existence.

His voice became a little trembling, and he said ambiguously: "This issue is very complicated. I don't know much about it, and it may not be helpful to you."

This is not to answer Bree.

"Father, tell the truth. I still remember your experiment back then, which was also related to the curtain, right?" Lucius told Abraxas to make it clear to Bree.

"I hope you can tell me everything. The situation now is different from before..."

Abraxas was surprised.

"Okay, but I'm really not sure you want to know."

Bree said: "Whatever I ask, just say it."

Abraxas nodded.

"Where is the entrance to the Curtain other than the twelve doors of the Department of Mysteries?"

"You know the twelve curtained gates!" Abraxas was surprised, but quickly said: "As far as I know, there are only these twelve gates, and I have never entered from other places."

Abraxas didn't lie, which disappointed Bree.

However, there is still a chance.

"What's it like inside that curtain?"

Abraxas hesitated.

"This is not something you should know..."

"It seems you know, then tell me." Bree interrupted Abraxas's hesitation.

"You are just a ghost now, what are you worried about?"

Abraxas was slightly silent, and Lucius nodded to him.

He then said: "I have never been inside the curtain, but I know that there is an incredible person inside."

"Salazar Slytherin."

"Similarly, he was also my teacher, a madman."

"He is deciphering the secrets within the veil."


Abraxas continued: "His madness is scary. I was excited when I first came into contact with him, but as time passed, he handed me a book that flew away from death, and I felt fear."

"But I can't escape, because those pure-bloods are his supporters and are conspiring with him to create killing weapons and kill unclean wizards."

"Of course, Slytherin is not as stupid as a pureblood. I know that he has unknown plans..."

The world in the curtain is indeed different from the real world, and there is a gap.

This is also the reason why Slytherin's portrait cannot sense whether the ontology exists in this world.

"I think I figured it out."

"Without interrupting your reminiscing, Mr. Abraxas, you are now a ghost in Hogwarts. Please go to Hogwarts before the next semester. Also, please abide by the rules of ghosts."

Bree entrusted Abraxas in Hogwarts Castle, and Bree had this authority.

After Bree finished speaking, she left the manor and headed to Hogwarts.

In Slytherin's study——

The portrait of Slytherin said with a surprised look on his face: "Why are you here again?"

"I found where you are." Brie said straight to the point.

"Oh?" Slytherin's portrait became interested.

"There is something planning going on behind the curtain." Brie stepped forward and looked at the portrait.

The painting is very thin and does not look like there is a hidden grid behind it.

But not sure.

Bree held out her hand.

"What are you doing?" The Slytherin portrait looked at Bree in amusement.

"There is no treasure behind it. My descendants have also opened it, but it was just a word."

"Words?" Bree asked, "What words?"

The portrait of Slytherin said nothing, but Bree opened the portrait directly.

On the back of the portrait, a line of cursive writing comes into view, which makes people feel a sense of arrogance - Gryffindor is a coward, but he says he has a brain.

Bree read the words.

The voice of the portrait also came.

"You are the first person to say this without being affected by the magic of words."

Bree ignored the portrait, thinking instead.

In this case, he had also seen it in the portrait of Gryffindor - dropping his hat and putting down his sword did not mean that the knight had ended his exploration, he just learned to wait.

Slytherin's words were like a response to Gryffindor, so tit-for-tat.

So what if Gryffindor was still alive too.

Godric's Hollow...

Grindelwald's...godfather, a peasant who threw away his hat, put down his sword, and ended his exploration just to wait for an opportunity...

Bree knows where door No. 13 is.

"It seems that you have got what you want." The portrait looked at Bree and sighed softly: "I always feel that you will bring a difference to the world. However, I may not be able to see it. I have a hunch that I My true body is coming back soon, and by that time, I will disappear."

"Thank you, Mr. Slytherin." Bree gave a slight salute to the portrait of Slytherin, and left here. He didn't think of comforting a portrait.

"But what are you planning and what kind of opportunity are you waiting for?"

(End of this chapter)

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