Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 321 The Match of the Two Giants

Chapter 321 Conversation between the Big Four
In the Ravenclaw Lounge, the statue of Ravenclaw once said - The four of us built Hogwarts with a common purpose, and built Hogwarts in different ways... I looked out from the tower , I hope that Gryffindor in the moor can come back; I hope at the bottom of the lake, hoping that Slytherin in the mire can come back; I stop in the Forbidden Forest, hoping that Hufflepuff in the valley can come back.

Based on this sentence, Bree found Gryffindor's office.

There is also a sentence written in it - dropping his hat and putting down his sword does not mean that the knight has ended his exploration, he just learned to wait.

Slytherin responded in the Chamber of Secrets - Gryffindor was a coward, but he said he had a brain.

At the bottom of the Black Lake, the statue of Ravenclaw also said - I am looking forward to it at the bottom of the lake, hoping that Slytherin in the quagmire can come back; but Slytherin, who is stuck in the quagmire, keeps looking at the curtain of darkness, trying to lift it It, finds Death.

"Slytherins exploring death in the veil?"


Bree left Hogwarts Castle and came to the stone bridge at the door.

He was thinking about the words left by the Big Four at Hogwarts. These words were obviously related to each other.

"Hufflepuff, her words have not appeared yet." Maybe this is the breakthrough.

Bree looked in the direction of the Forbidden Forest.

Ravenclaw said that she stopped in the Forbidden Forest, hoping that the Hufflepuffs of the Vale would come back.

So, there are clues in the Forbidden Forest.

At this time, on the stone bridge, a young man was waiting anxiously.

It was Hazard, and Brie promised to help him during the holidays.

Azar saw Bree coming out of the castle and ran over immediately.

"Professor Oude." Azar became cautious.

"Azar, the centaurs have sent me news before. Your mother should be in the largest misty forest. The centaurs have blocked the exit there. Your mother will be found soon."

The largest misty forest is one of the places that even Bree cannot explore. The dense fog in the forest makes it impossible to explore its mysteries.

"Let's go." Seeing that Azar was silent, Brie reminded him.

After saying that, he walked towards the forbidden forest.

Azar hurried to follow.

"Professor..." Azar asked in a low voice while following Bree.

"Can Muggles really learn magic?"

It is already well known that Muggles learn magic and go to magic colleges.

Nowadays, people from all over the world are rushing to plant natural trees. They plant them next to their homes no matter what, in order to seek the opportunity to awaken their magic power.

"Yes, but only natural magic."

"Ah, that, that's really incredible."

This year may be the safest year in Hogwarts. As a result, before the little wizards can react, the outside world has changed to a new world.

"Rustling…" A sound came from the Forbidden Forest.

He is Firenze from the centaur clan, and he is also the divination professor at Hogwarts.

Because of the holidays, Firenze didn't have to stay at Hogwarts, so the centaurs chief arranged to meet Bree and take him deep into the Forbidden Forest.

But Bree didn't go immediately.

"Professor Firenze, do you know where there is a statue in the Forbidden Forest? The statue of Ms. Ravenclaw."


The centaurs are the guardians of the Forbidden Forest, so they have naturally been to many places.

He vaguely remembers...

"On the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest, near the exit of Hogwarts."

Firenze brought Brie and Azar to this place.

It is very remote here, and the surrounding trees seem to have a sense of confusion, blocking people from exploring the front.

The statue of Ravenclaw is staying in the middle of a pile of vines, facing forward.

But strangely, she didn't have eyes sculpted.

She seemed to have been here for a long time. The vines were winding around the mottled statue. With the growth, if an ordinary little wizard came here, he would probably not be able to recognize her.

And the top of her head was empty.

"Maybe it takes the power of a crown."

Just like the statue in the Black Lake, unfortunately the whereabouts of the crown are still unknown.

"We didn't find anything up front," Firenze said.

Bree stared ahead. With his current magic skills, he could bypass the statue and break the magic in front of him.


On the ground around Brie, vines flew up one after another and rushed forward, like clearing a path, forming guardrails on both sides to give everyone the correct direction.

"Let's go."

After walking for a while, Azar and Firenze felt very strange, because they had an idea that they would not go to the other side. If it weren't for the vines on both sides, they might have deviated from the direction.

"House?" Azar whispered in surprise.

Firenze frowned. The centaurs had never been to this place.

The traces of someone living here are recent.

Bree discovered this too.

But what was even weirder for Bree was that it gave him a sense of familiarity.

The flowers and plants planted around them were all plants from the Muggle world, which made Bree stunned.

Bree quickly stepped forward and pushed open the door of the cabin.

There was no lock on the door, and it opened with a bang.

"I found you, my dear." came a voice that Bree could not forget.

a portrait.


Bree couldn't forget Betty's appearance. Even though Betty looked thirty or forty years old at this time, it was unmistakable.

Betty in the portrait is the same as Bree's impression, she is an ordinary middle-aged woman, not tall, slightly fat, looking very kind, like a mother who is unconditionally obedient to her children.

But if you look carefully, her eyes are full of reason.

"You, you deceived me?" Brie looked at Betty helplessly, but quickly calmed down this inappropriate emotion, and the reason in her eyes was almost the same as Betty's at this time.

"Sorry, honey, I never wanted to deceive you, I was just afraid that it would affect your life." Betty looked at Bree tenderly.

"Where are you?" Brie accepted this explanation and asked.

"Deep in the Forbidden Forest, there is something I have been looking for for thousands of years."

Betty sighed quietly.

"I won't hide it from you anymore, my dear." Before Brie could ask, Betty said directly: "They are ancient intelligent beings. They have records about the secrets of this world that we don't know."

"These secrets are about God's departure..."

"I once went to Kunlun in the east. It was there that I discovered the broken Babel tree, and you."

"You were a gestating embryo, and I stayed there for ten months, watching you grow into a baby."

"I thought you were related to God, so I brought you back to England. It turns out that you are indeed special. You have different powers, but this is not what I am looking for. You have no inherited knowledge."

"So I sent you to Hogwarts when you were 11 years old, disappeared myself, and embarked on a journey of searching again."

Betty looked at Bree lovingly.

"I love you very much, Xiao Brie. I hope you can have your own life, and it's enough for me to watch quietly from the side."

"But you still stepped into the secrets of this world. I should have sent you to Durmstrang or Beauxbatons." Betty shook her head with a smile.

"If you want to see me, come here next semester and I'll come see you."

"Of course, don't go exploring about the others. They are very dangerous. The differences between the four of us have evolved over thousands of years, and I have become the most different one.

Gryffindor and Slytherin have the same destination, they are the most similar.

As for Ravenclaw, she originally didn't want to be so radical, but after she chose to be resurrected, she stopped looking at me and only looked at the other two. "

Betty was very helpless.

"What happened?" Brie didn't understand what happened to the four giants, which caused a thousand-year-old incomprehensible disagreement.

Betty shook her head.

"You need to wait until I come back before I choose whether to tell you... I just hope that my search this time will not be useless."

Bree was silent, thinking about it crazily in his mind, but now he knew too little.

All he knew was that Gryffindor was waiting for an opportunity, while Slytherin was studying Death in the Veil and using pure blood to create killing weapons.

And Ravenclaw is trying to resurrect...the diadem!
At the same time, Hufflepuff, Betty, is searching for an ancient race deep in the Forbidden Forest, intending to decipher the secret of God's departure from this world.

Behind him, Firenze and Azar didn't dare to come in without Bree making a sound.

Bree thought of Azar, as the head of Slytherin, he still asked.

"What's wrong with Mrs. Azar? My student Azar cannot lose his mother."

No surprise, Betty knows Bree's character very well.

"I will bring her back safely. By the way, I apologize to me and the centaurs, but I must do this, otherwise the descendants of the elves will definitely find me through the contract with the centaurs."

"Please tell the centaurs that I will return the ancient books of the elves."

Bree nodded.

"Then...I'm leaving first, Betty."

Bree was very reluctant to give up, but he still had a lot of things to do.

Especially Tom, who was ready to deal with the matter once he understood Hufflepuff's situation.

"Yeah." Betty watched Bree leave warmly.

When Bree reached the door, he turned around and said, "What are the words you left behind, just like other giants."

"My choice is to protect and restore the normal order of this world." Betty's voice came, making Bree nodded in understanding.

And Betty's voice spoke again: "I also understand what Ravenclaw said. She said - there is an upper limit to the knowledge in this world."

Is there an upper limit to knowledge?


After leaving the hut, Bree told the story about Azar and the centaurs.

"At the beginning of the next semester, the Elf Ancient Books and Mrs. Azar will be back."

With these words behind him, Bree asked Firenze to leave with Azar, while he went to Oude Manor.

Odd Manor is also in Godric's Hollow, but it is protected by the Fidelity Charm so that no one can discover it.

Without staying in the manor, Nico and Ver were busy with magic items at this time. Ordinary people couldn't wait to learn magic.

And for the first time, Bree walked out of the gate of Oude's house, followed the bluestone road, passed through the creek and woods, and looked at the wizard gathering place in Godric's Hollow from a distance.

"I haven't really seen this place yet." Godric's Hollow is beautiful, with smoke curling up from the cooking pots, and it looks like it's at ease.

But it was such an ordinary thing that made Brie feel a little dazed.

Stepping into the field and walking on the dirt road, under the summer wind, the shimmering rice fields are full of tiny jumping grasshoppers.

"Dong dong dong!" A crisp bell sounded from the small town at the end of the field.

Looking from a distance, Bree saw the big clock in the auditorium.

"Church?" Weird, why is there a church in the wizard's world?

Bree walked forward and soon arrived at the town.

For the arrival of Bree, the people around seemed to have known about it for a long time.

"Nice to meet you, Professor Oded."

It was Lady Bathilda Bagshot.

There are also some white wizards wearing white robes.

"You shouldn't be here."

When Bashat said this, Bree felt some hostility coming from around her.

It seems that this old lady has a great say in Godric's Hollow.

"I have something to do, so I came to see a farmer."


Surprise flashed in Bashat's eyes, followed by strong hostility.

"Please leave, the farmers of Godric's Hollow don't want to be disturbed."

The people around gathered around.

But at this moment, the large wooden door of the church in front opened suddenly, as if to welcome Bree.

When Bashat saw this, she immediately waved her hand.

"Make way and let Professor Oude pass."

Bree made her way through the crowd and up the church stairs.

The church here is very ordinary, but full of a sense of sacredness. The marble floor reflects the sound of Buri, and the surrounding light penetrates freely from the skylight, making the hall very bright.

A sturdy man in a short shirt was sitting at a long table in the hall, enjoying lunch. There was a hoe leaning on the long table.

"I'm sorry, I just finished ringing the bell, and I will go to the fields to check on it later. If you need anything, please tell me immediately."

Bree studied the man, even though it was rude, it was necessary.

There was a sound of breaking through the air. Bree raised an eyebrow and looked, and the flying hammer head froze in mid-air.

"Are all children today so rude, huh!"

A strong magic power came over and pressed against Bree.

Along with the magic power, the man also got up and attacked Bree.

"Crack, click, click..." There was a sound of cracking on the marble floor.

The magic surrounding Bree was instantly disintegrated, and Gryffindor's fist came to Bree's eyes at this moment.

"Boom!" Bree slapped a palm with magic power, and hit Gryffindor's fist together.

"Ta-ta-ta!" Gryffindor and Brizzy took a few steps back.

"Hahaha, I thought you were a squishy brat, but I didn't expect you to be able to fight a lot."

Bree raised his hand, looked at the red mark on his palm, and said slightly dissatisfied: "I never thought that Lord Gryffindor would treat a visitor in such a rude way."

Gryffindor snorted after hearing Bree's words.

"Don't be like Slytherin and scold me in a roundabout way. If you want to find him, go to the cemetery in the backyard by yourself."

Gryffindor waved, and the hoe in mid-air came into his hands. He strode out of the church without paying any attention to Bree.

It seemed that compared to the crops in the fields, entertaining Bree was an unnecessary thing, and he didn't even care about Bree and Slytherin's affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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