Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 329 The Invisibility Cloak

Chapter 329 The Invisibility Cloak
Life as a freshman at Hogwarts is peaceful, especially without Bree involved.

"What, he's not here." Sirius came to the lounge of Ravenclaw Tower, but the people in Ravenclaw told Sirius that Bree had gone out early in the morning.

"Then I'll go to the library."

But alas, Bree isn't in the library either.

At this time, Bree was transforming into a black crow at the top of the tower.

There is a small pavilion at the top of the tower. I don’t know who designed it.

A breeze blows.

Bree stood on the guardrail, with a faint green light appearing on her dark feathers.

"Dangdangdang..." the sound of the wind chime ringing.

At this time, Dumbledore was standing behind Bree with a wind chime in his hand.

"I've always wanted to ring a wind chime here, so that little wizards will discover this place through the beautiful sound."

"But it doesn't seem to be necessary." Dumbledore looked at Bree, who had turned into a crow, with flickering eyes.

He couldn't see such a transformation technique. This was not an Animagus, but it was more realistic than an Animagus.

Moreover, he did not think that the green light on Bree's wings was a decoration.

It was amazing magic, which he had never seen before.

Bree didn't make a sound, just enjoying the breeze quietly.

Dumbledore was not in a hurry. He hung the wind chime in his hand on the tower and let the wind blow the chime.

"Who are you?" Dumbledore asked again.

Only then did Bree respond: "A traveler."

Dumbledore's eyes flickered.

"The future or the past?" Dumbledore guessed at this time.

"I come from the past, but I am a person from the future." Brie said slowly.

"Have you ever been to another time period? It's very dangerous." Dumbledore, who also knew a little about time, was a little surprised. He looked at Bree with a look of inquiry.

"Are you afraid of changing things that have been established? Don't worry, because this time and space has already changed when my name is recorded in the Book of Access."

Dumbledore frowned after hearing Bree's words, this might be a problem.

"Is there a way to remedy this?" Dumbledore didn't want time to cause problems.

But Bree shook her head.

"What are you worried about? Everything in the future will be borne by me at that time."

After Bree finished speaking, Dumbledore's frown slowly relaxed.

"It seems that you have made a decision, but I am curious as to why you waited for me to come to you."

Brie is not enjoying life by strutting around here.

Bree turned around, and a jet-black feather fell from his body, suspended in mid-air, and he returned to his human form.

He took the feather, which instantly became the Elder Wand.

Dumbledore's pupils shrank when he saw the Elder Wand.

"You got it in the future," Dumbledore thought, since the Elder Wand should have been in his hand.

Bree shook her head, for with a wave of his hand another Elder Wand appeared in his hand.

This is the Elder Wand he got after experiencing Godric's Hollow.

Dumbledore frowned again.

"This is the Elder Wand of the future and the past." As he spoke, Dumbledore took out his Elder Wand, but this time there was no violent collision, let alone a space-time vortex.

Bree put away the Elder Wand inexplicably.

His first trial went wrong.

Perhaps his goal in coming to this time and space was not the Elder Wand.

What is it, a resurrection stone or an invisibility cloak.

Bree tried to communicate with the world consciousness, but the world consciousness was like a pool of stagnant water, and there was no way to respond to Bree.

"You are disappointed." Dumbledore looked at Bree's expression and said.

"You're looking for the Deathly Hallows, right? I probably can't help you in that regard."

Bree shook her head.

"Can you help me, I need to ask for leave to go out."

Dumbledore was a little surprised, but he nodded anyway.

"Of course, there is no problem." Dumbledore waved his hand, and a piece of paper appeared. Then he wrote the leave form on it and signed Bree's signature.

"You can ask for leave by going to your dean."

"Thank you very much." Bree took the note, turned into a crow again and flew away.

Dumbledore looked at Bree's posture with keen interest and murmured: "Such a wizard will appear in the future."

"Hopefully I'll live until then."


Bree easily passed Professor Flitwick's questioning and left Hogwarts.

He came to Gaunt's old house.

At this time, the old house has become an old and abandoned house.

But isolated by magic.

Bree easily bypassed the shielding spell.

But there is no resurrection stone ring originally placed here.

"Yes, that ring is a trap set for Dumbledore. At this time, Voldemort is still trying to win over forces and has not yet begun a formal confrontation with Dumbledore, so he has not given up this idea yet."

In other words, Voldemort has not yet obtained the resurrection stone ring.

Bree returned empty-handed. He had nowhere to go for the time being. He could only return to Hogwarts and then inquire about Voldemort, because the Resurrection Stone would always reach Voldemort's hands.

"Nothing to gain?" Dumbledore asked as he passed by when he came to the Hogwarts Great Hall for dinner.

Bree nodded, things were not as he thought.

Seeing that Brie was enjoying a green apple pie, Dumbledore shrugged and did not ask any more questions.

"Hi, buddy, I heard you're on leave." Bree felt a pressure on his shoulders, and felt someone sitting next to him.

"Mr. Black, I don't think we are this familiar yet." Bree pushed Sirius away. Even Draco didn't dare to make such an intimate gesture. This Sirius was really familiar with him.

"Oh, really, but we have met many times, so we are friends." Sirius smiled cheerfully.

Bree glanced at the Slytherin table, where Snape was eating in the corner, isolated.

In the past few days, Bree knew that Snape was being bullied, not just within Slytherin, but also by several people from Gryffindor.

Among them was Sirius, but it was usually James who took the lead.

"You see Snape every day, why don't you consider him a friend?"

"Snape, tsk, how could you compare him to you? You are so..." Sirius said a lot of praise for Bree in surprise.

Bree stopped him.

"Do you think so, but in my eyes, you, like Snape, are both relatively familiar people to me in this place."

Although Sirius wished for such a slightly special position, he would never mention it with Snape.

"You want me to stop bullying him?" Sirius said unhappily.

Bree thought for a moment, and he actually hoped that Snape's life trajectory could be more friendly, but without going through some things, Snape would not become the person he remembered.

"I can't control your life. I just hope that you won't regret your current impulse in the future."

Bree put down the utensils and he finished eating.

Bree got up and walked outside.

Sirius grabbed an apple pie from the dining table and followed.

"Hey, wait a minute, I've been looking for you for several days. Don't be so cold. Of course, you are also very interesting like this. You are different from that slug."

Nagging, talkative.

Bree didn't expect Sirius to be such a person when he was a child. It seemed that this guy would never learn to shut up without going through Azkaban.

Bree came to the library and rummaged through books about the Deathly Hallows.

When he came here, Sirius was finally afraid. He glanced at Mrs. Pince secretly, then slowly covered his face with a book and moved to Bree's side.

"Are you watching Deathly Hallows?"

Grindelwald's deeds were extremely famous, and Sirius had also seen some related things.

But his sneaky look is really helpless.

"Are you wanted by Mrs. Pince?" Bree said with a chuckle.

Sirius looked at Bree dumbly and said, "Smile more, you Orientals are so good-looking."

"Thank you, but I don't want to fake a smile." Opening the book, Bree kept talking to Sirius.

Mrs. Pince in the distance noticed this side, and she walked over with a frown, but as if under the Amnesiac Curse, she quickly walked elsewhere.

Sirius was extremely nervous, and he only let out a breath when he saw Mrs. Pince walking away.

"I came to the library yesterday to look for you, and was scolded by Mrs. Pince... I thought you had sneaked into the restricted book area."

As Sirius was talking, he glanced at Bree who was immersed in the introduction of the Deathly Hallows, sighed helplessly, and stopped interrupting.

"Sirius, come here." A voice found Sirius, it was James.

There are two people behind James, one is Lupine and the other is Peter.

The four of them were all Gryffindors, and it didn't take long for them to mingle together.

"What's wrong, James?" Sirius had no intention of leaving Bree's side.

"I'm finally reading a book, so don't disturb me with the trivial matter of finding trouble with slugs."


James looked at Sirius suspiciously, and curled his lips when he saw Bree on the side.

"I wish you were actually reading."

"I'm looking for you for a big deal. It's about Remus and the full moon."

After hearing Lupin and Yuanyuan, Sirius became more cautious.

He glanced at Bree, who was still reading a book, and followed James quietly away.

Although Bree heard the conversation between the two, he did not stop it. He thought that this might be the beginning of the friendship between these people.

Lupine, a werewolf, gains the friendship of two young wizards.

A very peculiar point.


"What's the matter, is there anything we can do to help Remus?"

Some time ago, James and Sirius discovered that their roommate had sneaked out of the castle and headed to the Whomping Willow.

After being discovered by Lupine who was following the two of them, as it was getting late, Lupine was afraid that he would turn into a werewolf and hurt the two of them, so he told them that he was a werewolf to scare them away.

The two were frightened, but they were also moved by Lupine's sincerity and kindness.

Neither of them is coy and at the same time neither sticks to a certain style.

For Lupin, they have sympathy and loyalty after learning the truth.

Soon, several people became good friends.

James and Sirius are also looking for ways to help Lupine, even if it can alleviate some of Lupine's pain of suppressing his animal nature after turning into a werewolf.

"Have you heard of Animagus? This is the magic that can turn into a beast. As long as you turn into a beast, you will not be infected by werewolves. Then we can follow Remus to the Whomping Willow. That……"

After hearing about this magic, Sirius nodded seriously. However, this magic is very difficult, and it is a forbidden spell, which requires the approval of the Ministry of Magic to learn.

"The Forbidden Zone, I know that the Forbidden Zone has this curse." James raised his eyebrows proudly.

Sirius said excitedly: "That's great...but."

Sirius suddenly said in frustration: "Because last time I approached the forbidden book area, Mrs. Pince is particularly vigilant now and checks the library every night. We don't know the Disillusionment Curse, so we can't get in at all."

"Don't worry, I have a way. Let me tell you a secret. I have an ancient invisibility cloak at home..."


"You said the Potter family has an invisibility cloak. It's very ancient. Do you think it has something to do with the Deathly Hallows?"

Bree looked at Sirius, who was proudly talking about his discovery in front of him.

"Of course, this is admitted by James himself... Ahem, but don't worry, James won't be able to go home until Christmas. Then he can steal the cloak...bring it here."

Sirius blushed and said, "I'll show it to you quietly when the time comes."

Bree was speechless.

"James is your friend."

"Oh, James won't mind, you trust me."

"If you like that cloak, I will find a way to exchange it with James' father. You have to believe in my strength."

Sirius silently wondered if there was anything at home that he could exchange for this ancient cloak with the Potters.

Bree smiled.

"I'll prepare a gift in exchange, thank you for telling me the news, Blake."

Bree turned to leave.

"Black..." Sirius curled his lips silently.

On the other side, a man came out of the corner.

James looked at Sirius with a twitching corner of his mouth, raised his forehead and said, "You sold me so quickly, and you still sold me in front of me..."

Before James could finish speaking, Sirius put his arm around his shoulders.

"Hey, brother, you won't help me. At worst, I will help you chase Lily Evans and teach you a lesson from slugs during these years at Hogwarts."

James raised an eyebrow.

"This is not enough, you have to call me big brother."

Seeing Sirius frown, James smiled.

"Okay, but you can only call in private. You have to save some face for me."

"Of course." James immediately agreed. In fact, the cloak was left at home to collect ashes. He thought it was a good deal.

Time turned and Halloween came, and James couldn't even wait for Christmas vacation just to hear Sirius call him big brother.

After much hard work, he finally used countless sweet words to get his mother to mail him an invisibility cloak.

But his mother also included a letter——

Your father and I were delighted to hear that you were liked by many little girls at Hogwarts, we knew you could use the cloak properly.

Mom and dad stayed with expectations.


Throwing the shameful letter into the burning fireplace, James found Sirius.

"Tonight, let's go to the Restricted Section to steal the Animagus' spell, and then you can take it to find your boy.

"It's not my boy, James, don't talk nonsense, I just want to be friends with him." Sirius blushed.

James shrugged and joked.

"I don't care what you think, I just want to hear that you recognize me as your big brother."

"What are you two doing here? Go down and attend the Halloween dinner." Professor McGonagall's voice suddenly sounded, and the two of them were startled.

 Modified where the Elder Wand goes in Grindelwald's hand in Godric's Hollow.This is modified to be obtained by brie.

(End of this chapter)

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