Chapter 330 Sybil

The two boys caught by Professor McGonagall were brought to the Halloween dinner with grimaces.

At this time, most of the little wizards have already dressed up in their own Halloween costumes.

The entire hall is also strangely decorated.

"It can be seen that this is Professor Flitwick's handiwork."

Bree sat at the dining table, glass in hand, drinking juice disguised as blood.

Smiling lightly.

Bree didn't dress up today, so he quietly watched the laughter of the little wizards around him.

Hogwarts in this era was more welcoming, perhaps because Voldemort's rebellion had not yet occurred, so Slytherin was not that alarming.

Many young wizards did not choose tit-for-tat today.

"Hey, aren't you prepared?" Evans came to Bree's side at some point, but in an instant, her behavior was noticed by the senior sisters of Ravenclaw Academy.

Evans was startled by the hostile gaze, but she did not retreat because she had something to do.

"Can you help Snape? He's not doing well in Slytherin." Evans really had no choice. She didn't want Snape to be ostracized all the time.

It's been so long since school started, but Snape still hasn't integrated into his academy.

"Slytherin is a place that values ​​ability. Only those with strength can gain respect." Bree said softly after hearing Evans' request.

"I think Snape knows this very well, and he has been working hard."

Of course, this growth rate is not enough. After all, most of Slytherin's little wizards have been in a very high position since birth, and family power is one of their strengths.

And Snape is just a down-and-out half-blood, albeit with some talent.

Bree glanced at Snape, who was hiding in the corner, and thought: But he didn't let anyone see him.

Snape is very talented in potions, but it is difficult for a first-year wizard to show this. Potions is an advanced job, but it is still very simple to get started. At this stage, Snape is very talented in potions. There is not a big gap between his progress and that of other young wizards from pure-blood families.

Not enough to earn him respect.

"Perhaps Snape will get some attention after the final assessment comes out," Breed said.

He knew very well that Snape was not a person who liked to express himself. In class, Snape usually studied silently and did not participate in the competition for so-called score honors.

This was considered unsociable to everyone, so the Slytherins disliked him even more.

"Is that so?" Evans murmured, but didn't notice the three eyes that had been paying attention to her.

It was James, Snape and Sirius.As for the rest of the little girls and boys who were jealous of Evans being able to talk to Bree, they didn't count.

James gritted his teeth and said to Sirius, "Can I beat him?"

"Him?" Sirius said with a straight face, "You should be no match for him..."

"And, can you please keep Evans away?"

On the other side, Snape looked at Bree and Evans from afar, with some resentment. He didn't like everyone who came into contact with Evans, but he had no way to ask Evans to do anything.

Bree seemed to feel something.

He looked up and saw James biting his cheek and Sirius with a livid face.

But when Bree looked over, Sirius immediately changed his face and grinned at Bree.

Brie said to Evans on the side: "You should stay away from me. Many people are paying attention to you."

Evans looked a little apologetic when she heard this, but she couldn't help but said: "Maybe more people are paying attention to you. You don't look like a freshman at all, or you don't look like a normal student... We Gryffindor There are many people who like you."

"You are really special, indescribably special."

With that said, Evans couldn't resist the looks from the others and left in a hurry.

After Evans left, some little wizards wanted to follow suit and step forward, but the strange thing was that they couldn't get close to Bree.

It's magic.

The professors at the teachers' table felt it and frowned slightly.

This is not the power of a normal little wizard.

Dumbledore chuckled and coughed, then shook his head and signaled to leave it alone.

The expressions of the other professors changed, and they all chose to believe Dumbledore in the end.

A banquet came to an end unknowingly. After seeing that the professors did not control the actions of the young wizards, James immediately said to Sirius: "We are going to the forbidden book area now, and then you quickly go to ask for the cloak." That boy’s favor, don’t let him haunt Evans.”

James has listed Bree as his number one enemy, even Snape has to be ranked in the back row. After all, the image Bree presents is too mysterious, which is a fatal charm for the little witch.

"Old doesn't like Evans, what are you worried about?" Sirius said helplessly as he looked at James who was pulling him out of the hall.

But James didn't listen to him.

When the two came to the library, Mrs. Pince was still in the hall. They could enter through the invisibility cloak, and they would not be discovered even if Mrs. Pince came back.

"The portraits in the library will tell you. If Mrs. Pince asks, she will definitely tell the story about the little wizard who sneaked in."

As James spoke, he took out the invisibility cloak hidden in his pocket and put it on the two of them.

In an instant, the two of them disappeared without a trace.

Using the unlocking spell they had practiced hard during this period, the two quickly and quietly walked into the library. Bypassing the ordinary book area, they crossed the guardrail and entered the restricted book area...

At this moment, Bree, whose heart skipped a beat, felt the Elder Wand in his pocket beat lightly, so he used the Ignore Charm to leave the hall.

Bree strolled into the library and came to the restricted book section.

He felt a force guiding him.

Just like how he had been guided to get the Elder Wand in Godric's Hollow.

"It seems that this time it is the invisibility cloak."


In the forbidden book area, James and Sirius walked deeper and deeper. They glanced around, but there was nothing related to Animagus.


The restricted book area is not small, and there is even an underground floor.

Sirius stared blankly at the passage he had accidentally opened due to his gentle leaning, and glanced at James.

The two nodded in unison and stepped into it.

Bree, who had just entered the forbidden book area, felt something and frowned slightly.

"The scent of the Forbidden Forest Contract."

Shouldn't the Forbidden Forest Contract be in Dumbledore's hands at this time?

Bree thought, walking a little faster, and soon came to the passage where Sirius and James had entered.

He walked in without thinking.

Bree has been here before, but there was nothing down there.

But this time it was different. Bree felt the aura of the Forbidden Forest Contract.

"The Forbidden Forest Contract should be stored here. Dumbledore has not yet managed it personally."

As Bree walked, she suddenly heard an exclamation.


It was Sirius' voice.

At the end of the underground floor, a burst of magic burst out, and James was carried by a force of magic and locked in the air.

The invisibility cloak was also pulled by the Forbidden Forest Contract, enveloping the magic power in mid-air.

The Forbidden Forest Contract seems to want to imprint itself on the invisibility cloak, or it uses the invisibility cloak as a blank piece of paper to write itself down.

This magical riot was caused by it.

Bree raised his hand, and a powerful force of magic suppressed the Forbidden Forest Contract.

But the magic has spread.

Dumbledore in the hall frowned...

Here, Bree had just settled the Forbidden Forest contract for this period of time, and felt the doubts about Bree coming from the contract.

And Bree was confused because he didn't feel divinity in this contract.

"Is the Forbidden Forest Contract in my hand the only one with divinity?"

This seemed to fall into a time paradox. If the contract at this time did not have divinity, then when Ravenclaw used him to travel through time and space, there would be no divinity in the contract. However, Bree felt that Ravenclaw did. It is time to go to the age of God.

"Weird timeline."

But it feels like it's his own fault. His natural magic has the power to change time, making him more likely to resist the backlash of time.

Maybe this is the answer.

"Odd, James, is he okay?" Sirius's voice appeared in Bree's ear at the right time.

"It's okay." Bree glanced at James, who was fainted on the ground, and said softly, "What are you looking for in the restricted area?"

Bree pointed to the invisibility cloak on the ground and took it in his hand.

Sirius immediately said: "We are here to find the curse of the Animagus. When we find it, I will give you this cloak."

"Thank you." Bree heard this and looked at Sirius who looked excited.

Sirius stretched out his hand.

Bree looked at Sirius' dusty hands and frowned slightly.

Sirius blushed and said, "Can we be friends? I like you very much."

"Don't get me wrong, I like your freedom very much. This is what I've always wanted. It's so cool." Sirius' eyes sparkled.

"I want to be friends with someone like you, it just makes sense."

Sirius Black was not free. Even if he rebelled and came to Gryffindor, he could not escape the shackles of the Black name.

Bree slowly extended his hand and shook Sirius.

He felt that a force of time and space was being nurtured, and it seemed that he had to end this journey.

Bree whispered: "We will be friends, but in the future."


Sirius was a little depressed, but quickly cheered up.

"Look, I'll let you approve it." Sirius raised his eyebrows.

However, he suddenly widened his eyes.

I saw the invisibility cloak in Bree's hand exuding a burst of twisted power.

James beside him also woke up, and he opened his eyes in confusion.

I saw Sirius pulling someone tightly and yelling to throw him away.

"Sirius, what happened?" James stood up quickly.

He saw Bree holding his invisibility cloak in his hand, and the cloak exuded a twisted and dangerous power that had affected the surrounding space.

But Bree didn't let go, seeming to let the power spread.

"See you later, Sirius."

Bree waved her hand, and a force separated Sirius.

"Are you leaving?" An old voice sounded behind Bree.

Dumbledore came slowly.

He stared at the invisibility cloak in Bree's hand. The power of time was so strong.

It's not a power that belongs to the Deathly Hallows, but it's there.

"Brie?" Sirius stared blankly at Bree who was gradually being swallowed by space, he didn't understand what it meant to leave.

But before he could ask, Bree had already disappeared with her invisibility cloak.

An origami crane was the only thing left of Bree.

It flew gently to Sirius' hand.


Dumbledore did not inform Dumbledore about Sirius and James' night break into the Restricted Book Zone, but instead concealed it, and they lived in peace.

Back in the dormitory, Sirius sat silently on the edge of the bed, while James patted Sirius on the shoulder.

"Brother, you have only been in contact with him for more than a month, so it's not enough."

"Do you think it's possible for someone like him to appear?" Sirius said lightly. He gently folded the paper crane and tried to make it fly.

"Uh..." James was speechless. Bree was indeed a very special being.

"You wouldn't be..."

"I envy him very much. Seeing him is like seeing the freedom I long for, without shackles. How beautiful it is." James fell back and lay on the bed.

Paper cranes circled and danced above his head.

He said in a daze: "Can we see him again in the future? By then I should be close to his state, a free Black."

While muttering, Sirius saw the paper crane slowly unfolding.

a letter?

Sirius hurriedly caught the falling paper.

"It's an Animagus spell." Sirius' tone was a little disappointed.

James on the side came over.

"He actually understands this..."

James looked at Sirius's state, curled his lips, took the spell and said, "I'll make a copy and give it back to you. You can fold it into a paper crane yourself."

On the other side, Professor Horace Slughorn had just returned to his office when he saw a paper crane flying over and landing on his desk.

This is a recommendation letter——

Severus Snape was an excellent student with an excellent talent for potions.

Signed by: Headmaster of Hogwarts - Bri Old

After finishing his journey in this time period, Bree knew that his next target might be the Resurrection Stone, but he didn't know which period he would reach.

At this time, he was still drifting in time.

He saw a pair of eyes.


Those eyes that can predict the future.

In the ethereal, magical time, Brie is suspended in the infinite space.

In front of him was a woman.

Bree looked at the woman and said slowly: "Sibyl, the mythical priestess, you have the ability to predict, but you are also cursed. No one believes the predictions you make, including yourself... so that , you can't change anything, and you have endless lifespan, you can only be trapped and die in the pain of the prophecy."

"You are also the prophecy of the Trelawney family."

"Yes, I am Sybil, an abandoned character trapped in time and unable to leave."

Sybil looked at Bree coldly, but sadness gradually appeared in her eyes.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your journey, but I must give you a warning. Your behavior will bring luck or misfortune in the future."

Bree doesn't like nonsense.

"Please just say it."

Sybil seemed to know Bree's character. She said unhurriedly: "I am a priest. Although I am a mortal, I have the power of a god. I travel in the time of this world and incarnate in the horizon. Now, I But we have to stop because we have all reached the end of time.”

"For thousands of years, I have chosen two people to talk to me, and you are one of them."

(End of this chapter)

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