Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 45 Soul Detention

Chapter 45 Soul Detention
Christmas is coming soon, and Bree can return to the turret as she pleases, because everyone in Slytherin has chosen to go home, and Bree doesn't want to stay in a place with not much popularity, which is obviously a dungeon. A place of transformation.

The snow is falling and Professor Quirrell is leaving Hogwarts, which is really good news.


At the gate of the castle, Bree, who had just finished her Potions class, was enjoying the cool breeze and was about to take a walk in the snow. She saw the Weasley brothers who didn't know who got up and threw snowballs at each other. One of them even deliberately threw snowballs at each other. Hit Quirrell hard on the back of the head.

After Quirrell exclaimed, he looked back in panic and saw Snape coming out of the door. Snape was staring at him.

Swallowing, Quirrell hurriedly pulled his turban and followed the exit road to Hogsmeade Village.

"Hahaha!" After Quirrell left, the twins laughed, and Snape also glanced at Bree, swung his cloak, and stepped into the castle.

"Little Bree, come and have a snowball fight!" George saw Bree and shouted loudly, dancing very funny. They were wearing pointed felt hats and bulky sweaters with English letters embroidered on them. It was knitted by their mother.

"Oh, sorry George, I have to go for a walk, I'm a little stuffed from breakfast."

Bree smiled and didn't join in their game.

George said: "Oh, look, sweet Bree recognized me."

Fred raised his eyebrows. He thought it might be luck, but he didn't care. Instead, he grabbed a handful of snow and threw it at the passing little wizard.

"Hey, you can't do this!" The passing little lion clawed at the snow on its face and joined the fight. As time passed, more and more people were playing here.

The Weasley twins always bring happiness to everyone.

"You're here Bree."

Just days after Bree helped Sprout prepare plants for Christmas decorations, she started calling Bree by her first name.

"Come on, there is a big thing that needs your help now, and other little wizards can't do it with their magic."

"Hagrid is picking out a Christmas tree for this year, but I think he needs your help."

Sprout used the levitation technique to levitate the decorative plants, and then pointed in the direction to Bree. It could be seen that the professors were very busy today, and Snape might have to be asked to fiddle with bows. , who makes this holiday so important to the UK? Many things have to be done by hand, unlike Halloween where transformations are directly used.

It's a pity that Bree doesn't like Christmas, no matter how fun it is; to be honest, historically speaking, it is obviously a day that wizards should hate, Christmas is a Muggle holiday.

"Mr. Hagrid!"

Bree walked in the snow, and soon came to Hagrid's hut. Because he cast a warming spell on himself, Bree didn't feel cold, and neither did Hagrid, but he relied on his own physique. He was a half-blood giant. , there is always something special.

"Professor Sprout said you needed help, and I thought my spell could help."

"Oh, you're Oded, right? I've heard of you. Well, I mean if you can help, I can give you some rock biscuits as a reward."

Seeing a small snake approaching, Hagrid was obviously embarrassed and felt incredible, but this was the professor's arrangement, and he had to accept it.

"Rock pie?" Brie had never heard of this kind of food, but after thinking about the giant's eating habits, Brie clearly refused.

"Sorry, I think I'm full."

"Is it this one?" Bree asked, looking at the huge pine tree in front of her, while Hagrid scratched his hair and nodded: "Yes, that's it. We will also hang many decorations on it later. Make it the highlight of Christmas.”

In fact, putting a pine tree with nothing hanging on it in the room is also very eye-catching.

The wand on Bree's wrist popped out, and soon he used his magic, and the pine trees floated. The strength of his magic was very high, which was definitely beyond the reach of most adult wizards today.

"Oh, what a little monster." Hagrid swallowed, looking at Bree with a normal expression, feeling incredible.

Ignoring Hagrid's surprise, Bree has a deep understanding of his own magic power. Everything is due to the natural magic power. If the natural magic power is put aside, his magic power can only be compared with a little wizard in the fourth or fifth grade. .

Of course, the level of spells and transfiguration are different. They can definitely crush most young wizards, and some adult wizards don't understand them as comprehensively as Bree.

By the time Bree and Hagrid arrived at the gate of Hogwarts with the big pine tree, the little wizards had been captured by Professor McGonagall and taken back to the castle. She didn't want to see students with steam spraying from their ears all day long.

"Oh, Hagrid, do you need any help?"

Bree walked behind waving her wand, while Hagrid watched the road in front, but when Harry and Ron saw Hermione off to the Hogwarts Express at the door, they saw Hagrid and the big pine tree floating behind him. Then, he called Hagrid.

Ron asked: "Hagrid, can't you use magic?"

Hagrid's wand was broken by the Ministry of Magic due to an incident many years ago, so he could not use magic. However, Harry knew that Hagrid's wand was actually hidden in the handle of the umbrella he often carried. Of course, he was not a big man. People with big mouths don't want Ron with a big mouth to accidentally say it, which will make Hagrid arrested and imprisoned by the Ministry of Magic.

"Oh, no, not me!"

"It's Oude. This is really unbelievable."

"Brie?" Hermione pulled her suitcase, and Bree walked around to the front of the pine tree with her wand.

"Merry Christmas, Hermione."

Hermione is a Muggle wizard with a pair of parents who love her, so Hermione will return to the Muggle world via the Hogwarts Express today for Christmas.

"Merry Christmas, Bree." Hermione's face looked a little ugly. Anyone who saw a monster in the same grade would do so, especially Hermione, who was proud to be as good as Bree.

Well, Hermione was hit again, but considering that Bree was able to hang all the little wizards upside down in the air last time, this huge pine tree should be nothing.

"Then I'll go first. This is the only train leaving Hogwarts."

Hermione smiled, declined Harry's farewell, and followed some young wizards who were already walking in front with her suitcase alone.

The little wizards were also shocked when they saw Bree holding a huge pine tree with the Levitation Charm, and the little snake was very silent. They couldn't imagine how it would feel when the tree fell on them.

At this moment Malfoy came out empty-handed, followed by two tall servants, Crabbe and Goyle carried the luggage for him.

"Oh, who did I think it was? It turned out to be dear Odd and..." Malfoy glanced at Harry and Ron, and said with a slow smile: "We are a special savior that no one wants, and there are too many children that we don't want to take care of." Weasley boy coming home."

"Malfoy!" When Ron heard this, he immediately clenched his fists and prepared to punch Malfoy.

"Weasley, I advise you to be careful!" Pansy also walked over at this time. She stared at Ron coldly, then held Malfoy's hand and said.

"Let's go quickly, Draco. Your family is going to have a dance on Christmas Day. I have to go back and pick out a nice dress."

"Humph, of course, Malfoy only accepts elegant and beautiful guests."

Bree watched the show silently. This was the first time for him to watch Malfoy teasing Harry and Ron. It was indeed quite boring.

"Hurry up and give way. I think the professors are waiting for it impatiently."

Bree looked at the group of people with a smile, and then walked into the door with Pine Tree, and the group of little wizards hurriedly avoided.

Malfoy and the others did not dare to be angry or speak out, and they ignored Harry and the others.

"Oh, look at this Odd, he's just as annoying." Ron adjusted his robe and knocked off the snowflakes that accidentally caught on the pine branches.

"That's good. At least he didn't say I was an unwanted child." Harry muttered.

Ron raised his eyebrows and said, "Didn't he also stay in school? This is a first for Slytherin."

Now Harry didn't know what to say, and even felt a little sorry for Bree in his heart. When the Sorting Hat was sorting Harry, the Sorting Hat wanted to sort him into Slytherin. If Harry hadn't insisted on Gryffindor, If so, I'm afraid it will be even worse than Brie now. At least Brie is very good and no one dares to mess with him, but he is different. He is even worried that he will repeat the grade because he failed the exam.

"Oh, thank you Ode." Flitwick was keen to help with the festive decorations. He got up early to decorate the hall. He and Dumbledore also made some small firecrackers, which would explode with a bang when pulled , opening a small gift.

"Put it in the middle!" Flitwick instructed Bree to place the Christmas tree in the middle of the teacher's bench. The seats in the teacher's bench have been removed, and there are not many students staying in the school for Christmas, so the professors will go down and gather with the students. Small dining table for dining.

Snape was also standing aside at this time, as cold as a sculpture. It seemed that he was not satisfied with his arrangement and wanted to dress up the green pine tree with Flitwick.

After putting up the Christmas tree, Bree wanted to go back to the corner tower to read. Flitwick did not force Bree to stay. He enjoyed the joy of decorating Christmas and did not need many people to help with this part.

"Oh, lonely little wizard, let's see who can save you this time!"

Peeves suddenly rushed out from the corner. He was holding a big water ball in his hand. He used this kind of thing to attack the little wizard in winter. This Peeves was really annoying.

Bree took out her wand and cast a barrier spell on the incoming water ball, which bounced back the water ball thrown by Peeves. Although it did not splash on Peeves, it still made him very angry.

"Oh, I'm going to find Filch and ask you to clean the corridor, you used magic here!"

The school rules state that magic cannot be used in the corridors.

"You should leave me alone, Peeves."

Bree knows that Peeves is immune to many spells, but he knows that there are still some spells that can work on Peeves. When Bree was looking for soul-like magic in the restricted area, he found a magic that can temporarily put the portrait to sleep. If Bree used natural magic to cast the spell, it would probably have some effect on Peeves.

(End of this chapter)

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